inset tinyoula lr 11 blind rrtan arrested here last mil has been altered lob try tluif itnrt In lllrtneaota its was restricted earlier this trait and filled did because el hi telephone scales that abel him to use human Ihis tire and equipment ot his own Intention to bypeee ions die Isnce movie and make Irre worldwide calls IAP For In curtnn Iv MM CAlIlIlLL lita Debbie Amos spent the weekend edit the Glide landly at their notes at lnnlsill Beach lrs John ilason and Mrs Georne Campbell attended the Preebytrrtai at Christian Island on June The Stewards oi the United Church are planutnn an events ballot at Guthrie hell on Wed neaday Aurusl ll Watch Ior limimided to at men ea andllrt donates Wilson in the death oI Mr Wilsons aunt Mrs Mitchell el OrlIIII PARTY Nil lit OMEN 0n tilesdey eltenroon June the Outreach committee oi Guthrie UnlIed Crunch and the llcll entertained over senior dilute at one station arsdmslrultI Ointeren Mr uurenre Fraser MM Ihe Menu with rev Ill Idill more hull et uhdlchea and cochlea esa Mell Alet Grehame speech was both reminiseent and horn ornate Bat Oawlord thanked the India Ior their part and Mr nurtures thanked or else pet ttdpetad the U09 held briei trust ness moods and plans were made Ior church cleanluy tree on Iuesday tulye with var nishlny bee on July lorobahiy hire Rldoils et ortllla In via tan Mr and tits liunh Black elncls and Mrs Walker Caldwell LEFIlOY Ir MRS Ill REID Mr and tire ll Grnae spent the weekend In Coekavllie and St Calharlnrs and attended piano recital with their rand daulhtcr Kathy ratios part This community was shocked and saddened to hear at the aud den passion at Arthur Watts on Saturday resuminn June Syrn pahy is extended lo lira Walla and Ill other relatives Ir nod Irs Items at Stand inrd England visited with its an lire Roland homer Si and all spent the aeekmd at the latters coltnne no Ileana Lake William Ilexlcr in min pa that In Itoyal Vittorio Itoepitel lIrr Itna Kelly is bane Item the hos Ilel and trench itnprotld NEW III WWII halide1W Mikhweylom entitle rtrtrs snows our tests 9Nti re HOMES eastern PRIOR to OIISTRIICTIOII or PHASE means errsun 7dillerent detached home designs from $2I495 to $25195 all on telly serviced lots with underground wiring THE WASAGA Bedrooms II deel Attraddre new numbnessu area lreni bee eladee Ilth Ilene trttrr THE CALEDON Bedrooms 02 llorryn Ileplralelirlan and distal rooms Invrred trout enhance Clinton washroom tone trout Oahultern In nppcr Ironl windows one wonder Bedrooms Iteer Iptlbtcrel drain Chasm Intandlalan em Immanuel area MW uease DIRECTION tatsemu peerless helm tee the diluent nneeele rem been no sales etlice Is located on the oath side It there lireet Insealrnalely tit miles east eI leytlele Street outeldewa Die ten tale Illner see It the llaylltid direct letercnaass Iie teeth Ileek to the Ilrst etepllnhl at leave litrret lara tell and allow time east to the eaten IIllee nee tocrtonro ctrW 451 tedat THE HOLLAND lllrlea washroom Bedroorrin Bedrooms trance end entrance be one PlthIIOSE ssreroome Obabaocd IIeIasdinlan area Larse lentilstn Metered Irent perch littractlre betnreena senilr liner oAlt basement windeen ahdvn round terel Olieubie entrance toyer orntertor access to serene OFlIlalted dra BAYCREST HOMES GEORGIAN ESTATESWm ontorrn and screens on all upper windows Ililectrtc Itnht ilsturra Olltnlnn room rhaatlrtlrr Olllpplrd crittan In Union and dieinn rooms Olloable Iialalrse steel kitchen sink Oinerceal tlltre knee and In In kitchen 0V nce treer to listen and alnlnn rooms ilettlsll laundry tubs Qtlae llrct IIr tanner siding Incellent ac tion wlmmlngaaell Discover Ilse adventepes oi living In tilfivlnp out is minutes ironr Metro lop Ilelrirtp treating churches chopping Sales ellioe open It am to on daily Bayonesr eermt and enronse natures In Ill haltsreens Willie Ilntnrea Ia ascend hath OCerarrrlo tile la main betnreenn with toot Mn hattetttn enclosure Oilk bardnod Ileere where Ipptlo Ihle lilarosltena lInIsttl IturlllareIlniah kitchen Oil bi ercr chbla Ilnlt Oleiryyeeitclrea and electric outlets Omrrlrlnn Ior eblrnrl tutored Arberlle stun cennlen tops THE CREDIT Ottrtck wheelies shaped lielandlnlln In ltltclreehreehlaat area OAtleclred narane attestknell WILL INCLUDE THESBFEATURES coaldoor electric eotlcl treat and seer 0100 Anrp elrian melee with heavy stats store Natalee Ira ldeinlennue tree aluminum eidlan where applicable OAll Interment nerrlres Iednttnn hydro and telephone Odidaeelk Irena treat door to delve and mill cam sanitary and eternal entrees medical and dentalirellitlee Clean air Mound not water Even community coil Idlecent to Georg an en leln Barre Ia somr thing your entire iamlly il entey lyeer Phone rtenose Homes Georgian Estates Barrie Illildeee ot Ilne homes In Toronto Barrie Preston Acton Oranpevllle and Shelburne