Skating Triumphs OI Canadas Don Jackson Ase Recalled 35 535355 31in was the Irlpla Luis which the blots spot at Jsrksona Ia Prs ramp all tht bod neiwr ed to mpelition be never has been tried Jutms at It entity to years older than stubslrt eilrh roaches these days aisl aim eshihitlaris In North E32 tn didnt Lnow whether fwssmtostndosntolour dcah Tm rztl alleles ttta tstoollJ ssrs lrnrsllia bisworhitrlonipls wrestrirdthahmn in museums but lwortodoalttwlosa soar IOalyRthimoinatslilla tboosarxtsollzmrdtnedlt Bndiiuiodrrwperty LSZDGIIHKITE Mass was It Ibcw be ermlaEJthuNeb gmmammsimr msrmmsums makpxttaswiaurrsrnrtl iaLsshDe town Oshawa IthLuchhlerimx Frstrrsishtaueo zhsshlalzl lsapsrlos Irmlstla ml plxd Imth In that category Ito brinr him is mis plate airs all flolinlorlsJeI seiwolhtathoworldloubonl ml END In Irwe shstloplourth our all Back In Orlando SDIIDLI us $193 be none lonrth la the gum and around in irceL sistinz its was second In the horrid ores all 1bo Olympic Games In Ito were In Villey Csltl and basal Jackson swept to loiirth In school AIM and asmnd Iii lrse slakag tor tho lhirdplsce brorne irirdsL Vsorvuicr was UllltlouI the loop world championships and he came second in the ares and rst In tree skat tor second place lbere were no world roam binnships in lilespcdltsl in memory at the Unilol Stain learn dedith to plane mnh Is bchssd Diiln thou still In second Did The day at the 1m shallot he tried tho kiria lists practice Ind tt scat pesIrellr Ila sutured to cosrb Stride 5mm all learn with the recent winners lit the Amitlnbl Iiardwsrc nirpo Glass turn but this Thophy tor the lien Malor Gslouitn that so was oiorl try It In namielition and Gal inai timed bias the pa bend sips BRENT TRIPLE IU on our noisily did it roam ina whether Id so Ills sale Jsrboo was to tho similar mm when tiirio stated thrush it At with double mom ONT Lte In Ink my convention Bathmidbesrlhems ntspprnrnllrulhem lowland mIshtldtlhkrd IL cum LI tar Esmerarulsrvsiiatlis mdeJErnsmaalthe Jsthas skitrd rrnsod prom nth as had not bra new More Ii pertained ad the raw ddtrnsll wh lands on horn IIr tLws Arable 1m with crossed srakl Ills mesthe greatest erer sea In gure skating belore or sineoJlastscd up there wrris semi 15s Iasd one per Inrl lnr technical nscril lowest mark was train Csmdian badge Atm Grep in For srtistle Isrspreaiim content and has it is present odtrc drew sis pelted to lists S3 and another SI INTI Gregory iIe bad totalled resco per led Itsthe most anyone else has our been rated In one oompctilino was the tour so Isnde Dirk Italian tew sears before The triple Lilla will he done Iran Jackson says Bill iI sll Id had In that pimp Id never have won one Di nursilado at his pro Iormanoc dslal lmpmi itsrlt upon Jackson nnt he sirircd honor in parade and FTEPD lslton at carard to sur ressm oi pro ollrri Flyers Down CRAIIILIONJcL can Xi ogsra To iers UElPiIPd Hamilton Wings the interns learns to ws nay train the eighth and ital miIIlm lint Rings Tuna pl all Ilri to more to with one Iiihrs with trot at ans plate thoronlam Iaris Titanic lnzn Entity Rorhey Arming Java Gasr Rail and Do kiss riled ilalrrocsareintherdhsnl anesadl Tbs liars2e lolstl hlemiry thrill Karim hunksd hid Iruir Its Lisle iii Rm la Minor ilnrhy Annotation league control Don lemasm dihelhniegnal llacll Isolde montrd the shutout as tho Barrie rim Tho Couws werent so sis mislul against the Allan Cook Dissaden They lost to John Dolley lIILciI him Darryl ttay strand and Connor om rash tor the Crusaders In another Notice dlrisiori lea risertasted the Stood Optimist Novices ramped to an no win on Ndwatu Wm Ills mud three times and Joey ilsrciuldm and Terry Ayers liaise enth tor tho Opti mistw Singles were soorcd byeR tamper Clint Irwin Iimn Kliitnn and John Chains era In Me srtion so Tyson and Glen Indians tallied In Striwid ia toss to Emiag In Ridges division contest Randy Hegel and liars Thom sin curated three times each as the Stroud MI Union LIL rru limped Codwalu 1H Door Fiegel Pele Bsorhard Cord Rum Stiin llensenm data Basin its lint and IIsr men Ilollmaa scored the other Satid pets EITTTBIITOX it In nhldiicn marshes the Smut Sandy Core Presets wui Thornliill Rink Takes Srs Spoil Tic Cit Pseese risk or SKII With AL gEis 17 gs Egdsgg immrdwnamyussl jlrrbelpynsintkiisisure 1Dut been realms Irtillhmswdsmu pmmmdymspesnu uzetatryalrsctsas took the impir 511341 Ugrry Armitrssa Swim 315m is as th nurse Cats IlKanvrkIBuLIanala itsrwdraslropdytrsns by it ms atom silicon wwsasosr slot or ins Cougars Shut Out Coldwater In Huronia league Contest throo unis clubbing hotslown senior Super As and edging Mord Alwiri liners stand tour limes Rcslis Parsley Harry Welds Unto lliIios each and Brian Iliwne John Tied Wayno strmcn Ilwice mlaxlwtn over Mr wa Joe SOUR and Diaries Isth added Hutu Against Storm listss tallth three times and Scott Hegel naro Ins Strum lo the Bradford game llarrz scored twice with single solo to Reid and Lswlrnre Ilrodlord costs were scored by tints Belt with two sad Bert Vsnder Hostel The Siroud Yaisuha Bantams dumptd Coaksiown Grant Campbell Ird Strotid with two goals Stories went to Crux liaison Bill Gillespie Doux Tsubone llark Lawrence and Stere teams Calvin ilam sensed the only Stood that as the Strund Op unites Karim were brains It is harden III on exhibition pm In le nahlhitian maids Itsa Ilrathorail mod three posts and John Watson 1M Kev iahobloonernrhaslhestmxl Tilt IrLinkod Crwmore 5d Kinsmen Win In OMHA Playoff rlbe ilsrrie lnnneo Novice took one ume lead to host oiling Ontario itinor Hockey Annotation ayoll vim Aurora Inst weeks when they downed Am 10 Jobasirzmorlodlhalnnrmen dub with those goals Sieve hm menses mm NG RAINE hlmhsnrdtherase Iezd Jarklmeetsm Psalm rm and third no nos This ran the secmd rear too it Bennie within is tar ti aged 35 scars and our There wore it rII romaine leach rising two games floss Ramsays rik Irons TIL PBX Toronto iron Lse Frat lirzw Itihsed by Tara Abra ling Barrie Rt 532 at that 21 and EEK at El Allir rru Colors In sacl draw ids Prous rktsk tars mt Id Irisd try mks skipped Iry Irma khahnd Barrie Dr Knck hi Oshawa and This rt Razzan BUY NOWANDGEIA FREE scarran CIuTITbeanIr Blues Nip Borden In Cage Contest JmOoodeslIaniRkkAm Ineaeisndiadrxrmtalmd tbeBlnllrinhlmybadlz sadDainEczstrnndhod unmade thawin as momma mm Wsrcellenslbobadl CamuneJdllloerdan VINYL ROOF OrRadio PLYMOUTH 300 In Itemer at tho winks Irons tell Rd Raid ARMSTRONG HARDWARE TROPHY WINNERS howlinximnooemdsuir mlyooopoiatantborismd lililGrsiiLBchIlsdlerJtcsi lath Id English Illnmia tr Photo Nova Scotia Rink Leads CompetitiOn Allill Dore N5 rlah bar use the Lead In the midst section at tho second Introl Sarimornrns Rsilnsslsoorts competition It liaso Borden munmmmuqna Basalt Lawson Cpl SBolessniCpLJlJoyddowo rdilmtmlsllahrilrsaod Mamas chsdsylo rnniirlo lhclroot at tho standim with mood Iii um In tho Kiss ank whkb EL downed Add mail today In The Kiaploa Foursome has record In third spot is Montreal which drod inanimali Si in one at Its two garner Esqaliiisli ls rest with mood wbllo lahr is last ham last all tour IIIILL lo the badminton sitsle eons petstsoo Jul Coppisrx OI lid newton Ital lloudmu ni Then too and Jana littmphries oi Onmwallts are tied tor the lead with to records Iller two days at competition Llonie Crsclman oI Isquimslt ls among the lead ers Illll record rents and Indian ilcOosdlrir Iro loos with to record IIiII Onos Brio ster and Ileramcry Jonas are also urr beaten with romnl while tho repmrntallm ot Cornwal lu Juno Ilumphrios arid Dot Westerby IAN Jl In bowling Ibo Arc learn Irons leads with total lilo All OI 5691 Ills Iwo dlyl Tho Area train irons Western Canada Is close second sdlti lotsl oi 5631 piss The Amt touts train tho Rsrttlonea Ia third with piss lsll total at can while Area Ontario is next with total at Alli pins IJsda Broodon cl Shriboorrsc Mk has the hills slurlo so tar total oi ll servircwomrn tram bases some Canada and Bro are competing to tho Ns lions ebsmplorohlps the week Ions eirnl wraps up Irldsy with the oats in all events BAO DEER Ilusiitrl hag some zopoo to Inuitis badminton dotith tom Iltldtt lrenloas ILIIU Boud saooo door in Cutsrlo oath year as 53 egs Barrid uvo nilos lose OHA Series Mimi and rsudrvlllof be do Ortlils the but Ilruadsro said tho too Is two umuiondlm handlra pod hecsuso at the nomads ui participant hi the 5ng stored the lorries Ilbsstadepesslustho asHOrinlgllmplcl rmmlllces to Tho Oouk Cmstnittiao on are rrrus oar reruns ll rltrd violations such as on Fri Em Imam MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT JOB ENRICHMENT PRODUCTION EVENING COURSE FOR PRODUCTION Job Enrichment spawilies practical to employees sod oomeotrstes on the rearnnceioeot oI iobs so that the Individual for soldeiarnent cw mm min mourn Armin arpcnison la producNon or meniscus 00m lbe Supervisors Emsldzlidldnm Ilolivstion Ibrirush lie Rar Vortlcsl Job loadlru Silll Psrtstloa Thronzh Oren Urbtlnr ill dimrmor IZIW it It Work and Problem HSOIVIRI WWW Skllls la Coalerrnce Leadership linpleineatation oi Job Enrichment STARTING DATBi January JI lm SCIIEDUIEl IO Narnia 100 limit pm acorstsa College llrlo Campus Barrio ml moo psysbto to Julian Uplirra aElthAlt LEADEIti Robert Banks Oomulllax Associate Tbsna hotlrr and Associates FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACIL Mr Peter Put Gcorrlsii bilezo ht Mmrth Bloaoi Burks Tel MINI Eat LOCATIONI ESAVINGSIIREONUSURINGOU OPENING GERRYS BP snnvma srArioN 3J5 BAYFIELD STREET JAN 27 28 29 AT BARRIE ONTARIO ALL MAJOR OILCOM CHRISTIE ZCOXIDIY BIPDZTI PANY AND DEPART MENT STORE CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTABLE FOR YOUR CONVENI ENCE ON GAS PUR CHASE ONLY ONE FREE OUARr OF or Hints ouatirv Oit wmt EVERY art FILTER CHANGE SNOWMOBILE OIL Rt 25 SALE PRICE 99 Spatial as prion svsllshls tieVIM GASOLINE ANTIFREEZE Rog 40 SALE PRICE below ironing ONE GALLON OF GAS FREE Willi Every Flliop ct $300 or more Otter good until midnight Jars 29th TAKE HOME Oil SALE Super Mulll Rsnpo Rn SI Now 79 Reg 39 Nw ad Specisl Full Case Price Available SALE PRICE IJP Gal USE YOUR BP SUPER TEST OR CHARGEX CREDIT CARD FOR ANY PURCHASE WINTER Br SUMMER TIRE SALE 15 OFF ORDER FROM SAMPLES ON DISPLAY WIPER BLADES I574 OFF MAKES ALL cuss SAFE Winsmsto WASHER ANTIFREEZE Higisquslilyqnodtorudegrees BATTERIES 157 OFF LIFETIME GUARANTEE AVAILABLE illIrv Madly last st to Dritils Rell Em Scraper with purchase LITTLE lower nial sis lim Wuuknmkhliitul s2169 Wth Test Drive 72 Cricket Today at JACKSON MOTORS LTD rsdee Ptvnwa Warna strains rw Tush amorous or iBARRlE SPORTS ill COLLIER 51 mm surmise nmxmseos mantras mam sum am lee mu summit raisins vNNT cams mu roams mm ism noun onus an inn mm no IE TOUT MICE BPANTIFREEZESALE APPLY Now rot YOUR MULTPPURPOSE ass amine and guaranteed BPTRAVELLERS CARO 299 take homo spacial NECESSARY srzcuuszuec iN sass EFFICIENT FRIENDLY sesvrce in plastic gallon container mmmanhumm moa