nouns sitcoms urination T0 muons OlMVrA lift Ailer Mn oil that she can only othnato Is nsiluons oi let ter tor Douglas Bier mr lidtlnnon admin to truce oi battle tstigne Alter 71 years guess you cant maintain sense oi humor all the lime lint ltlII lirlttnnon who has been with llr Douss since he set up North Arnert on first socialist government In Saskatchewan In mt Is going to stay on the secretar III ring has little larger lir Dongiss It down this year sites ecode sI tederal leoder oi the New Democratic Party Ind wss succeeded by David lzwlr his hot lit Douu Io sta ng In others as In lil and Eleanor llcliianon la ng with him been that My ever since Juno oi tell when atlas liclilanon III secretary in medial woulnlenduts at the and got unwise to all imutmithomhaat ehewan premier who hsd lust led his tMpersttVI Common Ieaitls Federation iorerunner oi the NDP to victory lir Douglas oiiered Eleanor ihs secretarial lab in Retina CAME FROM BLUE Although the lob otter came out at the blue lllss bic ltinnoa and the new premier hsd been lrlenda tor long time Irlendshlp started In no It Ute baptist church In Weytaum bark where liiss thicthnmI lather was super Intrndent oi the Sunday school The post at reacher be came vacant selection at replacement narrowed down to two menlir Douglas and also mural replIoed stur leyAnnltcltelreyIapreIldmt oi the run Joyce liadill has been elected acacia and another young man Iith so elslul bent Stanle Knowles Mr Douglas got appoint meat Lrtrr the two men rat to gether in the Commons It rnemberaot the NOD sir Knowles ts still the pIrtys house leader ltllu hlelilnnort recalling the situation in an interview said her lather staunch lib ersl had some misgivings about the new soelllist preacher But rlillerenccs In politics outlook were oscr come Ind sir Douglas be came close irlend llte ismlly lured him bhs didnt hesitate when tlse Regina lob oiier cIme Beams ticklinan worked with lir Douglas through tour provincial elrctions itdersl election dclral lust Ilier er selection as national leader at the then newly iorrnod NDP hyelection win that got him Into the Commons In last eabsaqrun wins In two gen east elections another ileiea In Ill and another reentry in the llnrsao byelectlon So the road has been anything butsmooh MAIL POURED IN ts thinks perhaps the roughest limo Ior hrr was the tall at ma hen the NDI war pract alone in can de the governments use at the liar liessures Act not Quebec terrorism lioslila mall poured In at tho height oi the cr sho said At rst it was to one Iinnst the partys stand on the War Ileasures Art But the situation changed as more and more people came to agree with the NDI view thIl the government action might have boon too harsh atria Punk AIM Iah tbs ltelen Gray Trophy II Kinetic Bsrllstln oditrr From Iatt Shirley Ann ltrlielvry Joyce It was interesting to note this change alter wiuie she said with some sstlstsc tlorL liut area when the mail was highly critical Eleanor lic htadil Unis Mile and hernlcalaiterult tEnlIdM lm lttnrton and her IIIII put out petite answers to every letter As she remarked with pride alter IT years Thats boon the rule Ill along Beats Machines lire Buried In One hllAlll iAPl lronwarker icon ledbctier ashy man aged to bell the pinball ma chines at his neighborhood aimwills In Ice Lodbelter 31 said that the din gltn brightly ashing same maintainer took olnsea trom his sons and their pots lie said one son It had been srrssled ior stealing dlme has oi Inuts Iiter tin obIll mI gahblod bis sunning lyetlbettcr splla red the aphineslervlng Ila bur rd In one As at Sunday police still Ip parently hsdat gotten into the act sheritrs spokesman said Nobody has told us Ibout It REE MORE AUTONOIIV TORONTO tCtl Council tor the horoum oi York voted lionday to ask the province to give lIrger municipalities ycnicr autonomy The motion was reaction to the provincial governments decision to cancel extension oi the Spndlna lir prossway despite split drcl Iion by tho Ontario Municipal Blonrd which Isvorcd the extra son Lilacs Decorate Church For Recent Orillid Wedding ltIren Diane llurrsy at Ten onto became ltrs Wayne Tha mIa For It the Orlllis Presby terian Olurch Bots and purple lilacs coraied the church tor the double ring ceremony oiiieiatlng clergyman was ltev Eric Beggs Parents at the bridal couple are llr Ind lira llclviils Hum Ortllla and ltr Ind Toronto and Soloist lira Erie heggr mg The lords Prayer and Prayer Periett accompanied by David ll Brown at the organ Escorted down the aisle by her lather the bride were Iioor longtb town at while styled with pulled sleech and train The empire waistl hlgir neck line and the train wore cliched with lace and ribbon and bodice and sloevcs icstured sp pliaued lace sores tier heads dress Victorian cap with morn lace roses held long veil ed ed withlaco and ribbon to mIIc the trim on the train hire car risd nossgsy oi yellow and mauve lowers wills white rtbh one she received good luck horseshoe broom tram Scotland by cousin llEAll BLUE AND WIIITF Matron oI honor llrs Brian Finder Inca Pamelr stundmes entrain at the bride wore at length gown oi white hlu stripe and billions lho pull were tilted to the elbows Ind skirt icalur ed milled hemllne She wore ellow and white daisies In her hair and carried bouquet oi yellow and white mums with yellow ribbons llrldear maid ihyIIII Weir at Ottawa entrain It the bride were In Iri enIJcsl gown and Iccrlsorler Iridermsld Diana ltull oi Ibroa WW nan htrcbmara mus whrre couple received iris congratulation irom ll Ulhm itd thshrldashrotherlla liurray hlrantl ties due to Iii health But soon was Brian Finder oi alias and Jerry tiuaito both It Toronto The tocrpdva was held at the to at white tihols by Jesus insuahmsy bruit hill AND lillb WAYNE lOX Ilsa happy ngmI at Burnaby In llrs ll lreslon Wt oi Inna gucota were pic lloxttole sent lrorn OttIII Toronto tissu Iltoa Montreal Bowling Onsp Ing llruccbrltlge llitersrn lin ds1sy and llttntlvllle newt ed are living It Is lieewatn Apt out in Toronto Ws Excitang In common attrition strut in ruins Alter to years brother and sister are back together again lirtty llsrousdt travelled the va irnm Florida to be reual wills her brother Codi Gregory alter titty two so years ol beinghaeparalcd Al on present It retralnn was utlian Gregory Cecils wile whom lirs ltIrduIdt hadnt am either The teuplian wu held at the ham at it Er ENGAGEMENT PARTY pany was held Friday June to II the home at Mr and tire ltonald liaison Janine Street Barrie to celebrate the engage ment at their only daughter lion na Dorlne to Peter do Vrles look Street Barrie Relatives and irlervda attended Irorn llsm Iltnn Woodhrldgr Orlllla Ala llston Phelpstoo and Barrie LOJ ANNUAL PICNIC Independent order at Forest cns tourl licmptnielt No till will hold Its Innust picnic and camp out It lisss LIkc Sunday June Tl During the Iticmoon the trailer draw which has been extended trorn Wednesday Juno It to Sundly will be held OlllN IIUUSE An open house will be held to honor llr and tire Robert Turnbuli on the occasion their 59th wedding anniversary at liastcr Orange Iiall Salut day June as trorn pm to pm and train pm to pm SIIOWEIt FOR IIRIDEiELECl Pamela ianc Allan at Chur chill was honored at miscel laneousahnwer Saturday It the home at tire OConnor borough Boctalaairs Irs intestra to cover the general social tits at the city District weddings IlrileI IrIrellers and visitors IreIlIlienrs at Interest to readers at this page Your help Is Involrlns this nests Imtaer 1mm and ask tor the Womens Drporlment Gunn Street llIrrte liclpln to serve the lunch were iha bride electa cousins ltlss Janice llur phy oi lsllngton and hlisscs Is and bingo DAmbroslo oi Peel Street Darrin Quinttown guests were present Isqu Toronto Sun lsllngton Nobleton lng ton Cooksloun Ind Chur oi PIANO AND VOCAL RECITAL Tha pupils oi once Langiord will present piano and vocIl recital at Allandsin lielmts pub lic school Wednesday June It at bass guitar will be FAMILY REUNION The Im Ismily will meet Thursday uly at Sprlagwl Course About Environment UrgedFor All EDMONTON iCP course in environmental educa tion should be started Ior all new teachers and urged on present tcachcrs at summer school or evening classcs says Dr Griliiths tnrstca tor the Lcduc public school board In an artiste in The Alberta School Trustcc Dr Griilltltr writes that tile public has be come aware std doplarcs the results at unlimited exploitation oi the environment But the causes and need Ior Involve ment were known only to iew We have taught our children that noluro nxtsls tar us to plunder or to admire in mo ments at satiety Schools had concentrated too much on skills and too little on values students should be taught the Iscts oi animal and plant Inter dependence the circles ol mai ier In trod chains the virtual lndsnlrurlihiliiy oi somo chemi cuts and the must cilcstlva teaching would result ltom Iesrhcr who brings vcoloylroi ronrldcruilons Into ovary lesson anti inpir dircuvsril In tho classroom lllltlULl Illi DETAILED lie recommends the source tor teachers bI iIlrly detailed Ito will know that on world It being poisoned by our own nctiaru but hs will not expect to dis tonnrrow nor believe himsell powerless to Incrt the process The teacher who had learned Teachers such environmental concerns would be able to bring these Into tha classroom II III levels and In all rublects in Grades and when he teaches Our Community he discusses water some and garbage disposals ls well Is batter doctor and policemsn IAI the Junior high school lavcl tor Instance the teacher could deal with Industrial potlu tlon or the problems at chsml cnl waste disposal along with the more iormat science Nllll Ito believes that ii teachers have In Inaiiiled awareness oi the Interdependent cysch oi the total environment this will be pound on In the chlidrrn This will not be rastly achieved because It dcprnds on changa at hurt at many teachers Ind will probably produce an attitude in students only partially acceptable to prassnt society Nurerthelesl the luture at human survival probably tie nds upon series oi actions heated on In awareness oi cnI romncninl conditions and will lngnrss by the whole populItIoa to pry the price at remedial Its tlon CUSTOM DRAPERIES Roma and Commercial tilde llasgs at lsbrtrs For less consultation call OWENNA LITTLE it ing that it neat Measuney hits liar ts niece Front Ieit up an Grelm Aoll Oregnry Iod lletty liarqude illum lner Photo Csndelsbrl holding llglted kereps with while sequins candles and Iys oi pint cIr std outiinlngthewlistlines nations and to gisdioii tom nuadrrtncollsrslbmtement ed he backgrwna tor the seed do goanl they worn long ding at Amy Kethleen Sinclair pores and carried baskets Indtlarry William Boyer IiAv white daisies lad Iii enlng United much on llay lions Dairies wcr 22nd liev Ahert lllgglubotharn dons through their hair plrthraithohelrdtbe Mr Eldonsharpaistl marriage rows Itiesrid the WWII Mg Mrs Grace Terriegen at hsr Il ml rte prayed the wedding music DoWI Huv Ind lilac Velma lllgginboihaat 0M oi Oteesnoro sang 0b Perloct aw3 mutilatedtho register was be gm erns at oi Wusgs Reach inrmerly oi Avcnlng and ihehrlde to We mm be shantung dress with less cost and bone accessories Given In mIrrisge by her liar corsaga was cirrbldlran lather the bride upre noon rhlds Tbs grooms mother Iongth gown oi white silk Otto sisted In light green mIn designed along elIssle his tone dress with lIcs sleeveless es and leaturlng lees yoke with coat and white accessories clipped lace iormlng wedding owers were pink and white ring ag lhshlecfbnotli as roses ropes on as was at the cuiis oI the bishop sleeves ofilinhnhfdizsihmsi The Mr chapel train was luv ward Jenningstn lisrrie Miami Wiorabowtikh Ireiora lcsring on trip lag It to the roleoiths sown the lIer Iourrllprrd mum illusion shims lithium veil was held In place by chu tor oi white allk roses ller bou ter Park areas three and tour lot istttlly reunion hlontbers Ire salted to park picnic baa kei tor the occasion TODAYS RECIPE This recipe inr llsmhurgcr Provencsio Is what you nced to have on hand this surrmrcr Iur your husbands annual stIg Ior porch supper or In anytime lunch Serve It with garlic bread toasted under the broiler and crisp salad The two plots at trash mushrooms In the recipe may be substituted with zIa ounce cans shred mushrooms drnlncd llAhtllUIlGlill lllOlliNCALE lbs ground bch to oil lsrge onion sliced garlic clove crushed tplnts lb mushrooms whole or sllccd III or can stewed tomatoes sou or can tomato paste parsley salt II thyme II peppcr In large skillet brown ground bcci ltenrovo with slatt ed spoon and drain oil iIl lloat oil In some skillet and saute on lon and garlic until lightly brown ed about tour minutes Add mushrooms and saute until gold en about two minutes Return meat to pan Add remaining In gredients bring in boil re duco heat and simmer carcred About thirty minutes Turn Into heatcd serving dish Sc with toasted garlic bread and crisp salad Sir servings TO CUT ltklttlltD NEON iCl lltA ic tor ol Csnsds said Monday llIrry llelIionte will cut his next record It the companys Toronto studios The album will Include excerpu trum his por Iormnnris st OKeoie Centre and wit quality rs Custodian content under the tanadtan lin utn Tolerisi Commission rul cent at all records plsyct on radio bc oi CInIdlIn or part was remlaoclde oi pink carnations white mums and ate phanotis centred with white orchid ltlrs Robert Orr oi Downsview wss her sisters matron oi hon or otherattendaata were lira Marlyn Jennings si lIrrlc sis ter oi the bridegroom hire hon bars DIcltenson oi thlllngwood and lira Sandra Deltunlk pi oaltvtile classmates oi the bride All sttendarns were dressed silks Insteevetosstloorllmh MIN wsvnusit lly hills DRlNlllLL lsuls Uulltd thurrh llldlan conducted the communion se rice in United Church June It The daughter oi Mr and Mrs Robert Devettvsndron oi litr angdllrs Alden Start where bap llr and lira lilolrls Darby and Janice spent June It In With owdaln with their daughter and son In law Mr and Airs Cameron Straits llrs Rhoda llell at Toronto ls ipendlng some time at her home ere it and tin hrnrst tumm Ings oi Willowdaie spent iew days with clorkc Tkew also visited lira ormmlngs mother llrr Tkew In General Hospital In Penclang ltcg Drinklll is pnlient In Penetong General Hospital Gwen llobtnson is in the some hospital the result at broken cg ltlrs Elbert lrenctr attended bridal shower iar her sistcr Icnu llcsloy held iVIsey tunInd lir ery Smith at Toronto his art hlrs Tom llur ray at Kingston visited Mr and hire Wallace Wood The Vl hold their June mccl lng II the home at llrs Lloyd Armstrong The great grand mothers at the community were their guests The lunch was salad plate Itcvin and Stophcn nch ltanita titers Judy Laiondv worn among the tirade pupils who spent hook at Cuntp lili chtlrcwaun lilsr innlcc Darby spent wick It the same camp as counsellor SFEEIIL SKIRTS 65 lluroniu Cleaners lere Pickup Isl Delivery ittlttl It liar IsrlvcII inrstlne pant dress with while accessor es lyweds will reside at lIo llllln ltoatt Thronto Guests attended horn tolttngwood Petwan er Orangsvllle Barrie and more HONORS Gust liay Sampson ron and llrs Lloyd Sampson station rmived an Bachelor oi Applied dcgrce In Engineering convocation at the University oi Watcrloo play it at present rmpinycd with Dominionleldin Engineer III Company at Iplo In this wonu theres always room for one more hit rWoIromo Wspoh hostessnow Phone lbw or llpon their return Ilium