Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Jan 1972, p. 17

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tor lam north Hay loo Why Hesitote Pageiul Of Opportunities Is Knocking Phone 7282414 ISMART FOLKS EVERYWHERE READ THIS PAGE FOR VALUES 1N THE HOME OFFICE AND ON THE FARM mmmmumn mmamnmmmnf REAL ESTATE PROPERTY For SALE RCHOLKANCOLTD if REALTOR 1111111 Io Collier Battle 72mm Va Ann rant menu Diml Toronto lino 3646625 NATURES 0er HENRY IT dam mu Lu Ibodroolu umbamiow Inn bedroom living room an 21 met Hen mutant tome dining room to It utility tum 9m Am room loin Lao Irtrrlndrlve Hannah Prelim Cool ncii pile ryrtrln Curie mw was This buiroonl bllngniow LI tin lsitod with decorator touch Completely Worried Broad ioorn rail to nail included Ir roonlacornptriely Inudcm Single car garage lot it It lots oi privacy Just wield at turn Garden Ill11R Ibrd 11x ccilent rimming available Mich rel iiIIniiton motel after It morn ATTENTION BUILDERS MEIR OFFICE TOR RENT In Lila hurt bl bury downtown Darrin me to IL available in medialely Conlkt toe Dirrk role M1 or HIM bedroom buogalol in innilii TRHISJLRPRDNIT irl it ill DP Approved plan and Illa Ior too uumtlmtmmwrmd or run RIrrie leviu STILL raidcry tor immediate build Litilt 1415m ootnrrnvstoe SPLIT cur or mom brltaptd In hgdlnirlg room Oil healed at 513 Tim InnIlIIIy my pm mm Animal home In Immaculate with um do amt condonlron larie trend ioi arr lluu Irrriel noun 1WD Im Irld bin router no Torture RESIST 113115 1115 but no at to uqu Vrlttn VLA riled lot Hard at moor or male wood Rourr tierLag well aolool woo DOWN bus at door $11m down pay Iidrr homo neat omr notir mentlaana rllorigrgo Ed Dona Good timncing avrllabie Call neily more Cord Wright am Iu were rm Picturing VNMI In Dltryi lulu Mill NIMIDM orqu Leon emu rum and MI not moonlit lltl TIMI JR NAM lean DIR All 01M ill urethral MIN AW DI Inn timer TORONTO TblTVii EMMY 07 Dunio Barrio MILLER 72 CHURCHILLi bedroom trrmo bungalow with good wrll and new oil Iumree Lar living room with hardwood noon roac iour brinil liichcn vrth iota oi cu Ida rtova and Irldgu in eluded In lita price oi HIM CI Rea Tiliicr Milli DEVELOPMENT PROPERTYti lore pritna subdivision proper ty miles loud at Iirrrlo Easy mm to Hwy Ion Priced at $3300 one am Call Ernie Reed mm BEDROOM ROME In tho urt rod with iia hatha TInlItedlato NM down Illl buy Lilia heme prlcod at 1500 John call at 72PM JANINE STREETl htdrootn brick bungalow with hrourlloonl in living room and easy care edit in kitchen to Itiiilllli lilil harenlcnt Iiwl burn rapport Situated on NIIOI tot only yearn old and asking limo Cali Sammy Denim new ALCONAS bodroomIiIemo on Imd tot large panelled living room with replace rotno work needed AalIing Mason Call hen itliirr Liltut IiRlVIV WEIIR iltllll Iol FLRWELLINO itrnlr Jul ORYIA iirrvli ertrltl run Darrel PETER OVIICLI limit PERCY TRIO Tllmll AL NOT lllllll SAMMY IINHAM Tull KIN MILLER ubIul ELDRID CLARKE MMMIDM IllTill OORD SPENCER Til1W Willsotl REALTOR new main maria null trrtm JIM DNRIL ROSS IURWELL JOHN cot JAN KLOOITERMAN RUSS WITH ill DUNLOP TZDIMT TORONTO 1661 DAVIES RESALE0n Delcourt Avrnuc bedruonu Lvrhagcd living and dining room it hatha lull hrscment Alirc Id garrgr Cali iiirr Ilricr Hillel TITS L11 DIXIEIVINGLY SPACIOUSproard Spree abound Lhrougheut this bedroom hornr hilh room lirrplncu bathroom and aeoarrio dining room Downtown location make iii the extra basement room with wrikoui Ideal tor at home ollico or shop Ono err grrrga and drip iui IN bummer Call Tire Hochod mum Nu Gil MODERN OOUNTRY HOMEl bedroom oparietu living room daring urea with walkout to run deck Ileautitui Ilnlshcd rer room Tuoiovciy cut alone ilrrpiym Attach garage iii acrra Approximately yo itlinulrr drilo lrunI downturn Ail routlrirrgertlnnrverrgo Ailing uoaoo Ownarnliitukolst mortgage with Tim down Clil Irene lorbea HOMO Nu Ell WOULDNT YOU KNOW lTTTon halt got rattled and he got lramlened leaving behind mt trot oi rhow im in the east end Abroadioorntd bedrooms rpuiou upon iving room dining room with thick rhrg bathroom large bright idlthtn III panciird lumliy room with To toot rtono ttrepiaro real eya catcher Call lire Hacieod lur run down on the extraa 72114171 No 710 BEDROOMSlb YEARS NEW521900 Ciolo to all ehuoin Ind wailing dlllartca to downtown Rarrle Immaculate tulldllion lITIOU out with good IIle kitchen 11 batha Oarago uni boaut iuily iandrcapod ior appointment ariI tar ianu Young at norm or Hotltll No an no DIAVIDCWVI 109 BAYFIELD ST Rarrta molest DAVID WARS ANNOUNCES T1114 OPENING OF HIS NEW UIIICI 0N BAYFIELD SI With the able Isairlrnce oi rule rcpruentliivu Ron Drcnrio he will he rbic to nerve you with personal integrity and exper itlltllll all plant oi Real Iniatr non DECARIE mint an DAVIDTYASS IDIOT REAL ESTATE UNITED TRUST Is mlan TL OPPOSITE atlsltom Irony rllonr mam maze TORONTO urn mu TIMES SITE mile me Barrie ll km oi monerrial land Thu building nxn pilli bedroom Magaiw rodor holds body abap permit Trial lloory mm EAST Lth RRICK blulgaiorr moo Altarhrsi garage tor roan till brdroorn in bosanmt beat piece bath pared drive Paul Thoanprun mm IAIIISWICK SIDE SPLITLovely bedroom home hmdlountol throughout Large nil landward lot tingle IIInIlaie grrrgr Anxluur lo arli Inner tmaicrrtd OM down Dan McNicnun TEN 9150 DOWN amnion almost new In Stmud brirL curl Milan furious WNW ch Iritrng bathroom trinity the tutor Large tot uli Ihi basement Dob Grant LARGE TDDantral Barrie mono In it on main startl Sort abia tar IuIrimrnt building day nursrry arrehuuse litoou tuii prwe him Nora Rirrrs mono SNOW VALLEY HITIll am In the but skiing And STIURIIHIDile Ing country aralirote Nicely tread on year round open read 500 Iitb terms Dill Tbamar T3860 iNOOliE PROPERTY limo ll room duoch on large corner lot In toilet village lto titties one garrge separate entrances Burn end radical grrden Carrie tor iltioo monthly DINO Yllioti 1W RETIREMENTbarrio Puget St rooms and bath pin tea ilnlahod bedroom in huerncnt VLA lot SI All Asking eaten Ralph Vilillartu mm ithlSlIl REACH AREAYear round vacation home 31000 down Spaciqu living area cathedral ceiling largo teem lot Sturgeu TEEN DARRTESTECIALYour down payment considered storey brch on hall to lot brdrooma rpacioua ileng room separate dining larn riled kitchen baths uii hurting Close to all rrrvim price moo Hr Gillie mm Ills REALTOR Ill DAlIiELD at IiARRiE 7280674 BEDROOM HOME yrrra old Orndirs Road area ltcryuirrr only H000 down payment Call lorrua imen room iNOOltll PROPERTIESNumeral 11W excellent return Try your down payment Call Dill SOUTH OF BARTON bedroom bungalow irrge lilting room wailtowaii broadoom letrlc heat Iitutlttd on largo lot Call unan tayrock 4569191 TIN PROPERTY FOR SALE latest In Prat Growing Darrin rtlra allowing Vntcy Tle Dtsmmc IlltAihlliTATil no ill Duhiop St Wit Rll norm EXCELLENT I00 ACRE TART in TNme oi Dre room atony houao piano bath torrid rir oii iurnaec garage implo meal rhtd largo hip rooted barn aLntmL paved yard listed price $3500 with terms Iieuutiilal rolling with Tau oi maple and evergreen truer SUITE APARTMENT Ln Md condition dounlonn Itl uItIItIcr rial voile LISTINGS NEEDED due to lilo demand lur and ludroont homes Our aupuiy is low and we havu ready buyer waiting to buy with TRDSLRnllll down paymcnis It you are cumldrring eeiiing now or in the raring rail any oi our rules lril No obligation JZIMJT Willtlm Nalcnrttvg 111 me la lot tiruru llblial Tlhilll Doll Ailtrhiii 1701M Dow Elmpbeil nrirli bwaInyMrterrto ITIOTU KEITH MLS REALTOR BARRIE 7289201 AREA REPRESENTATIVES at Mills 1an David licmiiocil TiltGill Rub Paerllo TilDon 10 R055 STREET ll KEITH LTD REALTOR llluxlcl lrrgurua IiiAlli Earl Uahcock latlost Coibourno realm MGM littilt Lvr hairline TlttitliinJ AnnoSpcnccr curtail ntttiurvir Dorothy iitzaimmina Itszozo yum tritium1 Lillian Roberta mom IOU Goedemondi Real Estate Ltd AiiHAISALS HEAD OFFICE in DAYLIIILD ST TIT1007 Tl ESSA RD BARRITL TZEDIOL ll FRONT 5T UlllLidA ITS00 PARRY SOUND TVHJWII TORONTO LINE BEAUTY llnron lulhultltt ltlllll Lou Oudemondl HOLT liltr Hammond TllOlll Dlllfill qugoil Orlllll lm would Drill mill Clitl Ttlvlr uiiill SAN Prul Arawt mill Notrttltl MrMIIIrn tibrtii lrIIy Drwttdc IIIair John Senna tiuttt latl Cvli tilura EXCLUSIVE AGENT IAYCRUT MOM Rmnnwwl APPRAISALS MORTGAGES irnnk Neiira lelti Robert lilaht Saunlcrr Driller 79 BAYFIELD 5T llluiu lilS Realtor 7161101 IrrnI erlar norm Iiit Marinara mam Rtlrull Clllbii Hull Utlull Llliil lililli Notmltl limit ml Edith Iimrdyir IllTill On ice trvrnruah iiLiiaI Audtly oaitant IllTIM Saved 1161 Mall SIM Ilblhii MOORE ON MLS Rrailor 7282642 Ros 7285i07 In uualor at orrosne ARENA irabol Moon THITIII Om Wm Realtor Aypreiacrl 1D Duhiop St Till2119 We Irrllilga and buy 11 and Ted mortgagee Hahcl Tiarath Norm Sioddart lion Irrw COUTTS lid AND CO 18 OWL2N 51 TLTlliil MORTGAGE MONEY AVALLADLE mm Photo 111 Realtor TORI root Cuutia Ill dill Hm Write Citill Tlllill Gordon unit llllll Girla ertrra norm ltaion ltuylltlI mm TZOINJT REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE Eula StiiJx Will glass 35 Dewsnap Lilla SNOWMODTLTNG Rah you our trail on Lilia ruodrd Nae property 1303 ALIA tron agr it mile lroen Darcie Good terror available BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY guod yrariy Income but at rloatr pacer and its prraaurc We are oliertng blarlrotilh rhop luiiy equipped lnrlIIling building Ind loola Ideal email TDTLM arai noulmhlia agency lorrthtt Ailing Tim Small down payment TOWN HOUSE SITE large let close in downtown rtth inter and rruera Good location Trrrnr available TNVESTTIENT PROPERTY Tu Ibulroonl upartrncnla gaa healed Price MAW Good iorma Income $210 monthly DUSll PROPERTY Highway Irnntage Very callable Iur trail rr park or rarnplil groundi 111than lathe clitoral lor tralitr part lhla could bc ill tie gold mine IMPORTANT NOTICE To dob turn in lIvam insurance Igcoia For rent downturn too lion drairable ultirr spare in modrrn oliieo building ll INESON ills Realtor Appruiaala 7204204 Tl IIVATI TI Nlll MOD bureauI Itn aoutoom in baarminr rtntmn mllliiur roam liih arr LII TIT Fill In IUIm mountain and more new UTE if rim and Nit out at run Imu Iut woo Illmay Central allot Mdllll DorrlitlotL Ion RSI IIIIil ramlmt art ntVaTI Pol lRLl iravI mm min rnut lilynal rurnianoa 911990 Wed lam TIirThntra till VI Dill turn Inma hum ova we at month Inga room ulna rmnr him no mom bath and mu rltrm unuioteiy mom It ldul nitll billion any II rum IIII III on Rap too 0mm lerl TIMI Ltd limit ll lZ enoeeurv wanrao To our itllnID Immtanty bro torn woollen Client wlltini All um mute Catt Mrty Dun tea the limitation Gttrrbrtn Aral It ll nAIItau an mail mqu Ill Dd bi VIIHI IIII Ptatearbly WM ireti modern home would no or inridld TlllDMil ITITDII llill Jll tors FDRSALE IARRII ARIA Third in II It ran ram on rim IM Hwy It HM an nlim inanta amtnya MOBILE HOMES RUSSELL CHURCH MOBILE HOMES LTD Closed for Holidays December dial to January in Emergency cull 720 nu Reopening ich lrt ill try MORTOAGES INSTANT MONEY ANYWHERE IN ONTARIO Consolidate All Your irracni Iillia Iur Les 1th Hall 01 What You lire Non Paying DAY Oil EXISTING MORTGAGES IAY HANK ANTI lINANCL llOiIli IMPROVTZIIENTS ALUMINUM SIUING HUY Nliii CAR lieu Tu tune or More on iirgtl Second and Third Mortgages Jiltl One Call Our it All For ventral Srrileo iIIZNiIT Georgian Financial Services FIRST MORTGAGE Try The Municipal Firsi OirlIIIe Into it Nu brokerage Icc IIuat Service Tho only Corporation under the Loan and Tnlat Corporr lion Ael havinf 11 HEAD OFFICE in Run one also putohm existing ilrIt mortgagee Cuillacl Till DOUG CHERRY TIDle Real 7151300 THE MUNICIPAL SAVINGS AND LOAN CORPORATION NDunirpst Fart ID Uex iii iiarrie no REAL ESTATE murmurs IRREDLATE Ist and 1nd Mortgage Lorna Anywhere ON ALL HOMES FARMS AND COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES RITE IT OE VALUATION It You Need Money To tullIuIIdaII debt Fry all existing mortgage nyerigrge rumor due Home imprulrrlrrnta Any IorthIhLie muse rile or Phone 73011 Mortgage Funding In Dunlap 5t ll Dania Till Heather Ontario Mortgage Brulrrr Association TI iST 2ND 3RD MORTGAGES ARRANGED Second Mortgages on Prime Properties ill2 Vie Rliti numerous rllrnir uhu 111 buy marinara arui notes Cull JENNINGS 75$th ll CliULKAN AND LT LTD REALTOR lo Collier Strrct TF rst and Second MORTGAGES ARRANGED Reasonable Rates Existing llarleagrr Punhand tor tasit FINANCLAL ENTERPRISES ill DUNLDP ST SUITE Ltlt TERTIIO Oilire Hour ant pm by Ippolntnrml Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Aisoclailvn TP ACTIVE MORTGAGE SERVICES Complete liortga eHervice 11 Mill lttnialll 5L mull TORONTO 100 Allellide SL NY Sulio sou Milli liVT 140 DO YOU OWN Itlurtgml maiuauu roe ooh loan you many Der our morn Cil Marl Rm mer 17 MORTGAGES WANTED Eh II YIILO ahutt tetra irrrl mutuaov Iron raeutna Ill rnunr arm mil or write Ill Cool It little Inter PIIIT mum mulled im nteoiytrly on II row Tum braving tniatart It Also me we nunu In ma outrun Ion Ctlnl DIM Irvil nut ulna name it mw RENTALS Aranrnenrsirir MISSISSAUGA COURT Nancit Apartment Iltllii NOW RENTING JOHNSON ST BLAKE ST tHWY iii Braille ltolttinion Store iSllilCOli PLAZAI Ohio bedroom suite ltixtra large halivny Noland aupiiuneaa with Rod irre rclrigcrator CSIuruuo Ioetcra tn eterv itlilr Oltuuippcd ctrrclle room OOuiduor parking with electric plugIn llltltlil parking on dock Obuunn lllirlitica unit in pullin bench and yItIill tliilt IOlt lltlliiillZR lNiOIiTlATIUN 7284941 7285273 OIIZN urritdzt i2 Innate pm Saturday and Sunday In nut to Spin 11w AVAILA Moat Mien mural uimnl with Itiu Ind Iiuva hut warn reunited it run auto to hilJIrIr uutld rIIJ monthly mill ALLY iotlird unturnimd bedroom ptound Ilru Irrttovs room rlur bath Prim antunrr umlnu IIIl monthly Including all vtlttIlu Avrttaat trove1y lie Wt If SMALL Ieulmni Itanly Illa Irnntnl rttvata entrance Irltvtcw ma rut lulled to What uman rill titular Inviirttl Tl rwo IIDROOM Emmi to 111 1th BUIIOIM IIOVR ill liar All TV Twirl hl ni to rant rt Avillllll Telety 1F Mobllii bedroom roulmntr at WTM willowrt TJI OvliioD St Dltll Avllilbil non Camel him ILVYRI NIGHT Ililtldty llrlill on on walking etc all II III No lit lriletl lltltll TI iwntrioo lPItment or II II 1mm rartlancrr calm brin Owe virrr oi Irv Mt idrri tut anvil Mic Titiahm Ila Itll Myldeyl 1F ONI IIDIIIOM nuttttent UttthitiI Id not Iuillbil tor Inttut lllllll lutltion rrrrlm Ayriiab Inner Ikighoal tort or unto 11 IR Utiliml or AllMil will Olil IIDIOOM Unlulttlrhod lull monl lot lint Tllltoniaimd RIltll realm and rim rarrtnu Irntut WARM AvrllrhiI lrb Irl Advtll TIIIWW illIll J1 RENTALS APARTMENTS wanreo Dll DIM mum MA not lurhd lady run at run Itth In an now To Irrmai lunar my Nth Tatum JXL HOUSES FOR RENT TIIDIOOIA tum hf Iawl run not rvutm new hame rm Inter plaid nu mode Ante III MANka all BROOM tam Iv not VI yrs rumour than nttiw atw mm tm rumd Antl oa ranoy run In um totem III III ml tor Mill In my awn rt Ltmu rad Rularh In metalvitr till WWI Hlllil hum mirror must tr nulle km on Mama mot rlru an mm Iunm Inmate tat Tmtt INDOOR Iral To In merit ill BROOM enure It not in Iairir lltnllut row AralM tummy No on liu monIntr troarm maul iii now until II Anger In curvyx1 1mm nuu momentum In Ital bodrorml in bra III mutt Innis an Illt or mini IP TOTEBola GIANTJIJZ pt IIRT Illa WNW Tllm All rur JII IIIqu Sum Muller Iran aoa Immiantr thI OIle to uni llnaIl ratarena nrlitt II IIDlqu rtrm tam ma twintr mm In arm will In mu roamtr lira monthly nuou lad ilnt lilo monthly no rm IF ROOMSTO LET ru Irirlu buer tr or at road or ritwn IW tmt on nor am irauronr iotoor atm pm at rurrttliiln anoMr RIIKMR llrltL in mom with runnu Iltllttg mm mam tr rurnllnlo loam min IMHO ItII Im reunion Dltlw run in uuntunn on our route Trtrunm nurse ruIiIllIIlo RUOMI to row cmluiahle ham Inctonn IltthItl aunta chiral name wow In mum rurIIItIuao tootnl Iiin hi thI mat Rillnlllld litlnl yawn Itvt itahlt money lIrlilllll ltnttrl lulllht In brilltm woman parlor Imam nmII lull PURNITHID ROOM avail Ittmn ulmaun Ltmn Trirvho TTUIIA Manly Iurnrrm mm Mattll alga all an mu tur young ml Rug Inmer rttltng room It renown Inan Homily tlrititru ltw ruupilld mtm lliillhurrelrlMDin leamlnnr mm Old mute MIL cIunty toeno to mom Ill IOTA JTI ROOM AND BOARD PHRRIIRID room on board avail tar min girl or TitUM 0n Ml toull Filling NV Willllill Tieritona Ilrrm Ill autumn IMAM llOVtl lull minrt Ilr mm am at bur mm OFFICE SPACE 110 HUMAN TIASI tttJ sI 11 to 1010 aq Ii 11 UULLIIIH itIItJ an it let Hour IIUNIIOP EAST lulu square Iret actand liour Tl CLLIIERTUN 51 Ill or it second floor it liiiNlAJI EAST titty Intro iect ll LOIi Milli hciurr ma oirIrr tree In tut divided In to room am momma building uownlewn it Manta mm wnI my mint ml tlrotrt 1F EOMMERCIAL seller 10 near tirnty tnrnttmr trura tmI luau rt The lowly moment qum tut loll oi Dllllnq tar III irlte IN MI iludlom Mottl Iioi Ill AUTOMOTIVE SNOWMOBILES SKIROULE HALIIIS ANII SilllVlCli CLEARANCE SALE ON NEW 107 SRJROULES AND ACCESSORIES only itTX no 23 hp it only HT all In No tall only Hl All 15 III Slll only 8130 ll 11D 8571 Also iN aroCtt 1971 Jill lNT Skldm 1173 lull Mo Sklduu Hilliard $075 itll all Slidoo Oiytltplgua lid ALL CLOTHING AND ACCESSORIES AT COST t0NTRESl0 TiNANClNGi CROWN HILL SUNOCO rIIltcr north oi Dorrie on tiny ll PHONE 7262519 an SNOW CRUISER iiViNiiUIIE MOTORS JOES MARINE SALES SEIIVlCE PANTS noun ll Jyrli Ill SHOWIPRINCI 11 Million Lid Alw Itto Irma lit rirrlvl TAM ITITIII rtIIl Prratrnt gndilioti rill Tell KI DIAL 72132414 FOR THE CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT AUTOMOTIVE suowuoattrs SKIROULE SALTS AND SERVICE Indy RTX itp 5785 only 111 850 II hp 5599 ITI U125 ATV IItlI rtnl lull $695 1070 Snoirilict 15 11p 5350 NEW Smnrmhlie mac Ithanga SACHS 7T7 cc TI to cc II SIS cc hp 5175 each NOIILER ll SOD CC Wllll CARD 5189 Repair to all males at Snowmobile Open day ml WANTED Will pay rash tar any unorrrroblia regardirsa ot ennui lion MOONSIONE BARGALI BARN PHONE 8354MB 1111111 GO CLASS GO RUPP Srrlice Sale and Clothing BYRON GRAHAM MOTORS 120 DTLLDTORD Sl 13ml It MDTMRI ow rm tr an on nun twnun tumour new rttrc an all me Durant Ir inureu irIr Nadir TI Mam1r Iain in Carri lent nonunion Trirum alum III CAR ACCESSORIES Ill DI littrIiII tor rain roe arttal MMiioid and Natty uni aura him rrarooablo tatIto mula CARS WANTED TO BUY IRON To lkll III II Iuro ran and mu Tm Ikava noitlr II TRUCKS FOR SALE ItII IRTIRRATIOHRL amt on iron Illlr rmoiawing wvtmrnh armow II It monlhr rutqu min many for lrtnnttton ull mrul an an all AUTO REPAIRS MISTER Transmission Lid Automatic Specialists TD Mary St TIN llVE TT cans FOR SALE CHECK THESE VALUES Inn Vi Deiute leatherette buo Let reaia beige in color cIlatuIn radio IJl No 15591 Only TITAT woo til Deluxe Reri leather ctle buclei rials hiurtr exterior radio lie No ltUJL Only ltm not Wagon bucket acatu oith nhiio exterior Radio Lin Nu NOON Only 95 nor Mgr Iularu Hardtop new It alcrrlng IN brake VT rut olIIIiit butLet reels with biua entrrior Lie Nu NW Only NOT me llnic irom Urnerai Tiolura llitl ulterior Radio LR No tlIIIi Only Till All yatcly rhrIiIId and ready to go DARRIH VOUCSLVAGEN ills Rd at Iowan St lOViill 30 tYTillllL USED CARS STUCKI JTl MI MAI ulil unite rinyl nu rm and we that thin nuio ill II rlitznylrotrdttioh alh I1 Iaicuhm wmt Inith ITIIA ilrttII corwt 0n III ltII OUDII or door Audion syltnarr Iatomatlc radio rowr rtutlnu law mltraec SM tic trail 11 Down trrr TIMI ITO Trmrartl tlrlIrL Alllhtan runtlac lulu III MUSTANG llitllel RM tellii otrrl Ihllvt yr Immliic route In molten rendition Slim toiletona tililrh Jll illl CAMRIO loo hudiua VII amo rtanortu tauo wont run trrtlnp Otun Lie IlJIDO III tum lob camuarll in Hell hill will JTA llll rwrvrur III rater litre rotomrttr no mt Intmmtlig mat It hurrah mam liter rm llll WHATS Twl CNN VI auto mite wort rlwlou row bum min nth urn luar lauttrnt ran eliiott Lle Iiuit Rog lit rm my Imnr run rampant Ailtnron Pontiac with All Ill ma CAMRIOI 11 VI Illiottilill lino IAiii Ioc lrllkloi you tool blend ml lllll Tim Tl IN Wrrrgr lurch lirrrtr llll Roll ountry IUUUI Ml Iuiem only JAM MINI lnlntrcv Ira rrluinal temtlturl tlr mutt Til do lydrl mm 114 Wt my Molum lllll Dr TR omen mmrnmo MIN baton with blunt Inillv rrdio Ion Irlaroono mom not not Jil run dentin ill LtcthIIoalrnu It III nun It menial ltord Frtgoton Iry LIIV Molblli are ill haretou NORM Inlnt ANT liarr Lie Sol down imnr Lia Re illum Ion IlirlTu mm Hi Im Minor in we met NrrI ttrrL Millld rytindor man Pri in light 199 Totohm Til Mu dil narruntn IIIrm rm A0

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