il air33 3E EEEEE ma rzsxm monthly min at the held It Wilson in Cochin on Theer erminr June Ith good IltendInce lln JIal Cochrane was in mm at the pronqm Ind iirn liIrold Him the devotion The batten misled the mmnrii lee mm dell lunch Ind loll time us went ilr and tin Fred an it iiu ilIrton Tomlin and iin ii ErrIrt Jmneit SI PauiI ncre recent iriiora Illll ir and iirl Em iiiiun 9v 53 lty lull in nlItcd tlrue Hm mentlyl June Inaimt ilarrln train in Barrie the Irnrn Danie it 44 on bold Ind beautrlul uwttmonl oi worm nwlnmur that minute to tum tow heads on the ranch lhla wnuner Chooaeironti uzmaulin brkinia and cum awirn wan Allwilr Ireintoorladlronrlulai Mr 555 IJmi Cmmore Bram land Inmlmlm mi llccnusn ni dIrinars Sir irrnc pinyin In Penn mint Penman team ICC WI 77 1hr lint slris ball gun was It hill Lilla lirrt WI vim II In Mi gt ital ly illI Insult ii In II mi in and lannatt had rtlnnrr rnntlrrnet gt at hirihriiry 253 zitSE95 viii fl lMliliiAGYr CnngrnlulItinns to in Ivy than Illa were martini nt Ir mum 59cct to Susan Ni thalonn In hum hill 29 and IMlerr Ellin in iilrtiltr ilrEtny In Jlmiltrrd Juno Time allmdinz llil Ailanrlne rl Schw Dunning mil CenttIi Colleziale nuditvrv um um Sarah Prim It urii iilost Ind Orrisilne Wot it lilllihllmll in Dalrir Mo Jan Ind Kenney lieu who rI gtLE In man the in in ItihlnntI torn mt tannin Central or 30W huoolno Sileich The styles Illustrated are just aaampling at our solar rwthnnmbm 10 nylon halancn or anlrona style to ilatlet every iton its alltust so beauttl Home on In and get onta Ind tinted illnlr Park Ont lrgura in exciting designs Combination or solid In several at lhi low discount pitta Slzetha 20 in tho Finnn1 Slimr Gard assorted fabrics and rainbow oi ian necenting group rionn Jam and rinrlerillt colom Prite mowed ueddln in will Saturday evening the Hill detain standing In uradtord me iir Ind lie ill Ind ii iii llr and lint lmi Arnold anti Jlr Ind lint ill iurrlmnre Stilt Sleiinria nhn went lhe mnirnd with ilr Ind ilu Em teat Hill iluim ilrianel Ind iwvnln win haiereturn rd litm lilp in Farm we wt eerinvt shitan th iiruariitw Inti at Sun iiIrper Port man tin Garnet Cambeii mid Heather and ill mt ilrrr train iicianri iimle it MDL Ind ilrr Men Davis humming are visitinx it in Eliel Darin Inn lriendr here II MI III CAN gt Fasinon prairie puts soil irsooso rn th themwlt VrmoseorCorrionoito II Theyaladuignaduwniumlzinggd theurutytrshwayiogodmyor lnhaaqiderbInottoteItyles casual with bags oi thewintricately All Ire in mnny tinte tococrnrnItewrlh wwen in llorat alasclose bunt Ind mry WWIWMIWIIUWNJIWP lawvaliomx norm me umrnmmeummwrm Wemmnwtalnttmm MAKES CANVAS OLD FMHlONED STORE HOURS Man ll lrl 10 nt in lo run Set 930 mm to 10 Ml lAYiliiD Iiir mm I17 Mull ONi