Tl In lLllR The olrrmr It the limlorky Derby Prerlnuo II tor orllo lo III the helm sur JOfREY OUBTAVO AVIII rider hid In the trool II It mu ior wtlh not hidIrIt Helm Putt Canonero II Favored To Take TripleCrow NEW YORK AP Tho Irrylplerncntol omlnre lm norlltnr iiimile oi the ltet moo morrtstrhronndixthmyourv Oiherr crlnrod unre Epic oldt rtood today between Conn Journey Mot lno Alo lIrI mm It Ind thornurhbrod roc Cetohu Pmo dmo lorr Triple am Id Senna Tru CInonrro It the lionurrky by bind Vrnoruelonouned thrill 15sz yrIrtlnr purrhue no tho Ill hurdle to odd victory 351mm ln olieirmnt to his triumph mm mm rm mm In tho Kentucky Derby Irni tho my more mm in PROM ohlrh wrro entered woo No roll rrho trntrtl Curio Izllprrt EDT Toiovblon roy nrrolntho iirot two rIchol the emee on not ior Moon on the CIIO nnUonIt network 1hr eight moto Own wiri Wild U1 DIM INN nor were Sir IiIrton lilo Gol nd Enid lien on Fox non 0mm Wor Admiral INT Nhlrlmy mi Wilt FMM Aulllli IM JIM VIMII WE Ute Belmont In ORIIIIGEIIILLE PROGRAM RUNDAY Irrydy Ithytiirrl III Wesl Iost Um pnr iIRBT Poeo Prrno One Title Iirrt hIII Dolly Double Dore lII Dutirow 2t Iireorcobbo tJ ltoodot title Direct tlllrn Winter Srndro SluIrl Ill Schoolrri lhlole Rollo III Curbdltl thirty Are IR Plrhrdt Way III IC London Soon Stone IL Nloiloi All Pinko Ltorltirr All DIitrriI SECOND Fun Run livid Ono hllio Second hrlt Dolly Double CIII In Snrmvllloi htrntlnw Dino IN Rulli Shlrloy Early Wm lloblrrsont ItiIill Inrynotouro Oulnlo Lot tI Stbwolll lltafgm nnnlliole gnarl ill Wright only Iirtm Troy orl rt iron AE lirrr Prgtooirt lighurrt warm IM mm our to Ice rum one no lattlithM TIIIII Pror cholrn II llnronworllit no my In Game IIootIn Tootln ll Thompsont On our Ltndrn til Younlt tiny htoric till Stirling Elm Ph Elite Drltrr II Snrnorrtiin or Volo IL Tolhurrt Put IIIISonI Irlel Spurn thi Ilrrbortt Snailm tit ltoodyi burly Surnror Illirn TroyI AB IIoirro Sparky IL linshori NINTH Pm Purl IM rounrrl Trot Iurro Iron Ono title Ono ditto Oulntito Nolor irlrt lno boyt Etln Guy III Undtuyi Arrrrrrorr Snn tlllm Wind Block Satin to Lawton rrtrrlan Conn lb Tninurti at Wtdowoloo Ill Sheldon III Noble tno boy Indrnnrter Ill Lnrtrnnl Nlto Out IJ Doronnorthl TENTII IIre lrrroe nor Ono III Fntnctor Pt lioror lit Young Ono itlIIo Innocent Rob til Gcrnrnltli Rtrhud Emlyn tIVrn Troy Rocky Geno IF Oonllni Ronrcr Torn itenrrr Torn twin Four IIrktd Out IT hlIoNenrtrI Lady lIorrnco lb lIIItaorrI Chrrleyr Pnponso IC Low Iont SEVENTIII Plro TIrlo MO Ono Illlo Ouinrltr Pontoon IC IlIrArlhur Gordono Exprtu tc Lou Kathy Kid littmlltonl All County Lernt til Corbett Flrilir Pore Porno MI Ito Iirorrn anI Forgot Ono IIIIo 1t Littlo Etrtl III Gondola bounty Emplro tllm Troy Itlmly Ti Yotiny litre torrl tIIdu LRRIODI slim Pick ill Schnetrri Arowrno Adlot Wilsoot ti Candy itlrli tit Elliot Rollin Lou til Ilrrpert lhlvue IR Stowortr Junior Eroroso tilt Sorrow Don Corry lC Louuon AF Picko llorrirr It Dixon 1969 Whit hlrrr me to Burro no white PhllIdetpblI Phillie upended Son Irrnclsoo IATLIDAY mournu till IONI bu oplnl AtlIotI III oi the moon Glut Plttshlllth Plum Modolltlhestlml BASEBALL TIIE CANADIAN PRES connection with tho irIplI mun nor mernt only Innlro tion The moot recent lotion oi Ieoltwhohedlrhotottho triplo qu IiIIeItto Irtnro In The roll owned by Von oouver induIIrIIllIt milk Ilctiohoo Ind tumor by Johnny lonxdtn tanner locker mntly Inducted into Albertlo Yuk Sport IlIii oi Tome St Prim who no mo Am Ind norm In the Derby the only dolet oi hlo weer tn the NMJAPM and hollow Iuiiortol Belmont loath to Arto Ind let Ion by oil icnrthr NORTHERN DANCER IJJITI Aortic llourtnrr The otmo who hrd crook mm mlhnivl tho Bohrtont Intro To 1W ClnY UICR IINI No rrrr ronlor IIIuII NIri larty commons Ownod by CI urnot Form III ctlIllon iiro Tarn run the tint el th oi mile with Irrrt oeu rrrolrt Ind IInIIhed mood oil kngthr hock oi CIrIn Tonr not rated or Itud cor rrr Corry Darkr Belmont wu trrmrnrloun uprrt Shortoch won mh 6t WI and paid sumo or the Derby and PrrIknrsI winner iInIIhrd routnth In told oi nine Northern DInter ootrld better than third In his Relrrroot old bonito by Qordrtnrlo Ind itornnn Brolhrr Amherotd Roi tlo Ind Advoeotori ohond nl Rouoi Kin to The other colt who missed chance to win the Triple Crown oy Iorior tho Reinhard woo Perr oire ttho who nipped now rum lho Redr drcoe mound up In ZIrhIry tor lhroo run In the tint tnrrIrrI reorod mother in tho third In ltrn SM Dlrrn ReoIltI lrIdIy thleoro ll AtlrnlIo tlontmll New York to on Tim TIMI lily Pulw Phliodelpldu San lrnnrbro Cincinnrtl it St boob Plitrhtlh Ilotuioir Prothio Ptlrherr IndIr PhIlIchphII Reynolds out It San FrInnireo thyInt MI mlcnxo People It All IIritI tstooo Iiotutort liontrrni lileno DIrxolNlrbyMi New York iRyIn III It Lo Angelo Stilton au OIrrrrI Iiwlt Artron 14 end Ilootml upon but Son Diego norm III who bod ioel tour In to nil in under on In no hthlod SID mn WoIt DlrlIton leIderr llotrston tor their to revert mm The oor In on John Boternon hie with too DIII Stooetrnn Podres on tour Ll homer by lllnnrrolo Colliomlo lllIerrirru Chlcnro to ruin to lhm one tor thI Wort Burton tutor RECORDS riot tnrrlox lrldIy night hold round nrdy Stodiorn no Rrrolll Trldoy lilwoukeo 1pr Boston to CnIiIornII Nonooo my New Yorir Orttnnd Wrshinxton Irothlo Pilrhrrl Todry CIorIIIIIIl third II IlIrI nrtoto tNoIl div linlllmore IPI John MI It Son OIIII llourlon It Plltoburgh Chlerro It AllIntI St Muir It Cincinnoli Nrur York It Loo Annie Ilonlreri It sIn PhllrdelphII It Son Fronctrco Dlexo Corner IiorrdIy litttburrh It Gringo Str LOIILI It AIIIntI SYD ntIn obot In hlt oilioo nhtie tierlnit iron tho lrrte hubn oi lIdy Irlond woo would the rouse oi his employment and In ontttied to commotlon torntho nino month ho uru one nblcto work three ludru ruled hero Erornlnor olong with 32423 other readers rimroe eunry IIrIr no lurnlner AmrrleII Lroruo Eut PtLlIDL Boston le Ill ooh Borruu on low IlIr Com On It Exhoort Porto In OntIrIo Boston unborn tiunro sundry Cleretnnd It hllnneootI IiIltlrrrorn It lltlwnutee Detroit It Chicogo Inner 14 It hillwoukm llrorkwood MI Detroit Cntn or II Jump OI iInd lilunter HI It Vnshinnlon lllorrnnn Noodle Lily lDui Canton Hi It Now York Kline not it RlquIIrno lIt It EIlLr IJI tileusr 54 It CIn elnnrti tCioninror IJI tliurohy 21 It It Work OUTL ROCK IIIAILOIA tnrm Toonrhlo Ibolilpgort Ind Boot Inventory RII you didnt Irrrow Now our Froo lmlotlrtlon LiloLong Go no pickup on eyolorno Writer IIIIINNISFI Al BROCK PHONE 1261231 coil with MUFFLER SHOP Hoodrrurrtorr tor trmour Soundmertor oxltourl Hm uholriodtobtrl rum ti Aurel iirrtbnrmrn run it Ronni Lrrrpim to II Sou AP Mo CALIFORN ANGEIE Ari butt on In Iriiidd tilt Iltle oi dy Alarm rst Inning oi FridIy olnht II Sox Route Smith to tirrl Iy Prrk WItrhInr to Oakland Beats Senators rlt None lorh onkm nrlrrnln IIIIIr oi Radium gall1 Althldettfthenlrhm Soil llgtrodlhliattlrrm dargnlt3y Iootlnx UIUB otrowy Inc on my Almmm union rrnrhod Crittva mi II III doumdlllnncrotoMnI on In wmmm 5m game ended by In In tho AMI Emma mm Lotte rrrth riotory at tho oer my ll Iookrtl no thou lie out on Oollnrrdr Il uNon NM my WNW Lorry Ililtner nd anlnlmu Wm on strliro In clichor Inul ng Mm tnslnora cutliny doon Dick zlgmg by Li om ullh the potrnllol Ind run whrn he tried to rmro on gammnd out eriaryo single to tho not ll liltlnry mound up on tho throw Ind Shrilenbacl wolhrd Drrl and CamoaherLr IntehllortIlty WM wm Detroit tor III iotorlh oi Ih Wmth llm Sinilenbod one oi it otlrhrrr thrown Into tho nrrru thon tirehour imintdo romr orIIkeeI Ilrryio Jackson with the bases loaded lowing homo tho llehreoklni run lhrn wilt oltrhed Inothrr most 04k IlN In the list lunluzthrir Inst rhonrt The clock In llolml rm om on lll EDT Ibo tornl our low Illrr which no inning log mm rm Morena watt when thry did nnd the tie mtrlmd Intnet through It Innings tho Inmo uould horn had to bo rroloyod Irorn lltr Itart on Inothrr date In ulhrr tongue lied Sor bolted tnliiornln il sol Iul Nonnnr Lily No In and toonrn horror Front Robinson pushed Dotti Id Irroro rmt lulurotor Tod Ford drone In three run Ind AlIn Firser limited lllnno soto to tour hits lhrllndlInI their nin onutiirr Conruoncr oi the lnrdnr 11m some toll one Inning hurt oi tho longest night porno boot tho Turin In historyn rhorltnrd unto Add now dimension to your IImIIyI rummor living with Ivrirnrning right In your own brck yIrd II youve Iiwoyo thought luring poo your own om loo exports boiler toko Inolhor ook or botto IIIII gtvo or roll Youll be omnlly ourprlr rrrt WEEN ole tor only $1995 Including emoleto IltlrItloo Osurnorrr Ird Rotorl dyrlrrrr Elttllu Our complete Irlee ttou oi rrrlrurrrtnl pooh IIrloder tr dillenoi Ilroo Irid ohIper Irr iull pIr Ilrnlur IiIONE norm POOIS PATIOS Ill Ounlop SI 9pm Sell It $un TO Jr port