IE nth DOLG HARRIS out then you Oh Ill new till METEOR doc tuna Mar beautiful anon finish Inyi seals only 17000 rniiq VI autunrite potter liming potter hum radio Ihed mm one one In time plates 1060 iAliiLANH ruw daer hardtop butts in ileum ZiiAi 1969 FORD GALAXIES 500 Aqu door hardtop tinyi root return $1095 pcIrr poser brain ratio IItIie walls it plates iiltt ninnint our 1009 lONTLIC line tdn I52 Iaiit in lmre tilts 1058 METEOR lihe door hznltre TL little Ich Irry lieu 1967 PLYMOUTH Lite door imre 1900 MONTEGO late rim tiari rm $1625 radio new rr ricer my brain II rw IIDIII Iraiitiru rm pater DiliL J20 Easy Terms Arranged Right Herr 379 Bayileld 5r 7287361 IIII LTIAOIIIN nay II not rritent twitch Mm mu om rm urmr Iyrrm Irn or but Wei 1mm mam J11 Iitl an wiry Sour mt rm hralu mum boar toe Int In your mriu com on El Ill me room run an rue lye we re our mt leta cylinder or one otter mm mmxl it ILVMovm vi momM rm one my top rim Iirel rm rm III tutti moiety new new IIuaI he aim ta he new PM Ilill Ilrr am III II Itll arv 41 Mid too rum mamIr one wsi uu tr me let Mil IM Itterrm In mi III III GNI IIIIIL new mu Im II rmtm New rIurry III oali room use Irteo rrr rules irtrerom III 3357 note on Mr WIN Dill M1 II Euan SOII I415 Ill SI HI MT IIII my beey tn nod Milton hut Mil Tatronm Ii mi III III VIIIILV tma iIII moat rm hartluiiy omitted out at Above oernwot Io manta MO Ania ItdI 71W JII ARTS FOR SALE lAVlIIlWOKIIO hurt or in faith IRIIIIIVI VIIIV he Mail nlilwiod IAUIIloII IIK mm rr RIIhwodD mind In Irrotru lion lvlrasl cut to ardor rim Ir DJICL stun is nu IIHIIL not grxhrill DIIIII Idlilvlv Donia Irrnu All on rm Itd CDIIMII Iliw IIIE ViiAlon II Nonli NIyIf Itoted III mom erruy mu MIMI en mi IIIL Ir IMO II thIl ai norm iIIII TNO leaned hurl row It store all Duo can mam Him in IIIIIII ran by use II meme 1mm mild rir IAIIOI Curry 07 your tar we axe mentor hurt our tmrm mint anytrm JII Aorir Wood tr Ilrmm rI rroriu IIiIi torn Jll norm LDINH Iny nu Ino om see nary mun OIIII mgr In oumrn our mm murr ii is int tor Iiii NIM IIIr Mina WWI Iiir uy dimer orlnu im rtqn In roll TIlIahMI nrtr we Irtiut with nature III me Ir Irrioo nu with Itirarroe mi Intranona mute Ill HULK PURCHASE Ilaraurwd new In IIInd my Iodine nirll wit rm eomonetton IItoo TV wlir retold IIIIII only Illlt no uuloamwa tiirrt IIIre my time unwlu ma amwmnta Hutu sing uiny mltrrlrl Soil om in brand It IND only ItInoed No Iroli ulion hero money down Lori minty Hymn lII IrIdcId II Item mm mm Namyeti IINIITIII smiat min In toy mull n1 llttiol Ml now Is with minim twati wid untrd mod rm awn sin Inrlnm Mun lnu cu 1M DuIIRII sum mu iii rut mwr vacuum ruIRsII Tinsel In um twill mm till WWII vItwm umm Iuiilhil tar rm wider or run wet Imrl nru rm heme demonatuiicn Wolf OII III mma Jli INVALID cuIII mm yinyi rth Nonitrio IIh In new no Otirrm Idell III IIHUVII vliititl smuiu Ii tit TIiIoMM iiuot tIlItIilh OIIILAV rloyt rumor oirrtnr MI Iryte aoitu and manner lieo Fair taro tort Iiititr iaorrrtnn DMM ttlriti both In PM ARTS FOR SALE r4 ARTS FOR SALE ARTS FOR SALE MIA Iiar mm tndiridulil new one cart will tor WWII llikl NIH will Illil nute min on It highery Iid DIN OIIIIIII Electric Inihmllrr um you old can rrlury rmuiwe Metlary Elay dim In random IIIIhm rim II mom run an Iii 0th Ill mtlmlnl II hwlia ion ii NIIIIII table load with Iroerlio too out mm In thlidl tron true Iruioeutrt noun IF LA IKIIOII RI hind IIII III gun and Iomirnrr Ire lll tn Irv Item LI AIM Antiwar Ill Dir loa III mm own Mt lo MN Hm MIL MVII Ilwrrtn IIIUIIIII rtpof iIIim Ion wlIhII llih an to me rendition iataom limit liter am MINI nrra Iv In good mu rider Ito In runny mm moduli III MIMI II Ilyilv Mo tor ltatrl Jtl troVI Mottati him em IMA tut IIIJ vilnarr washing machine mm condition mom tissue In VII OJ aitrliir tried it IIII Imlll reneiuen rarity ver MUIIA iIBhDM iiiml lltal hie Um IrrouIr In poo sztitM rim Mona mutt III truer oIIraIuas rues out our In your rum mod Ioirclian lliiid Tlril MO Awnihp Eh Elle 50970974 Mum ml rain it Irmt IIiI rl oood ariointi ommr lUlTlr also Rosewood roe tried tum droa iul our on irrt revuey IriIiltIM Brother Driven In Miami noty Imuyu renai Iran my III IMALL movrrie rmy rumoursre building lnllIbil tov my me to Mid HIMt IIIsly my new lieil lllll Nut AILIM HOD were mi TF Ruth II III iiyrad Foynrra Ill IlI trit III urine in Telephone no motion rite tot uuan rant rete rm norm III Ittrr om JiI Itoor Itiiaru tar nu aiae Ilh hilt Moed TIIIDNM HAIT III SPECIALIST Directory of Business Services Products RARRIL CUSI CAIIIHI INSTALLATIONS IWIii to wait oitrtldential amt othrnmerrlai Ali WORK OUARA For no unoloa 7mm ii REFRIGERATION STAN BRYSO REittiiilltATIONHt hi tilaruuilon hliurl PHONE Tlhllt ANTENNA SERVICE KELLYS TV TOWER ANTENNA SIIIIVICI intiililaiinna arul itrnttlrr ilatkctl Iry ru ytarr nxprrientn THONI mom TV More Reruns IIHNIID Itch Ilrt thiwl Oletl wt Mun LIIIIIM tAIIl lliIrtMil IIrra TV Letyiu iirmi Rtoiuo INSTRUCTION MW MIii ANNANEE ssRVicT Alll to All min at within mnrrlnat ich oirrrr arnrt Ipplilmi It tetorir st lintIi AI TREE REMOVAL Ind awn Iowiririont and to IIiImIlII IJHIJJ DRESSMAKING iAnlll II main outrun om OWN mIIiIlI EIHKI RNDII CIIJ HI In Tell it nude riotl orator IIIIenI ID JIIIIII riuirurs REFINISHING YOIII FURNIW in it Mr uit II and no Prone no mi ni NenrNy rnnirrtts tourrum not do MIT mllli ooutnmn wininuntrna Irltrrr IRI Ditntuh MASONRY SUPPLIES BRICKS New Quebec Antique Norman and Roman airs Natural Ont ameulal stone Harbin Cut tnrn ent Fireplace aereuurirx Gdri MASONRY SUPPLIES it and 27 Hwy North MIDHURSI 71MTJI liliVi iiiJ SNOWPLOWING ISIIOWVILOWIIIO trrr Jrea AvaIIahlI rIRonFtuv WI ITHTTT CARPENTRY lxIllIINclo crioonim rim IIVy Itieialiom militiam IIrIIIrI moraines lrtierltm Twitl Irra IIiIrrItu Wm Ilium Huh Rcrr cit Ioorrn custom home turner Ira Ieutiil rrIIoIIorI Im mrrraittltit Flt yIlIarili mt MINI arranremoim merino ulna hoe Iin one area orrao rm IIIIIII iianir III masonry AND ursounv lantratlm rrrrularrt lDttilII JiIIDMM RM ns wIllnlI IAIIIiIrd in your Irit Wurmantruo warantuel ma IllMM melt or ONTHumans bout Inn to to Wigs in Is ytm carRiNo rout mint It new II II enunmtm will THOMNO when rtitlTtItliedIhrlrlot Int tumor In lrttntiyt iron IHIII II RinsIsRTiTo LAIIIIIIO Ind Drywall mu Jammy rynrny Md Isl IIIInIthIh lit IIIIIIIIIR 41H Hi SMALL ENGINES Snoohiaurrs Chain Saws Huanmohiles iiii llEiItilt hit SHALL ENGINES BAYSIDH Small Engine Centre 232 Tiliiu Si rrtouo illii Ti INSULATION SIMOOB LOONOilV INSULATION Tot blotting muted In years exprrirndi ie opeoiilue in electric heated hornet tlnaraoleed work FM ratimales SCOTT MUIR IiiNESINII TIMES 11 ALUMINUM ALCAN SUIIli AND IACIA TtIlLiIitIIM it am In UT Ituntiay Io Hulurtiay SiliiiLlNii liiliI BUILDING PRODUCTS LTD 7106907 Harrie Loii toilsti or iron rsllmatrr rmiruyd lhiprlar me lot Hilitl IiH IINIII cm in IitnyrennrtINrt interior rnnrrnyy rim hiroeil latroitm Hutu ill Tilt AND lommrrylrt ins IrvIll loot oorw amilly or returned DIIrileiI AhIiIINII oil out truly IIHM hioeratanr CONTRACTORS youll 51m all to Ini and own Eaniiltiara ml or mutt Ii VINSTRUCTION II norm row TUNING Iroytuo ETurTrTui mum Intro and out more re CARPET CLEANin Imil mm In only my the out metre tut wrr ivrrt III mmltt Ind IIIIdIrI Ox Sitting Awninor Minions Doors Telling In my cont Ittu III ohm mint hllht pm ARTICLES FOR RENT IINOIR MAO noting mlrhlneti not not or monlh linear ca ll Dan at Emit HM FII It lee not with Intro to ow It inland Eur III III ran KT ARTICLE women OLD IIAII IIIII Ind Ihy aid dip rrroeo twnhm or bummed IntelI nina hint ate oll iimot ai mar Mtrl VWI In In auditiqu and or hid CIIlt Willi III lick III blown IIHIIL llurtmoilil INIIeulI by too it watt mute We buy Ind rail line Iruloou or am In RJM III IIOKIN Bolts Itlitildr try nor the oattlni tor dell claim and trout rm NomeCull minim iiiI ml the boil hwoaro rtime will Ircrpl on In In MIT tit lvrnlt ones aainuniyt aid DOLILNIII beta Itot II HIITIL IF in condition Polo out let Iris DWI Ill Jll ones oars Lilly reolitrred LIIIII mm ntnntrn llmaII Iooenirird remun Mr Eahimd WIDTH Ind ldnii utr mlnialvrl semeyrei registered MIN It Iexvilltdr IIIIN turner III iIiIrtIenI IlHIll If Tl itAL Plltlilrr rIIIaiv air reunion was II Iail ilnhir IIJB It Eomrul Or it OOOLI Trimmltta Iroimiortat creenrny III omen euuyry mom eu ttv ROODLI hlItk to mole IIIIII old PII Studio taunt Jil rovrrrim iwnla era mm In arch run run or no III mortth rn an MIN INIFNIIO ayaoiar lot walla etd Iii Ind ill Inuit amt rlriroe eaatyrire mall hop Irairro your old rm to dead to III IIii iit FARMERS MRKT NICKS DEAD STOCK DEAD hTOOK litiii or trippie railin ituti huraeI Small nnlmait rumored tree For last aertire PHONE HARRIH 00100 traileeti KIWI in old TIIIohoM mm It hours tiny titin urrk er hilt iur ZENITH OHM lNU CllAlililt ltiti texmruii Ontario aatlol on dud Urn Irae IIMVVII II rm to rot down Iii III It to rot and draw IIIINT JII LIVESTOCK FOR SALE rm Mi cenrm Ir um lat million lertil rewrite more term not at Murray on north side on 1aner or storey WWII REED SEIO It DRAIN Iaao mluo unlit let out To RIWARD mm It ill Onlllo Mr to to lrmlic TIIlpheM unit In Doe JOBS OF INTEREST TO TIOVI Iitzilir to turn unt LOCAL MANUFACTURER IIIIthenl TIlIllI tliiadilrr waIwue FARM MACHINERY BROWN AND BELL Farm Dggzmdpmcnt SALE AND SERVICE Osmotrte the ol Dairy in or 718W BITS Holly MI TI ALIVE TR CALSA SPRAYERS Neg Ind Ural iARiS SUPPLIES AND SERVICE CYRIL SPLNCL DHSIO ILWT Jy it Siroud PERSONALS crook GREATII OFEEL GREAT Relax in Soothing Sauna Driin SAUNA anru PHONE mriti liwi 11 II IIIIIIIIIIII IIII at my unmet on Main strut arrow liunl lplIrMIill Ir rial mum by no only Iris um nu he nu MI rromca mun to ymu rr IIrI no drain omit Itoarr III IlaViola Ouillio III IIIOIIIIIIIIJ stall Mo to II me the arm mum in mi rt EONTIA NIIIIIIHHO WI II ling IUII HENRI 9901 It IVI IIEM altar In mvulll Darrin trite en Iyaii IhII ihrwgh it erIdod Olyn mks rot tanner ntormaiton mu Alma city Noib ltutit wrinFFI ALIIRT ION ii IrI sImi Ailiiicn ntll net on retennriola TV My debit KWIKM In In MM irom In our 1mm it In ter Iard MIMI my nature VIRAL Il WOMENS COLUMN LEARN ttAliiDitiSSiNG Government Chartered School Thorourh training in all broth thra oi bcIuly culian DERHTN HAitttiRESSiRG uo MIMI In only in on rent Moat he Ioia eet FARM ll In sum HARM JAN loss or rursrsst so to HELP WANTED siter um rooms CAREER OPPORTUNITY new Iiihie Mu Smitty tin UL an opening tor Ill Inrrnire emer mtodd sale pram in the Barrie area ktliar Security Mammal it IIIIIIU mint iiaIaeIIl tnettitxiua and are dastnhutonot Caitlin an AI merry one Carlotta Emmi Smith Cihl lean ad iednlhiaturieruletmrm II TNTXInIAMITIMIOT utter armor cm it are recite careerthirmidheyoirepporttmtly You my read your teatime totlr Robert Clark CANADIAN SECURITY IIID LTD TIA Camellia St BARRIE 0mm Jll JOBS OF INTEREST T0 MEN MANUFACTURING ENGINEER rrooucr PROCESS DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER We hate Iii unity tar In unwise iodiridtni with indiu triri engineertmtrronnd In Irena such as Mbdrlannlttyy manulactnrio protest control ioellny metal working ratthtey ea field it definite met but not essential eilien alien an emilent starting my good WILLA will ore and real opportunity tor odraneemeot Apply in condence 3le lull resume oi education experience and salary requirements to WFSTBEND Oi CANADA Post Otttec Box 6000 HARRIE Ontario toes arm turn rum rmtrtu mum immo ennty Ii moth mi ie to new Kmllldi IS iinneenhti Will llhINlVl hwtl IM pee eiytne Amy in mm ll until OWMIMWIII Wittmye EMPLOYMENT wrurso IAIVIIVTIIO M1 MI MI mhlwanadaJalaII your mum lull plinth WWII MM nurka that trend Iroina Iitiaorom Waging Ilrliliital writing AIIIIJBI in Mdllialy IIIml COMILIII IANOI at home rutl TIMI Inn outrun aim not Aw naye tbln ortan roe Apatr In oer Ion to De tnu int Ctloeeiron It TRUCK DAIVII WIN Inf iligo IIDMIM net Milltly IIII Impto mi III toremrn II ieh nildi IL mm or mini lard am Atamairi In rm he III II hlrtdla In to mnlopi only II shut it If ALIIMANI mull My aunt Atari Marmot mum mien trill Warn Irenmy WI la Aboolrtimlttl only Mi attkleory pnrranteod Md II in witLIIavrrrrertruwan Inny on Mr Aitwm am ill on AND DIIIILIMIK chitich mm hllll In NIIW My unblul mothlriluy Iv Wm mu NVW II It FIRM Cod llod MM rte Allen me Ianla Iith SCHOOL 11 irOiISLEY ST more MWlTF LOST lr FOUND 24 ani iroiii RR Th ItlttISIII 45M lrtltia Itmi on lahaday ayrntoa our Md lltll Aurora to the nuns of Full crudrlrt otl Iaotrd Tole atom iIIIIiI III lllti hum tor lily Into It Irldinl Id ill Il ram el an Irilh sitter red to HELP WANTED WOMEN FULL OR PARTTIME iiontcvrirrr and mothers needed in sales No experience needed to start We train Writs AVON MEL Mrtt iulilmtliltr DO Dorthi iiarrie or phone TN It THANK YOU The Harris Examiner wishes to thank the applicants who replied to its recent adrerUsemont tor prooircadtny position The number ot upplieulinus re ceived was too mat in porinit III to mail individual 0st tliut the position has been titted THE PUBLISHER Jill NSI iNNlSllL EXIERHINCHI CLERKCASHHIit pralcrahly with lyplno nbilily reoulreli tar lax oitlee Dallas to evmmouee as seen us possible Ityplitatlons to be submitted on iornu pruvllitd will he mutual by the untirrsittitui iintii 500 prn Tliurrtiuy January 21th WIT il liltOli CinikAdiitinislralor Township oi iiiniyiil STRUUII Diiiuriu lharie littliiu IIIPONIIILI rrrI rrotmo Int month tao Irrt itl MI MandI to ruey Duran Imty rrr II run too urn JTI MANAGER AMIITIOUS llII IIIIIIRO hereon Id me III upeniirllon new to Uiirtl Ii ltllilie TM IHIIIVIII tiorllyrtlri III mu Mole to ten rm Nurioptam IM AItlIlan on it lnrtloa InlIrltlana to uu miner cool dloltlmlni tort avotitoda to It om dunno rtnoirmntr MI rial tonnoi department Abu Hy to tiny but tomrlail Ininmnit outrun nut to neuronal yIIr II lrtw lion Lid Jll HELP LOST HELP am looking for long haired Dachshunds iniaiu Herb female Brandy lost since Monday January PLEASE it you saw them call run it CAT MALI loll In the vicinity Earl Olillwm hoiwlan Ind orintu oi any Reno plriurra taitrn by our etall photographers please rail At our Business Oil Irc ile In sorry we cannot accept phone ardrrI JOBS OF INTEREST TO 4MEN AND WOMEN FIJIIllWII IIIII in Mill It tuyo ultil IwntrorI on In huts sriu mime In inrnum mull Others me net IIIly rm merry Iilnin IIvl earnsany oerIto Ill toiiri tor intview JII niIIcr aatlt mulen Rm recast will hire to use Molly tom ru nilI wrlir In In rat Midland Irom NOW J26 WATKINS 00le out lIrnI noliiiatu Irliilhil Ml IIIIIIRI on diiionl and need mom Tlltplioitl IIHill tor lrtllaviolr JTI ornton ith Concession of air TELL MORE SELL MORE when you rim sour Articles For Sale ad in The Darrie Ex IIIIITIETRN1 their points In mind stale AVAILABLE Do you live in tit at the struts Arreasaries RiibI attachmrnis bpeetiieations Ceitdttiort Uphnhtrry lIhIsli Arc Coior titat item is tJranlI nanic tiio application below and return Name Ago Address Telephone Make it rasier lor lIto prospect to buy Iirmruiirr the Articles tor Sale tittxiIlItllIIiili Is the ieoiilus Harkoi Plato EXAMINER Classied Adveriis Hall Tn Nnuie Addressi Cttyortou iiriir your ltI Iittt One word in call Uiill TIIIID II IIURDS II II For tItIi additional yard to iuliou counts as our word produrt root eatinutiae and predurt devrtoptornL Experience la it you twth like to hate rr iOii QUICK ACTION iiii THIS HASYiOvUSL TIIEDJITIQ Examiner tiarrie or phone itIZttt ALL ADS MUST RUN CONSECUTiViJLY iiit nntulrers or phone numbers tuuni us on Rural iiurli uonl inilioi iipures or nhbio AUCTION arm rumou sun Friday January 28 It N1 It MOOSE ILALL ORiLLlA Ia NR DUKE Incl OTHER errmm lanry tattle Retrirerater dI WALT Im In use MIMI and Nadamntt tools other Itleiee Term HILL menus it ruoturroN Audiooerr CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7mm Clartiitod murmuan no tar Itll mu mu he IlIIIOTT on Incidth ownum amen II In mention lairlied OIDII IMitIlmrl erirn mutt ha or Ian one to Muuum EONIOINIIL IOX Hill Mr or or II mm It It IIMIIII Dal mm III our lot In at Me identity III Nmhot my ll anuuy oynuai IaItiIa is utter BcIII ho hell am ll om attor Ilil uiim We try mum rum to Inward miter oi our hlr Niiiuvl II marble or arm to urolutr out oi tort or oamaood aiiapad inwgtyr tartan mm by renoran IIROII AND All in JAIN moire umnlm rewrite lMatarI IN mum WINDY Doolrlrnanl Ia lemma Ia Ilmty tralr advIIIIIImIId ltMlIdI Itrai tuition In em tnrr norm N1 bl Ilium NIL Iii Iron mt rm mum the IN lotlavim dry IIIM TM IIIIII Ealmimr Imihia hr only one liklltily orinne Immion or My remuyrrnynr and Iron Inlr to the latent oi or so In Inveiyu ire miterini Ion warm ml IIIIIn IM tr mrilumaui or net Itl romcliw by null Iarvil Ennunar warm the unruly mile or tutti any WORD MINIMUM lulllFIID ADVIRTISINO oirewnl Iain Iaei It paid dlyI on or taro muons we lmilm Irm muntin uruw III III we inmiien MIL III mutviivl lnwlianl we lMlllon total Iiio Ill troertlrna be ordered re tamiiaiten mn utitirrtur ruoliI birthed AM hi mull tam IhIII rt ma room Wudl ler IAIIIII IhhrarIliIm at gumbo III count It or IIITNJ INOAOIMII MARRIAOII DRAIN NMIIII was TIN Addiliwl In it DIP cIIo oI INIIIIIIu we Moltml Iva kit on IN MIMOIIAM Novilll It it COMING II It liKIL PAPER ROUTES MMEDIATELY ml or on one listed below ALLISTON it you Hill in or Iroand tha Iinrentcnttoaed lama please it to THE JARRJE EXAMINER Iuutn ing space Thrrc Times on Thurs It 90 I710 lilt ltnn above It dayr heriaaiitr rIIlIIIyIII acute mar lilo mu Im