3E The indent provincial mu simian was introduced and no convention or mt held in Bar 53k titre ai has as ii regggg Egg 355 it 55 55 Shari E3 as es en Bradford To Give Mthlda note he nmbsawardedet Insemibbltietdinoerlnbe belt at tiraliord cnrnrrruniiy mamaurdndep Policy Decisions for Those Elected ONO STATION Stall Any chsngu in cInIdII coautllu tiers should strengthen iba prin ciple that elected members oi recovering tram run one is to open at Victoria no on brassy June re Mdllof Howard Campbell ernpssaired that the darnocrsb kyxneeuealledioreleeledrep resettilum to decide on policy with the responsibility at clvri servants to carry it ore No res vnle taken but this view appear ed to be generally endorsed by other members This is basic democratic principla stressed councillor Campbell now serving his iosuth year on council and lormar school lnuiee tor it years In his hat two runs he headed iha potting tor councillor THORNTON ny sins of near Ma and Mrs George Lucas have returned in their home in Odessa alter spending the past week with Scott Shun best wishes go to Miss Bonnie Ralncy RR Conkstowo Ind were married st Cookstovrn kirnse by Rev littlrny on May it Double la the ymug sr daughter at Mr and Mrs James itslnny Cookslown Mrs Peter linkey is put lent in Royal Victoria llospttal whua she was admitted Jame Congratulations to Don Shaun on RR Thornton who receiv ed his ladyslzrlgervlca pt irosn TI as Console sharing the Canadian its his tab is so its anyd itrl ihwle oi St Potenting Florida visited withthelrhrotherlndaw and sister itr and Mrs Ernest ite oiinhenn tor law days EMBASSY HALL mliLAltEhT assure our BARRIES FINEST DANCE FLOOR Danees Mesilnil Dlrplaya Wsddlngs iiantals Banguetl Banquet permits IinlIhia Large or limit Groups For lninrmatlon lidI961 way Autos lRADPORDtStIUtAnew innberlaibepsogranlsaist ThIBrndinrdRoi brmytiadllleceaaandlahlnyedloa roams club mlhlitha has paeaidortoitbadrh whirled withitrnemben it built inrrrter chairman oi ltural society which will soon its on twoday talrhera the September loo ll ilny inwnip budget tor the constructlo oia new the hall twnvrdri garage tor town ship vahlcl and Ilso stun age shed has it as are EE are 5535a is ions Plan club which made can leaders was issued on February at lint withernonbmhtpotnismes Webhwas ibeeharter president and charts menbeta included BredWaiker PAST PRESIDENTS Besides these IlreIdy nicotine ed para prnldema ni thI Hons club thrilled Ooclr lsrkes in Narrlaoe mm Deena lisrry llama Arthur NJ drab lhILIenI and third bloo Irm Weed William Compton George 0am Don Gardner lien aupthg John Vdoitsk Brock hm lienry Danileiiirhrlitshtrhlnblekn Flatter Jam Mm lawn 509M dustrtsl chxlnnan ol the AMI EEEE Ea Erna Era 23 RE Ivyleaia Meet tillandalo Team WY iStatil Allandala issue bertaehs are scheduled to visit ivy car Prtday event to that the tests in Simeon baseball league engagement at the local diaromd lha Ichcchrls calls tor lnlteu hesrr Sears to play at German on Saturday night whrra they will meet the Braves iorutuly the Barrie Gina the Alandds learn has shown can aldersbis hrprovsrneni under new ween Alllslno antic play It Barrie on arnday air ternonn when ivy goes on new ton SEE momma ANGUS roastum George Guests at be tolllrhb has been resident oi Angel tor to years lie wu lonely in distrtceebambeoicemmsrcs sndtsk rorscned Ibnsn liankbeeusmran and rsvrorruavav nauseas mt mum pun Sabraday MIttIre lttd pus only dusky oentiuueus trena pun MINE ADULH lift STUDENTS it CHILDREN 13o SATURDAY JUNE it it NE rises Isak bed at ter taunt AlbertAdllvwl Ilesy In ensdilue to Tonight arse ground Iso bursitis UntiedOwe in Hull srronrs murmurs lies dmusldnlllie Mnd and Sites not are on hrsdumm YewseGe Waldo de lee promoting Ii interest in the area 2E r= it 3its is he of strangaefig Pierre Trudeau the danger iuthantaihatttmaybeihal the than are picking up rnnre Iipptlk irons the Conaenstim than they Ira losing to the NDP In other words there is not much Ividrnce that the present dis contrast Iuh the erumeni tr mung the lid oppoai lHirllhE lMPEllllli seamenw MADUNBALSAM currensrvnroonr NINNHNW treadme MW ROXY iii Anssrsssou unions ants ENGAGEMENT osnvr overturn sass tut FREE LIST SUSPENDED Jk Mi MrChrrer ywv AME N1EWTAYLOSR moorsm down1 Ildlss venurdsehera 191 srliii tteerl deaths Insselasi remission momma tibia 39 399 an 5m snot erSvaIsAhe mm 350 as or A1 SAMS ntitv 35 tillSSlllES C50 resume menses cut 349 ta assure so nuvror sr vvrsr open to AM so PM uvurv our our LYMGV unis ma 1rygfyvfmwwmhil OHAIA 18 Cu ed in at egos age Er at rat as is as rear ES 25 552$ EEEEE as gar SE at zgigg ates rate was Ill AI annorrneed at the beginning or the present dairy year there is no birthed no cream deliver Import tea within subsidy or market sharing gums BAG NI PROJECT amour lint Nita tdlors healer SIudenon and lioeard unwed Isa Ore town latp representatives on the Oro Irena board which is cur raekang hands to help tl one Its rink renovation and NOW PLAYING PM PM Oulsioci GUNS 0F NlivliiiONE in cactiumcnt ntlsrnm MrrLrsurusl EIGHT BELLS Till REAL Hillllllllll SEX ditherlfrmlrn llilual llllNllillliHSl iltvlllrhrllll Iv mi assume wearers swarm lAiltl ssvnvnrvvts stainless sun mauvvnrmwvrns roroswuonussnmrmw it at or at film wil be slam one evening evening early commencing Wed June 16 Regular emission palm ME mmmwumrrsm lheBESlYears hours earners rasacn paras Ircouws Ill IIGHI wanrnra rsaro HWY cameras swarm who EN ll ONLY Otvl MOVING ear JUNE it ONLY ON ENDING PM heroism vtvvvru trim as the usual st mu aortidrserhss pintpl DEAD ill JUNE ll ONLY SHOWING in his arm use We Youll never forgot nsrvcoorrr ILNDAY JUNE lb ONLY THO SHOWING nu sun era Ml DOROTHY Dillilllilt Ilia by Stilt senses liber ty arson mm were trim lilltilii nu rrnnosv arm 21 outs our srrorrmn ruler rrmg lllllll llllllllll lilllllllll lllllllllll musmnhnssnutr Eh InCOLOR Add TUESDAY JUNE ONLY ONE lllOWiNG Hi Youll laugh and youll cry but use forget us time has never forgotten the immortal masterpieces each one classic in its own right rhrTlOCVTF annwnn ml amass tu