Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 May 1971, p. 6

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or ii fge fig As TE TEE eel Ir Ee Es gigs e3 35 IN me see when III bohy memHmI E3 hi 55 CERS rnrsrrr chrome end Ootolooboohldtlolonl oornedthoonyoatuttmd mmjmr hruIdoIouldlmum hllboovorhoohdullot alwmu Illlhrhotelonhotho thatyotmttmlw mIWInwmm nurrlm umlnthII Ml Mmymhmmlmwb And the In Out cm IIIInlnndIyIInd II mummm Pol Ono mpluohothlok thumtollnrdlttetmm Itr than AEEEF Hayloft Steppers Mark Closing DinnerAnd Dance Whhbtnoy WWWM WWIwondqu III Ind Nu Elude RIMIld Iodol Ilr end In Elma Poreot Ipedll eventI Aka Ind Jtlll OTII lII III Ind Itrr Blll ltell Ind dldbothrrtloruoenlurt tw mldnt IIIord to pry Iltter Ior tonIerJ Attn the mood trip nude up our ntIodr to tmt wmlm to one nldlt InymryIddIyIIndontIet Irrylhlny Inlertere We get put hldt out at It when the dent rlrmjvo III Ind In Iod wished Ind eIrh other ow bed IIILLII II door on MALIIIHJETKCIVM rnony IetlerI Iudr ll yourr Ind thunk you In hehnll It the ItoIIdIy Inns Ind Nelrrd John lroro eout Io eoIrt CANT NAIL Illll DOWN Due All lantern III III known each other Ior IA yew Ilumhotrlnlovnlltr me toolluolnlovowlthhbnho hm III the lmportIol blue to HPMuvum SWIM max hm eonnmn rellrlon odueruon smut more the dInner MW then or go mnprEy Interrupt Ire ohrrlnt Illneuoo WW Iprueototlm at other ffmmmm Hunm muchlodaa problem teuntnrllhlvodown cm IIr no In Aultln Wev Ire toothed nr tooduful to No Murrhn ArmMun lh Molrherd no to and Her um um Mum outlet be Ilene tar Irourr lIIh no be timely rum to nor If um fortune at Blue umrrle mo In the evenlnr pronm Ills mum no phone rtnrlnL WW Promenrdrrr Colllnnood Itr Ilhhllfd by lucky rpot done no homework or roohlny Nolh Ive told hlrn on IEVII om Ind IIrI Eh Multan Ind Itr In to do but enjoy ono lMh Ilonr to yet mlt my II he Pollollol helmet hreldlo Ind IIrr Ilill mm qum Iloytotl Steppers on re rrmmpany dosul not to my me but PEOPLE no PLACES IoItItolIInd the Mn Bernle Puma at No door In September Coll IIto Herons Droh Il mm ego Ir 53 Mr HI lrrtelly vheoledvltlrltundltmmy ALL Iondue Set Fuel loner worm hIrIMI orlohrotlon ot the meat It In strnroo Oulnty It no ml dirtdnx In prtutIhomI In Wound Iboul errl Int It noted Ran to mom duo elny Ind ormtuIIIy led to thotr Itteodtoy ullorr IIqu Ind IcrtIhopI enrbtlnl IntoI no ht wIII Betty to become noted laden In tho IooIrI Ind round Undone Golds bully IIIIII II nhermuxomrnolhe Ill READ TAIL the hero thlI we when Ruuel Ind Mrs II HIrrlI Ioetrl HI Ind WI Vloco NIeIteII metal In lento Ind Mr Ind Mn atqu IInu uerelrrtu IA letlIllon the tiny pre rIotod urn IIdy ullh eIrnI jtloo mm In behalt III rtuh Mr Mow mooted em to the Km tornntltloe yolunteerI tor the tn neuron Include Mrr 1hompronlreuurer Mr Bob GoldI roerelrrtet Can Be Dangerous EDMONTON ICPI IIroIo voe uII IonduI Ietr murt ro member thIt methyl hydrrte II uud ll tuel It an be hIthy armour II llrldlnt Al herII provlnrtrl Itre eonnnte Fondue IeII otlen Ire InlI JAM Ioromprnylnr Imtnnn Ilene IhIt methyl hydrrlo Ir IlIrnmIble Itnuld that vnparlm Ind hunts Into IIIme It room ptempertlure when It Ir Horned toI roureo ot lmltlao llKEI Al lpllk or mrtrh II II menthl thIt Ill portl hte are be med tho Irmmtr Mr and It Gordon Mm ttnron arrrte Ire ham to Announce the Iorthromlny rnIp rIIIo oI Ihelr dIuyhter Irn lee Hory to Mr Kenneth Tho mun People Ion oI Mrr Tho mnr Popplr PenetInzulIhene Ind tho Into Ilr Pmle IIto mrrrlore wlll tIIo pIIre su urdey June 26th It pm It IrInIty AIIIUIIII Church Orr Ilonerr ottieo told rte IMo by Cowper SAudto IHl IARRII EXAMINER FRIDAY MAY II IIII ATTEND ELUBA BIRTHDAY Four Inernhm ol the Buttons Ind Proteorlmrl orno nI duh ol BrrrII trIvollId to llrIoebrldp TueIdIy ovenlny to Itlend the toes Iltth hlrlhdry ol the hunt ye Burlneu Ind Proleulonll en Club lIvoIe Ittendlnl were Mlu Mur tel Perry IIrI Devoltr hyctltle AIII IeIn Errhh In II III Illn Ionu UAR DANCE GRADUATION Flu yell Iqulro dIneIrr weroguenlod wlth deloInoI In tho Ileyo ol AIWIMALJI It etorlny dnner pIrty Ind poL look Iupper It tho Itrylolt on Itondoy evnnlny Lerderr lnrno Ind Belly llIy tho tnIlruoled the poop In one arms In la Inch Iton oy nlptt rtnre September 19m hrth up In trrrntdlrlo courIe IlIrtlnx Aux Ind ronllnulny Ior in to elsht week wlll enrble the durtrr to Into the Wednredry nlyhl llrylott Stopperr when don elnr resume In September DIIIOIOHI here presented to Mr and It Bah hyetllte Mr Ind lltrr CIIII llorerrmn Ilr Ind Mn lvrn Comoelu IIr Ind Mrr Lorry Coleman lIr Ind IIrI RrIIn IJctlerhnll Itr Ind lIrI Itorr Emms Itr Ind Itrr lltll Ford llIr Ind hlrr Doll Eulsh Ilr Ind Itrs LIrry Janet Itr Ind ItIrI Scott Itutr Mr Ind Mn Lorry lttcthurhry Hr Ind hlrr Emmon Trnrh MINORITY END YEAH The llnnl meean III the Beta Sllml PhI elty ewnctt wII held Wednerdry eventnx It the homo ol IIlrr Ill Inrlrnrr It om de rlded In dnnnle thlr to tho Ehrl Iered Worluhop Irorn tho pro Ind Mr and Mn Itm LInthIo reed ot the Chlrlty Roll In All llrnI WIN dheurrod tor the leIIdt Ind auxre hrnlrtut Iohedulod Ior Srturdry June It IeronlIdrIrom to 1130 InL the next meellnl VIII be held In September It the home at It Fun Doom ATTEND CONVDCATION Ilr Ind Mn Don Mdoo 5t Vlment Street Itlended tho nIduItJon ot thrtr douyhter Doruto It tho not oontoutlon II the Unlvenlty ol Wettern 0w Iruoloodon1hursdry ldly fl 10 HONOR BETIIIINO TEACHER IlIlIereIt School StrII II plrn nlnl roeepllon Ind pmenle Ilon Mon June It Imrn 150 pm to 330 pm Ior WIIIJInr It Bell who retlrlnl thlr yelr 1hr orvrnrnlllre Ir orprrlenrlnl some dtltlwlly In conuctlny Ill Irlrnrlr Ind quunlntnnorr who Would be Inlerrotod In Itlmllnl thlr event Everyone lnvltrd to Itlend tho receptlrm It plIn nan In Illend tonlIrt IIrI Vtv IIn Mon IIIIlrreIt School 71 em hetero June VLIIN DAUGHTER IIII lulph Snelrrore Therm st hrr loIt Ior North VIneouver EC to vlrll her druhhter Lynn Iltrr John Crerlvnrnl who lI expoetlny my Bridoo Guido Whonwoddrn hour Inthomzhnwrrom dtovle th SATURDAY MORNING SPECIALS LADIES SPORTSWEAR FASHION FLOOR JAMAICA SHORTS 299 Denlrn jean nyltng In whlto Irene navy blue Ind green Shoo HO Sires Illd colours rro timlted Io Hunyt It son ACCESSORY EIDEPT MAIN FLOOR PANIY HOSE Blltlnt styled oneshe Itttlnz Panty Hose In betropute taupe Ind tonglow YLI OHAIN SAW LINEN oerr5 LOWER rLoor BAIH Towns Assorted colouro In plrlno Ind prtnto Sltghtly rubstnndnrd but wlll not ItIecMwearlng quollty Qunnltty to Itmlted so Iturryt Rog To Center Irtpr IAIMIII llnIII lnl leelu FUIIIII PERFEIIT Ftlll HOME counselor rnrn NOW ONLY Complete wtth12 enttvng attachment suoossreo LIST PRICE Preo Room for thoBrldoIPIrontu What hm weddingmntonmm wore Infrequent roomforthohridor II rrmmywmlyht Mohyourrmtioorml 1qu Illyo III III I7 am run run more INTRODULIORY TLIIIIII no Ior your Ilnt town You tell control under the rupervlrloo II yonrnmonbrpprovrd lrulnlrtnr De ot Transport raved course In Illn lnrruetton Income tlApdrdudtheI For III the troll either mono or come out to the Ilrport Ior personal Barrie Air Service Am North at SunnldIII NII mom RRYINIUIrnIeo on nunm COMMDIMIALIII IGOLb II Oll P0 lam vu one Ive or mm varu Wrtaheerreotpeople Alherlltrtl CooIrtoII It NOMILIIEINEWOILOSIAIOESIMANUIICIUIIROIONAINSIWS HIE TllMIl All lIIIrIdIo lurtor

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