gPetIttils Hit innTime High leolatll Loon on outrun the 0th none mitten mended Monday thateoundtgivadntt uper to atahdlviaton on the with atria ttt uua Ave adjunct to thanltaoitherttye ionrthptb ltchlghldtootlhe approtaitl emollimlon aeterai minor rhmgulnlhnnhdlaialnn plant regarding tnarta and taaihlay Planned tor the subdivision are us home ran the to am panel PLANNING mm the dty development control lee has recommended nooneti qptnva the hiring oi planning drattnnan technklan tor the planning and development da partanenLUp in HM In geted tn the eitya etnreot ood getter the position thin year ABE Dr Louise Doll the de ent nt Sod Selma at the Untvmtty nt Guelph will he the guest maker at the an untureetinlotmesamoeoun NenachzqnoWski Second In Canadian Competition MARINEm Barriea tailltant ityearold pianist Nana Autumnal ac ed recent in the Canadian Mule on in Montreal The Quebec Iatlvnl wan open thin all to Dourlno and Quoted H515 awarded Oi per eent in the In term In the yeorr and under piono citu nhidt Nona competed to Hill wen dinner to compete vadtilon Ital teen orgootard in Canada In another atrn teenad tnternatlontt root tltionn Canadian have had tie onwrmdty tor mouth com pethtve recital hetero entering the intermittent field Glued mnteinna will have one more platform at consequence andriitundoutbtdtr ninrtattne throtlzlt thin on 1th week the tint Mai to interact other plate at th tionnl Aria Centre Otto hing Burle choral ennduetm and vocalist are nothing plltl to attend the intercom more dttelle t1 the tinned union at being made known Protessional orgaoianttnnr north the Fertivoi Siter will FEE Join in the coolerem with giant amateur this alert the ot Tag nan tor the Barrie lite mane Society viii he held trt ttayevenlngandalidaysaltm NW day Money reected hunt the tagdoyaialorthaaodeivanntk Inantnaainllare Atagdaylillaluheheldln inhlsl Mothlp July and in Wotan Beathiulytl HINGE Al in inngut Aiaeha mee Iuru tnilrn Ina Mal 1N Mo to Mardde when Mr 51 torooto the Bach Eur tom lumihon viU attend ainn with matter Mn and will ooeoithetnoretntereatlng Wnzhmwtm moon on at lhe concert la entitled fharal collage and Dr Wllnooa trout Home taunt Orpdttn to an in termed mutton Iealnrlng the Tomb Dante Theatre Gar ent Brook tenor and Allen Cotter narrator with the meta Gunny Also included on the mam um cottage are Song from the Newtotntilnnd Ottlportr by Harry mm the cum Sort on oi Ottawa continued by Brian Lew wiomting madrianir by Gesulldo Bach mntet tinn garian toil songs and Mnievlnt titliiatrnona Sytmntttny tor Voice lhe need 0i the eottierem II he held on Satanday evening June when ennnerenee dole gatn will slnrtin at the Opera Home at the National Aria term This tremendous pertnnneme entitled their in Granted it tree in the while the pMTlm will include reiee DISCOVERY DATE Spainr lint lemon cave palntlnu were discovered at Al ternlra In rm STEELEltS WIN TOWERS LEAGUE TITLE Barries Population Signs Will Be Changed Next Month lraveilen entering nurt will changed in inmnxnu oi InlorntaOnn ahmn the cilia poouiatlm next month The elly ptahllc wort mmml tee has melted letter tron tha provincial Department oi itighwayt nylng pn tolailtn aim tl he changed from up on to read 11500 thrrlng the nerholJullltoIulyil the cityt actual population Is ahaat 16700 but DUO also In Wmiiaehtomemndun NOW For the ucnnd yrar in the Steele SL Steelm mined the Mm tlnnday Night lllurt tum Bolling Utmvlmhln ihe Streim were both the league and played champion hternhen at the winning team horn kit Staniee Nuthaay Jean mmnmm 24998 OAT N0 um lvtu rpcrd for sheer and at ant rlolltea Washrinse trtrtperature combinations Normal delicate and perrnnttent pres prograntt Variable vtatrr level tlmlltil saves water Mare lint litter tape stubborn tun Available with Suds Sara only 300 more lnln Joyce Addir and In that Dale Barrett captatn Also on the learn were John and Carol kpeoe tire aoe had ladies hm Image iot tha reason Enmme Photo TRY EXAMINER mm Al ALL mm 2speed 3pr0gram Kenmore washer sunny IUth coil Temperainr In Barrie lirea Until IItursd Eggnog 7010atmitninti White him Tamaranoi tiny ingot today so In to enrpr to to so near James Bay lam ionlm it In to Him llmxnday to 70 hlontmi Ottawa Teddy and thinsday mainly runny little tanner Way llirh today and ihunday near 70 law to nlaht t5 to 50 Walther llamltm II St Crmn forum Train ISL3 Peterhnrongh ltiilaAe North Bay Mary Dalton lltmlnl Wang lien moleatt White River uataasaaaaaaaaa unauuuuusasshaaaa Nanette Rubber outlier Program Starts new program designed help very young children Idhalt to the water it part oi the nrntr rnrr avian program It the BI rte YMCA Called Rubber Darth the program it tor and three year oida by their methyl The no llll run on the tune tea tiny tots and rpiasher pronoun or older ehildm Rrginiratton in Me It at the tor all data Parenta rtmose imm three nastier July to July it July to tantamount to The registrnltenteeiauam mm IhrretrrretShiLAalelertedgt tnthatlmiednlatlveasemhlm oi thepmvlnaaoi Watt umth 32000 Kenmore exclusive Softheatdryer Now 159 CAT N0 At rlotim drynhtat ditnlnbltes Pretentt taterdag lath Mates ironing breeze NoArntalr lluliatnlrtr Bigiirtt teen tttattomre tor Looted mm mm ROUND IIISO Kenmore Wringer Washer cm 15998 cor No turd Oll AIME mum 1le intum alalnlenl ateel tub with mutated notable titll water alnyn hot loom to time the tough eat slaw mm full Iultlltel Rust Iiurniiium lid and tub emu hook high ntrrnlL Ill volt O0 qclr AC honelera ltnnnd steak or 29 II Rump Roost $109 lit $1190 Cookedllom $ll9lt LBS It It Filter 35 Minted Beet 59tllo Ito Cream ant otnt noun utter nonme BAKING PIE TAMI ROILS AMI BREAD Brennans MEAT MARKET 42 anla 7288600 IttelttrSpin Dryer CAT no mot Wu 12998 iriml Vaahel run in he no you Until hI water that load on in nttnntu Inltlllnilolt tut connect it link amt Pork liter IW PortInn Round Steak Fresh lit DUNLOP ST 900 AM 530 PM FRIDAY OPEN Till 845 Free Parking