RECllliL SOLOIST nl Joyoo LIIIIIrd fpth olono Ind mot re tiul WoanIdI eveninl It AliIndIlI Net to Public moot the mom Includ Id pIIno duoo Ind duoduetI II well II voeIl dueio Ind Iot oo Colleen Burno oI Church hill Ion tinny New DIr from Rodgero Ind llImmer IlolnI mmetot okiohomo Emitter Photo TESTER Egg sigiggi 3E eutI which eonto tom the centre It the romeo tho who Ipo elol cm to mow the toad II eookinI thou nteIiy run to Di threetold In tooklnI low tern poroturo the omeoeo oI noolrture II On liquid to In Irld Iuoh II tornIto or Ierron Iulro or vinegar It will min In ten derloin II well rontrihulo to tho oror Tho rouunter an winner to two waI when Iho rookI pot row the loot INN cookiny providn minimum Ihrlnkoze Ind eoruequeotly Itreitheo tho moot doilor proomro rooker to need m1 tor the full time no dinet od lor pol mot the Inno Ilu Alter the honey lI Iddod IeptItI the lid Ind IdIuIt heIt Io tho rout Ilrnner or On tlIno ItIlod below Bleol Ind Ion Pot Roast on to poundo beet pot roIIt It IIlt WW It throw rup chopped union to cup heel bouillon to run other to cup honey 310ng Up Calming Down Eqli Fcrshion DescriptionV IIYYhRIxWIIIn oIYIouhtoo WWMMIII molthohrnool oIIDoIlnurIrooloIolorIoo III clotheI ohm Toot ol the oollnctlono thII ee PIIhlon hII grown up will cieny to Iocept more InItuII bok Ittor ooIaIl neoIonI oI tho nutluut often hlrky elothoo It colrned down enmth to or eept th nld elIlolu II port oI lodI llto jWhIIo IIII toshlon to oontln notion oi IndorI ever thInI Ittltudo three ldrltt ndI hm emerrod IIIhIon uthorlty Eleonor inrohert IIld l2 MODEM or IIIIpIo arm Public School doeldod thIt they would Ilko to do Iomo Ihlnl Ioe IIIrrIeI Irnlor cltis onI durlnl Benlnt cltluno Itill RIO lilo told holo Ilill how hot pInII III lIlt homo Iro ho worn with koto or both yttsno Ind doy Men on dImurrIy wwhum WATER RETURN Then on hovo tho IIIIIIu eo peelIli tho return at IweIterI Ind rtI But than Iro IIIo tho uIdIIIn IuIt ml the hluer And thl dly IIId htlII lAmhert thorn tho NDII IeouI look Not the worm to won out IIndlIh elolheI II In our looky My period but tho oppoIIII tho com to look benuIiIuI temIII Ilnnent Allin And IIIII LomhIII II rtIht IherII eIrtIln eourIIo Wrelt Tho mull two dIyI at town Ind hinthon tor tho mo lor cltlneno It the Iehnol lImoo IonnotItI Ictl Ind her lororool IIno cut up II needed to tInorI tho uaneIunt wa tho world lI min to or II Irorn hlpololntluonood III to old to becomo oooo min more IIdyItkI Ind truly tomlnino Whitethou run throth III the eolioe onI thn return at tho dr Ind IepIrIteI DreIIeI rnnIo Irom Ilrnplo Ilthouottu ntlen belted but In tho mo oi Adele ilrn Ion mostly body IhIpInl ovenlnI IIIAIII In quilted or Ippllouod voIvot oorlonlth gowns number at IweItIr IeueI Il wero noted And tho popul IhirIonII drrII tokeI on now look with John Anthony In oItmrII wool Iomy wlth tucked hodlro Ind IoltLV pIeIIrd okJrl lend or wee hon hoIveI III under mild Roone ed Ind nerIItlie rooted woe tho roIII oi boroeenet Tender Lounr tnerI or hrotlm wetn it cool or thud Ill to NM mortend or hired on but lulled or II MRI Bdoro Itortloy to horbemo ho lure the auto oro ooverod with Ihlte poudery ooh Ind tho grill III to II Inebeo noon the min to too medium heIL Prth the chicken with melted Il lloro tho pleteo on the Iron ed rill IkIn IIde up The oktn oido oeurrheo eIIIIy Ind Ihould he kept down no more thon rnlnuteo It time Turn the oloeeo Ivory to minutes with lonIhIndlod tonII Ind bIsto Ire quentiy TotII eooklnI time will he to In to rnlnuten Them In chHill method lnr horttoeulny en breooto re lliNllll in eneeptlanolly lqu Ind delitlotu meol The more do condo on thI cookln Brth tho eootI IroerIIIy on melted IIt Ind ploeo on the III over hot eoIII Turn Ireouenlly Al III tomperIluro demon ey will require Iboul to 25 min utes tolII cooklny time Then Ioum Ind mnrtn thIl torn loment the mild tor oI chlo on Suueoted hIIlinI ooueeI Int elude melted butter eomhinod with erthod mile or lemon nv PEOPLE AND Till RARRII EXAMINER TRIDAY JUNE IS ml BARBICUI BAUCI mum top law IuIII eupo plneIpplo lulu mortarsI ll cup onI oouoo II butter or nururlno Cornhlnocornot Ind brown qur In IIueopIn odd plnoopplo lulu cook Ind Itlr untli mlxturo hotII Ind Is thith ened Itornwo Iron hoot Ind blend tn ytoeur onI notice Ind butter or morIIrlno Sol Ildo until needed then rehoot on em oI Preporo Iood bed at min then bIrtoecuo IrttIIly cooked Ith In oiled IrII Ioout Ineheo obove heIt toe to lo minutes or until oleer bummed out Ito rd Itruoh Ibo Iroouentl wlth hot horboeuo um turn thorn onon Servo Iny remIIn InI queo with tho Ih Rock rtho will III to Iervlnu IIdo ribo will mIkI to urvlnu Priors CIII lIII Wonttll Deoh Il 1mm FRIENDBIIIP UNIT MEET Iho Frieodohlp Unit at Cont rol Unllod Churrh UCW hold thelrtltnol meetlnI oI tho III Ion It lItrImIr Gordenl htone dIy ovenInI Juno II holder hlro hlnrlnlr eromood her UllllhR to Ill her Iroup lor tho help II the CtilT hIn ueI held recently Ind to Ill toIn who donnttd load Iollowlnn tho Chlneno dinner tho Iroun odluurnod to tho then go tor Ihottnu DY Ioryy Ind Pt Tho next moellnn will In held In Septomher whrn onoh morn her In in min In Inron for hoe Noycrnhor hnInIr IIrI Sinrlotr reminded hrr group to think honour over tho Iummor monitor maunntrnu rnn Ut ohl will hold on Illernoon leI dundoy Iuno It won pm to pm in honor ot her dquhlerI DouroIn whoIo uttld Inn will tIII plIeo lot to thrill Churnh Ivy HOLDEN ANNIVERIART 0n the oeeIIlon at their Nth woddlny Innlvmnry Itr Ind hill ltonry VIndIrheoh to hrItod It Inmlty dinner port It tho ContlnoniII Inn with their children hlr Ind lIrI Arthur unnnorheek nl nouooo II Now York Ind hIr Ind ItrI Ion NeIIoI nI wtndoor AIIo Ittendtny thI pIrty wero thrto Iltlloo children loInno Jell rny Ind stowort Ind IIth don one It Arthur VIn III children RTRAWDEIIRY RUPPRR Ihnrnton United Church to pro IrntlnI ltI Innunl wheny Iupper next Wodnoodoy Juno to from MI pm to 730 pm ANNUAL CIIURUI IRRVlCl otd Km Church oro town Ihlp will hold ltI InnuIl ohurrh Iorvlro Sundoy Juno ll It pnn Raising Family Great Task When Theres One Parent TORONTO tCl pronto III in onorm tookoven whon thorn on no tho upI lull dawnI IIut Allll hnpyono To Inoot ily II In when Iuddrnly Ihoro It only on lomeI White rIIht worn on rortrd Iround tho Iehnol hy Itudont guide lorry Moon tErInunor Photo tloung And Old Toether At Maple Grove School Tho younI Ind thI nldor Int Iotethu Wodneodoy Ind yeIler du II ItudentI oI IIIIplI Grove While School Intortolnod Ienlor them It the MM In contuno tton no Senior Cltluno Week protect oi the rod elrht Ituoento IIIIIlod hy principnt Brueker Ind Mu lln N99 It eonItIted oi tourI Ind lunch In tho Iehoolo tthrIry Wodnoodoy tho Itudento hoototollnooplolrornlho polo Ilotulnl Ienlor elllt tptrtmont eomploxeo on Burtnn Into Ind Bophlo Street lrw qutowm trnrn tho trove PIrk homo Ind tho Odd tellm homo Tooehoro In tho Ichool Io erItod by opentnl thelr olnoI room to tho vlnltoro lllolltiltl them to lIko port In Iomo ol the Iotlvlllol Itudent outdo wII IIIth to every two euqu to onIuro thIt tho ruqu wero on thoroua tour At lunch tlnn tho Ionlor ettII III oero Iervod III down unrh by tho grodo eltht IlrII who IIonI wll some at their oIrIntI hod preporod Iondoleh eo mokIeI Ind other deltyhto Both men III liven Iouvo nlr ol hII doyl outlnI Tho Ir II mode tom of trout nd roIIIIo work lllllll wlt Il IlnworI II lotto homo li tor their Iuootl PInInroI Ior tho IctlvllloI were eIrntd hy the ItudenII The money rolled Tole It thI Ichool urlier ovlded tor tori In our rnolI hIr Itrueker out he tell tho tuo dIyI Mlhlllll hId been Imt Iurcou Ind helped to trtnl tho alter people Into can not oltlo todIyI youth pnronlt tiltnoel ltlrton II II In thot mutton hurt to mIke lhInII lit touuhrr hi nrohlom hII multiplied by IIIthree IirlI Ind threo boyI Itr IIIrton ha been IopI rItId irom tell who tor two yoorI Inn wII Ilven tuolody oi III at Iholr onrn ohlldrrn Ily hoIle problnrn It IIroI GUTHRIE Mill CAMERON ltIr Ind lln Willlorn Cooper Ind tiny ttr at OIhIwI rolled on Air ndI Oorll Comeron one dIy IIIt work Mr Ind It Corll MortIon wero It tillihtook on Solurtln Juno II when Mr hlnrtoon Jody Id lemyl It tho llit hIr Ind llro Nornton tIth om Ind IInuly at Ann Iotor Ipent Fothoro Doy wookonri with Alox Orohlm hero lIr Ind hIrI Compbolt ouporvlloro oi tho Senior Clo IIenI lIomo It Allondolo hove Iold tholr homo It luthrlo llr htrl lluneIn Comore on how rolurnrd lrn trip to As It Vllllinl rd llrI Woodword wII look It Mom lonollneoo deureIIlon You tint yourI not really ItnIto botIqu you how children You hnuo nolhlnl In common with mottled eoupieo Iny morn Inn nothlnr tn tom mrnt with roll Ilnrleo Youro atlnuyht Iontewhero In tho mid Mr lttrln hownyor lI only one at lot number ol Con diInI who tho IImo Iponnlhlllty Tho VInlIr Inolltuto ol tho IImlly IIyI IInIIIoIIInt IImI IIII Imount to II nor rent oI tho lotIl In Connor bond on In nin IIIo FOR LADIIS CHILDRENS CASUAL WEAR SHOP AT lletholcolArtIJogom norm our my ootuohlnrtn Itldhnnt Ior EIIino Eltroheth Robertlon dIthter nt IIIr Ind tin Robertson YonIo Street Dorrie yoduotod TDIII tho Itoon VIclorII IteIlooII School oI NurIlnI sotuedoy tune 12 liter Robertson will loin tho ototl ot RoyIl Vittorio Hotpl tIl In tho IIII Phdo hy Leo Cowpor studio yBooIrIoI menu IrwlI Spooro Ill hit Ind Ilro hell thoeero ShInnonStreot Ind formerly oi toy received on Moon bubolor ot ScieoII do poo trorn tho Unlvoroity ol Guobh IIlIy II no rumors ItDVISES Seventeen Pretty lllIII Ann ludeIIr Itorltd letter to you couple at hnurI no left It on my derlr IItor writlnn only tow lln lly dod wIIltod hy Ind on IIId In hIlIklddl woy III you oro writing Ann Lon don out mom who you hovo to oomplnln Ibttltl didnt Ianor At tho dinnu tohlo ho ItIrtod Iln Dont loud when you or llelro your pIIInlI to Ann IIIIIIII ho Iuro to tell her you hove your own trio hnno thIt no romndolod your room Ind nut In Itereo Bo Iuro to mention IhIl we pro mloo you trip to Europe next Iummer otter IrIduIIJon ltI Iunny wno rain to men on oil thnIn thtnyon dll Irmt context Ity wh lilo Item to ho Ihlnrn thlnII Ihln Ind morn lhllll Id Ilody Ilvo up III tho thtnyI It my por enLI would only trut Ino lkI on ndult cont roroll over hovlnn hnd tell converoottnn with either ot thorn gum thin to my problem Ann IonderI IthIlI tho IolutlonlToo Morin Ind Too Llltle IloIr Toot rather you one Ihoul I1 Ind thin in pretty Inn to try to lnllIIII your ttrIt reol Innuorontlon with your nor entI From your tIthorI romork oqurno you two In operItlnl on ditterent woyolenllho IIrrnto who holtovo Ind trip to Euro In It int Union oy hnmmo udder II nor on Ind they reIIIII they hm no rolItlonIhlp with thor children PRllirl thlIllT Illll FRIEND Ilene AnI IIIderIx Ilhnuld enntlnuo to romnln Irlontlly with perIon who to In dooporolo nood oi Eroillllllll hpln Iron thnulh oroiIIIonIhIn II tle onln my own ontntlnnIl hII Ian Tho prrInn hoonl III on tho phone tor nrl tho ronvorIItIon quIi In wlth her moomlnI Ind hInItnIup no too tool Iony tor her but Mr tnr my own mentnl hIIlIh Ilontoltmelt IItIr nnrllculorly Itnrmy InIIlnn II III dIyI bl ioro Irn onto to Ruin my VAlSShoppo EIIo Rood Whore you not pononol Iorvleo In mil lion wlth Itll prleoo PARKINO INTRANCI AT RIARINTER PARKING LOT FROM BRADFORD 0R TIPPIN ST YTo Start Conv sation Dunn we um liruond lln lime Top II IIIIIo Tom IlrIdIoreI oduItod horn Whuton Ooh Io Wheolor IlliooII on lunt it wlthhoe Blnhoi oI AllI Wm to DIN XIII Full wIII Ittend IdeArthue CoIIoIo or Ilduution It Quoono Unl rerolty In Ntnuloo Late ThII hII hop nrd to no uIt Ihout onloy writinI lottorI me ltI tho next but Ihln tn nonven tlon IInt undonlInd why vor momont It lull Ilpoo ololten Why oro Io moo Ikbotvn Myotory moo nlllnl Wroppodt Not III dIrI lkt torreIooodontI Iro Iloho Some on then nleo loIttI who rnony time II Iroumur IthoLrIpoltlnIJhou penrnonohlp or uonunor they rorood lotltr Ilter th tny nrltton It on It oounoo dumh or IIlItIrIII on they do eldo no lotttr It Ill wood hetlor Ihln tht thoyvo writ ANN TANDEM RIO oI bIlIIIN II In your oplnlon Ihould dloeonUnuo tho rololtonohln pleno tell mo how to Ihow thII perm with her weltAII ten Iteoono Iudmnt honey heeIqu you novor know why people dont ertI lleor You an hoot holp your triond hyvounutlny tho nImII ot two or lhreI doo on who hm llllptd othe Only In Intronwly ItIhlo Ion eon lolernto tho Ihuno II Ilrk permn without toollnl hurt or roIonttul You nhvlouoly rIn not hIndtI It Ind you Ihould not try DRRFLlcI CDRIIIRTONDRNTR ltIIr Ann IInderIt Plonoo toII mo whnt II wrnn1 wlth mnlo who do not Inoer otlorI Yhouo rolled lrlendI tony rtlolonm ontr Intended norlndr IIIIan tool to III II thoy or ht on tho phnnI they lettrr Inllho mnl Iodoy NEW IN TOWN Inddonttnow witoh my to turn will Why or nutou II III mom no man it Brldoo Guido Whmwoddin ooo lnthnnuhgmnm dildodttohowwhuoto Sowovo Ago Woddioy Gutdohootleetohelpyon geothlnporgontrodond koeythentorladtt rum IMM uhfnnfnoro onone new idoyinn Altoenllnrooodono thotuIndIne Chonoeluoyouli doooo Friottoomtoe IhoIlrIdooPIrontot When ohm woddlnlwml met Ilium ronnttoetholhtdoo fountomhoyon to II Ind Itoyt Moloyoumoemtlonnowl lrrootot Ilwyotltond II ltIoI ItoII ltIlt IAIIRII OOMMDNWIAWI WW no out room Wotllororootpoople