in nu Inn Tiny llalpayers gotmnmt hu dun em The IudltorIonml tilmil Honduran pound on mmuwummam dollm went nttlmt van Imml trorn Putin ml thI eitch mmrnlh throt am min ltuconomtrt med Kr Boom Ii MinI oil on tn MI II III union lit3 IIIodItiouI oi In kind or nud him In tho NM Strum memher It on will It hiI latte no men um out ocomrniIt Mr II to com in hIIrinI thIt mammal did not hm trIltuIl mum to Ittut who mum tor Innu ll llorl oi tho oconornhu my Ihwt To Pay than Tax llIHMND ammoniammmmmmmnmmmum mm PHONE Ml FATHERS DAY JUNE 20 TERRY KNiiS SAVE 25 Plan or In otlrrr ml number III yuurl ywith Ilrorulrcml mun hm may Irr hit Now or ill only 01 mm um Mn Itl Iuprrlow Irirrlllwyrrinlmt Itylcl Ind trrry rlnlh will hey you feeling Io ooul Irul romlnruhle Ynur rhulon cl horironlll Itnpu or ldltl mlnrl with Itrirul trim In rmt Imk Itylm lor put and loch Numlx rrnxmsrinw stunInn mm In talnInlp IIlszyIrI rill Id lIII mu IhIn thI nu tII imrhu mm hr IIld 1n mldrntlll mill rm to SHOP BY PHONE 7185921 win demIod tor rea public nrhool Imrtern will In In luathIIuprImIqotPIr 717 milk in comparison to llImrnt in drddinx policlu me MI yIIr In PIIhlnIlleld Ind LolonlIlnI IIpIrItI uhool Iupporteu vlll pIyonIrItIoiuntlntqu whorl to run rnliLI 1h Imcnl mill run In tort InlllI Rem lluulu DII by hIIdI tin roundl while Bert Domain ll tho 9th mm roprumtItln II deputy rem An lncruu In Iumrnrnt duI to no routrurtlon luv lo nothing tho in cut pan or oon Dog Hunt Ag noon to new In nm nlIhl l1 lomd Mtg lllbi IlnNOOfIW nutdn nlocll nIIrIIhIrI mi imrn Owen Sound Ind RIme IlIo will an put him vdtou d0hll rIIdy hm indudod tint cut trophy It too PlnIli Ihunt It Perry on Jim Ind Ito tun Iwrlnl unit not no tro wivlnnor It the lid lionI nVIni held It Bore Bordon Itx wtrlu Ito Eqhn comm at mu Im in will iiier Ernrd out under United lieu notclub rulnlr iom Goodlll cl mlInhIru in mer nutrth oi noun Ev Ind their limit in II out Mr llllltnn ed out than mu III II IIII doulnnitd ml to actor will too don turned too to plot tho thI mnt oi tho com HI our Ira mind to puma on our lInd not through until tho coon ls lined bullied in outllnlnI the do trill at tho competition Intother hunt on lnrlrr IIItI WI Bel We havoiho Bmuu wI hm onI willbIheldItthIltodIud room mm ll with hi main rmllnl Modlion stuttnl llm lat III MIMI illonpilul lreezo liltedlawrenco 10W CPI pruvln clIl Iomwmnt lrom on lid to rd Imptul diminution in tron lltd liulth ltllnlnlrr ll lem IIld in In tnluvlow Wodnudly lna pmvlnclnt Ioromnieni lull to Inch IIIlItIncI lollnwcd In Innouncomnnt try the izdtrIl strrmont ln tInuIr list It it would Ibollrh Mpllll wwttlon IrIntI ol new stInlo llIrtln drIInnIu at tho in lo lioIpltIl Service Dominion IIId It lust mm mm lItIntnrontocornmunlty ton in hm bun told may Ill be liven bulldlnn Lnnu Indthreotuchmnorgitn will in told by July in in It IItInt lhnlr upInIlon prolrlrn will to ltnlnrrd tl mmuntl hoI ltoII will ml twothi oil at may llumhrr ti Northwutrm GImrIl my Canon Toronto EIII II Ind Orthupodlo th 0ruro pIodlc Ind ItIthrlllc Senrbor ou CenlInIry ml the Queen muboth of th Blunt it But invIntortuol Ilhltill PM In Onm Bot you didnt know Iheut our FrI nit LllrLon Fm plrhup Ind quuIrtIvI tor lImouI Soundmutor Itht mm in Milan II AT llll INNISF BROCK PMONI 7mm Com In Ind hm roll wlth uI rmtt hem it IiL SJDhJJllHl in mindhitunl hr Eoigmnuhilrnhirhr 50542 hlillHO Ind L42 Number MINNIE Ioliil whorl BiKlllue 95Whlta Ind llmo Gm SONG MOEW HUM Ind XII inrhtr or price mmpnriu Ice our Summer 5th Inl SIlo Cllb logue 1rage13L lll DUNLO ST In Reg 299 ea lilNE12JIINE19 THE novniwrngor RACING The good llnm rtIrt today with motui rIvrchdo from the loot of any Stmt to City Iltll beginning It 1200 nooILThrII MIyor Dmnisormtll make the oilirlIl drclIrItion oi the RoyIl Week of Ruin Indln tumthr lockIy Club ntll prrsrnt India at tho anl llItITIophy to Hi Wnrthip ml the City ni Toruntu Sautrdnmuncilt BI DIyThr tIIturI rue It Woodbln II lhr CInIstn 0th StIku the rlrhrIt lllly IIrr in CInIdI Ind on tilled with morning Ind trIditionl Sundayiuni3 Mrtro DIy lIIIurI ncr lodI is the Oumo llItIlHIl tnluhour wlnm in thlI on raulrl your big wlnnrr on Suturdty In thr QueenI lhte TodIyI IprdIl Ittmtlan ll Ihr Mrtro lulk Mutll Ruiz it Wednesdayuncl Highlander 01111 them is Scottbhnnm will hr pufumtlllm by two mundtnx pipe tumb thm oi It uth Hlrhndm Ind thITomnto it you Irrlvr lII Imhrullcllighhnd dmI Marlin vu Munro Nine Irut ram toilIy II uruIL This in III ordtln Lry or mm lutnrn Ind tacky hall unnrnrnnnnmcHorsemen llcnrvnlrnt Ind Protertivr Assurittionl hlulllst emu thI draw lur KM mitten tor the Qurrnr llrtr FridayJuneiii ltnlnwlr Youth Dry with prIlorrnnnrrs bythr Cruudrrs Drum Ind Bvsl Com trImyollnr Irtbh luturlnx the 0mm Chunpr Ithnlc dtncrn Swrdlnh gymntstsdbplryr of Irts Ind min and gure Ihtln Irttrmnnrr on ITran Iurlater lnrluy Ill Iuilor dtlzrm with proof they III Nyrm or morrwll br Idmittrd to the truck irre SaturdnyJunclJ IritinIIndrrluuilulIIthImrkhnsbtm In todry it llldlrs new hrIghtrQuzrnu llItr Dry Evrrynne ls Inger Inrl locklng toward In Inuthtr mnnlng vi the classic of ClludlAlI honrrnrin We can prumlu you IdIy llrd with Iuprth ruins So if youre ml or nrwromrnwmt out tu Wonlblno during tho RuyIl Wrrk ol Rum Wowvdh Wmlltht MINCK lr RDKIMLE IllDr CALLlJtttlURDElAM Come on out Ind be out of time me an mw 13 Tims right ham me