Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Jun 1971, p. 11

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Paai olihe property 51 any liinesini llluswmp Meeting Raises Money uhdorl Iran soo iltiscns nd opossum are sported to lather at Iranevlng Sunday tor the second annual alumnae lhat Is the name given by the harder Exclusive Ch duh ls its annual eoiieI break when club menath meet iscnioisco with 13 Milan lrorn other Iron most at whom they hsvs been talking with on their radios airwghontihe year the calico hrcah lsstnres draws and door prises to raise Maia or the clubs yeIr round protect supplying extras ior students at Colitngwooda Dario Ion lieninviai school the retard sd children hiri llarls Edwards trsasin cr oi the etch said last years proceeds bought states and hoctry sonipmsnt or students atthaschootpaidior arecord manninghoard has mans me that ImoaIagrcqucst Irom IIirr Donut ltd be tum lor Retarded player tor the school and sever al iiald tries Proceeds irorn this years draws will go toward the same hind ai protects Prisca are don ated by merchants is Calling noticing Illhdbeharrlsmlt 5W mad hy the club with each patch deslpied by one Indlvldo al member Thu event also ieaturrs CB Ween contest with girls re presenting dliscas band clubs alielailng the hill The Traveler Exclusive club has about ID numbers scatt ered throughout Ontario and nine states In the USA hire Dd wards said club members have travelled to similar coilaa hrcahs In the produce and nia thesri lilies throughout the year build Its rctsll assist on the and plaza lot Both the engineering depm Ill nu warns on IOIiliSON as siren On My afternoon Barrio SuhAqulsns diving club cleaned in oil Day at the Johnson 8t beach Ice The club donated the lime in help inshe Barrio beautiful Some oi the items taken irons the water Included can aid stovetiru cement blocks scctlon at lease and neural lagged broken bottles Includ Ing one three Icct Iran the beach that was sitting up rightJDOliLFJl rlllre vii Ncrh Gov Derrick lslor Valeria Booth Rich Prise club president hora liar shall and linear While the to by Norm Hanson $1 Million Road Work Program To BeReoornmendod To Council Nearly tl million worth at road work Is predicted tor the city over the next live your The terrorist is soniaincd in planning guide tor Menu road program approved by the public wash committee at city council The committee will recs omnxcnd council approval at the lannn guideloserveasaa DonutSIiopllezoneBidIIeIused landward the first year at the lanning guide Among the malt pro tools considered are monalm tion at Ferris lane between Bal ad down alter rcccivin re nienl and the city plmnlxgg do lirld St and liesth St The in gamma the city englnesrlng partmenthsverccommendsd the cast calls tor excavation and The company had been seet 0i land malls aonzd ior sparirnerw re imedlicly south or the and plaza on Dsydd t1 tor puking and an other entrance It had planned to smack Weekend At Fern OlliLLIA on car weekend oi humor and special presentations ls scheduled this Friday and Saturday when the Siephns Leacch Weekend takes place at nearby Tern Resort and the authorI home on Brew hilly lestock play The Split in the Cabinet will he presented Illghllght oi the weekend Is the awardpresent tiara dinner at Fern Resort live mlch ass at here Guest oi honor will he Robert BAIIIIIE AND AREA rrsll dents donated the pints oi 951 at the June Blood Donor than nicsdav Clayton Ania request he turned down idly planner George Gray In are said the parking on the plus lot is already more than ade iguale sad ag la the ol licIaI plan parting insist be till the same land as Ihe outlet Resort Thomas Allen winner oi the ma Iasroch Iledal oi liumar iur his book Qtldren Wives and other wild uie Sharing the award spoillfht will he ltyesrold Larry Fts gerald Grade student irom Saskatoon who won the ins rock slinlent humor contest and will receive cheque ier 31000 Joint second prise winners with total ol two are cho rah Ciiit and Jim slchbb both tram St Thomas Ont gcr at Oahlry Park Square talks to lied lois clinical iiiExtent llrs Die llibopuu while he donates pint llr Installation at storm sewers and curbs and paving at cost or rcsanIng oi sniail psr port presented two week ago 811000 FARMIDE DR Also Included In the toll pru Icctlons Ia widening and pay lag oi Parkilds Dr between Ihsnlop and Rosestrcets with installationon ciuha Cost In as St lar nearly onehati mile Is The Great Ea Is Nothing To Gardeners who are glsdlng themselves Inr an Invasion ai earwigs can relax its been called all Fears oi widespread plague oi the vegetarian bags are an IOtitItIed according to an oillclal ol the Ontario Department oi Agriculture Keith hlciiuer oi the depart ments Alilslon oiiice said the carwlg Incunlon this summer lorecsrt lot 1511 Cast oi the leg at Lelitishl tram Anne Sl Job is estimated at nearly to lls dssd end at is cost at about who Ahost the same no gym my 50 up amount would he spent to bring up my why my my Letitia st in riirst design sun 91 gm 5L no my dude In the area irorn Bayvievl irons himcoe to Ross St at DO 5mm cost at about lm spout rimioao warthmoi out mt arrcast or till line PM year dealt with by its planning hm lunzuumguf guide The major protect that mu mm in harsh WINE The outer proloct In that year would be complete reconstruc tion oi that Dr hchwcc Vas prs and Diaan St at an es timated cost oi nearly 1000 Alan considered lar in would he whining curbing and paving oi Toronto St between Stmcoo sndlinssSLstssnstaiIhout 539000 Sunnldslo lid lrorn Parker to Otndlcs ltd would come in lor complete reconstruction In tort Ii the planning gulda become realty The cost or the is new tilde calls 101 cushlngand swig Invasion Sweat Ahoul doesnt appear to be anything to sweat about some areas will probably get shot or them said lllr tic liuer It nothing al But theres no early warning system ior csrwigs dust which area will host them wont be known until they arrive Accord ing to his hicltucr that will he sometime In July For people who are still son cernrd the drpalhml has pa Wm Pm recently published tact sheet gamma wrunguni 01 Kruegcr estimates It was the bulls pint oi blood he has do nalrd hamlncr Photo Barrie Area Residents csridlls lied Cross bioOd 1er clinic at Trinity Parish ih will itsxiul In metting ho daylong clinic til lists tuiluricd Including needed ior heart Toronto ll lho donors tto wera For sent as Wlpriala um dlnlcsurs for new Wu uiuuu clinic gull sauna people The or anisrr termed the clinic sudrcss but undoillpcd the last that provincowuiu shortage Jack Susllcruotl director at Arcs at the Blood Donors Service supervlstd the clinic Ila polatid out that the bi supply in Arcs which includes Toronto Hamilton and Barrio as well as other centres dwindled to under its lnls This summer when cs are tunporsnly suanrd II Do It Again Quota Met lcal shortage could materialize It takes more than pints oi blmd iur one heart operation blood donor clinic will be held in Drillia June 11 thrcadny slink from 10 am to soon as to pm bod will he and It mauvu Bulld iziig CH Borden starting line Area residan may donate blood at this clinic rha neat clinic tar Barrie ls scheduled tar August ti on rarwlgs detailing their Ii to of Temperate lush was the historvllldhlmld id guest speaker at luesdals the rest oi as can go back to mm mm the bum christian Business lions Corn Equipment Breaks Cundles lid in the city Iiiniu The coal is millsltd at about IMO rnginccr liay Allen told the comrnitteo the document Dine Dorrie Extrusions an moms JUN Ill ll Grove Stays Gray said the citys ot lIriaI plan prnlcclcd demand Ior new retail linsr spam In plans In the city at 1700 aware lcel in mi and 139100 In Im Since that psalcctiun was made the li mars plus at 113000 square led and Bank at hianlrssl branch at lii7 square ieet have been built lust out side tho oily limiLs in add leer at the Ducawarth and site is also an the boats Ths total his Gray said in mono square iset exceeding the ms projected demand by moor squats loci and the ma needs by 5700 square should only he considered guide in lutura planning and not firm nrosxsni Aid Del Cole dillnnan oi pimuc works said the studs will give the city track to run on in setting road coa stcuctlon priorities Ii CBIIIC 24TH ANN AI LADIES NIGHT snitlee sass annual ladles night banquet FROM IE Mel and hisry Fisgy his Whih man Luna and Keith Wood Examiner Photo Program sans HERES ruin OPPORTUNITY mechanical lailure has do layed the start oi an expert nhentai program to remove phos ates lrom sewage at the citys waicr pollution control plant um Eqmwm mm when how cleanlasor clear be In operation Itlesday to beg lag out school Ioclrra may gin the propane but Blimp tarnugaiorgottcn book aster ill it limit which the Barrie Public mnmmh km hrnsy IIIM vcvly glad to have my Emu my mm id hash on Its shelves equipment should he repairr rum is declaring an rd and the removal process In Imam my operation by tomorrow hooks ice two week period gigihIiiker llamifreseafflldronio Poet Is Honored tilihidiiti Wit lit Collingvrood lighmllittiiwumglxg coursewoon Stall Ed om naJEchues Jaugcson notes his Draseau was treated at mfmm liayal viatoils Hospital The 1m dgd Ill In it iltlrelser oi the car was Idsaus cersmony msrklnx tile yuhllc mandolin Wu Willi 71 lli nyclillgfhzl IHDOIIIIII photo IM Damage to the Wild car was him Isrnlcson who was born gllmalod gr asp bore in two came to Calling wood trorn her home In Willow drain or illiebmgsloln Musing IOIIIO Is widely known asptller Irrep The Walkway WW If No Pies Allowed WOMEN VII VIII hvtwecn Johnson St schoo and ihl Alrsandcr Air be retained and must 1qu duplcg of that the div li radium ll tripch on place at property 25er owners tcnro mum 33 wise One at the abutting owners sorird ins single ist had requested the city clue the use In in an area that is almost upesor his driveway and lawn Ito had pies would be coupletel out at oiiiscd to top the walkway oarsctcr with the sari T0 ESCAPE BOOK FINE beginning Saturday and end tng oI June so During this tlvnr anyone who has Itssg vvrrdne host may bring then to the library without paying any line and without any questions Istcd With so operation this ntnrl booa campaign should he an outstanding soc cm Constance Hardy lihsn liass said Ceremo SEE OVERSIIIPLY the iact remains llr Gray said that the city will shortly have substantial over supply at retail oor space which will exceed the ability nl the nsinner market to ads Plaza Some In that type at Iadii presently lashing htayar in Cooke rap concern stools Itisdting ol mnmarlal davelap meats In the city Ila said that al dsv oidsny eontrnibyihe city lie saldhelsconmnedahoidartw Were competing to see that we get good chunk al coar naerclal development Inside the city the mayor said Planning on ard chairman Ocorgw ilnrpos said he data not think It In good tanning to al low In ores at armor clsl hididing in thI city It runmercl developers want to gaouuidn Ihadtyihe1wlllp nitride he said hotthssw are already vacancies In niatinb eonanersial mas within the city lladss he said Rezone Request Leads To Hearing petition irons residan in the mica St North area rslt aucstlng city council to rezone parcel oi land at the north end of the street to single IamIIy re sidential irom residential san lng that would allow double duplex posed quandry tor the planning board iul night The board hopes in resolve the matter by rezoning the an tiro 1Series St North area to single iamin residential public hearing into the rcsoning prupos II has been scheduled ior June 22 at pm petition signed by 21 resid enu iii the area has been pre sented to council asllng tor the rezoning oi the property It the end at the street The peti tian states that the residents want to preserve the single Ismin nature at the nicest the petition arose out ol so quest to the committee at ad lutlmcnt to sever the lot in Int on Ecolrs St Nu lrurn larger lot that runs Ml lid The romrnllico oi ndius meat said it would grant the sov eranco provided city council pass bylaw rrsisicllrig Its use to single lanilly housing Several planning board moni hrrs while they were sympath etic to the general oi the resi dents questioned it they could legally rccorrunend rezoning Aid loot llorruan wondered It the boardshould be dealing with the ugliest at all since no lor mal rcsening application acs rampanlcd by also dcpavit had bean 1122 ty nner George Gray res commended um the entire street he rosnnrd to single lamiiy rcsii dentist as it is pull aotly at that typo ai home up At Stdyner Opens Sewer System STAYNEII Stall Stuners rich water poll tlon control sys tem which ha design capac Ity of moss gallons per day was otilclally opened this alter noon hy olilclais or the Ontario Water Resources in mission and other government repicsca tallies hlayar Elmer Dorlty extended an oillclal welcome to the visi tors who Included llaiiingu worth at the OWIIC IN Devi ncr IIPP Ier Duiierla Sinwoe aniiDr Nancy Armbrusl medical oiiircr or health tor Sirocco County Rev ll Brecn said the Invocation and Rev II It Drown pron the benediction The system which was cathn ated in cost WM consists at sewers and service countless pumping station iarceinain and waste stabilizst pond lor treslmcal at community was to water It was explained that the method ol Installing 1250 test at polyvinyl chloride PVC lor cesnala was that tor the ow RC Badgers Systems division at Canada and Dominion Sugar Company limited carried out the method mole plowln op elrstioa to Install the Contractor on the rolect was Nasgsrty Campbell nstrurtion llanltsd ol Ingsrsnll while the consulting engineers were Ainisy and Associates at Good There is about noon iect oi eight to it lash diameter aw hcslos cement pips In the sewss system with apply wees lset oi asbestos Ml airline rhood and undiaground prclahricstad Reactions All at the waste water lrom the town is schooled lnIo trunk servers which empty Into was well at the proiahricsled on around pumping station ry wall pumps each with ml to pump o0 salient er minute equipped with 15 up er wt est IghNnch dI erecth la to waste elIhIIaatlon pond ganilnn art with the or mohairs dmuift an nahrobin csll material use

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