ting died Friday It New York City hospital He III II IAP Photo Dies In Coma new YORK IA Joe tools the ngthsolced night can comic died My In hoe plddllhthlhldwnlll diabetic coma tor resent dlyl llljwu 89 hotels wIs wished to hospital week ago Itter collopllttl In Ito hotel rolta and we ate order IotenIirI rue tor die it more harddrinking treewheel tog than Into Iuhtooad Iris own cult to to cars on tho an and nsltt akih III de vortne his ransom humor between guth ot sootch Joel Idtiico to quit drink he hId nevttiuIIooo that could tort tareter Already can see the knot erriiins no the oor he said on hIIeoth birthdIy kdepper dIoIIIr teats Itortodoutaaocroonertnthe tom Ind he III as pular tits renters became the Itlel at gaadand tend to ma workiol the club at gIng la here that year tewte do ciinod when IivIt mobster Irttd lo hire him away the nor that lost out Imhnshed tum Iluitodihtr throat and leithlm tor dead In In alley Ile could neither talk nor sing em but came back Is whose buttirog voice in clooted night cltth reguim nodal most at the Item World War err earned 000 transporters stimulus It ran anI 911th ram Comtnic tlotortcdon 15 new urban harm and apartrncrile tIIt month In Incronto at nearly ht per cent train the comparable Ilgtrre oI Itit IoI ltIy trio II was Ionounccd Friday Central Iiorlugo and timing eo ltrbIted that with the Iddi on at trig activity in nixIt IreaI thd dtay Iipure on housing ioteitI this oar would be the gitItem In InnuIt hotel at IIMICII VON MONEY PARIS AP loouIIitdg nI civil IcrvIrrtaadomonItaIletI in control TIrlo Friday Ior pay raises The union III the num ber cl marchers It tonne police It 10000 ltott dellverch dllitv died to oothlnl II postman tolncd in tho ortedhy walkan School thehers garbage men and other service workers also were Ide the Itrilte rIlI Iat love breakdown last month In talks on pay claims oil MODERN INSURANCE IICHNOIOGY ibur services Ietleet tang ittme experience in warli gtng with wtda variety oi business mcerur gell the trained people MEANT Merriam All I1 rattler lb Iterrlo WI For these outside the rotten circuit lexils war but known tor his one popuIIr hit Iorrg Sooi You tIIdoIhe Pants Too ML Lewis was born on New York cttyr lower EIII Side in the IIan ItIniIIttIn neighborhood that Ioateoed Eddie Cantor At Smith and Irving tieriio NAMED ONCE tewts sold tits autobiography The Joker Wes Wild Ior 00000 Ind It was made Into Illrn with Im StnI ytog Ioe Commented to they tied scene where ISInotrI drink They had to It It In me ringer Martha Stewed but It didnt tote Ihd he not back to hit bachelor routine at NWT suitor IIieoaI Int race tracks held one lImIle admirers Joe lives the kind at tile every married man would like to lead II No wile would let him Nearly law oirswi ice Tho ecol nouns sum Wu end Idg canipatgn to moored new in regulation II planted Revenue tor Iterh Gray told Prlday toe renditions would result Ilt Ind IIII hill hIIck oI Bor rie Iccootpanied tho Guthrie Dr students on their Ottawa trtp ItIy to TI 21 III lhd ItrI Douglu Wilson IccaIann Ied Ili WllIorta Or pupils renew it our school Danny IIIwklnI had eight boy trtenda at wiener rout It home Saturdey ltay ac to cel ehrIto till title birthdoy Coopan to hole It Ineltlo who mounted Irorn Uoitmty at Waterloo on thy II with Bachelor oI Science de Iroe ttte mother It Itttier that and Vern ithktn ad the It Ellen CIidwcti who had Iio cry in horde hoIpitIi recently homo Ig IloUdI eiIItorI Itoy It werw IIII so try FIrIIIh Breads and Art at Gratenhurrt with III and Mrs NIwIIoI III and lies hilt Proctor oI Torore to and Mel it Gray at little crest loose on with III rod llotaerd II III end In ttou Carri In III and sin Non Needy Ill oi Dowuarlew III and Ilsa Allen Wobna Ind cornice oi Guelph II George Ceinpbtltl LINOTIT 07 COAITLINI AiukII coastline II IMO milestonl George hill Introduced to Parliament Inst November Is one Itcp my hoot heccmlog IIw rimtnnnenoerrt dIyIIthItlonsmoos twonolaorleaeto it will in got htoId regulatory power In the dell II auctions sod tabellton WontParticipate TORONTO CPI Allah Or oI and detrioproeit emttrmed Prldnthattltllodelol vern Incntwittnotta III million but to help the hook Mitt tim oI Ind stem no remain In sternum IGI Chlei peter Dlarne musder III to his dieo rigth and deleoder at tho tIIdittooIi Iroquois longhouu died In hoapltet tburIdIy II the III II to III III been IuiIertng train heart condition The Mohawk chlet born to IIOI turned to II Itohewk and lethal him eeli the troditiooI end Indent rltu ot the Iroquois tanth III Ipent mm at many tits Itohawk Oneida yugu Ooooda Tumoan treeh Mtimeho SALMON Available III II silent ouron RESTAUIMNT In Mttaud lltht IUNlIYl THE IlOlNINO ARE OPEN SUNDAY YOUR CONVENIENCE DELICIOUS IUNDAY IFECIAL DEEP FRIED NRlitt DINNER It Also IIIIInhlI our taleout Iert BARRIE SEAFOODS omriuntitr Air Conditioned Open Ilto III III II to mo Cloud htondly in India It mam OPEN SUNDAYS rr Noort III Tine Quality lleele Dyclto Food Market in taltiee It Itoblll OPEN IUNDAYI Iljld All TO IT hNdolgItt IIer III RAVITILT IT IlhDIIl sitoIIIIs oruo MART PRESCRIPTIONS IIMLY on to II In EVERY IUNDAY ll AM to PM its Wellington IIHIII YESIII Were open Sunday It It to one tor your eonsenleoco Pats Poole Ii Patios horrleI Owl Swimming Pool Dulrr Ill DUNIIOP IT IT PHONE Milli harries Nowell Computerised doteroatln CAR WASH II up every loodlyt BAYFIELD SUNOCO CAR WASH stt hoyttetd It one It not tr DrtIata levee Yew Mom rot unit It lIroie 81429 denim lander Intetlcl Open IIIUy IIns to win hUNDAY IIOUIII II All PM ROBERTOS PIZZERIA Try ttohntos Phase the best In Iowa noises me Delivery ItmIll Hm II III IIIII tree to noel It II II let IIII till IJII cletee Moeday phone oIIIrInaIIohIIoIchInceoi succeeding E3 to III the United itqu or the So Merger is Sat riet Union or anyone else III Stentleid told the Middle mots Cauemdve its Sootheart uouaroit III AP ngTOIume mmmmm on at tho women who hrtghtm DIX elotion heloaod It Ilttu lhll with IIIdgoarlerI hero hll Ordered Out VANCOUVEBtdiA enlstazd tthe Irod Indiana 14 who matter student who attend Canada In IIII II landed the odgrast wII released on pending an appeal at some he IIONIIIEAL It Dim tore date One electric system gives us indoor comfort YOUIICE onsholly Bartlett When Mr and Mrs Frank Bartlett decided to install on electric heat pump in their Idyear old East York home three years ago they were mainly interested in saving space The old furnace and ductwork were taking up too much room in the basement Frank explains to we decided to chuck it all out ond put an electric heatpump in the attic so wed have more room in the laundry room and my office downstairs it turned out to be good move in more ways than one No matter what type at tweed oir treating you have It simple to install central electric cooling pump It Minlalltl the temperature you set winter and simmer complotoiy adamantly unit ITS ALL 50 EASYI JUST ASKt Dykstra llros Electric limited ELECTRIC CONTRACTING SPECIALISTS ELLEN IT BARth PHONE 7164439 greet usi great Now were not only comlor table all winter long we eniay the lovely cool air conditioning in the summer as well really appreciate the cleanliness because it means less housework You dont have to dust as much and you dont need to get your drapes cleaned nearly as often Find out how earin you can enioy the versatility of the heat pump or other total comfort conditioning systems described below in your home Check with qualified contractor or ask your Hydro Whitey with total electric contest conditioning Theta two ralinernenh are easy to addcentral automatic humidity control and electronic oio deem to lake dutimttoke and pohen out at the air ctrtilts YOU COULD FEEL THE SAME WAY SEEt ANDRADE CONTRACT ING FOR TROUBLEFREE WORKMANSHI STROUD PHONE 4364