nirrl Olsen Denim IerNorv be eUsie At his today Chairman Names Panel Oi udges hm DC the WintesCIrv ludicrous students will but mSyIrasnmuacIdthepaoei Porstotirstltrnotnthlhlo sandman iuisumarysrmnun es one or Bob Moron Ind hilss Sue swunts Tartan th be hmiro Slers Darryl pmhlhelimies Master at Ceremonies lucky young lady who 0N wears the men tar tho It rar Jndpln ot the see wiU IIII nlrri will receive rash prise pits It the impair Theatre at two plus other pitta donated ossIeh Onniutssuwliipso byiocrirnesrhsnu ads Delete the Myer bark Second place winner will re stsse dsrtny the showins ol the rein In plus its and third Ilrst illrrn the virus will leoswionerw reeelreitu ho Inaounred durinl totem ywith merchandise liors and will parade on stars The annual event is sputtered trorn between Ito and no hyth Brute Jaysetles Connoll pm prior to tho strand show lee members tor the eoniest The queen and her isdiIe Ineliaie disirnrsrr Idrs Ethel In writing wlli rein durins Ilsa Jenny Forde rorhrirmsn rIrnIvsi my not Ilsa Isms Ebeasdown or hiss The easiest Is open to yours llrnnI WrUlsmI women over layrmofsse who Entry tonns has now Irrit IsI resideser ot the Ernie area able at doantoun locstionr WW 11TH BARRTE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JAN My ms row Liv tilt PRICES islands First let me irks this opportunity to thank those who took part in our Tailoredlo Measure Suit Sale ilwu the most ruccesstul heldln our history todsy woannoiince our stomvlde clearance Our store Is well stocked In all departments NEW APPROACH University At Noon Program it you need mens clothing new is the time to buy Gord Roach Mens Shop features only top quality lines This sale ottera you the opportunity to save 20 lo 509 tn top brand names comm oums tor rm named winner or the IonuIi new in Feb One enlry Iiu Linda lauds rill sets all main up to the erno itoootthemonieotasshels ANN LANDETIS contest This year Iudglny will has been received to this its take plsee II the Imperial amines Photo Anns Daughter Replies To Readers Family Views Dear Aaolaodsrsi In re rent eoiumis ou stated that our rmrsled upliter does not In key to your plane Ind ou do not have key to hen ou mIds it clear that neither drops to on the other uninvited In mu IrI guests in each oth srs sues It shodkod hr immobile evolution oliermsllty were mother and her dau bier Dont ou realisn that II rii all other tits and mas risye does not rhanpo Itt have two dautirtsrs both married and In unmarried son the this some and go as they please and Its Iiwrys plea sure to see them world erosi drr iI an insult it they tell they had to let hope mebetore corson over arms length Irrorisemeril you describe sup eels cold Ind ivrmoi rele Hesishlp it wouldbevery intra ratio to know what your dru trr thinks shout belnrr must Io hrrmolheys homo Prorn Missouri Dear Irerni Only my dauph ier ran rrrswer that question so asked her lteres lilasyA tt selt molherat three dress Dear Frans Relatives who wander in and out at each run err homes strike me or help Tons an time and short on man here To announce onos visit in IdvnoroInstsad oi lust pop ploy Irvis nothinrs more hon In Itknowindsimrrit oi inrer elder brother resptci It seems to me that one oi the resiert tsvors mother can do nr her children Is to raise them to he Independent One way to build independence II by dis roursyirry continuous inside in and out at one Inoihers homes Your conclusion that paltry oi rio dropPIMirl Is the hat mark at raid and armor sols Lionshl is erroneous To my way oFlhinklny ll denotes rosi siderotiun tor another persons time and privse would do no loss tor stoodInd my mother and are very prod triends truism sevlop There is trill all ANN LANDEB 0N LOOKOUT Dear Inn London We the SI underslyied members oi the Golden Crescent Square Dance Club of toroln Ohio tnko stroriy exeeptlon to tho irttsr Train the woman In IilUInru who biomrd square drnslny tor her husbands involvement with on other woman Square daoeiay Ls son at the nisanliest hssthiest most wholesome pastimes in the world To knock thin iayous Irr dillnn Is In lrisuit to the thou sands at people who enley it Square daneiril should not be condemned person one hur band In hilltops not behave himscli Set the record straight isrtorbrd hiernliers Iirsr Frrtnrirrd liiemhrrs For be It tar me to knock square dancins Some at my host irlerids Ire usre dsnctrr the troll lies wit thst try in llllllrirs and not with the dome The troundrel would have iouird playmate in rhixch choirIi one were svriirhle Int Sorry iallod to make the point Ely tiO BY IIUE Just over it pti rent at All Irnliarry travel to Work by bus Qvai ITIIS HAPPENS ONLY ONCE VEATL AI Stronsmnrrs orwerrryssr sale is now on There are discounts on everythiny on anything Theres coats and dresses pants and ski jackets blouses Irri sweaters cor coats and leather costs Retrieth oi Strommons the original price tap remains You know exactly how mush you Ire on most things and II high Is son on other iterru Nationally ldhOTlCO merelisrsilte Is your guarantee oi Iatlatsotlon but remember this happens only once year It srrirnsrrsus sensors warn DUNWI s1 Serving this eommunlly tor lists ssnlury Ipoiots to ITTVIM clean healthy wholesome sourre den cers everywhere CLEATL ISSUE DeIs Ann tandem am timid who must take mlld rue with your advice to the woman to consult piulle sur geon tor Issellil Whilst this coururi was not wrvn II was mirituiiinp and discs inotory Piostit surgeons Irenol the only ones who tseellttlnp Other someoneo lolosymloglsts herd and neck enerIi surgcoas Ind suryeonsdlro psrtorrn this type at reconstruc sur ooris malrllioLoeTIl lion Thors when you advise reader to see Ipirstlo sur son you are inadvertent rsiskny rotrrrsis at one kin oi doctor and ok ciudiny the others hope you the name at inlmoss make this slept in IltDstqlltllt roiumn arid Instrad IT support will In is plastic surssoo soy ausiiiiai surreon Thank you JBT Mill Jritrnars Iirdi III Course Phlisdrlphla IleIr iliti lierss the ooh sequent column and appre ciate your hrvlnp railed this to my attention WINNIPEO CPt 1hr clockrstrihsr noon and pros pour into the street irons ths hiulasss oltlres oL downtown WLnnipey Tls lune hour tor most It the businessmen lesse tIrles Ind clerks who work downtown but tor Its ihne tar classes About 130 men and woman hare signed tor thI Univer sity oi psys new pro gram nailed University at Noon Because the students havent time to do to the classrooms st campus the drssroorrir some to them Rooms in live downtown buildings become classrooms twoto iourdryr sweet One at the students htrrie Thins toyesroid secretory ior Canadian Indemnity Co Ietd Iller one 0T her cTIIIoll When you do the Isms thin dry alter dry in In oi tlee Ion stsrt to deplete This gives you somethlos to think about it turns your brain over little She hps been out oi school tor tour years and hasnt takers university course he tore not she iiodr her intro ducton psycholosy eaurto cx estLry Its not there the wry solos to school used to be EARN ITALI CREDIT University at Noon rourses IIL halt credits which means it tulips two at them to equal one iurlvrrslty course hache olors degree usuaUy required 15 rsrdits iiiiss Laloy said rho wsnls to no to university lull time in ms She didnt know whether do she could work her hsll credit Into lier degree requirement WITH VCotchesOn Iii Western City but she seemed insoncsrnetL llrr proiessor Itsnty Spie geirnsrr said this attitude is tied oi srrost at hlsrlu eats llreyrl hers Ior coo tentV not tar marks Thats what nukes them so exciting to tesola issI some who true In the other courses Itost oi the men and women who slsaod up tor courses continued with them lion lilddeii assistant to the at verrity president Dr ilsrry Duckworth srld th irct that Ihidenls who en rolled didnt drop out was psr ticulsriy streaming Is the university watched ths new promos Ihe smrll enrolment had not been disappointment he said that so per cent oi those who stormed In inter est Icturliy took eoum so we were outta pleased with the response When the university opened tor Its tell session In raidSop tambtr It iound enrolment in some eourscs smallsr than anticipated As rrsuil ssvr srui teachers didnt have come Diets workloads Dr Durkwnrth suyyosted the educational experiment It meeting called to discuss this problem and shortly alter university administrators sat down wth personnel manage srs tram number oi down town hiulnosras the Idea was well received by the business community From the day the idea some to liphi to Dr Duckwortiis ot iieo until tho tirrl class was zeld on It less than three eetu had gone by FINE FABRICS FROM napanrsans FREE Large Spools Poly Thread $T30 Voluo WITH FABRIC ORDER 0F $T0 OR MORE WATTBLKIIIJEWC SALE GOODS EXCEPTED JAN 27th 28th 19th Ps Robertsonsv Fabrics TIT Dunlap East Phone TED316i 2oy orr7 suirs 100 suits to thoose Irorn Sim Sold Ritchie Ruhlnoli Hyde Park srorrcokrs Over too to them trons Pull siss arose sore SIvinys you rorcorrs It Frmous Brrnds to V5 UP 10 cheers irom sires sore 3000 we or re Irvsurro 3200 1700 save up 10 3000 Excellent slyilriy which Is tyoiesl oi Oorri Roach men choodlso SUBURBAN COATS NOTE 2050 OFF COMPLETE STOCii 0F CLOTHING AND ACCESSORIES Choose From widest selection at the best In mens apparel soy orr TOP COATS SUITS Rep to HEAD 50 OFF Romeo 15500 Featuring Ritchie Ruhlnott Hyde Park 50 OFF SUBURBAN COATS Rep to 7500 Craft Sportswear Deacon Bros 50 OFF DRESS SHIRTS For Price oi Best Brands Forsytiss Ted Llpson Manhattan 50 OFF SWEATERS Regtoio00 Featuring Terry Williams Inge Jontssri 50 OFF DRESS and CASUAL SLACKS The Best Value Anywhere HATS by Joliri Stetson Renowned for quality 50 est soy orr ATirsse Items and more are lining REDUCEDBELOW COST ITS THE SALE OF THE YEAR ON TOP FLIGHT MENS APPAREL its at Gord Rooeh Mens Shop Whore Style Meets The Man willed Hi 32 Dunlop St