Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Jun 1971, p. 4

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idleyiieldltveetJuvianiario XuvyaLmbtgPabiieiseerai Manages WWahtditormsibaa McPherson Managing Editor murmuredIsa New Economic Outlook Draws Spirited Comment Pliib details at new white paper Olliu daangea due to be announced June it current concern over tederat smoothie is understandable and other am common titer there has been more than ordinary spleuiatinn about the prospective new economic outlook whidr may toilets in some quarters there has been animation over the issue raised by North Simeon iederal member Dr Pat Rynard who sees draueoge to theanprern oi Parliament in certain spending es 11hr revelation oi the auditorgenerat Neawel Henderson whore nitlce watch erover veroroeot accounts on be Not PI arneni that hundreds or mil lions oi dollars annually is being spent injvlolatlon oi the democratic principle tgdvance public scnrtiny also has evok geriticism from various parts oi the odbrvtry Mr Henderson died long series at examples oi the weakening lamentary control over public spend in his annual report tor the financial ynr ended Marcia at Mt ihe auditorgenerai who survived an wort to reduce lria powers last year qdogusd discoveries oi Illpehod bur emetic handiio oi public tunds cov ering mutants roan tow hundred dollars to millions The Ittcrmath oi conversations witch iollowed the publication oi sorne high ll is indicated that concern over what duty or wrongly is maddered the weakening inuence oi elected merm bees in sledding on petioles is wide spread and is cutting across party lines At the June meeting oi 0ro township enuncli ior example the increasing role oi top civil servants in announcing pol idea for which elected members should be responsible was the topic oi animated comment One oi the towrwhlp marvelllors Howard Campbell expressed view held by man that elected llls and iiPls should are the sole responsibility oi deciding on administrative polices and it was the role at civU servants to see these are carried out Taggers concerned with the increas ingly vy burdens they are being call ed on to bear can hardly be blamed tor eeling they are being let down it bureaucrats no matter how able are allowed to make decisions which should be done by their elected members DOWN MEMORY LANE sivrsss son are raw Examiner June 10 1926 Sara rig Country Club purchased additional land on Sunnidate Road and purposes extending oli links north and west Miler 5i ulied Church extended call tnRev Black DA RD to become sinister proceeding Rev Greene lots who goes to Toronto Mr Black wds origimtiy Premvterian but alter ehtrreh union became mutate minister IUit Psut Oriills ii Graseti reisrrned to Barrie titer several months alibi tetsrvburg and predicted Florida id soon become winter playground North America Duncan Tucker er shop reduced rice to 25 ior Lorne he goptalsr Tent on take Simone at th oi input one Neil McBride awarded gold at second time tor selling Ontario Work Board bonds George Ro and Gordon Srrteanl got silver medals Waiter Coutts ard Alvin Cleland bronze Board oi Trade railway corn Iniltes isvored higher licence leer ior and trucks Cockbum matured iiCl cadet Eugene inted comman ing oiiicer hur ox secoudtncnmman latoou master Carson James obesi is Lot Dr Willi sou Roy lloughton Joseph Hayes serg eants Jack Kenned Leslie Clark Les lie Hedger Bill Trlhble dnrm mayor lisrold Ull that aid sgt iom Cou in tin Movies at Capitol Theatre in Barrymore in The Sea tiesst at Grand Opera iioure Ken Maynard in 850000 Reward Evans Orillla ap pointed Crown Attorney for Simcoe County to succeed Cotter liarrie who is 90 and has held that oitico more than iii years Elwood Jenneti ivy ii elected president South Sirrcos Baseball League Stewart LPIge completed distribution oi seed in boys in Kiwanis sponsored North Sirncoe Potato club arge ngregation witnessed consecra on St Patricks Church Plrclpsion it was it St Louis icy Very Rev Dean Sweeney Marys Barrie niiictsted in absence Archbishop oi Toronto Kn Kins Kim plan big conclave in Barrie soon it is nrrrmred although Prrlrs Board refused permission to use any public grounds Mayor John Craig and council ard opposed to this gathering in iotvn Rev Father lit Gearln completed so years in charge at St Patricks Parish Pirelpsion OTHER EDITORS VIEWS stations on rue ram st Catharinea Standard 0nta as terms are rating vacation spbta tor city iolk an the provincial government has decided to help terms we the moat oi their considerable holids potential c1A culture Minister Stewart has an ridunced grants up to 500 covering ugmuch as it per cent oi costs will be available to help isrmcrs supply guest isdliites dis nod scheme inr iannors paritcc utarly use running marginal opera lions And even better tor city dwellers seeking couple oi works oi fresh air ordat good loud and an intimacy with nature that urban lite dcnics rfA tow years ago most city people had Warmmtg Oprahs mar close relatives on terms Families could escape the cities rear and hustle and taste the iultcr lite tor tow hours on Sunday or give their children weeks at ireedom on the land every summer lint it isnt that way any more in this overwhelming urbanized wince most people livein cities or sir sub urban satellites and relatively ilew have roots or branches in the iarms Sumo iannerr without government urging have been boarding vacationers in recent years but the idea hasnt even begun to approach its great potential Scenery tranquility wildllie llcld crops gardens and livestock the everyday elements oi the term are treasures moat city people only glimpse swinuaaaaumwmmmmamw lWeils Star Is Down tine belt at impressive service lb by non 0lllARN it has been the practice oi cearlvs Pragresalva Conserv vs administrations in the pvincs to break in new rnlrrlw tall morally Where possible the various era at our Tor govern tussle ths tlrat oi tried nth new men as mlnlsisrs without ltoilo then moved thorn into or portiviio tor year or opinion elevating them to sealer post wisdom oi this course is in tglabtrrnublentoth ng er new so Davis hsve had with ls Wells minister at so and landly services Tho regular routine wasnt girlie tailored with Sir Walls ears shswasllrt Hrlrmrtrivtnmrrwur Iris awwuetbreu noun decided to to inherits rank he run him Trick boost Into the Health pnrtio toI uns oi the mainr ministries In the gov ernment There was great surprise at the time the one nppsrsnl qualication the young new mlnlslrr hnd was that he had sold advertising has as medical magazine llls parliamentary Ind Idmlnlstrallvs experience was limited And this was do liimtrll which was notoriously ard to administer and was run Itanlly under the gun in the house he appointment didnt work on FOOTNdioUTii Wells caused the government considerable embarrassment its soon showrd he couldnt con trol his department and he made number oi poorly coaut dered statements When Mr Davis took over be mad the minister into lIiuiiy and social services This is department which in glitter Job Statement recent years has been much less contentious than it once was The one trouble spot rn sponslblllly tor the lndlan pa lotion hart been moved out it sand it qtpcnrod relatively trots hietree But then with rising uricrm ploymcni writers rbecnmo mnltcr oi concern and it was in the limelight And Mr Wells use at it sgatn lln maids stelcmcnl ihnt Koplh receiving wellnre should tossed in move to any lob avsllable anywhere in the prev into The premier did his best to boil him on on this one but he will be keeping close eye on him in the tuture And the Wells stars In dcilnllely clown Which in way is shame has he is personable man or some ability but they asked too much oi hlur too quickly ran gt HOT PllNTS LETTERS TO THE EDITOR JUFHCE TODAY Ddli Ell 0n the tits day at February me my youngest daughter Kim was watkin along lilll Street in Angus she was auuck and killed by driver who ieit the scene Prompt si ilclerat police work Ip ended the drlvsr within live ours or the rash or May me be was iound guilty and was sentenced tolhreemonthsanailsndtbe loss oi his drivers licence tor afar ihs tact that be had ddrlvers licence and had beco driving tor the it months since the tragedy is tndlcstlvs oi blind spot in the lee ltim II dead th law is set tailed Justine has triumphed or has it is childs Illa coral tlkarea months sail was eager enthusiastic lean er constantly esperknenling th ills Yesterday Florence Nighb tngale coda hippie moravw Irchtenoglri She was In ad lender Too young tnhavsesperieuocdiha pan at lied to yet too to had keen sense at humor was scrupulously isir in her dellluga with overyoue She mlri and did punch seats with hrualng iorce but was cIrev iul to never krsowlngly llllv Inyonos icelings She was hon est person to be proud oi She was going in tssvrlarnund the world ski down Mount Full Ikindive in Dcrmudapau tor gold in Alricn auri in Austra lls hlkn through lndtn in tact she wua navynu prohubly think your own daughter is ltlm wss la year old and weighed one hundred snd ten pounds When the vehicle struck her she was buried thrnunr the air tor distance oi ti ieet The driver claimed he was ira veliing at so miles an hour at she was klllcd instantly She suitered not at all because aha was beyond all human aid even it the driver hod stopped lter lnlurlca irorn this car going so miles an hour included iracturcd skull broken neck lrnciurod icmur torn liver kidney stomach Ind intestine and torn brain stem From ihn rih oi February un til the present time some in months inter neither my wits nor miscli were ever nlilclally nollltc that in hearing or trial was going to take place We were cnmptelely ignored Had it not been tor sympathetic si nklllil illite diverts summer it ill ilcltl Street RI Ontario Telnpbom mam Second Cleve Mail Registration Number bind llolurn postage guaranteed Dally Sundays and Statutory llvlldays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier soc weekly tilts yran ly Single engine the By mall Rants $3120 yearly Simone County suns yrurly italancs ol Canads moo yearly All other countries Stilt yearly lintnr throw olt $2M yearly National Advertising Oiilcca ltd University Avenue Toronto ecu Coihcsrt hi livntreal Member oi the Canadian Press and Audit ilureau oi circular ttons The Canadian Press is cactus ively entitled to the use tor rs pub Icnllon oi all news dlspltrlt es in this paper milled in it or The Assoc sied Press or Neuter and also the local news publish ed thcrrln The itnrrta Examiner ctalnu yrlght in Ill original advrr tls rag and editorial material cre ated by its employees and so young produced In this newspaper Copyrlnst Registration Nuna bor mill register it tlclal we would have been una ware oi the trial datsl th trial was lorrnail diptttcd and II ritualistic II Balinese dance It was contracted In an rmblaaed manner but it tailed to dispense Justine Ia thepublh thinks oi Justice Shoaltlllns tnr gery easwit robbery in tact lust abort any crime carrier as er stiller pensity than killing loinsbndy with vehicle The masimsun tor this is two years which to arty way or thinking is tar tar too little Yet the Judas is lle wisdom awarded septa at three months in Jail believe that the Judge was lair why the rrrinnr sentaarcet lily daughters lite was so use important in the eyes oi society that the Crown prosecutor and the deteuce attorney had glriisd discussion on the length sentence which might be com slurred ademsate the deience argued that three weeks would be excessive ptudshment while the prosecutor was oi the opt too that somewhat longer tones would be better Wit vera clean record or that he was st years old as that he origin lose his it longer sentence were ed it the Judgment supposed to serve society by being deterrent then it is obvious that three months in tall as explIUou inr killing sorneoos serves no pur pese whatsoever in tact it en courages irresponsible behavior The public lovka in the law to administer iair Ind Impartial turtles When the law Ills in til duty as it did in this case where does one go to seek Jue tlcel During the trial the deienre kept rrierrtn in the death as an incident rter doilnce lncld out as oi something that happ ens as result ui or in connec lion with something more trrpnr tani minor event or episode especially one In novel plny etc Since no one in court chall enged the use at this word it would seem that the concenlua was that the tragedy was indeed minor The Insolence supports this view Kim la dead the sentence to her does not matter but alter the thousands at dollars spent Ind the hundreds at man hours used to bring the driver in Justice the sentence to an sntlciimux that must be disheartening iv the pol len and Is roost certuinly disill uslnnlng to the public Was the driver drunk blind deranged whsn he struck ltlrni Had he been involved in other Accidental Was he model cit iron as the dclcncs contended Doss ha tool remorsei David the tra ed have been prevent edl Wit same type oi trI gcdy be repeated endlessly with only the names changed to protect the guiltyt Wouldnt Jus tirr have been better served by drooping Kim with litteringi ihe movers in the above quea tlvns will indicate the direction in which society is heading When society loses inith in the luiwhsnsrchy will replace lost it Is my contention that there were no exicnuutlng clrcumstsm cea lhIi warranted such mild sentence contend thnt there has been grove error oi Judg ment in charging prrson with on olicnrs tor which the mug lmum pennlly Is two years lurihar contend that Justice is not only blind it Is toothless and the lens must be updated and changed to lvo society the pro icrUnn that must have to rur viva Yours truly lllANK SHOWN Angus rsrsvsr volt assets The start biennial convention oi the Army Navy and Air inrca veterans in Canada is over alter very aoeeessiul and an imbi lime in our beautllsu ciit oi Danie President Stu itchinaon his nutritive and mm at brlnds tea Rsrria would like in then the city at Barrie tor its hospitality The lisrria police ler directing trach at our two parades lisyar Cooke it Dr Ryuard MPP Arthur Evaasl Commander Edwsrds oi tiara harden The barrio Sea Cadet bend whlcbdld an excel lent Job at our two parades Ind Rev Dru harsh who conduct ed both services at the Gene tents and the memorial in Gen lentils Perk NEIL hicKlNhON Public Rslanna ottker Unit No Jbi Barrie BIBLE THOUGHT lie that brisg stirs rrprvvr rd hardsIsth his Irek shall and dtnly be destNyId and all without remedy Proverbs ital Continued rebelion Igalnat God will not be tolerated lor than knosrrt not what aura ouriuvttr IONDON Ont iCPl hurt our Answerln Service at too don kid wnyearold tele bnno srrrwarlng service has Ull out Telephone Answer ing Servics nl tendon dirt slen ol lntcmstlonrl Utilities Corp with head oUires at PhllI delphla use also operates divi aluns ll lisrrle Ind OrllllI WOMEN DEEMED BANGUI Resales Presls dent Jcsn liech iinksssa oi the Central Alrlcsn Republic has ordered the colours ol all women hold in the countrys Jails to mark Mothers DIy its also gave orders tor all men convicted ni murdrrln their wives and renlrnrcd to sin to be executed ilondsy CllllllDllS STORY AROUND THE WO lllD Formosa Plebisciie May Be Suggested By PillllP DEANS Foreign Altalse Aulyll lir Nixons recent hint that the United Slates might sham don its wpodUon to the admis slop oi lied China to the United Nations has revived talk pt plebiscite whereby the Form anus would decide whether they want to be part oi mainland Grins or scparata nstlou nir Nixon is not likely to rec ommend such solution tor the time being ills tint step will be to back twn Oatnls policy which will be selected by both lire hetung and Chiang Kale stark 1hr snort lrkeiy orricome then will he that the 1m cre dentislx committee will sevens its decllluhl or many years standing and say that the repre aeutatlvra oi Formosl are not the re esentatlveg csli Din gut that esen vu ldlm waywng dele ltlanntcsrtatu diatnrrhI step will be taken this autumn but ii is the most likely step The stats oi Illsln that would then emerge would belhs Pegt king would be in the United Nu tloos and on the Security Coun cil protesting that another per roIneni member the US is helping the secession oi For moss an integral part oi China scccsstnu engineered by dis credited rebels such as Chlang KIlahek it is then that honed brokers will suggest Slehisclls tor the Foernesans to settle what they want their hitters in bolhelsct is that the Foyrnnranv have never been honestly consulted ihey Ire run by socsllcd par liament in which they are lul minoritymost re the mixers reserved tor the main iaud constituencien iDiilllOlANl NESLNTFUL The Formosan thanks to us rid the donevery well economically there have been ircquent reports that they are unhe at being pollilcalLv pownmsl and resenthrl at being run by the mainland tness hiaug brought with him when lg was thrown old cl power by no not nelth GilIng nor Mao laiikelytnnceptihnldsaata tree plebiscite on Forum Chllng wont take the risk oi being reJectcd totally by the Formosan population Neither can hiso ireiuns Moreover Peking has been mum in its Itrrrmatlon that Dr skewer rootlets are those wb pro ceded Evuooeau and Japanese conquests oi Olneee territory cabins Ililit from There may well be maturity in the UN General Assembly op rovlng plebiscite William coking at any map it is possi ble to reel oil whole that ol Ilhiions do not want the might want to secede through plebiscite Canada tor instance has never supported plebiscliea in which one aerruent oi ha tion Mltl decide whether to secede or not The Communist uatlon do not want the precedent oi such plebiscite precedent that might be used in the case oi East Germany what about all the cases dollar in tilaira throughout Alrieli And Asia oi coinsc hIs nations with rcstlve minorities Hard Times Faced The United Church Uy N0il DOWMAN Wednesdays eion dDmM how religious issues nesrl broke up Cansda beter Cont srnllnn Todays describes an important step towards rell pious unity that took plIro lusts to MS Methodists Congregationallats and many Presbyterian began working or church union in root They saw novelson why diiinrenoes in doctrine in Scob land England and the United sates should apply to Canada depression oi section launch in nlstcrs had in live on snlarlcs oi 000 yearerlcsa Saskni chewsn Is the hardcsthll province purl church members across Cards sent 1000 car loads oi and vegetables But then were Also many Prerhylarlnna opposed to the movement and the coollch among thv various more be came so lntrrue they doc tied to cull truce in raw until Iiier lhn war The mnvement wu resumed in mi and more than 1000 churches on the Prairies united in our organisation 0n the other hnnd nonunion Presby terlnrts especially It the esst were more opposed than ever to user Nngulluilona continued until ms when Psrllsment guard the United thrurch oi Canada Act and provincial legislatures ioolr slmllsr steps The ilrst Untied thurrh oi CanIdI service took place in Toronto June lo till All the Methodists precllnslly all the Con rsgatlnustirts and two ihlr oi the Presbyterian were represented Theservice was had in ibronto Arena in th represented ibrnntn tlonal llocksy lrIagus Tao Untied taurch had in work hard to nirvlvs during the and mono bundles or clothing to destitute lunllles there The United murch was able to survive through the devotion oi lls ministers nod mcmbcrs and today number more than million people leSCNAOliEiZsnetltsun aWSItSUTISiEAllioFA httth WSEddeilEltdSSll monument WNWADWAS WEDUFIRIHNE HEADMull rllurvtishov we sorrow owingmenrotm am Wont nesvntasursava vtuv emoluments so was Horatio varrory rells Hewlsl Ma lit WWWDMS lit NAERI II Itll IFIDIIAII

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