lot Att ot int loot COMPETIS AT lillilS LAKE ttnrole lirthewt 11 ot tier rle iillhil put Ihoro on em the top eornpetltorr lrorn the U5 end CInIdI who need It the idrnley Knur EPSOII Entlend tAIl rn tltll Iteel eth lrorn victory in the eiuric liptom Deity It the motto lwa to win thn rich 1th Derby Juno tlut wiil he met In Itrldtnt it who liodneo dry bocerno one oi the younretl trelnera ever to prepare drrhy winner erI troe not me will hIVI to think rhoul thlnu Inr three or tour deyr betnre dorldin what to do oid reporters din wltirirohnrniocen tult wt itiil their owner Iiltrhurrh hurlnrea executive IIui hiriloo who Ironped the liret with at tremor trem the louryerr oldt triumph Iiut it It believed the trriner dare not their iili tteet betnl Ill invitationi htotoerou It innit hie nerr Toronto illry so hlototrou true eountry motorcycle dot to eontlder td hy mIny eyeiittl to he the Photoi lrieh Derhy ltill Ileet eontounded douhtrrr BASEBALL RECORDS Amerieen lereee Inna Ilrillmorn Iloelntt rt tttl Ilerir Epsom win quoted the hone It to to win lliitr mode it In even money bet Tittt put htiil Iteet IIIy Iherd in the promo oeitlnr either linden Thee who Ilniahrd nod Wednudry Ind thirdnlrrn irlth Iittt were It to to tor the Unsure That Mill Reel Will Run In Irish Derby with his rienr win in the tenet drrir killer hld doubled hie rte Ihut Ito outeiItred Ind outpeeed hit to rirrle third Uh heron to tour your to err The mullthe IK tho IIImi nveiit Iy Till CANADIAN IRIM II PEI IIIIL Si Milli meet demendiny lnrm nl moi oeryete rIeInx Methane wu Ontlrto Open Expert ehtmp ion in tort lSpedIl buriner erltnel teem liltt irL OIL it it 317 jttdk it title he unlined lbroudt hir three nretohee here without etrr Irlhiru out the itth yeett lhe lotnth round oi the rhem oinuhip pitted lllle extinrt letter hint nl Seotlrnd NELNYI IIILL IN The other Arntrkrn Writer that plryerr Ieee elected lilo steel lieinyh took on John Oloer oi Ilriee John IIrouhar met lluth Stunt Britllh Writer hep rtIr Iho won rli three oi hie metehoe at St An Imp tut treeh tlm Stmonr pinyod the reel men In the ehItoolou ibyeerold line rrd Clerk at mind The two limertenn outsider ween Di Updemlt Ind title benter Upderrrtl eemilinti trt in the Ameteor in Seotilnd Iltht yeere no we lllitlli Byerrold Iiilt lieu BASEBALL STARS Dy Till AIROLIATIZD PRES oit IItehlnrvhteto Aelirt Sun Britrloe hittert reel III never in dotthi IrinySetore Mir MN Itiil Itool overlook linden Tree Ibotit are Irdt item the port in hitter tor hia third mater leIqu victoryoil Til the Ihtloul route in hierttinr IhiiIdeLphiI Phillie Ht tirtllIIllohhy it uree llrlll IILN BEHIND UliBLClDRD Oil RETIiilliG llttitlTlliAir iCli Jenn BritteIoI erlentite lrateliin litter the Stanley plIyottr her not Iitoned trim Iny tithe to decide whether to ploy next rre too or to retire term relive NI lIonIl liorhry letroe eqmpeu IloiL Belltrau learn eaplrin with hiontrnnl CInIdlonI ta Wednetday that ho mutt norm in dteirion anonomhnh within week or two Iller next wrelr hllL drett who to Sam tCnnrdirnt Ieneroi manhrrr Sim Ioiioeli Ired Monday to erntlrm whet ho Iliti Ihout protectinr roe no matter whet derided Iieiirrnu raid So appreciate that very much it hor roln to keep my namn on the protected list my way it the me little mqu time to tenth tireitlort New York nnleee rirnuntd hit ninth Ind 10th homo runs oi the rennin pItinl New orit to victory otrr Dorton lted but iliiilRIlYAI liitthiitth hi ll run Ajax Amsterdam Gives Dutch 2nd European Cup up In lee earn when It not eiured Bree rile lie the in the romr tlnal It Horn hley Ethitunt Wedneodey nisht With pet to eerie hail Alan rotted to victory to nice reed leyeooottl nl Rottudrnt hat yeIrI mom N0 EXPANSION IIONTTIIZAL iut The CI nitditn hitothell Mm her no Iirrrt Iiey on expansion hot on oorr JIle Gendaur uye he does not reo rind Ium betoro the terror handt out tolh tetnrhine Geudenr here tor the ieeluee Melly eerrtiennunl Milan which rt under IIy tutiny raid lledrtewlay that while the PL to interested in ropnntlon It has no denite plan in mind PROFIT SIGNS TORONTO tfll lrl lrtriil the Toronto Argonaul tight end who kerrne tree id Irrnt midninht Ilooda when ho inadvertently let option to ritune in hie eontreet rtln not her tiered tor one year with tho tilolm Football Coolerenee ILLiI PRILIS ON ALL BALI EQUIPMENT Merl IlAIIRlii IIORTl LTD OLUII IT milunnean llrlllhroet Irwin up oerturior roar rntnniet Diet VII hie WWWWW lhedrhrldolhtotheir delwnim one not nnttl three minuteer tincture we here the lilppert Ind heel inventory at Erhevrl Perle in Duluth her you didnt km Ihovl our roe InetIIIIiioet lieLottn Guerentee Free piettup Ind delivery Heedoutrlere tor Irmour Snondmtrier ethtutl tytteme WIiit ill INNISFIL AT BROCK PHONE norm Come in end here eoliee with ten TIRES FOR SAFE ItalDAV DRIVINGPIIT SlitWV III R040 WTII who rubieetrd lo Ireood street in lhren weeln MIDI FAVORITE Derplin the utteerirlnly tho bookies motto hiltl lleet DOOM lnrorttn tor the irirh reee whirh rIrried lhn hoper Ind eerh oI thoutlnda nt heltotr the worirl over with tittroll tor the ttteepetrler lnttlhrottet whim intl remote 19 th th Chiouo 11 fl Add III tientreni ll ii 61 Ill IlliilUtWl 11 II III liil liert Sort ItInelrro It It Ail iltl Antoine 11 II III III 26 I5 319 10 ii NI II 173 It ii ill 20 New York Dtitoil Now York Ciotelartti Wuhintton Orliend ltrntu City IllnnneotI CniiIorniI tillweulee thlreto TWINS the nl ll ll it It on to II hlU Ti iiollliOIt II to All it Alloitil to to All It ll Add till The 83 Snrios dotign Full ply Duponl Nylon cord construction BIT AI hSOi Viillii IOU It OTIIIR SIIIS 550 60042 IOUi3 ISOi3 56045 roots trsrt illsit LIEIt trots 77514 17515 root to tstt lt25ld825l5 27iiiiet Mien 2538 en l5 Stiller 2983 Tidiirn True 78 Snrior dnrign irritationinstruction ply nylon toting ply himocluiua rnyon iroil undnr the trend Villlil IOU III Get no oil your wttoot ond onloy rt woodlino lawn tho onty worliorr way With Ningoru Vonrinr Wonder two nttoottvo woodiitlore combined InonelorntutthnInnrohtdthr Cnnodttn oiirnnior Ind toil oondl ttunt hprtynwoy your problem tirade dondnllcnr chiokwrod crooning chnrilo oioror plentolrt nnd many more with Nlopnrh Wond Woortorioini to woodt out litttttt Alto nontio with lino orereor Ark tor Sills TITS IUVI Iii All Niouotn Wortdnr Wonder Liquid or Anrnroi Form today in iltrdwrtn mommdonpnlymu iiiti 175M tilt er 3088 er ill to TIBB er Gitii QUiagara Hidii Ctrdorrrtottromoiete Itneotprrdenrnrtrrteie iii Gil15 Hilli5 the Nlrorre More End tewn Sprryerntrlea pi IUVI Bilil BUT Iii MB to 22 et tilt er URI to 325 Jill er 3th er Till er 2488 to 21 to 2283 to tsstt train titan irate titan dl5i5 MI en AIS15 3708 Toilet 3583 EASY CREDIT TERMS AVAilABLE 2m to not to that not to is 15 state more titan NOW AT IIACKWIiIS DEDUCT lilo illOM EACH OF THE ABOVE PINES ROBINSON HARDWARE 3i DUNLOP ST 12824 AVAILABLE NOW AT AIIANDAIE HOME HARDWARE TWO LOCATIONS 34 ESSA RD 7282422 BARRIE PLAZA 1264342 AV