Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Jun 1971, p. 9

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Seek Wayslo Replenish Organic Matter in Soils snare ivsws mnnisnmmmvmnmss Save Familyme ol Grocer users THOROUGHBRED HORSE WINNERS ON ONTARIO CIRCUIT Oneotalop horse commonalities Is shown boldlnrhone Strsdwin wit it lochey Jim Kelly has hrtdiethreeyun old itliy Eula Bs Venture Both at these harm owned by Ernie Lieberman at Toronto have been winners are the Ont aria thoroughbred rsctn elm cult straden won the tirmas Stakes rare The current meet ing at ltosxibine continues Boost In Production Mat Increase In pork producUtin was the pillar ter Vture oi the Canadian Uvulock market last yesr It was npor ted to survey by tha hurdles department at Interlude The Increase In bog marketings more thanrailsatdrclinary In marketlnn at other classes ni Ureatocr The net result wen tbrsopen cool Iamas In the supply oi me vrilabtr ior domestic use last The Increase In hog market iap came to the record hriI ol the year and pushed the years total to the second highest on record Surrtcbewrn showed the big gest mentagr tnereue In marke ngs up by res per cent ltlsnltabn was next with see per cent Increase 1btsi rnsrtettngs at Inspected and approved packing plants was 3150 hon co with the record at assure set In 1w Live hag exports totalled rn than tomheed last year the highest level since rm h1an thanwpercartolthemwsneta the United Stateswith almost all oi the rest going in tube them early November the candles market moved to as Import buts setting the strgr tor an all Urns record tor Ins ports at slaughter caitls tram the Unltld States The inlet oi live Inverts Ior Immediate shuttles was more than 53000 heed Arerege carcass weight contin ued to increase and are rm by mars than seven pounds to an average oi arts pounds CALF ltlAlillll 0n the call market the tea her In siltlrna hid pro dueling tor the province at Que be at 55130 bend Steep and tails markettrips were down by use per cart The total was 118121 bead down by more than more There was an Increase In the intake oi leader Iristbein Odlarin and Saskatchewan but this was oilset by decreases In Alberta and Manitoba DorrrinIon bureau ol statisch surveys indicated that the term pulrUnn oi sheep and lambs ncreased both at June and December This means that we can gnticrpata slight Lit creese In production this year Total output through commen cial distracts Ind hopeded sisudttereags was the lowest on record There wrs sharp decline in experts at live sheep and lambs during the year The total was bout 5650 tempts with more than 22500 in l969 AU markets except Toronto ye pstercd lower average prices ior lambs andshoep Milk Award Won By illliston Herd tum Stall well knwn Alilatun erea Guernsey erttleman John Shiblnh tuna tor has been receiving congra tulations irom irienda iue winn lng the meritorious production certiileate lrnm the Canadian Guernsey Brecdera Association Tits Shlblsh rd completed 25 records wI average produc tioneiit pounds ot milk Including porntds oi lat Cut Down Hag Prices The ttgures are contained In detailed ittt page report ls suod recently by tho markets in lasrvrntlsn section at the sedan Use and marketing bran cars Ida del oi agriculture the Increase to bog market ing was accompanied bydowrf ward on prices espee Ideas lStir Eady thBtallthrmru In Disassembling rivlhlttlnhctdcnldune Milk Replaces Sought For lambs Researchers at the hands sg Harbin rrseaxdt rlrtloa at Eroderl NB are hitting Idealist nursed the world in the search tor cheap live trill replacesr itamula lm lambs They all late the same pmb leml rst lamb mill replac es rinses contain very hish levels at both gtntdn and let much higher than milk replarrra used its calm Second there is the cost lac tarTltoislusedlnlhImllkye placer tunnels urtrstbo homog enised and the tidal nits must be spray dried Both these open tlooe add cortslderebty to the cost oi the milk placer Dr ADI Gmitl oi the Fed eration research station says the two rrislnr Nuldlllims In developing an eilectlv amb milk replscu rrw 1h proteins and int High quality spray dried akirn milk ponder la eurrsndy used to supply meet at the protein Ilowsser Dr Corrill points out that when high level at tel enmr mmenusted term at milk omits ls often sued to raise the Win lord Scientists are now comparing thde to Sundry Iirly ai ler which the grammes meeting starts at For his is the lot loItng Wednesday concentrated serum at run and lllliston Bull Sent To Europe irradiation litanellcrttoltndaehesper ALUSNN Stall bull Mdmll lrnm Gieosltott Farm at Alily ton vicinity Is one at arvrn lsa the tint shipment ol poro bred ti sent to Ballasts irons iirnsbesl Along with the birth In high class brad hellen was shipped IotlowlI based excellence oi the telly tiring the Oct ita mld D0 December period Prices at Thr onlo at the beginning oi the year were an to $38 himdredwellhl by December the average was in As result even though total markeUngs were up by short in per not the total value at hogs marketed during the year In cresscd by only as per cent The total value including the exported hogs was shampoo QUALITY STATISTICS Quality statistics Indicated that Nova Scan bogs were the best in the country with one per cent scoring rot or higher Dis tsrio quality improved Quebec duality In Win was on par siltit and British Colmnbla ini proved slightly Quality In the Prairie provinces declined ap Ielgltt continued to increase and stood at Inht pounds itarkeiings at all cattle declin ed by is per not during the year and amounted to it bead Demand was consistently strong througth the year and glint were the steadiest on rec Another record was establish ed tor qiiallty with use per cent grading either choice or good compared with 615 per cent in 965 Prlrrs ior all riassrs oi settle and calves regardless al grades higher last Higher Feed Cost Seen Raising Beef Prices Whom An Increase in the coat ol cattle teed resulting from damage to the United States corn crop indicates that heat prices could be headed for en upswing to Canada during the second hail oi tori TltnTorocast which crisis irons Grocery Products tirnulrctums oi Canada said that lb per cent reducUon In last years US corn yield is slrnal that points to new price uctuations to but Damage to the corn was tuned by test blight American Igrlc uitural sources warn that the condition Is expected to rents this year While last summers po or rsop did not have an immediate Impact on the prices oi heel and poultry another bad your will virtually ertsure lead shortage and still higher prices tor com said Steele president Products hlsnuiart result or short supply or teed will be to Inllu eaee decline In annual cattle breeding In the its When that happens it Is not dlillcult ta luresee rblng demand Inr Canadian retest Imports and subsequent hills in domestic prKm toe assocIanor proichon tor the next several moths and study at recent retell price movements included review at the consumer price Index since the Iirst oi the year All compon enta irichrding transportation and hoisting shorted gains with the Index charted at its at the end oi April In upswing oi per cent since last December In that tour month period the tood comovncnt rose 25 per cent to 1291 itr Steele said But the and Index Is almost two per cent lower than in April 1m when recording to the Do minion Bureau oi statistics 1t stood at 1115 Consumers are paying more for toodsiuits now than last December but certain ly less then It months ago REDUCED IlIlCES Intensive competition by chains in the supermarket price was brought down retail prices In the IIan quarter or this he said Hhlleprces were being held down and business toilow ed price restraint practices number ol cost pressures contin ued to mount It appears now the the meter impact oi the super market prlce war was most sig nitlcant In the initial stages the skirmish Indications are that prices are moving upwards in suels and this trend is expected to continue its Steele added that Litre levels wUl be influenced by me Is raw material and labor costs related to production and distrl button It ioodsluth Seasonal tac torn will cause some Increases before new crops arriv It the market The Industry group ssldthst Indicators point to strengthens log to consumer demands tor goods and this coupled wttb what ams to be an ending ot price restraint agreements by brniorss with the Prices land Incomes Cornmimlon likely will prolong cycle at higher prices Ollculling the trend to some degree will be continuing high level at unvmpioyrnent and perhaps short term climate ol caution in consumer buying Itr Steele said that the study showed recent trend sway irom luxury canned Irons and convenlcnce ioods The reduced demand reects spiralling living costs and un employment Homemakers are spending more time preparing meals irom less expensive th goods and trash vegcleb ten to keep costs doari AII seven bulls rent to the new shipment were irom Ont ario Besides the Glenailon bull the others were Irovn Dunler Preps Jerseyvtlle Donald Bee ker oi Ayr Claude McKnight oi Brande and II Brown at Ptris The Ierscyviln innit pro vided three animals Richard Schleissuer oi Dunlea Global Exports at Brrnllord sel ected the stock ior shipment in Bulgaria me cattle will be too sled on three state terms as loundatinn stock asuuuu Handicap Date ls Chosen Thanksgiving Day Oct 11 has been chosen as the date tor the second annual Benson and Hed ges invitation handicap hoses race at Woodbine race track The first annual last year was won by horse Iron Quebec named Tanirehscho which west mm pm mm gisslharpstn Wsusaanryt Prussia Ilaas Thatcher reek bag retire oi the liberal mum deirnded the 1m to larger terms stating thens world trend in this dose tlas in retention age ttDP leader Alan Bistmey progressive lawyer from llegi and innate Rhodes scholar has expired provincial govemmeal Mild not be neural in the lamen drink with Ottawa Iie maintained the provincial government coulol do things to pruuve the lsrrrin tarps The terms who was ready to needed rash in live on young lrnm she wanted to get started needed capital It the ND ll started Say Saskatchewan and basal corn mllltlt ssotild be iorttted to buy land from the old isrrrier and lease It to the young Itth an op tied to his when Interest rates were low he espleinevi That measure alone he waittd go saving the terriin lsrrrL ltr Birkeney said limiter an NDP government world restrict corporate and loreth ownership oi lsrrn land reduce property laser and light tor the iamity term at the provincial and led crIl level lie argued the term plan would also aid many now decitniog town and villages FARM BRIEFS RWRCIT STATION Agriculture hilnlster It tBudI Olson and hihiic Works hllnlster Arthur lasing oillcisz opened the Ste loy Que can Ida agriculture research station recently Quebec Agriculture and colonisation minister Nor mand Toupln and other province IaI representatives also took part in the opening ceremony The Ste Fey Research Station Ls lo rated on the outskirts oi Que bec th steer lanai Universitys iseully oi agriculture AW Yommmgaluad Timeless ahouldsdrimnchlotha Orgrnic matter transom the beau it holds water tits their isnt room orgsnte nutter In the salt water and air cant nroiw abuts treciy roots arent able to penetrate and there in grater water and wind WM It was listed out 1wtwethnbrldgs se ultralight Mind piyotovgrsicmattertathesoti II to the larrner are loltstlgab tag other aspects ol organic met ler as well Nutritional Value Taste and visual appeal In new or rymbrtlc iood products are considered Important by menuiaelurrrs but nilen insul llcient attention is out to the nutrtUonII value oi these load stulls Proicasor lilll depart ment oi nutrition University at Guelph stated that the nittrtUon at value or convenience nods must be imprinted and that these must be more concern tor tood salsty Proteasor Bill suggested tour guidsUnes tar iood arier and nu trient quality The nutrient value oi the product should be comparable to that ol the iood It replaces or ruppltemenls The nutrient content should be related to the place at the pro duct ln lha diet Ntstvtent replacement should be compareble ta calorie cool eat Any nutrient delldeneioa In the diet timid be eliminated Improved methads oi Iood pro scrvatlon have lied to the great Increase In new loud products standing at agarsic matter stain am 511an 201M root perr Email mowing alonntda nirnrtse issue can prostdr here tor extremely hardy stem lode to spread Into lobaeu plant and beds to neenbotsees says Dr Wt Potterelitism Ida department It IRANll research station It ttnetand its recommends that tobacco nois rrr rlear needs may irons their greenhouse areas Altered social patients have changed inmin caUng hshltr increased emphasis Is placed in convenience loom minimum preparation yet hav logltempUng eye and taste sp One new end In riled and syn thetic milk Filled milk Is milk with the bullerisl removed and replaced by non Isl such II coconut oiL This eliminates pol yssturnlnd let that is oiten linh ed with circulatory problems Synthetic milk ln complete non slairy substitute manuleclured lrnm soybean till end Nor has es llhtle nynhclir yniik Is not yet available In Canada Protes ser 1111 en It has possibilities as nutrient tiller in products like bread that are made with milk Food and drug regulations do not yet permit this usage BEGIN IDLIU MW AP Animals train the son to Aims Ara cspt tal oi central Asian Kazakhstan have begun summerlong roo ducted tour at outages along tha banks at the Oh and Irtyeh nv ere the Soviet news agency Tess reported Reline When we reline your brakes we do lot more than reline your brakes Even it all It did wan reptsesyeur ihsawr install its new hrrts rigs each wheat it the spring revision ls worn Irlh luainll this would he IulnurghlalsllrontlinlIhsd steal our err will pull to on vio who you vatI Sons imponroiw Diebeall am We inspect your brake fluid lines toe la and bark be Your lives III In normal Almoneri The top lous ilnlsbers in the em Queens plrta Prince at Weiss and Breeders stsku rt Woodbine along with winners oi Alberta Quebec Sassktchewsn Canadian Manitoba rrrd trsh oiled to parts lem Melvyn Stakes issuers also will be included The race ls over rude and hail on the dirt track and Can ullity handldllninpr Theyre push aritIrd $1200 rrwlu lessening the ms ot the anIn ystarit rs assertion So you psi good vs or let your manly Im In In leisure Hiding System scisiisis itI our moonme mat run that annoy ear that tasvrr our rarviae center in rats opnrrnnp condition We start by your new linings on our powders grind This hatps to assure that they will will and torr lnoos about their condition The next step is as rIran your inner and nulltilntll lhlll hllntigl WI cl them sarshrlty inspect chant ior itawr sit yrplth than an tongue or on this could ear out an adianb std Egresscub are Bernese We will provide hall ol the 150000 prise money with the 0rd arlo Jockey Club putting up the other race saith rhI drums lol my III trill TRY BMW WRIT ADS PHONE mutt uIHEt rssa 100 IAll Indie Conhotlcd Care 424 5252 14 HRS DAY DAYS WEEK BORDEN ANGUS AREA PARCEL DELIVERY We hiss Den Brat VII Never Close 88DUNIOP ST Now Open Thursday Until braking an Inapeetgous tars drums in nmlhlldlvanlhhbltnim you money Imusewhssl hearings In badly damsgsdtlthl original gneuhsscstrdrnd one restorm picion nsrnraos to tit most models at FORD CHEV OLDS this natty ta guita bargaini Satr1 treasure courts and mu tend robber mew satire and dollars Ihlld PONTIAC PLYMOUTH 7266585 Annex III IN pass along ya rvsraos We irrmll top nurt isyhrrirvpslsr all lourwhanlt Warluia Indnpacayouiirnntwh hearings ins sslro blrglln In yhodyalang our iretau no pl Inks sodaswees dualith in maamsnl Ilothnpsm and are remind you mue rd vissdbslors hrodaladdtisnrl rants Jack Nicklaus IFirestone misstAooount esteem

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