rt 14 gain ssadrrtsrt rttsrrtottts WrittenNo1 TELLS MANUFACTURERS NOT WORR TORONTO it Prime httnisterlrudelulndtcsted ltsesdsynidatthatworriedror porstlon eseesrtires can breathe Dolixpenments iiilihtl 332$ mm is nothing to ieIr to maintain wide degree in Space Lab mm Ilesibiltty is tinkering with the lhudesu tlptoed rarelully mml Mi 050W Wv through broad outline bi his moi rem the rows in eosmuraula began their third mm on Rump more disuse Ind working day aboard Russias mm mm production has Increased our sun one base today M1 Polretu Ii lirtruiatlon which by adjusting seleniiire mm mm started early In lmwillbeesas meet and earryius out In le tinned or Increased Ir notes WW WPu hir hudesu conceded there dwieawmm am new said crew had been an uneasiness tn the MN commander Georgi Dobrorolslry business eonununity over us KW Ind Housewives Block TesitCity Access pt wed By RCMP resentment people mil Rousseau GOES in To New York my treatment user unne nil North stars Innmnesd lnartlsy lbIt rldtt winner Rotunatshssbcenwt the is com mauled or three sets ieellnl legislation Incl or icderli pol met in th Imth ml the between wdi rod work was eontlnuinr forglgu mmt end mviilgui nous rnorssr user istiinuuriiim nortry teIgtII morsllatlapiarr unfinished iormulation oi as the About In tuition at El clone that sent Bab North to the Mummy than Iiienrornpmirtg enercy pol up Mp mu mm mm MM WM 11 and words and pohteheadublem yummy um up ml by wenstton in what on Romero so appeared In tea pacer summit It set up certaint normr with the cm wwwm myriblbniiotthstlnii boastedtbaSIiutastationhton mwmmmwmmmu bet the tarpsInd seam nodes costs while an ptahynp mists dun mu lgerla be mmmmm wrrmr powwow not cut more me blocked by ielled Starr trons Montreal unadlenr mm tut MW mm Tutsadoitimwenrbiilfr inetiuifrrimrbelgufd dorm at mmmmmmmh imadtobeiogoodsbapesiter dnamollsoelaiiyeonsdous Mmmhmmau users unmanned weeks since it devdrped my more he rode herd on three wsslsonched April to attained without the promised Mmmm In Tuesday Ssiulswhlris to healthy manuiIeturIng Indus er with the cosmonau try hummer ed terry unit Soyuz ll Yots unouutlonably how terms Moot long onlt thisihe governmenL ssson proved Into higher orhit you knows this It attempt to build Will Probe Care Supervision 0i Ontario Mentally Retarded moron CPI Arr lnlor tr will report lathe minister horsesrm urns rnIl hvesunuarhrlnearsaod hy Aur rs at which timebi my lg mum to node said he write mpmlgion or malady re nndlngswiitbasnada been mm mu brve poeterred to prmo med manhood Iwmmm bu comprehensive mm at ta relates within mm when his gurustrut toot use until hrsosrstberthnl nyv mttbebnlnmmwdm and mmthryotmadatobeso ith gt more mm snu stadiu hand In throotn last tore IMrIslitlg themeetlnr Audra the old song nldtt lheprimesninlstergsva oi the unedian htaduisdrtr oi ad marina nithtirideohgleslm newtsttIaheslnrrhlsauto out Iotogrophs to dclegstesbo ers motion Photo warden to propu pinning two men than the Wealikrsowthstpropereon Socialist grow tried on Wished Rejects Suggestions Queens Park ltun Lotteries tDRORm CPI Opposltoo the vioce wutrylngtosvold suggestion that the rorlodai hung tinanclaliy venmetrt and political pan its told his Restrict on the as rItI lotteries were issue at lottqu operated by mwlbilnksnguai wilgldliiipslimm should not In ruanlos lotteries Islrs getluvolvcd mmm tar their proposes no matter Opposition leader Robert Nixon shuttled the province irdiiiiiaiiciini rdissing stIgI Its own lottery iamss rtee wrest NDPllltsrdslet gglldammmmwlgm asked it it would be possible to VI work up some method under fgawu mm Wm Pm hlrRtnwleh suuested on rt hold lotteries Wu mg mp Mr Wisbsrt drew agreement sled on lottery tth would tall trout lIrt DeIns lNDPcht within the Imbt ol the leglstsr wortht when he said provin lion because it would not art clalI government lottery in Vance the purpose or only one tended Is room at revenue ln party his Wishsrt said lottery lieu ot new tam would simply cghlatron was insutItclentty take money trorn people who broad to permit this CAPSULE news Regional Hospitals More Eilicieni OTTAWA CPI bigger hospitals specialising In various health services tor whole regions probably Will its aleot than mlterirrl oi multipurpose local units slylna nationhood economic litsiy It wosdd be rhraper to subsidise petitesta travel costs lollI nooaihsplocmlilly hsl than to Itte tonsslntain bowl eat It It winner in study tor the mom Ourncll oi threads Wellare Ministers End Secret Meeting OTTAWA 6P condential meeting ol Canadas welialo Ministers ended lhrosdry sad delegates returned boars to brtet mlil wanders prior to next weeks constitutional conference in Vittoria There were no statsmcrtls or comments lollowing tbs WWI meeting held tmder tight steurlty to the Coolederatroo Centre here Soap Companies lltiaclt Phosphate Ban IANAPD AP the soap and detergent Irr dutlribhrs longitude moot assault on the its grim bmolne the use In detergents ot virtuallyMellmribczspmpi am theSoa andoetertcnt Proctorsnd GuteOo nominations in use scientists say cause the ecological death its to ti rqu Ittmday tmmlelidnsnsgnssi lndlanas law matriciurg phosphates mava snow has use srnu Ascot race crock and WM reports suggest the wgltw were erratum coherent destined tor clandutine owe Iiona In limited irelsnd mater belt short 50 mile Si rnrmlclpsi employees returned to work today alter city and union leaders agreed to pro posal tor cordial the twodsy wrlkout that tbroltiod treble Monday and spread to scware treatment tglam Indncrators oiiiee or collective ngwu that the unions controverslsl pension plsn would be state legislators next year Fall OR Ascotlslnthaundoncosn willbe aspec Ciiyllnion Illgree NY Strike Ends new YORK iAPi atriktor its hes and even school uracil adverts ruesdw Key to the roarwink proposal resubmitted to the moithetilllegislalmlout ontbeplansetolttbewsikout The agreement renounced taesday Iltt also provided that it the rim leplslsttuo In that the stands took place ltres an informed dry Ind that tiseasms Ind com Ibe portals were round News In headline report said the weapons tossed about one mile irons Ascot Included some still msehlneguos It said the weapons were to years old and were rrupius RCAF equipment all well greased and in periccc working order SEEK term EXTREME asked tor comment on the story said he had on lolormallon In thatqu as he knew British police had not been In touch with Canada on tbemstter tators Including the Queen at the opening oi the Royal Ascot racing wreck lnlormation on the raid escrpt extremists operating in Britain Ire being soupht by police Ready For Fight Scidcrt Tells Army lsrseli withdrawal would new gratbar the back oi Carlos Report acne Surplus Arms Found Ned Ascot Raceway Rowerer the tendon Evading Canada Rouse spokesman the paper said that trish Police declined to duclasa lull CAIRO Renter President Anwsr Sadat has told the Egyptian army to be ready or it merit remains in delence stock it said SO detectives using dots moved into the wealthy Ascot stockbroker rm and swooped on warehouse nursing home and private homes Ihcy tossed the weapons to building in wooded area in Ottawsadeletrce departs menl spokrsrnan said the de partment never sells IIIS All surplus equipment is turned over to the Crown AsseLs Dis posal Corp loi disposal hrrt In many cases there is simply paper transaction and the equip piles lt the equipment was Cana dian Forces surplus and the spokesman said he was uns wsre whether It was it could possibly have been stolen 1hera are very stringent re striations on just who buys arms through the Down corporation They dont sell to lust any My sariiy tollaw women can CPI Pro tartar mlltam stls was con tmtedIhy crowd ot sup porters tor the extension oi gov mtrnent grsnts to Grade it or Roman Catholic secondary school when he arrived to 10m don Iuesday test their manner pleased him The tendon and hliddlcscx Comty Separate School Board presented the premier with petition seeking the extension at gratis beyond Grade to and the crowd ot demonstrators sang their Ippcai to the tune at popular song lhst type at polite presenta tion will win more in the eyes at the public tor them than any other type at presentation he has been subjected to said Aid Gordon Walker Progres else ConserVIttve Party condo date in tendon North When asked when an Ontario election might be called Pre rrder Dash remarked to Aid Walker All can say Is Gordon be ready It can happen any time John White University sliarrs minister and MP ior tendon South Imampanied the premier on his brici tour oi larndolt where he also met with various Conservntttn riding association representatives irom south Iultatlon Ind preparation takes time Ind that shortest Ire dan germs sir lruduu gave no indict lion whether the June It budget will Include tax cuts to pep to the economyI more urged by the curt among others tie did say his Liberal cavern meat It condent the economy QUEBEC CPI Quebec will weeks tedersiprotinciat consti tutional cooleresce with my commitmento ingst on at plete separI on powers lore agreeing to constitude amendment iormula Prussia Rnbert Bourssrs told the Quebec national assembly 1ttes day lto was Mililll to resolu lion calling tor such turrnnrt rrrcnt proposed by Union NI lion ale under ieanacoues Bertrand The resolution wss dcleated Arr neurons said it would not be realistic to demand that western Ontario problem at separation not tie its hands It treat many which will have the same polltl the cal composition as tho years aim the pm In speech to soldiers along Issue willbe renegotiated by the ma ML mm mm city Ind the union whirls were published today he told the troops the bottle will end one way or the other In the year 1711 the Egyptian leader noewed his Feb otter to reopen the Sues canal and said he is pre pared to enter into another lor mIi ceasellrv to allow clearance operations aceompanied by is saell evacuation in Jerusalem today lsraell Premier hide their said her country is still ready to reach ChileanRigbtisl Is llssassinated SANTIAGOIAPI Chiles leitwiiig government was plunged into mslor erlsrs today allowing the assassina tion oi Iormcr vlcbprcsldent sod outspoken Inllleitlst Elsntrrrdo Pores Zulovie who an interior minister was No man in President Eduardo ireis Grsistlsn Democratic Iti mlnlstrIlian was lhresdsy by three young men who padre said were believed to the tthplata dinner to In Trudeau ht were turned Wm to write the priser minister letter then escorted than book to an elevator therewerenolncldmtand thsgrotpehtotaopstterabaat twohotosoidernonstratin Quebec Wont Be committed On Power Separation Bourassa otpowenbolriwcdbtit lollortmtlawh in an interview emits4m day air Baossss both did and the rated gorermneot wotdd propou Imendments to the article dul lng with the Old Age Pensions Act Article ltd oi the Fritisil North America Act mtttler oer icdersl government to legislate in the areas at odsge pensions and additional allowances hid stipulates that no icdersl legis lation In this am should inter lerw with any pmtnl or bsturI provincial laws Could New York City Become State ct up NEW YORK AP time John tindsay has commission to their the eltlelercy pt shantka $1 to chlorine to prettier at New tort Wm Ila legislature bum hm guidinmgsto the citys operation mots tttesday dirnased weeks or Edmdbbeideen the Ind atIte govcmmeots rortltr city when tor new remote and appearedltfm in wetter more total city leader tor rt WWW an Email on will til be members oi In ultrsleit canal tstreeens amen mu m0 Wfmlm 55mm amino oloiliie People with President salrsdor Allends so rdterIted Israels posi hlarslrt declared in broldr ii cast that the assassination was Wilma immlii delibeth provocation in mniinoiaidb ih one to one neuron cross mood that mcomotete lilIoititIcotmlry ll1rtrt notes of the tirewbrtdggopemtors strike ileuhstlshisiarrtsehtgeu oyn nowtnindlIdonotharI in matstorleeponhtrm WWPM Cournoyer OXFAM tleld director lot as tern India lIlilrrs new con terencI man the tear rnll