viii 3597 were Jslesuarupaasnsr SP Alpriidlthesiiysubaldls btssitseremisthstdes ta dssunaandor nos aoIdrrsustsg campaign uepermiiestttilssplraii mentored tltarnrtiurtterttymoraurh yurtmssmaatsataunpm atlon lbsreporl edbrAJ Munrtnmpsoyiorthe sbowrthatpaaseoser rev easepermiiehardroppadlosn sgenluuntaironlalm Isotusudstmater them Atlan mill Ouva North and West rotate theateraga tor the tint tour Mthl ct ll has dipped to hit cents mile trons mo Is uags oi as and not Image rat yor les Cooke lrtdsy re iterated his support in endorstn hostel under the ledrra mm tor Youth prop rants startle nt toepersta city this summer it city dodged approves it last Monday nishi lit committee recommendation riotous the hostel pro rsm tallied Cornell will eat aontprbent Occupstiossl bellnipped indivkitui WPW traiuiullsgaredtorehrntha tralmlo concludith DBPITEROUTECllilNGESJMThNSlOMS Bus Revenue Per iralling Dournward the report ldeotiiiu tour Ireaa is tor the city to stud ta the mic area served and industrcy oi services it the service more than is requirch are the rates in line wllit other municipalitiesl whet degree oi subsldlsatlan tor partictrtar ms is socially hat lt lurilltablcl City ounrll had asked tor the audit to use It In aid is deter rnintn what it any changes shots be made beiore contract ed Any dilierrnce between this gure and revenue received paid to the company by the city UP 10 20 11MB On the basis oi guarantee oi so cents and ceuia puree grr revenue ms on the that South Al lI route tha city subsidy la la times what the restorers pay So tor each dol dl paid uanrlil raiders the ya sues snw reeefder item the riders deport slates himtiasly on the NorthWest rotate the city pays til times what the public la paying The report recommends that the revenue requires the most It tendon Some oi the considera tions on operatic the service must be social not economic since the hill service to printer tty tor older Irtd younger sectlos the on unity with the tabled reronanendrtion pectsl meeting illooday It Is put to the council chr er at city hall support the program II it has been presented the mayor said seem reason to change Mayor Cooke also said he sup ported resolution on youth boar leis passed It the annual meeb tog oi the Canadian Federation at More and it uh tcipstltles which he attended this week The resolution called tor the iederal government to advance plan with municipal soveru bavorslmntunity From libel resolution passed It tits ass nuIl convention oi the CaoIdIIn Federation oi lleyurr Ind lion tetpslilier tailing tor the esters alon oi trrtrnurtlty item the Cars adtIrt Libel Act to municipst emsnetis received support trots Barrie Mayor lea Cooke slayer Cooke and Dlvld Drnirn were among the are delegates who attended the conesnttrd in llaskstooo this wesk ldayor Cooks said be support on the resolution brsicsiiy be Alchsssa ol menhlp is to slur tea prominent harrie mute nest month tinted Dangarileld rice pre aldeot Indgenerrl Iaier manag er oi Dsnserileid ltotors lid said lolly that negotiations tor the sale oi the Gerteral Motors dellerllllp are underway it concluded the sale will he to Eldon Ind Scott ol ties with who will air GM sirsnchtse under nIms Sadl ou and Scott ltolurs Proposed date or llle is July Drngeriield llotors was thus led in Barrie by George Band lly cause other government bodies such as provincial legislatures and the tiouu ol Commoul have lrrutlunlti irom liberal IC lions reruttlns irom statemcsts made during rlltlnrs ol those hod as it Is msticr oi coili the mayor said Tltoasw are new on council could be in htbiled by the possibility ot sontI actlutt lie emphasized that there is no problem in this regard in Bar rte but It has lleprnod to other cities position oi prssi One son Brute le rtdent and general er oi the iirm srtd George is company man lir Dangereld hr came in limit in this and opened Dod ss dealership later to become General blotora agency on Coti lcr Street The company later moved to ilI present location on hradiord Si ldr Dangerllcld will continue to operate Barrie Drive Crr and ttertr rental lranchiae irom tha same tasrrttres Four Sons 0i Lodge Member To Be Initiated Thishllernoon Corinthian lodso will hold an emergent mectlnl at harria ltasnrtte remit this also tit soon allour oclock tor the pur pouoi initiating tour sorts oi member Gary ll Alas Worshlplul hiss ier oi thatodga sIld this is un ion In the history at ortnthlln Corinthian No or was iounded in tile and is tilleldest or the lhr limit hits letter in llarrle The candidates on bri urday are the tour Inna ot ltro er Les ltertrIm oi ltldhurst who will be ciliclatlog in his ea psclly as Junior Deacon tit Wnr Dre trestle Crook lormer Deputy Grand Master tor Georgian Dirtrirt oi the Mason ic order in Ontario and Part tilt at ltcrr lodge will dlreci the degree wort lie is an uncle oi the tour Bertram brothers yesr The contract between Greer WWW Transportation Ltd and the city expires at the end oi August The audit report is died by the public worta corn mltlae metals when establishing hosle The governments present po mb is to set titerrt tipl tion with community cltlse groups rather than munlcl 0de ythtn In me an should talk to tire local govern earlier Friday ments rst hisyor Cooke Cooke lieElected To National Board atsyor ies Cooke was reclv ected to the nItIonal board at directors or the Canadian Fed eration oi llayors and Munici psitlu at he annual meeting At the loindry convention which setrt llondsy liayor Cooke was Ilsa member oi the nominating committee or the produce oi Ontsrlo and called caucus oi the representatives irons Ontario in this capacity lie was one oi eirht national board members elected item the Ontario reprucnlllltea It the convention 21 lluctioneers licensed ln County lhrenty ona auriloneerr have been licensed by Simcoa County counctL The number corresponds with the number oi licensed suction am last year sixteen received renewals sometime are The other were approved It the meeting ol council this week Licence iees wrre railud i0 the rent no this year sir in tire thirtss open house this be partially chanted trainees will dross no tor the oceaatrss Otherwise similarity in dress is one way we try to keep every thing eouat here ltr litrrsr aald At It as there are no train ees tor and innate ranging from ll totha tltlll tilt Mile MILD WDICAPPID reeldentiIl setting or the training at the mildly luthch ally handicapped the centre was opened In stay true on the site ol insurer air lorce rsdn slat wear ON Industrlsl een lor haste seer tines Vand dub onvm theceotre tractlleonawrytralnua at immunitqu hIIIIversl musculatur hdgsr earn Inseam to pay so cultivated including It centre cornmmttng on the centre the brittle arenreotra admlnta she rsgsrds as my on less hlchgrutmtl lendeutllab tst and to lla satdlt is nseetirtgrtta ell at no Visitors to the tenth during morning trainees to the cons open house will rind the stall mtrnity lla eettrnaleaup to too snerrberr like lir Burns and have returned over the live stsil st Edgar terms pool lira tarantt Imarhlbleand Tradesmtheeestressuo Willi numbers at rsr were luvolv dent Wsiiiuts quick to lot out Mm ed rstse establishment oithe that uncommonMam ate and diatch industries Illin lmll PM ualr rorthtsbutcressontbemru telly retIrdsd residents are ed but srlo man It hillldu airport ldi Cal Orlganlurs oi yosth hostel lowieela lucky to belnvoived leia shitty hope haze s3 utrsr This typeor setting cos Irrans wen rain the cry subsidised mm mm is sit uitotende this Dsralbontconchalrmanoia terrhrliyretumto scommump lobeer aide in com to with notma edlo uapururintnrwtto autls strum Mullet in minim arno ill talrree ssyrthaareru somatth ecertsasueds thuesii with drummers snnurtchrlstmas showptaysts Monday Night mush rrIcurces tn the ship with neon Over the tire to addition trainees spend irea trainer to return to the cunt Mitt lIulIIiionI to make est they are not herded in The cbtet edntiralmtur es irht now Ddrsr worlolt cubed hostel said era in Oshawa one committed when cotnsrll Somewhat lsiorrnsii attired Mimi Ind MiliICiiiiiIil Ad Sylvia lentil soother ultaln art it it iinttety the tremolo bars The item the centre are placed in like may start members Opes brldutlstrptfb Operated by the Department trainees rather than pat oi itealth Edgsr is detinltely sot tertil resolution insemsnttce MM Mm tearsiaboclal Plannhrsioviltii potent dedicated le institutions II the OotIrle rise the meutIiiy retsrdtd when the Im Stall lite Data Ca oer you Ital to OrltilI ester is in or centre nedv ti tlunII instructor was mun mm kWh butternut players on terms ties hate do mm mm tr choirhrr estah deal to to to our belli ii iii lit hot that he enter stock car Specic Site lhaimevlry lraidep could reiurb CW Willi WW protect enthusiasm rot lha carp community provided there 0iIr WI it dill Hillier mm MN comm to seele them our ears msoyolourtrsinees have mm mm lm Wm 23 WNW IN um tor and sportsmen insurer social title that will like Ir eseutiy involved with city umwwumm my It lhemawrraotour be landing shows stock car rscea patrol as eons ructive menu hi In or Wm mm hm Social Planuing Council which run run WAY 03mm Willi strips or closely supervised many InniplIe nation one has been working to open the WI while in the city This iretdoruts trainee who recently not set gladly pressed his own concept ot lid Illiiludlinl sub contracts truth In or the centres program to per hour lots with GenerIl blob three sites are still list he arr as residential school but uIrrie Iod district mantrtactttr mm gotlatedlorbuthehopeltohuva to lobed to terse this end Fretsins roll Iwi Mint till Thlilsnsucgrsrui placement lr meetr blondsan ttoconslder ltlrrueillnahluao eckedshirt electrical rtdtchea Ire among membemmaw Mum m1 this lor the secondt endorrtor heraldlniormriitmtosgwtth mmimill mltssaid Ddgrr lr becons in May project In urutnretsred program is do llsoy trainees prior to rtleaee lug known in Barrie atmupherswntldba opprsrris ntortthhoogworhstttrrtlooahi lagsvitdlrpiayrarlmlrk to and to pm June live were operatic In thou to uni sstrnoatotther lilnlt slugan hIyI beesimrdrrid bdrm nt Mos mm WERMM Eleven per llcy abrard the Yugoslav cargo and passenger Ihip August Cesare siler tire destroyed its super lure the Yugoslav sip plug tins ltlieka said Friday it it the billion vuset cIughI its white on its aid Irons llets Yugoslavtas larg est port to ttieste ltaly courtroom libido UllAWA CF The Ottawa lilies ior ltltiionr hes centrib used impel throualt ler or Canada to assist Pakistani relu gees in lndiI its board oi direoo tors announced nldsy lhlr was the tissl allocation irnm procech oi the ttlllitier tor lllliionr walk ltobtltlt orrtctss Blend In with the modern some it ot tnsursnca pro aru Large or trust run you call SABJEANT Wm live sr room at larrla senor CITIZENS went TOWNSHIP or lltNISlli Under the authority oi Resolution No 71386 passed in open Council on May drd 1071 Geo Burton itcch oi the Township oi lnnlsitl hereby Linctatm the week oiiune 20th to Ju 26th to Senior Citizent Week within the ship oi lrtnlsill hereby call upon all cttirens oi lnnlstit to pro mute the aims and objectives oi Senior Citisens Week which are at the recognition oi contributions made over the it years by senior citizens to the lite oi lnnistil and Ontario it The appreciation illegal and present services rendered by oulotsn senior citizens either Keep tan 6f ho wetter hand You never know when youll be needing ill Cascadeh lamiiyrsise tanitthat keepsltseil lull at hot water Quietly Saler die at hot water lor all those unexpected cteaninglohsranextra load oilaundry visiting toothall team playful pooch that llkeslo bring the outdoors indoors With Cascade electric water heater in the individually or its moo lions is the development oi special pro motel and projectah and tor the senior titers in the communliea throughout inntaiil and Ontario to the litmulntlon oi general interest in the know ledge oi the aging and the aged GEORGE IUitTON lies Township ot lnnlrlil cstrasos lorntcr malniInlece lose particulIrly worthwhile when you can see your person soc lly he said its could give each trainea will eventually