Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Jan 1972, p. 1

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EXAMINER TilPHONES mutation Mlax mutt at Other Drplmmta moat itibilt Ym No it Thchnicians Continue tint at series at run tryIII llllh Illntl the can In radio and intuition treb riahl be In Vaneouver rueaday at as the anion roa lintled to dirpiesstue with contract nexotletionx tha Vaneourcr nitout min etded with location in Toronto at which the nation the National Mutation of hroIdratt Ern players and Technicians re ed the ChCI pmpoaal to rc aume tails on the balls at conciliation board report Nathalie literi NAIIETI 0n ilrto Miami director said the CtiCI propeaai was rent pletely nnsatlsiacto to the lotion and the street decided totah Itrlte Irtion the rotaan etrttes rill eon Tried To Strike ttnue today but am not It lilo rety to up when or when hir steel raid telesales at the ChCa proposal us intruded by trieuarn to Derek Nelson the broadcasting corponiima manner at Industrial retadons la Ottawa lie aid the meetIna did not Ines er disarm with mother CBC ldulintbibll tedml medantor be brought In to settle donate EEl CONDITIONS The Isaiah has lashing nth any rcsnrn ae be based on NABETIbIn do mandrn illpIrcent raise rarnaeltisre ta iaxtJltiiy an or per een uy 1m an uhtitioaat cent In itll and Iout week Return Set Saulnier MONTREAL lCPl Police irt lacquer Sauinier told Qstebec police eomrrtiaslcn in quiry lttetdny lhIt he tried un Iueeeuluily tor Iix reels to re ltlm tron rotor television set real to him by Montreal hotel owner Cbiet Sauiairr laid the televi tion rel lit Irons Israel Ku llel owner oi the LaSaIie lioiei was tinttty returned inttct iteeeipte oi pitta tor services mattered by police oiileers ls stricti prnhibited Trs yinI It the inquiry laid his conduct the police Inlet IaidthIl durlnx bird pe riod starting in December it he made about it telephone rails in tlr Kurirl and his hotel Ill the set returned tin raid his iamliy made use at the tel dillitll the period but that he had never titled out the attaraniee tarnn onto Examiner lent Ontario made Wednesday lanuery 15 I972 13A Rit if gm WWII Not More There to Per Copy 20 Payee 00M damsre in the tone tire roused In estimated asmt evaluation oi the III it Cwaty Admiautratits cs Prutinclai oiiioes In the name on tiarsiey St early this rmrn buildan were Ippamily an In Simeon County Warden damned incluan the registry Hard Prtdham said he had been lir Pridharn raid that the pro told by poiire that breatIn since sum the buiidin and had occurred sometime hetars sites It Is tlcelsrrd the the III was reported at not fire marshal provincial public am works at ietns will In In iirnt to hit Prldhant raid the tin cleanup marshalr alike is conducan lctc hail altars tram the an lntculicatinn No one Is he Ctv at Barrie or nny type cl in allowed this the butldinz on help we need tied lriephme til the Intertiraiion ls comptcte has otind us stith and In his lrrow what to think when he the Childrens Aid Society he The warden raid he did no at unruly workers would hrard the news this morninr The tire was reported by per 3M53E nun who apparently but across my mm the street to rate ames in the buildinr about am today The mums Iati lire tnth iclt the scene mg up shortly alter noon racial services hack in operas hir iridham raid the lanilwr lion tomorrow and other depart was in the buildinr until Iltld menu lite the rterh lrrasrner night ile atsttmet whneter recreation and health unit will broke in out so between that be reopan as soon atpotaibie time and the time the tire was end as errantrmcnts Ian he pEWilN matte 1hr buildint is part at per Em illrich cci ton to the pronto last tie and tire ehishsitciy dnm vmm ill it Mal mm TI In burned is reported in male Air Controllers Resume Talks omwt tori new el Iort to and lords strike by air liaille eontroarI pot iuiiy under way Ilrenday with station and government nepotiatnra manila taeetoiace hltdlaiitUlRl not an no tied betweanltittro barlatntnr learns in negotiation ll Campbell president oi the immember Canadian Air italllc Control Association told reporters this time there will be no marathon Iranians lite Inst weal lie added that rneetinr lttcrdey with the mediator and treasury board niIIcIalI had served tn establish procedure tor the resumed nerndatlons Controllers voted nverwhelm Inply lionday to ratch con tract eeriler accepted tenta tively by the association execu tive Ind the federal treasury board it took to hours at me diated talks last weak to come up with that arrrernent Despite the rejection union president it Campbell re nnlns bead ot the union oeso ttatort and itiehtet halter cri ticised last weetend hy the union tor reieasint prematuretv dettiis ol the Irttlamrnt chlei bardpainer tor the treasury hear his itrtl said he was glad oi the unity to tinish the Job and he was willing to Itart tram rcratrh to reach settlement OWN novice CALGARY CPI City police tutored their own ad vice tioadry and thirt mada oil with In unearthed squad car Police have repeatedly said cars should not he tell unlocked with the engine runnttn even in tempere lures ol so below not one coastahlr irnored the warning itonday and Icll the car tannins near the entrance to the police rare The title rIntmetl truck driven by an RCMP otticer Is he took oi attach an other police car and was it natty hlittd by police pa rapa worker who used car in ioree him kiln taowt heal nuttit tits been ssllnh on tortiry St The barrio tire ated at 00000 In In early department was called to the main tire today It the Itil at ant and had the County administration oitloer blue under control by it ern someone had also tam red with the boiler in the htttld eat till acena Tito Ontario Fire bisrshat has this morning llere ilremen been railed in to lnverlicatn prrpIrI to wrap up hoses tol Lta causo oi the tire Trucks twins the blaze lExnminer were still on the ac to Photnt Nixon Disaloses Peace Plan New Diplomatiagtellensive WASittNGmN lCli Presi political tronts lurtday nipbt by deal Nixon in orator new puhichv disclaeial In eight Vietnam piece initiative has point peace plan 1th to the told oi secret nepottntlotu with Vietnam Communists tart Otto the Communists in more to her try to inter Ilanelt nd end 91m Fptnlul also Iiienea electionye critics mt pm my who Iccuso him at lettinp the nunde 11m mlm VIII MI 00 lion ot lresldertt Nruyrn Van The president wrnt on the at lhicu new elections in South lensito on the diplomatic and Vlctnatn total withdrawal at 05 troop ceasetira through out indochlna end the release ot prisoners at war Nixon did not how to demands oi nu politicl opponentstn net spec tic data tor the total withdrawal oi as troops in It chaasn tor the release at Uh prisoners held by Hanoi and the Vtct that but he said there should be iotti troop withdrawal within six months at an cement to and the war and at prbcners should be released in model with the pullout WWWm APSULE NEWS Should in Off Welfare Wells iOltDNIi tCPl tltotaas tlleits Oattrio minister ot social and Iarniiy Icrvtert Itld tttcsdsy night parsotu able to work should be token oil weltare rolls and put on unemployment in tarance Vietnamese Knock out Tanks SAIGON AP 5qu Vietnamese tithterhomhers knocked out tour North Vietnamese tents tttcedsy and today alone the wronged ride at the central highlands military spokesmen repor Representative For 57 Years Dies tilish Arir AP Former linittd States Senator Cori lnrrtth it who represented Arizona in con teas Ior nearly 57 yearn tiled litctday night llayden was tirs elected to the ltousa oi ltepmenttttvcs trt lnbruarv loin alter Aritona was admitted to statehood Itiliketoseyllew words about Vietnam 30 WNFIIDI PLAN shortly eltrr be disclosed the peace plan in televised broadt cIst President Thiru spots on national radio In Salton to con tlrrn Nixons announcement that he would realm one month he lore the proposed new election The electors would ha to all politics ones In Sou Viol narn tnetudtnl the Viet Cong Russia For Arms cuno tamer President lira limiters leader in re lation Sadat in speech warn maria that showed signs at in tap student demonstrators patience and exasperation said atntnst Iplttltnwte home treat that demonstration students had said thteIday be may visit llus been demandinI emotoaolty sin Iar more weapons In part ot that baitlo arainst lerel should steps to booat Euptlan military start It once without tnhiaz Says Search Needed For Chemical DllAWA CPI llcroin should be made leanily available ior druphddiettoa treatment In tpecial clrcumslancee and In tm mediate rearrlt Ihonld ho made tor chemical tohloek the cllccls oi the tpccd struts the La Dain conunlnslon recom mended today Committee Suggests Prison Reform NEW YORK tAPi apcciai ttato committee hns turresied loci in prison relorms in New York ttnto includtrtl ntnet ot the minds mode by the prisoners during the Alden rcbciiion last September which tell it persons dcn Thlou Endorses Nixons Plan attoartttrt President Ntticrs Van lttku endorsed Pres ldrnt Nixons emitpoint peace lust and Ionilnl peace lar plan today Inytap it promises ieinam The plan calls or ilrieu to train and tor ncu eleetlone to bo held month later with Communist participation Explosion Kills Ulster Civilian antetsr Itiii series at bomb explosions the tiny town oi Cnsilewtlian killed civilian outside police elation rats in the death toil treat 10 months oi ttoienec in Northern tretand to its power against ltraeL Bombs Explode In NY Offices NEW YORK tAll liome went all today in the midtown ilIuhnttan all res at two or art nations that book talent rom thyd Soviet Union Iuthorttles ta live prrtona were injured and itrea rausrd by the devices re suited In moderate demote pa lice said It man who did not identity himsait telephoned lho Assn elated Fresa It Mi em to any that two inrrndIary devices bad Just er iodevl In the oilicet oi imprrrIr Sci ilurot and ot Columbia Artists Smoke hillowert trout In upper tloor in buildinn on the Iirenuo nt Americas where the memm roirs other is situated go into consideration the countrys interest Iin said that Itunaiitnt the start at zero hour is not simple and scores at rorrrnment hod ior are trotting on precise ral cnietlaos oi the appropriate time to tiart ilphtlap in his speech Ihown over tel ntlnion the presidentwho de oiarml war with Israel LI inevi tabIoraid he could not Iive de tails ointilltary plant No one ever rated illusion Churchill or hurt Stalin lu rive balance sheet durlnx the Srtond World War tllillNS 0F hll lie warned student leaders that to would take Iirm atone euros to prcsorva tho iateprtiy ol the home itani and its would not tolerate any split the want lnz came alter Iudent protest against government policies do teioped into violent riots In Eriro streets or the test two aye his adviser ilenry ltisslnpcr to Paris doten llmes time Any low or secret nctotlations with top North Vietnamese en voyI llartcl nephtiaiurs rejected us otter inst ilay or troop wiihdrswai deadline in return tor prisvocr release and ecosctlre he said The president said the rightpoint plan has not been rclcctcd but it has been littered The resident laid that alter present his latest pence plan Dct it the Communists Ic cepted luppcsilen tar another Puts mettint wim Kissinger but Le Due lilo one at ilannia tap oitielais lent word he was ill and tho mociinp did not tnhe place the only reply to our plan lit nlirnian mm onatn mm mm and Communist military atten sitas in Laos end Camhodia end to nutrtisca tron into he run our propani tor pendent Mil Collattl peace was tnswcrrd by stop Nixon disclosed he had scnt up In the wt Hanoi Indicates Nothing New ltowa KONG API ltadio apIin tor the United States in Hanoi indicetsd today that Pres Iccept thn latchpaint Vtut tdent Nixons Vietnam pcaea Cnnp plan submitted to the proposals Ire not acceptable ht Parts peace ttiits tut July my and when uhaiysed liudlo Hmmmllon mm llanoi said in Vietnameselan not withdraw all support train gum Madam bum dllmm clear that the basic 115 plot on and the 05 stand barn hot Itiihauph the North Vietnam chum any redo did not rctoct the Iltbtpoint plan winch Nixon It said Nttonr proposals Ire said was submitted to the Com not the way to end the war and times Ippnrratly went up or down the math stairwell at the root at the htditiinp lie and up the built oi that ertiointt Deputy Fire Chlet John tics Allister directed tirellphtrn It Itd lllld ureahon dcr niro Im ere awmum hm wer stillelatnltrnaillpoit bum In hullllgztntcts and Shrnenbaltb tnaw what records may have Mm 4W hm intro Ibiel said most the demote its tail county llathlttllll will be uncle and water draw out be able to let in to assess damage in documenlt until 11 mundt members were also the inrrtdration by the mama unburned but Interns llfl htarshllllw cilia Clil lvely dImareddhy ozone the are werea teen dintn lie nI In It Him the avatarton fall or Ind nuts be some hind at were burned to at hid Ill Highways Closed lln Barrie Area Barrie mlsscd the brunt oi the Injury but donate to the tree storm that knmohilired inrpa tor and load was estimated at portions ot atmcae County yrr strobe Ono lane ot the hiph tcrday way was still closed this morn number at hlchways were the by crane pictinp up the closed either by snow or Iceld steel and placini it back an the ean and many mcrtlnps ctn trailcr lbol Icc dent occurred celled because at unsatn drittnp near the hinth Concession of conditions lnnisitl Dcpartmeat oi Transportation Elltlillts OPP closed liltith and Communications oilchIls 17 north at Eitttittil and as at said all roads were open ayain math as the function 0i Hills this ntornlnn but the mm It may to rt The road wen im tontinulnp to dump arrow Iil passable antiilnm today llar around ttnrrie roiucinn visih ria ult rinsed oil the section iuty to nilln rumearcus oi tiishway 17 between tier rie and Thornton beraqu oi an smmudm neeiricnt tor couple ot houre The storm swept ihroutis the during mum Owen Sound Cottonwood area stlrtinn linrrin by two or three ii ACCIDENTS lllllta but blitinn illa Crown lliii Barrie OPP Nportcd total Ind Drlilla areas barrio had blah windt but little threw are like the estimated to Inches dropped on northern parts at the county iii hway lot anuthbound trorn Etrrle was closed yesterday lrom noon to pm alter transport carrying steel beams larititnitrd Ind dumped its land across the hi how thriver Ger ard Freya pl llnnmcr esca at it minor accidents but an on was injured and property dam nsa was slight in many eases nitlcers had not tiled complete reports by this morninr llithway tz Irom Eimvtle to Vnsnrn Beach was also closed yesterday Illrrnoon lot about three hours vale OPP re ported three cm involving minor Iaturlrs and property darn ptd use during yesterdays storm munlsta In Paris three mnnlhe until the war is ended there will are it raid the contained be no rcicnsc at American prise nothina new iIInci called oncrs ot war in North Vietnam Author Will Try To Settle Debate tiiiZA Balearic islands APi months llctirawiitii thunk Co Author Ciiltord Irvtrtn Ind Issued three Cltltittclvlu liuphes ltis bionde Swiss wito hit or lotalltnu tannin tor the boot New York today to try to and into said thesday he do Ilraiphten out the controversy livored the cheques pcrsnuaiiy nvcr his book about liownrrl toliuphes iluphoo the iirrt one he said was tor lntrrritwtdlet hln llottte on mine hm ff roont In the Bahamas last lbtra lttcsdayl tho tiyaaroid null or novelltt said he also was going to answer New Vorlr court If order in Ioathcr Iasr 5m irvinp be ccmpiicd an third or 5033000 to ltutltrs autobiography oi iluthrs In In somewhere irt Florida series at Interviews with the in but he declined to pinpoint the dustriattst over period at location tuteaai llliiCIllLlN New Vorit construction the trips woman around trailer that was blown over durlnr high wind which hit tun city tuesdty number at deaths were reported inth Instr ien area as Ills inrea whipped Into the city AP Photo

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