ie BEERail Ehapi 2==8 unmmlcm tmnnuil with llInle lull Tlrnl In IBI llr unplde up lt twirl tin II On nunentum Ind W9 that could am it in II August gum Ll tiut In In pin or III Sanity om Ilorim III on plum it Nllbcith tirIllId lmm 0d other totIl cut at Imam ll round at the mural Int drIiL Penguins pitlad the It yumlrl mm horn Terk Fllllt In the lawnd round ot the proceedingz MAY NM 60 um II In annnln that hum but Man uqm WMMIHNIIG lulu In ttnd old In In and nu tuuld lrannrtnunlettI Mhuvttttlhtophyinrut nu m1 ramp in In mid hm ton the minority Norton all did not but that his ILIII thumb mmnmnm Smut Illa Sm AI idWmlmlndtm nttnnttmnnrutotut lttduclu to mm plIy In humilitmyllndlh Firm ramication Ilortmlntttoillb hula ntmd the ttvm mm with MIMI llunetl It tin Amarch Mme Aridqhnmmilttmt tentaclesIn Dmanmm l0 mu tn thI tint rand Ind lItIr mm nun Rena Item thIlo mu WONG mm now Or cltlz la thell grant mum rm mu Mutual Ind not cm Mum rota Annie Blur irnIIch wound It with It IRA ummutnuou JEAN llWHO Will Relire Sun lily tlcllI hour at run ltIn little Detrnlt Ken IlurrIy Em Toronto Hugh LIAtlLI Imt WM Rod Zulu Inn PIWIDQ lrnIIdI iild nntlt tin lItI mndl Ind mended homing thIt ml Ind titIy an ulml mum Noft will III ImulIlr tl lbwlii Immu thI uremmt otrfn napkin Jun nittmn mm IIyI Int the Imnlrnurn SIrh Pollock nu mt III tor comment Swtty Bowman Iwmrr Ian IrIlmnntm Ind mm at St Inuit Blur at tho Nuttonal Florer League Idmlltrd the tiny girl he hu rim to tIllr with Pollock Ibnul my own ult uIllon Iltrr the amt mut inn BuwmIn ennrldernd to be thn top randtdnto In upturn Al AllcthIi Ihnuhl tho lullrr min htI post wach nl ttontml mind that IudIyI world 91 mntrrtnm doesnt Illed Illl New Inn wingrr Wltnl CIrletm msz uh manner ot Boston tut lulu VII the No1 lck In On dunu the CI arnlI dou Golden Seth pithti him up tor untame ll Ihout Cultltlrtl Hi nabbed Burl Huhhnnl lltCROSSE run CANADIAN PRESS wonrt JuItIr Prterhamuut 11 ttlsslutuu Italian 5L CItitIrlncs tl 0nllrtn Senlnr llnnrptun liman ll letrrbormrtitz man ontIrIn Sent It turn Sound tt lrmn ll larrrtlmrt Jack Cook Says sunset Improved Ii liDli BROOK tIck Coot ultn minty hII tum mm track rtunnloruhts than any present day late It It drltrr rays that the ntu tout Sunset Stmlway ln strand ht Improvement over lutl tar and the whitr lrnrlt wll be lust the lit Hunt to Irvund homo tm tnvorlte itltIt Dntlrrt tart wtttt lhn twu huttlcd humprr ta humpcr in the trI lure rutu nhluh rrsutltd In Inns tarotlaunan that on oi grutixu tutu It huitdlnz bo lumt lhr lilo ka tirlttnf tho ntlpfifin liull Lid ctpcclni gain lttdncsdny night Last weeks win streak oi lI Tummy Cunttla tlltt is mord nnri Litt mighty mitt will guilt iptifitl to try and nxtrnd It Currrnl nuinl inadmb TOM tunan Don tnntu ulth 126 ttulrut lulnt trllh lllrlr Holler ttrruthingtlnun hiI ml with 119 Last urk Inn Into mod rl run rnntpctlng nhtrh it the lnrtrst nutnlvrr in due Tunith nrw If at Phil anplm will be making rt tint announce It my truck at the mum Another twn nut arr expected In truth In appearnrwe anrr Ind him Is Ctilt Gordon Dun II Old Ind the other 61 Gentile Lust SILI lralure winner lilt ly loclr driving the Bruzli PIV ln 66 Cnettlln mud nut Fred Iiuilrn by two it It the nish line It Plntcmt And the rumor dnulIttn is that Don Binder mIn will be sown driving cu runy rm met It Sunset tn the stx OylinderDir tint tnnrkrts Al ttrtyd II chdirtn with IAIN HANDED mm AFN Ill IX Penguins Grab Harlan FE $5 355 EE Grot Po regimLtreuy ulxtloudetm arm lrnnt tho and hunt nun Baton Elm Guy PM to ting rtrnmd him Id IiIlIrr el lit purl Ind New York undo an ice lieu In the dull muntpu Elm MIL Chlcuo Balm nunI by mm wuotlutt llumn um um tu mmun Will nu ma iGA SPECIALSi currrtts 02th or mth EMT CORNEO BEEF Imam SARDIKES Wit uvrmnrr DOC FOOD tuxvnu mull ltISTAKTCOFFEE mm Item IOA TEA BAOS tum Inomn morn JELLY POWDERS mam Itmt It points wlth NrwmIrttztI 111 turrtIl FANS BONUS this mt It the dart rll lucky Limit and the noputnr late lilo drl Pit Crew me when tIte models crews chante the trout rtzhl tin vi thnir drivers car llu mat Intermiulon ermi plmrr tut wuk Again to at min Itnrling at 11 Stnnlvtt ltnln tIIlO Thu Iy night TONIGHT SUNSET SPEEDWAY SUPER FAST STOCK CAR RACING TONIGHT BtIS PM ttutntnttrn tutng illttn tsrer In mind with III mmtrl LIOIIIIIBLEACII DETERGENT ttrsttrs BABYPOWDER or nun Inlnt Mum u59 5u55 2tr35 ttIJE tilt 132299 35 69 67 II It NHL Approves PlayoffForntdt New BenchClearing Penalties MI tmtamsauqow ihun otlIInIItiille 24 limb ml IKE mutanttun In In ummmmtnut Inmnbnlinl Inn In Milan ruppnrt from renal Wilt Iilltxr Ilurn Immnllu mnlllbr lintme Irwin mmlnlddttinnthalndt lily NEIL ruiu runrnittno hId tint minor watt lxnwal the turn Ind It mint tin player but thI nmnm Antitnu teit Iiltltr penalty III In mart tin thirdpin tum ThI wine of min III mutthutrtnrlnrrlunln nneumltlnli Ith the winner in uric ILLL ptIy the winner It Irrtu Ctn drtrrmlm the Stuttey Gm lIrIIltItI NI LI mntinunna DE titI mom Inttrn ol plIanII Lnttiluttd int uunn Undrr the Former plIynll tor InIt tho llnt uni litirdttlm tum Ind the Imnd Ind lanthqu tum pinId each othtr In tit Willlink ALL WANT NEH RULE The new rule Illttlinl mint bemhelurln meted Inter the am misconduct mun IWUC xwilim tram the plan In Iutnnutic um III the tint lint plus vb lItu lb min dining the mm It tIyer meltu ma min ud lnr lurinl thI bench ma time he Illi thiVl In Inimni mm ttupmion In addition to thl um mhmdurt Inn thI Ith mtktlwtimlturrlu rnu Illl HARD Cunka uid than would ht In tsuiItlnn oi IhI nmI Ill mlm urn mediu time MORE SPORTS SEE PAGE I1 builIHTIttlItl Int VIAILW III um ynur mmtnm Fresh ONTARIO PORK SALE SHOULDER PORTION 59 lull BUTT PORK CROPS SWIITFRENINKOYENROISIIRF III Alli CRYOYAC CORIIED BEEF ESSEX WIEttEltS ui TROPICAL TREAT CahanaDattanaE PRODUCE OF USA NO GRADE CALIFORNIA LETTllCE Willlllllillltlt BARLIKKACRAPES IRESII CHICKEN 68 or BREASTS KrOOAlOESIElXCNICIlR YEIIEETOORIIEIE ITOTIIIS PERPXC MEAIPIES KOIRIIIDDE EYINLI SHOW BEEF LIVER cm AIM mrumrrmmmtmm IRANIIY SNITII APPLES tttt BUTT PORIIOII 45 st III 89 nluvrlumhlniuu IrnieJIbIIuAunilllhl tin tin tnirdlime tanDI mdnltvolmmpmion Ihltuluwth II IntamIli threeme ruin 0th plum Ibo km tin bench Ind heroine Iulil tnvoltvd In In lid train minor mint and mimohx nutty Iltt IiIo metre In In ttxnIti um numnd uct The In rule will be Itrtnlent in the ylmtlt mun mil be no wand chm In the Math Camp tau In player ha Identied LEI lint to hi Mllh Itli IntomItiniy min nut um Iulpenslnn the Ilnt time table the rule plru thI pnmu at In pininil Ierd tnnnry lit plum rin lntu the rule and time he will min In Iutnnutic tw nut mnemtnn ml to on TTDY PENGUIN NEST In Innther detrlnpment 13m day the Pllilbllfih Prnxulu hncEIy tiluntttn III cleared up timer Potter 18 namul In tho Ptnxulnr rr nu In the NllLI ol gour nan Thu Prrtluln were pur ettucd recently by mun at In Boston In lune mic and Twin IletI LIIII In Nu tark mum til rnulmnm mun untarI In mdmflnirudurl quarter yo tho Elli In Bntinl hm bnllrd It Wing tlu AMI Int turn Ipmkd than TwinyI union Intl III Amrrlnn Ind IleItrrn llorhl Lulu leImt drllt trotn itll mzd plum in thr mm dull Beltn tAI drIIL Ch Nltl club must lie lint 37 plum and by it mhrdtnl tour paltrndrn Aha expednt to be Iv own In tit nominees to tit hatter llIll nl FImI Int the Ilnnrr nl tit Bl Ilulzttnl Trophy The Allliulan 1min LI untried nth mr to plIyIr Ibo but Item title thn Inorunuuhlp Ind rI ration in horny VARIID SPICE lGA SPEftAt tllkllttl Ll Cheeselions woolen Imam mum Eitunt CHEESE murmurmun KAROARIIIE tom new ICE CREAM tlnutnnmm Ehrtttttr mumuu nvum COFFEE CAK walnutIn otItIIrt murmur Iutm III OADS COOKIES mum bunny our on mt nowlet Art Imam IInI BAAOIES 0mm om vnlr mu LIIIA BEANS ntvtl mat FANCY PEAS limnrhtaz IGA SPECIAL Still 49 Drinks II mm 29 39 it 49 POTATO STICKS NEILSOKSBARS BIRDSEYE AWAKE Mar 590 In mm or 2m97 fiGA SPECIALS hch Ittomo Mom 79 nu wi ll It on It OLD WORLD ROLLS It IGA SPECIAL tt 89 mo imitit =t59 253 so all than Slr Cylindrr nu Late Model Division In Itrnts illttily tlnn Admlnlon autumnal CREEK PEPPERS AVl lMtllctstttlttltttMltlllttMlltll nrnnnmmnmmnn WEEKLY SPECIALS tctt Iiritm ltlt nliunrd Ilown Shiltluhncnhy Slrnlltcr ltttndcit lflllllat lturrnwn Lalnnttr tlullrn Nen llciljlllrlrtnplrttly mortnniml COME OUT AND POLE YOURSELF WEW COMPLETELY MODIRNIIIPIPIBDWAY NEW FAMILY llAIBS DELIVERY SERVICE um um mun unllt PERSONAL SERVICE