namogga 4L eru sew321 Til lantallallon oi the till in executive hrxhlithted the meeting at the Tim Toast shiatsu Club oi Barrie held in tho mroom oi the lake view Dairy Deettd new oi tteers am back row trorn left ltn Bell treasur er lira Jansen ssc aria lAllDEttS ADVISES Loryngectomee Isnt Frecik Drsr Au tasderw am met lion many oi know what this word means For those who dait know Iril hit them layyagsetorme is one at the people Ibo has survived cancer tie has lost his voice normal manner so he must use an electric voice but to make blatan understood would not have believed how rude and tboortiens people can be until this append to me when go shopping tmll Irv lespeople treat the II it were has and is unable to talk in the la sideshow treIk They ask env AREA GRADUATES Beverley James ulctton son oi ltr and tin James highlan oi Till Barrie graduated ltay 21 icons Uni verutr oi Wittllon with Bachelor at Arts degree tr trillion will attend teachers college in Stratiord this lat sley Street received his liarh slot at Arts degree com the acuity oi science at convoca lion excrsuea It the University Western Ontario lioy will continue nix studies at University at Western thi ithnto by Erik Siner lleltn bertbelottc dzuditer at III and lira hawtho lotto Wellington Street to uaduItod trons the University bl Wladaot Saturdayiay with Wit at Arts de Paydselogy than by lira liarcel Carriere ltor nterly Janet Findlay daughter at lira John Findlay and tho late Mr Findlay boys Street receith her Bachelor oi Sci enro degree In Geology at the sour convocation oi lsaurcntian University Sardburr tihoto by Trantonttni Howard Smith run at Air and bin Lloyd Smith Rodney btrrci Uarrie recrivcd his liunura Bachelor oi Science de gree In Ltwringy during Conan ratios at the University oi Guelph liay 27 its Is contin uing his studies toward his llnrier oi Sci edcgrce iiholn hyhieiiiertislcr and llrissorrl Nancy Wilson daughter at lir and lira TNttlid ltilson Penctang Street received her Bachelor at Arts depee in Psychology lturrsday tiay 27 Ualvorslty oi Wertern Ontario lartdan bola by ltoy ltu IDAHO representati latter part prldmt heat row irern lrtl lira William barrautag questions and all others over to look at me and listen Qildrea should he tautht tbsl sometime the electric taryas makes loud sound became it Is operated by batteries and that we arent monsters and we wont hurt them All Ute iaryagectomccs la the world will neatly Appreciate it It you would tell the reading glith we are brave people who are gone through lot to stay all wont oi kindness and eoooinagcment can mean great deal an Orlando bear its Heres your letter contldcr It when to speak tor those who control speak toe themselves thank you in writing WONT SPEAK LlAlI Dear All ta Our two sons married girls tram Eu rope One at our daunglerrln law Is wondertul The other one is mus Both girls came root the some country mention this lael only so will know we have nothing against the cotintry or ILI people or kte bout She bu been in this country tor nearly seven years but she relates to heeomo elite She talks her native tongue THE STARS SAY Dy ESTITELLTTA Al to April 20 tArieIl bo Iy tor teamwork in It alone to achieve best results April 21 In All It Taurus good day tor using household roblema domestic luridrata htay to June it thrrtinll Vou can achieve deeper unv dmlanding with your loved one now Jane 22 to July 21 iCIncerl Aisrmtng rumors in business circles will be proven talae July Zl to All tteolA day at achievement tinrnlng Iiv tcrvicwa h1g1in xucceuiul Arr to Sept Virgo Controi strong tendency to bo temperamental now Sept It to Oct tlerII Some tensions during the early hours problems solved by mid afternoon Get it to Nov iScorplul sudden trip may bring ureiul experience but not mur proi Nov er one it rittl lustExport an invitation to In eompaoy triend on short trip tier la Jan Caurlrnrul An idea put to you In the Torr soon will be worth eonsldera toll Jan to Feb Aquariual lieep arrangements exible Ellison unexpected changes possi to MINI Zl Pisces chance meetluc with In at iiucnt trteod broadens our ho ADM Attroriprcts involvement global tribulations is not possi ble tor everyone but todays volrim hours are hlrhi auspi cious or aceklat to improve things in your own personal world Moving Marriage Aboard Cable Car ISM iATl It was movng marriagoal board vnr at San Franciscos Tumour cable cars iirulu Anti ltilktiltiill uirtl illillip llurna Abbott xluilinta ut lturrtlwililt slott College at Artum exthanged vows in the iirst iii blocks at their ride on the little car which clicked 1va clocked up and down the hills the ceremony was per iormcd the groumaialher ltev Delay Abbott oi the United Church at Christ As it relatives and iriendI looked on the cable our crew ilowors in their lapels clan ed out what could pass tor ere Comes the bride on the cars bell PEOPLE AllDPLACES drawnarmament EEES lion second ricepres Ideal lira John it Steele president and hire Wor rall iirIt ricepresident to her children and they sound like torclgttera when they try to speak English You wotttd not believe those kids wers born In Cleveland lty hudtand and try our best to be triendi with this girl but it Is lmposs btc The other night we had terrible Ittl meat in their home and we left not speaking er as or 55 go at are EE Ill sponsoring borne toss sale and bacn dance Friday June be ginning at in rst on the agenda tar day is tour at George and Viola liacltlllana Iasm borne dining which lea will be served An suction and runs nrsre saia will tattoo It 530 pm From pan to mldnldst there will be dance location at the activities In the ltnctiiilrn isrm third concer NEW YOU ANGUS new The regular mill at the Anna United men was held at the house at kirk George Dexter The de votions were taken by Lin Vie llettasrer The topic ot the meeting was Tm Brother hood and toltowiag rdl call minutes or the tut meeting was read and the treasurers report was glren The Jane meeting at the group will be held thurs dsy June at It the home oi ktra Glen ChiMm tics lem ltodgtiu will be In charge oi rtevetions Following the meet lag ttra Dealer served lunch The 405 Look On Way Back astray mucosa others may sigh over the good old days when rrdll red nail polish pale compealonl were the rage and even tau over their old Second lilor ltIr snapshots Daughters how ANN LAND Jkluuolnl Our son later his it no so we Ire losing him too What can we dot itla and Pa Dear tin and PI Ark ymtr son what he can suggest to help you set along better with his wiie lie will probably tell you to stay all controversial auha lects Dont gI her any well meaning advice and dont alter any suggestions From the way you write sur pect you will hcver have warm retstloruhip with this girl but strive tar workable uric LET PAITTV PROCEED Dear All tuners My hust hand nd will be relatirullng our 25th weddtn ann rssry In the tall Our llilrerr want to give us big party recently learned that nty husband has been seeing an other woman ior about three months lie is not aware that know whats going on but he made up my mind that it he doesnt give her up Iill know when he quits going to night eoniercnceal will end our marriage Should allow the children to go ahead wrlh their plans in view at what know set like hypocrite Toni In New Ito eheile Dear Ntl let them proceed it you ask your children to ca eel the party plant youll have to tell them why This could iorce you to make move you dont want to make it could also iorce your husband to make move he doesnt want to make Cool it In this world theres always Ioomior one more Willer all your Welcome eron Hostess now Mo 72H MI ever are current beiol tempted to discover tun tIntas Ird trankly dltierenl look oi the tbs Suddenly the iemlalac ie male permitted aetreaser such as Sette Dav ltarlena Dietrich Joan and Constance Bennett lreaa Dunne Veronica Lake ltetty Grabie sad as aortnd stars and starlets la the lnsnlratlint Inc new look in mskeup and hair styling rad or tarry the his mode is rapidly rupptialf in every thing irom the class pIgcboy hairdo to the ankle strap and wcdrcheel Ihoe Deters you dive wholeheart edly Irrlo the look take time to assess what all or any at this can do or you in ilnn be liever that every aspect oi beauty and Iashlon should irri protc nneI appearance in more Important to look lovely than look In courunt but unbe coming Deep rrd glaring lipsticks ior example emphasise port mouth but by the same token they ntay ioeus attention on less titan pericrl nose Soiler lip colors seem kinder to young laces Ono compromise the berryred shades that are in loose yet aoit Actually lip glosses hr deeper shades also rive the tbs look without the hardness Note tor all drop it sticks lle sure to wash them oil completely at bedtime Tor the rake oi your lips and your linens Avoid usrng those that stain your lips indelibly The dolly at oi rouge is an other iacet the Second World War look This accent can look amusing btit it your skin is blemished beware at both the mint or powdered iorms oi rouge In every case always two with clean wad ot sUtToyn mingle putt that comes with For the matte tiIht iaca look aka makeup the Iavortta oi wovis makeup men still does the trick especially or would be oily complarlons it your skin is try try cream stick makeup to achieve thst ettcats paloiaico look For blemished compleslona use In oltiiroe base plus translucent powder While eye makeup is amokler the eyebrows cinch the look to be in the iba iaahloo your brows should be thinned out Ind lltteo bleaching is tricky though and should be done at beauty srlon to keep them trom coming up red Or simply cover your brown with special brow makeup to tons them down Now that you are awaraai ways in which to create the tea eiicct stop and think With summer coming on its Impor tsnt to decide whether you reall want to loot like shel tc beauty or In outdoor girl its diitlcult to be both since the whole idea at golden lrl tan with nrinlmwn oi the cup is directly opposed to the while ltacks reditps rousedcheeks Just tor you The winds oi iashlnts change direction with irlaitlentng haste lily personal barometer tells me that tor tall the kncecovering classics will be enjoying great revival and once againI natural looklnr makeup and hairdos will round out the look PRESS ETIACKDDWN AN Jordan iATl King liusselna aovcromenl closed another newspaper Suns day lira weekly Althbar AT 031 bur tar lattag the publish ing is The announcement did not elaborate 1lusrsday the government banned the daily newspaper Al min for the same reason Al Dliaa was protlalcstialon paper SUMMER STORAGE mos min In home stem as tee is Ill Well It lenlra Itllml Coil limos vault FULLY INSURED Irving aumwtw 0w vavlta waters two beat humility and moths TlllbllT llilllll STRANDMRS iOltN VAN KOTISCHUTDT Evening Nuptials AtStMarysChurch Vera Catherine Cartier and John Van K0llacholen exchanged an beioce tier James Para erg dining In averting wedding at liarys Web The bride lrlhbdlttllfdbifdadu Thomas Cartier Owen Street and the bridegroom is the son oi lir and tire Ilendrlk Vah Noliscbvies oi lllaeslng Organist wss bliss Joanne Wide oi Danie Given in marriage by her tether the bride won gown oi Giantlity lace and net lesturihg scalloped petition and long sleeves trltruuad with pearls and sequins crown oi pearls and rhlnulones held shoulder lenrth nylon net veil She car ried bottolsetoi red Sweetheart roses and white camattons ATTENDANTA itlatron oi honor was lira Philip Laundry barrio tilts Frances Van iioliachma lilo cunt and ittlss tiaria Cartier itrronlo were bridesmaids the matron oi honor wore tdli oi pink crepe with tail Chantilly Tm alcoves trimmed with deep pink velvet ribbon The bridesmaids were dressed similarly in owns with deep purple we They wore white dalslea III their hair and carried bouquets oi white dIislea best man was George Nyhoi oakrtile Ushering goals llohert Glitch hilmsin Jana Cartier Toronto For reception It the ln Conunualty Centre mother were green crimptens ensemble white accessories and cone oi yellow Sweetheart roses bridegroo mother II wearing no erlmplene with matehinr locket and accessories She store oi pink Sweethe loser TRAVELLING For become to northern Ontario the bride donned coal and pant let oi grey red wool with red accessortes the newliweds will raids Isobel Street build out oi town guests present from Toronto Gait villeI Ottawa tilneslog doll and root Prior to her wcddln bride was entertained at given by iriendI and relatives Au Iileraoon pantry shower given by bliss IIdy Lawson lira harbors Thompson Keri Brown and lira Paul were hosterser ior miscellaneous showers neighborhood was hosted by ATII Frank not and hire Philip laundry tier co workers at ituie surprbzd her with chcon shower volition BlththEl UUIUFYUURHUUSE WITHUUT SELLING IT ComotoAvcoFinanclnl Services Iiyou own ahpmo paid tor ornotyoti may borrow$2000 or more at Avcobassd onthn equityin yourhome Andyouoan usothomoney any way youwant to Forhomeremodsliing orother Improvements to returnlsh your homeiorinvestmants you nameit Youllbesurprisad howlow your monthly payments maybe Andthayosnbctoitoradtoilt yourbudget sothtnkaboutwhatyouoould do With big moneyThen callus AVDD FINANCIAL IIRVIEII Wtbdic input 30 Ouniop Street West Phone 72W i6 Wellington Street Well Phone 7160