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IMEIA IIII HM IAII II My Let Itree rene out itltWntInd Mouton Harrow Welly MD ere 33 Ei er in SE Eig EE s= its 52 9=F =51 23 E3 ea i3 E3 egg Egg is arri fruiwnrs ii is 55 33 roll and ltI vitamin pre er my vitamin Clateereotxrlormlhuiitrup to yer Dear Dr Ir Will horv menu help me to develop my MIMI0 No In been tried ln sirloin 176w ruined lunaaarea or 20 letter in Ortenlal tel 23 eld multiprrllan lLlIetley DAILY onmoonornnana how to work iii II It It to IaoltOliIHeotV One little simply new tor another In thiI rImpie it need or the three III xioe the two 0s eto hingia lrtlrrI atropher the league and martian or the worth are all hints loch day till eoee lettera ara dttrerent Orrpterranr Quotath LRI III III ltlilttl all AOI WI HOOD E01 1C0 LID 1130915 WP TICK Wliiill lrED DBODIEOIOODI WHIUI monar lryptacooier Jr mm more re WrrrrotIt mmmreuhrmmrurnnuonnuoruusamm ortu ntAI nnwm unions on DEPADWIOAMO MENTOR tommrmmrmw CONTRACT BRIDGE By IAN BECKER Partner hide One Spade next player gamer and you have Earl Irora oi it What would you in now with eIeh oi the inow Ing live handri prcrrtr one eon not order we ones one partner you LORI AQDM Qqr pg 4K0 e10 can aware three lpadee Item in Ipadcr II decidedly possible and Lou horrid emourrgo partner to verttgale it by lumping to three loader which II one level higher than what you need tnr genre lhlI II not the bid you would moire it little were no part score in that care you would hid two heartI but at room ynr cant alinrd two hearta here Ilnce pIrtner rnlght prII Partner la permitted to pan three IpadeI all you are doing by overhldding tile Icoro iI Iug gerting slam it he llrI the wherewithal to carry on it murt be borne in mind that when ride ha part learn the means irate oi Irma hide the to much Io in list that some lorcing hIdI become non torc oi Item hut partner is permit ted to pass with minimum Three diomonde ihir res ponto Jump rlrlll rather than lump raise it unconditionally torcinr The intention to to carry on to stem with your it high card polntt even it partner lreepa Iigning ait hutIl ihlI polini the rim contract it uncer an 10m rprdrr 0hvlourty you would not malts the hill witty out part Ieora but with it no other call can he Ierlouriy con atderrd Thur it would be wron tn reapond two heartr whicA is not arcing Ind tondr to deny Iprdo Iupport Ann lump to up to mull Iince there Ihoutrl ha very little inierert In Item urdeta plrincr voluntarily hide over two spotter ate this rerponae II oi rourre torclng Itnce game her The utuIiiy Imooth exchange at inlnrmrton in come timer hrmpcred hy the presence ot part score but more otlea than not part score bidding tailowr logicrl and uncompilrah ing and me non iorcing bide heme lorelug Three notrump ordinarily you would have 1a or it pclnla or rmp to three noirump hut wliht to art rcore the range tr it or at Three notrrynrp atrongly ruggeILr the possibility lUCCthlIUL CAMPAIGN TORONTO CPI Ilsa WomenI Committee at the Art Gallery oi Ontario has rairrd more then 00000 tor the build ing lurid Int rertarItioo oi The Orange building behind the getter Oil ohn Stohn told the thin hurt meeting recently that the committee has raised more thn tzooooo to torture The inn liner the cangalgn hogan In ital ltemberr Ive also raired about 00000 tor tulure gallery expansion through two lottertre I00 WillEAR Nil HIVINC SCOTS OF BARRIE lantern ier aervtee alter rater i0 DialI II Allpla Mar SECRET AGENT DONALD DUCK BLONDIE NUBBIN MNK GENTLWANLIKE Geeweepnrrr MtALLowoNce lit BROKEI morusvmnwrrreonuen liN Oil liii NW IMEOFWJR TIER FROM WM IN AFRICA ithitlld MN MO inc VIIIIO Ill tiliA OL BULLEiil weo oan lIIgeulln NI Mullet NE Tlttlt ME WATT IALWAVO WANT Ill Do TINNM LIKE MAN NEWS IIIE IAW Mk TilKliiI um In bounty Englaeerr built In the quiet in very winning combination ntrurrsieour worturitrurvc ma SitttttttrtAh nr announcer enticement AIRASNIN MY Mitith INOIWM TD Kill Iii iF IE HADNI STOPPED FER ti DRDBURN SCROTCHIN