as EE 33 Esij ii is ii Ililenile May Switch To Corrections PlMAM dktc is 32 31 ii assist can g5 is is is saga is it ET is is Tc 33 E5 55 egg reason no shun Hlndioul Lloyd Jackson malty as carried an mmotrnrtloownrhr tlhotor ii on thII is aka mwuwm uhahlhoalohatl Propose Council For Of TORONTO tCPl dull hill tabled In tho Oratorio law MIdIy VI aorrrnsns and in the Uoimlty oi Toronto anode up oi loodirrs was laisators ysdualcs lad it potatieo oi the Ontario ism University Alltin John Ilhlta said the govern sects reaction and posulaa rm don hdora totroduru on University oi Toronto Act The mmcll would reysaro board at ovum and the noto ovum Tramhi sad hlrcomposodotaiimbtas oitharmlrersltymy Hr thtonldthohli was drIInrrpsnnnpnrtahulhs taunlsdooonvidmrm maturitasosnni rcrsliyaidoamnrsar gusset Opens HAMILTON CPI special lobed youth hostel It aroma Cami YMCA out Iota open lioo Thursday nirht em llama it has not yet but ossurod by the provincial government and thocttythatilwtilsetthoninds needed to lunction tor or days Is tanned lm has resolved moo tron Ottawa but needs about siaoo more to provide the beds and hot hroallssls it plans on senior Those who can allord it will bo soled to pay to rcnts omit Ior tho bed and brcnllast Last year about out In lotir gold lhs same price tor tho novice Rolused To Say OTTAWA CPI Slnla Socrc Id iIry Gerard ielleller rciused in tho Commons Thursday to say how much money has bcen spent by provinces on tho op portunitiesloryouth pr Ho was re rled to lo Ouobcc is Wedn hint homer that onethird oi the money has bccn spent in Quebec total ol tit million wIs allocated to the proerm Ilr Pellelier rshascd to rive Lho Oommonr any limos do lotto repeated questioning by John lstndrlson ilDtiandcr Twilinrotol liaise Levels DETROIT CPI The Uh his Survey at Detroit rsporlcd Thursday the ibllowlnl insets In the Great Later Superiorll lncllts above Ca nadian Ind lid chart datum Illchls Ind liurontt Inrhos above dt Clairti Inch hove Taloatd Mills OntsrlHI Inches shove Aslr Standards TORONTO CPI resolu tion Islrlnr Ins Csnodlsn rov Itiliy landscaped Iota otlrtlthant mt so it llodcrsreund lsrrless ma hirowar iI tun on ma lino mtdwsy between Barrio Iod Orlllll mm Orlllla Ioiiow old llarrlo Road to lusby turn north ler IIa miles 35 ii EA 22 as Err oi so i3 135 Ea Egt is goggsg go Lolrepltmlo our aohandandstswartinbush Means Reductions lide Hired SUDBURY lCPl Tool and aromas sons comps says has hlrod ornssdmrardato Ila iouowlnsapseuslnslsot mini over the last risht 61 Police ehelald that hatll tesohiao cotcaorlcs woo retitled Thursday by at elementary teachcrsolthelauitstutarie and district separate school board The oodrsot represents troopercool Increase In rleslor lull71 Slri Pole Pierced His Heart Actor Thanks God For Lite Take it Stand TORONTO tCPl Plunder William Davis said wasdoy Ontado me have to take toreetul itlon at tho icdcrei provincl constitutional cooler once in Victoria but that doesnt nudean It wants to break up Can III told about too persons It tendina luncheon at the Pro nrsslvo Conscrvslivo liuelncso mens Club Oral Ontario wants to sea unity prcservod to Can liut this rlcslro didnt preclude him lrorn hrlnslny lmccobiy to tho sllcrnlon at tho iedcrIl sov srnrnont Ontarios concern wlOi icderai policies that mlta oconornlc hardships on tho pm Inca All Renewals TORONTO CPI Illnes Minister Leo ltsnder said Thursday Lisa 21 permits tor quarryinl oparaUms on the Nb assra Escarpment Issued since last September are all rtnoaIII not now srmitr liotr stephcnmts leader at the Now Domocssiic lIrt that no requests tor renew havs been reIcctcd rlnca debs tambor Under legislation the mildl Irr can lsruo porrnllI lor ono month thrcr to sit rrontha or your Wont Help Out TORONTO CPI Richard liohrncr chairman oi the rays commission on book publishing Hid Thurme tho iedsral lov srnrnenl will not ptrtlrlplll in In emergency loan at it rnllilon HOLLYWOOD AP Actor Dita Waller out oi hospital In lays alter tho up oi sit pole pierced his heart sold Thursdly that be tuned to God Ior hotp Ihro he lay In the snow yet tlos water by the minute said God lm er ml irodrie Theres only one way in solar to out out at Iltll Thats with Your holp thorourhly eonvlmed thats why lm hers now Back ll his mountsiot home pate but up and dress the rusted sistowns star at televisions homer aseyeono series save Thursda his tlrrt detailed account oi Ilsy 2t nushap on Mammoth llounloln sixth ot Bishop Cellt Waller it sold the pole tip went Into his chest sbost tour Inches up to Its no or ballet and punctured van title at his can it was at at accident lost one at th crIry than To my has se it hasnt hIp period to another Ilisr Will Explain lt OTTAWA CPI When the loverrrnents tss charm pro am Is lnalitulod the revs rtmcnt will launch to saploln the Ml laws spayers Prime lllnlelsr Tru dasu slid lhursdly lie was Ttplytnl In the Corn mom to Iturr urlds ti Lnlrlt ileum Corlclool who asked whether It is true that the itnance depsrlment plans to spend II million tor publicity campalsn Walls In and start living In quality home ay MARL TTE All ertria Heron Arslos th lass Lela loo Thorn Ai antlh Big Cedar Estates Country Estate Living With tho Community atmosphere Phone tilt sumo was transition tail or hit llcull strep tcrrIln and tools all Tho polo is ed handle st In the wound Impllod on the st end my woldrtwaronlL couldaoo man it bad mode ulroiiod it nallod mo rlsht In tho centre at the hrcastboo rslsod his suit shirt to esposo the spot Ind lolneh surueol soar crollhatchod with olltclm TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE IlMtlt Parliament At Clarice ly CANADIAN mos TITLIIIDAY JUNE Ill Prints Minister rt sold the pllsht oi Earl PIII roisa serum now to India ts still rnsdcr Iclirs considerr tion by tho government State Secretary Gerard Pol JcLler said that mutations with tho psoriacu on edneai tloo ereerlon licences are not yet mutilated The Oomrmnl debated eromont policy on any oy moot Inlay Your Examiner along with 32423 other readers ltroaoe trusty Illl no lsarnlner CAN IDB SERVE YOU On Thursday June loth lull and on the second Thursday at each succeeding month One of Our lio esonlatlvos Mr Pistek willbeht ihoContlnsntallnn Barrio in this districtsnd lhmahool Coosdonpony snddmaln basinsMullins mononow Arrlotltuoe Contraction Monuiacturioy Proioastooal oorrtoso 1th and liocrootional Buainolao Thanrporlation Ind Wholosalo and Retail Thdel have obtained loans cm the Industrial Development Bank to quuiro Land bulidiops sodmaohinoryJolnorsIIoworkina capital atortonowbusioolandiorolisarpsnpoooo llyouooooldoathatlDBcanhooisorvloeJou aro Invited to arrange an appoinhnont wills too roproosntatlvo by taleplsoolny lisrrte on norm or In Idvlnco by writing to Mr Pistols It the MidOntario oiilcooi Whitman DEVELOPMENT BANK llu Univursity Avenue Toronto Ontario Tolsphono dddlltb sun DISCOUNI BOMRSNELI sas 0N ALI NATLTRDAY ONLY WHILE THEY LAST PRACTICALLY NUDE PANTYHOSE UlilOiilil HOIlilSlllil nu THEY MEI STRAIN MATS 72x roo 3J7 or 72 8127 OI Isle Allnrday only PLASTIC SWIMMING POOLS DISCOUNI ROMBSHELL on our siruaoiv onus WHILE THEY LAST 24 ONLY DllFFLE BAGS DISCOUNT WHILE TIN HOMASlllll LMT KINGS FORD BRIOUETTE CHARCOAL il lb bar 80 0s dale Ialurdar Only WHILE TIIZY LMT NEROGREEN LAWN FERTILIZER minim 0n Brio haluaday Olly DISCOUNT WHILE THEY LAST BOMBSllEil VINYL TUBING DELU 0i i$999 BAYFIEL STREET HWY 27