hp Examiner Plbshed by Canadian Newspapers Unlined toBayllald Street Barrie Ontario Karvy terrible WWI00ml Manager Wills Editor Emeritus McPherson Managing Editor Itemtr will rm PAGld outh Hostel For Barrie ay Be Place To Live It Up Police duet Rd Techlrllart alser be lieves there will be lot at married conga but iew single people planning coilncil might be able We two it on see one ne may etinilnata drugs and keep the single mic in their own beds It may even public acceptance at the plan But we doubt It It people can rail against row housing and other Iorrnl oi govern ment dwellings th can and undoubt edly will volrc ob ectiont to youth hostel In proximity to Iamily hornet The council latte ot dotted hostel lma 30 knights and ladies oi the ro crowded into one house it Isnt likely theyd all Ioddle oil to bed alter 11 oclock news or obey the rules oi iamily living They may even live it up alter long day on duet Mghnralya This will be an Embryo til dli or once Toronto city council tumed down proposal to establish rent city mods to the anger at dogooders and one or two newspapere The council teased house will be bursts who dont much larger Inux oi transients than labs even it they could get them tent city planners were set up to handle some may be devotees ot and With or without hostel BIrrle th 91 drugs gel Ita share at such visitors With 30 The Plinniuuounoil expects to he tree beds and hot breakasi we could ady tor the less iew There will get considerablymore titan bargained rules no drugs separate rooms Ior Ior It this is what the planning council rls and boys end married couples and wants the hostel should be approved Iatrly early dreckout time Barrie Then he prepared tor the rush 31 realm is in ii BEE IE 32 Sara gee iii 55 Lands Social Planning Council hopes oath hostel this slimmer 3553 ii ii iederal vernment has maroved get ot 150 tor lhweek program but the at aendorsattoulsneeded the In would be nude svail it proposal the planning as obtain house In Olapp on Add Waraley Street area tlhe planning council is wellsnearr organization that believes that youth transients should be led and bedded own property This Is humane view it would probably work out admir Eli all the young nomads who pause Iii arrle are reasonably cleancut types Imbltlonr to see Canada first at the risk oi some disconqu let one would have to he naive to believe that all youthiul trav Iall into this highminded tale as ii 35 an if oi LE3 der ewnil Alaooiroursewithtbe intepsylngtlahtsahara mytmuatkaepaomot P3 cl mg ii a2 BRO WIIOS NATIONAL GALLERY SCULPTURE SECTION Queen Asks For More Money And Public Reacts Strongly 23 23 Nixons Position Is Not Enviable deirndtng lhernlelvss htttcopZ lere Ibo spray bullets rockets and Incendiarles over i5 or enrur nestle Pearls Allaln Analyst iEEEa usesa asaaiesa 325 EE3 ls veans Add new liarn Bell gal Need ADC lb Sculls Eaimlner trophy honor ccacb Boyd math Barrie Examiner June 1030 Board Education will use Nova Scotia coal Lrllocal schoolsNoclsangcslncolic late atIIt ior next term Salary at King Edward School raised to 818 Operaan Owner Charles Johns started renovations an Minets Point pavilion Lohlawa nlarged market In Barrie with addition Irult and vegetable dept baking be In ninth car as moral manatyer glitter St ulted rdl will re ebrate teunialBeptstT to M11Iaiavyear Ewes ioundod by Peter White teacher rats as lletimdtsi ton regatlonweni with church union tul leonard ham transierrod by CNN irotn Washago as ht operator Barrie sis lion II rennan had rectal this weekend roasts oi beet 111 Bryaona tea room had City Dairy Ice cream the brick homemade chocolates sons Bread won town leas ilvepln ling title with team or this Coutson Freaotry Benin Ken Irllthileld Jack Boxail Prank Exoll lie Inald Tuck contractor appointed to own Council titling unexpired term Alderman Tlyrer deceased Ivy5IiaIe beats who won championship imcoe hockoy lea us and Bands at banquet In Orsage Hall Team membersClarence ltoggarth Harry Smith George Davis iGeorge Bantln manayerl Jack Scull sclt Banting BIN ood Jenneti Jack Coxworth vul Down MEMORY LllNE Davis Merv Martin Russ Martin goalie ed Present lb Edi Amontt ilrms been Charles rrls Club Davis Arnold Claude Banting Stroud Presbyterian Church observed centennial with special services Rev ll Sinclair prosld lien Banting Ilarlln Gait building opened May 13 1010 Rev William Prater conducted that service In 1330 John Cowan road historical sketch at Presbyteriantsm In Township of Innlsi Capitol Theatre will be enlarged to seat 000 at cost 30 000 Manager Smith announced It was built and operated by Richard Garrett until he sold to llansou Theatres Corpseva yeareago ltural completed biggcst yearotbuslness on record Supt Ha slated Vern time and Jack Porrlit reported thott at their bicycles trom east stray lest its country Ilnd It end Pollen inlet Alexander Stewart concerned over epidemic ot robberies Hydro Tideman oi Barrie bur lsrized In week have Smlt service rtationSam Fingolds general store Albert Whitbye tailor shop DInly Greens service else tlon Blll Sparilnsta Cities Service oiiice Queen Mary Cunards super liner completed maiden round trip Southamp tonNew York City lion IV Earl Rowe hiP DutierlnSimcoe elected lead er Conservative Party tor Ontario John Lennox 103 last of 12 children native to South Simcoo died at home at daughter in Weston Bert Lau gheed elected president Allandale Ten Bob Powell opened book store at southeast corner Elizabeth St and Maple Ave 0mm Hortons vruus FANHANBLING IN COMEBACK Chatham Dally News Its been along time since weve been accosted by real honesttogoodners gparthandlor that unsavory individual who tidied up to you and irom behind tha bark at his hand asked Say bud dy on not the price at acup oI coiieel It usually melted or hair tonic or at the grape aims are not hot cheap wine and had get annoyed It you suggested he might be tempted to use your money towards the price ot bottle Now it Is said in many American cities and some Canadian ones panhandv ling has returned And the seeker or old and rocking with alco wmrmtnrsmmwmu riilmrmtdutiah $21 yawningusan cautious suonr Many Problems Faced 54 By BOB BOWMAN The period between the Act at vlinlvn which untied Upper and llJwer Canada in tall and Con Intention in was very mi lilcult tor Canada it almost did uot survive Tilers was the usual conillci sbetwren French and English The rivalry between Roman Catholics and Protestants was Ilrmst as severe Represents tlun by population was another Issue Upper and town Canada had seats each In parlia ment At first there were mount people in Canada East tloucr Canada and only 50000 In Canada West tUpper Canada and Canada Eul thought it should have more seats The population gures changed In last when renrus showed 051000 In Canada West id and only room in the earl so George Brown and his ltlluwors Ii Canada West bcgan clamor ing tor representation by popu BBeiore Confederation lstlon John Mandouald was strongly opposed Guvcrnmenisicame and went ll meltin ea themcauli at those trailer In 1551 lbs rclorvncra thought they had Iattl the Tories Into oblivion when they termed government under lilurta artd Ilorin It was upset in two years by religious Issue iorrner Italian priest Esther Gavani appeared in 1b ranto and denourwad the Pope and the Roman Catholic Church lie was fiery speaker and were long black gown with purple cream on breast and shoulder liia rpceth was great success In Protestant To ronlu hilt lionlreal was walt lng Father Gaveraia appearance at Zion Church led to riot during which troops were called out and tits pecpte were Irlllod They spread through Montreal on June when Protestant cler gymen were melllted with stones thrown throer stained use windows at their churches the taming at religious ames led to succession ol govcrltmeni deieats until Ilsa dunald and Brown probably saved Canada by turning can litter in that to work lnr outed erallorl Other June Events tillAmerican Revolutionary War led to martial law in Can eda IMDealt Thompson hogan survey Irom Sasketrhcwan River to Illallon Buy ImIlrst public temperance meeting in Canola at Montreal tailIlral legislative tpunetl oi Canada rrsct at Kingston IlsePrivate Timothy oiIea won only Vittoria one ever awarded or bravery In Canada testw liar earls King elllblisltcd record tor service PT as prime minister oi Canada IltiFnod rationing imposed during war cndcvl was mtvm bottles II Britain about the Queens must to Parliament Ior nasre manay Rsanrth Davis veteran Associated Press rermpondtnt who has been In Wen alnre less takes as Amrrteaea eye view at the monarchy lay KENNETH DAVIS LONDON AP The late errting Parruk Egypt gm at years ere Milli oul tlva kingsthe kinng in and and tear oth era In dectot playing Iadaya monarch lelII keep can get along Within Fl protocol and yet he has to gauge how completiollliy he can consume without sparkllll vy Ioc Borne at Windsor Ie adept at the game oi public hnara At present however It Is treading gingerly through bad patch as result at reprint by the Queen oi Per liamcnt tor more money Antlmuuarrlrlste would his to think Use throne Is In slight eopard aa result test any kma er would glue you adds that that assessment is not correct PUBLIC DIVIDED Britons who care enough to choose up sides mirror tile public division In letters to newspapers th those who worship the ltoyal lIenlly subscribe to ward the Queens rise In at lowance said Webster at County Durham The Queen should have pry rise said lira Dawson oi leads wouldnt swap places lor all her money bet she would love to be Irce like me and go to the dub and play bingo II we cant allord lree milk tor our kiddies we cant We TVA21 JCXZZJXIWLSTTI tilts Burris shooter is Baydctd street Barrie Ontario Telephone Second Class Rial Registration Number 0N Return postaru guaranteed Dally Sundays and Statutory Ilnlldaya excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 60 weekly Slim yeah ly Single copies 10 By mall Barrie $1120 yearly Slrrtcoe County $100 yearly Balance oi Canada moo yearly All other countries $3800 yearly Ilotor throw all moo yearly National Advertising olilcea 415 University Avenue Toronto M0 Coilwart 51 Montreal Member at the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau oi Circuit lions The Canadian Press ls exclub Ively entitled to the use Ior re publication at all news dispatch es in this paper credited to it or The Associated Press or ltcutor and also the local news publish ed therein Pi Pllii yrg org vep my and editorial materiel cre ated by Its employees and re oduced In this rewspaper Copyright Registration Num ber atolls rrglstor ti widely only the Queen and Coulis bar banker know the trulh but something around tilt million appears to be see sortable Aside trom this torlune there are hereditary revenues train the Bitchy at tancaster stooo acres at land truth In dustrlalhnauhlrs radioth ahlra to property on londoua Camaby Street This brings an income at arotlnd M000 year In iru The royal art collection la callnuled to worth almost $010 million These are also the Queens WIonll lssll atimd any inmate In very wealthy Iarnl said Dou cvarl at hierlc ler live In circum stances can alord only the hot meal week said tire mutate oi nation It you wlahtc rewald me ior still being British send the money to the Queen to help her main tatn the traditions at this country BRING hammer Pinned down many Britons would be hardiprcsscd in ex prell lts beuelltr But royal contributions mm to be at least cash and color The pomp and pageaniry sur roundllrlrg the court lure tour IsLa royal personalities are rated good at setting lirtl tail goods abroad by Indirec tion The stately promsiuns and protocol ixougbt down Irom anrlcnl yours doubllesa tend color to the lives oi the pcopls tied to rotary or ital As tradition the man archy lends sense ot rontl nutty at an anchor that doesnt drag with each ill wind The rumnt royal dram really started in New York In 1903 Irlevislun interview tbers Prince Philip otlband edl disclosed that Burk lnrham Palace was in the red But not until two weeks ago did the government ask Parliament tor raise The monarchy costs Britain minimum at about us mil lion year Evert without monarchy much at this money would have to be spent on eueh protocol Itenu as the change oi state vlslta Some body elae would have to be cblet o1 state it the Queen wasnt PAT IS GOOD The government annually since rm when she became Queen has provided Elisabeth with 475003 or about ILII million The royal yacht Bdltannia roots million year and the Queens ight at airplanes and helicopters needs at Mill III past co spends 12101 tor telephones and trim tor postage The Queen Mother Prince Philip Prlnress Margaret and the Duke at Gloucester to gtther receive $01000 year The rest at the royal relatives receive allowances Ivom the Queen or they live on their ovalI rcsqourrenh um pea aps third wealthiest woman In the world alter Queen Juliana oi The Netherlands asvd dowelsr Begum Aga Khan Inllmatce oi her personal torlune range soc Items at precious stones The royal Itarup pa Boo album pa as ot Itanrpw is reputed to worth more than million 010000 CHARLES 0N RALI PAT The Prince ol Wales gets the menus tax tree trom the Duchy pi Cornwallmore than 00000 year Prince Charles tater only hall that income voluntqu giving the real to the government the cum pays laxea out on her private Inrtune iter Iamlly doesnt pay inheritance tastes so her personal wealth passes Intact This bar exemption was target for Richard Gasman editor at The New Statesman leibwlng political weekly in an attack on her claim to pay Increase Italy regal cheek be said In an article demanding that she pay taxes Is do other Britons Public reaction to the Grass man attack the magazine said last week was unprcce dented One letter began our state that is the only way to address you Britain has no discernible republican movement even LI nrany youths are led up with what critical lourusls call the royal raumalau Not low Britons seem lukewarm to monarchy but even so are reluctant to lace the Idea el living without It In pub man called George drew no dissent when he out It this They can give up Como and they can give up RollsBoyce but lust dont touch the own nrcby Police Dept Hires Marijuana Users DALLAS Tex AP The Dallas pollca department Ll hiring utticera who say they have smoked marijuana Ae aistsnt Chlel Robert Rogers said Friday The number at such new pic tlcere is between IT and 20 Thevaon have been re lected automatically three months ago We were relecitng men he had college degree and who hadnt tmoktd it trmrli tans in three or tour years sold They lull tried II it the dorm or In Vietnam and didnt like the taste wingers said Everything else was cleanIto arrest record this physical specimen tine men lslrtybut we still wouldnt talk lolbem ATTENTILVG ACIIUOL There are 10 million children and young people in schools unhlversrtiea and colleges in BriL OWN TV Egyptians own about 500000 television sets not emiable when be Is asked abort the Irllrrlllalll at what so scared toms dn elviliana Its an only give lame answer laout lttenaether and grandmother being Ouaiers who imbued him with the Idea that war was immoral and who chiseled to hla United states Navy in the Sea and World War be Ill tebllshrrent which relies on massive tlrapover to minimise el bases It sniper Ls harassing an American loan the platoon command and three ninethrew stand Id Milneto err is one woman am one while showing hImseli to Ilre at one at his attackers Not any more Is under orders not to auiter casualties Illa troops moreo vcr are there under contract whirls tells them that they have to acres only one year at the end at which they can go home In the old days you went borne only alter you won the war and to go borne quickly you had to sin The diet priority he put wants to stay Illve tor iii days and does not want to risk being shot by sniper So to eliminate the sul the air toree la called In to rain hit explosives and naprim or the new aerosol the com pound In and around the met lion oi the allipcr MATTERGUN APPROACH many at the aulpers escape from such atlasks they aret generally well holed up they may the tireprooi clothing and It lets all sent agaian alllpel the acctnaey at their IL tacks is minimal living as they do users mu ti lptd n1 so nuie au unatetn dLvtIugutxh aue tealllre ot the terrain below Irons mother it helicopter gllnshlps are used in stead they hre alien vulntssbls to the aratpera ilre hence the enormous losses in helicopters adhered by the American lu up wt your prayers Mini Film will areas that may or may not lata enemy debit such larilcs rauss bealy ualties among Innocent hyalaud era but ttru Nixon could change these tactics now cally he Li committed to mat casualtiu Ilia generals plus that ths can only achieved by the use at rnarslva Ilrepawer rattler than power This tradttlonal tary thinking in sense prolesaloual solitary man say that he most rare men above all and too bad lhs Innocent bystanders Nisan Ia reduced It raytsntg all arrlmutolgal arming MI Add this min as quietly es rats an Vietnam loinlng the 0uscenae cuhllbebatlthat led military es Minot bystanders In their mllilons Mlmmeibathrre LETTERS TO THE EDITOR SENSE OF IDS The US platoon commander Sir It was wltb real sense that read at the death Bob Delaney knew him man at great Andrei skill at deep and abiding ialtb Almighty God Ills love own tensity was evident that he did Ills desire that should love their own corunrunr ity and contribute to Its was reected in his pen pation In many local oi charitable and cultural lure Incl that have very dear trtcnd though him but tear years know Baniea loss ls inealculebly greater Arnerlcan sol Vietnam has atticrent 11 Is not Improbable that Sincerely REV Whl 0LEARY IllssLtsaugI Now therslove our thank thee and praise Ions name Chronlrln Ilas our praise to God it HAPPENEDIN CANADA WRIIEBWV FAWNMKS IAEMEM WWW5 REMWWW WWIMW mastitltbl IEtulEEtEvlts us pastorate wwonwmmihoinuiiom as new MWYWthridlm tan