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among those which lost sdiertlsing vols lime Were had loudl ltW Sdn Gruson vlctL rst sad assistant to the In the mallard productl the when an rural to William Needles and Iloland lkwglll Barry alums rlayl the husband and PM aromas plays the hired derer Dowll Oonsrnents by other critics Inciudcd nutlarry Callus leiegrsm hIlsa Osllowll was sbrlillant MW sacs one at the lineal to Ill been sren In Sirlliord la rsuny seasons The Pill cal dlacstinn which IeIn Ou con gave to the pill Ihe are TOY 3mm wsx wallhsisncsd and on the action pcricctlv timed this year and The Ilmcs re mmmm revenues were hit million down line per cent train to million lcar axo mcs Co Knhorrln tied noise ldent oi the American swspaper hibllshera Asso ciation laid the annual son IIueatened Them Nitli Parasites MONTREAL CPI FWD roanmates al Eric Itrans charged with Intuit to endanger Iois lives tallied WV ill threatened to wt aunt they good the week hoier they wsra stricken with parasi masonic moms as postnail sla student In agricultural coal neeitn at lisodoasld College told the Session Court that line made its throats Iiicr roommates told him in pay illI um or get out at the hauls they were shsrliig In subirrbsn Sta Anne is haliewic Ila said lirans told them he mill live not TO dian lllt hloot her hrtw Ihos BE in new seven II to rat prlco camp sndl Ill AVI all eas to smiles and wEoJuId cpcttt them In the load it my attempt was made to evict hint ltraas silo threatened to bins down the house and have iisll Idoun men out up the oommstes EIIsir llichard Davis as us IIIm Butler 22 and lteilh 17cm it were admitted to hospital in February ol last year suiicring min In undiagnosed illness Tcsis Indicated the man had consumcd lnioctlvs eggs at tile ousarls tsmiiy oi pig parssltss Mr Fisk said he began to ioel lli Feb 11 and was admitted in hospital two days later lie was patient ior rnoro than three Nuilllsm Eutlcr instilled that lirsns told him he had access in his rmmstrs iood and it was at him oiil hed put parasites In our land and wed walls up lJohn liarch luriion at at suburban Oialcnuguay the only nominate who did not hcanmo til ruvldnd similar testhnany deicnca Is expected to begin Ila case today LARGEST IELEOTION 1N Till AItEA ROOM GROUPINGS rnxcsn snail 59995 to 99995 law Credit Terms Avatlahls Evening Appointments Arranged ADAMS sunrruns lha mums mains limo nishers urnluau wuarsnm Passenger Chevrole 4wiinouwuu IOWNSMAN3SEAI nouns sinioo LICV38013X IIGHI GREEN LIC SOOIIX $2995 CIIIIVIIOLIIT 0lllthlllLE CADILLAC VIIOA it Illtltllloliii hI iiAIiItIIi libilil EIGHT GREEN Liaisozox GOLD LIC 380th Electric tailgate and window engine automatic radio power steering hrskrs soot sacks whitewslls Priced new at nvir sihtu NOW Bee Ons oi Our lrtsndiy liairsmra Itrn llriI Earl lissshstl hill lass Crawls Itoa Nartos Grorgs Lewington Murray lsllliis George Dallrrilcld in Deng lsslil livuse Dssgssilctd iris liaise IIgr Issa liohu Used Car hiss George llsspsr till all tied lrscls In Most people take it iov granted that the giant isniwnyseheuporthon the regularsise But is it Not always At Food City you can easily find the answer Packaging doesnt confuse aurcustomerx Our CompareAlinlt shell tickets show you the gt cost per ounce im all detergents for example You can compare at glance and always find your most economical buy Lot Food City help you take the guesswork out at land shoppin vlltli CompareAUnit pricing Watch these Compare Atinit shell tickets when you shop They help you to become smoriorshopperi DillIN ForplanningthiiwoolemoslsheresresoneoiouiIieihdipsrinientlsaluies II 39 99 IlOPItAlIIEAI 45 ossiiisiiiiis Elli MDMP DONE UNION Di AIIICA at MADE Bttttltlltiltiitittls OAIDIN IIIIN PRODUCE OP USA DIIDDODLI swans mosaics 491AIIAORANGES Niiiiis nu 2ri89lliisllilltl Iileei aliasilve Mon iluu Set June tal2lli lighti reserved to lImIt runtltlei 26 N21 BARBIE IOINOIEOIK IOAIII IIIBPOIIIION till IENDEIILDINIOIIID ill 55c 75 Puhlclltlls NIAOAIA OI EAMIIIII IINDIIII SIDE BAININ All iuwwul worn NIXT so rowers AND case also will AllDltittDOZ WY