mewumwhmuam ProgFEm To Cut Prices OI Drugs Is Inadequate Lamar cnnmtttt TOR MEMBERSHIPS AI heater penny earnltrl rt El Barrio TITYWCA Ilrad drenth needed lponwn to Vrereivaeerheooelromitrt mitilnnwhiebwrsbelngadd Inthepaegrlnrweeedroptn edtothelt them In men tbxoaghiy treat patient who Moira attention and who Ire now being heeled by extensive reliance no mood medtlyine up or trenqtriliia era One third oi ell preset lion tuned by Cenadirn doe tmdurloearemtatrrurywera lnrthesetypeeetdrugeendeter hail ware repeat prescription IMM Al in Nil tor the money Ito Wm Wintl per executive dinelor or the thlmlrm pupal or for several yarn lie laid the Nightly more than Ne also expressed the hope thel the heath tninlntee would onrr institute program at tree drug lot dludtantegad Can edien Is all then could the IDIITITDTIII hope to Iehtere ttr eteted eltn oi redurlng the root at mun tn the public sunny Warm Is Forecast Temperatures In The 705 Shier will be may ever Sine toe cant today with tternenn temperature In the it will outlnhe rttnny on LIL nedey with rtterneon termereh use In the mid too low tonlnhi to in to liilh llturdey to it Windsor London itemiltnn North Bey budhny Leta 5i their late Erie Lie Rated Niagara Lite Ontario Reiibttr ton danrlteh any liriniy timer and wrnn today end bli ndryttlphrtodyettetr WNW OVER POOR KANSAS CITY AP Hm ford ll rate the rimmed uNoJoniitemlryIllaioi problem The boIrtI ohelrman oi Toad Motor Co lay the tint tour ere pot edtrertion heroine end crime to me it more ineradlhla thrt the wealthiut netlon in hietory should tili have uhetrnilai number at it citlren iitlnl In Ihreiula povertyenable to obieln the toad rhelter tonirhl er to trip so titdIy III to Toronto hioatly my and warm todey and hettrrde lilnr todeynearitnnwtonl tour on High Saturdey area to nenlt Ste hierle Alrnnra Ti mellmi White River Coch liriniy runny and arm today Cloudy period end chance at trw rhnwere lrtr SeturdIy tilde today lll in 15 law tonight near to iiiyh Sat urday III to 73 Ottawa Iod Iiotttreai Todey runny Tonight cieIr Seturdey Iunrty tiitb lnererrinl cloudi noas In late lternoon High today and SIth hi to TB tar tonight to to Li Riel Lew ngh Today Taelrhi III Windsor 70 Lil il Sarnir El Thoma London Kitchener biotnrt Emit Winthrrn Owen Sound Theater Kingston White River Oereldion Moutonee NIIIRINE IORECIIST TORONTO CPI Nrrlne iorecrata tor the Late to road at end relid until it Illt Saturday Laha deperiert Wind wett erly to to 13 hole becoming oulhwertety It to to hunt this eteninr in Denial Iy Lela lime Wind aarirhir id knots herein In wetteriy to to it Saturday mornina Fair sazzasuaaaaaaa masgssssaq=6== saaaauaaa=diaa TIIE BARN EXAMINER INIDAV MAT ll Ill New varnish Appointed Ior Prince 0i Wales School Prince at rte or one at Mr IppolttitttenLt to position or responsibility Introunred hy the county board at education Wedneeday Thrrt Gouge uiil Join the Prim at Villa rtrii after to year ot teaching experience with the North York Board at Mellon Aloe announced was the polntnreol oi Garry Grtittn ticoprinoipal oi Connlught Pub lletiehooiinCoiiingeoodJlr Griitin eotnee tram the Grey County tiered with inlet or NlostPledges GETS Radio elrht yeara teaching experience Frances Deere will leave her present tearhlrtr position It At endrie Ilelrhi school to heroine prlrrtrry eoaaultarti tor the board itrr item ha more then it aatr teachinr experience it at nhlrh here been went to the county Shirley their will loin the board as eptelri education eon ruitrnt tlrr inrie is currently with the Srrrhorough board at eduretiun Library Shelves CostBoatd $8700 Library shelves to equip to eouree centre ei blidlend racers drry eheol will rest the county borrd oi edttcliietr Willi The borrd Wednesday tripht rstnts nrnunntc courtcn annual er sane tar ceden ref lnrry her no enmel wee established two run earl tiarnbarl In lawyers ed Irrooatenla undmntm and out eilleertt tEtItniner Pheini The hirrttoo OWN Btei Cworii it an nual dinne meeting It the Bayshote Inn yesterday end elected not Sun Barrie resident tit Stall law er an alth Ian Carri hitre Four Fined Under 08 err had no heenre plates it we inlioued Into telrny and tuned lnto pritrta driveway bela thaiyrer test revealed bod htoodeiaohol pereetlala Em Vilntworth It at Onilia war iiord lit otter he too pleaded guilty The rharra wu laid by Danielle Provincial Police alter treat Wintwnrtb was driainl wII eh erted wearing on lligbwey en end intellth at speeds between so and 10 mph In we pelted at so mph ior tnteh hearth Ilyter test retreled be bed on the RI rney Beech Rd The hieodIlrohoi perrenteee at hue tanned Item to in Ills In prortnrial court Thursday tnr driterr convicted oi driving with hiaodIlroltoi taunt In caress ot oe par rent Etrtrtt Starerait ol Tur nntn pleaded guilty to rhetge under the breathriyrrr section at the Olmlnai Coda mi was lined tilt by Judge II Foo ter Sternett wu rharped Feb eher these Borden hitlltery rnlire ohoerrrd the ear he was drivinl go through red signal light It the Intersection oi Dirppe Ind Cambtel roadsi hreethal yter test ruled he had blood alcohol perreniega pl 15 bell centre chartered ae rotlntent horn Toronto who me an eddresr In re to tom and Gerry rid partpretran oi the eounrl Dirrrim rte Rel lJchrnn ltttt Doolittle Boll Wboriey sell are are lined run by Jteipa Foeler etter he pleaded purity in the ehargei lie we ehargrd Inst Aug so tter Ontrtio Prorinrlri Polite ottsrrtrel his Ir put onto High any ii in 0th Township Ir erlrrnle rapidly and weave from true to tree heartbelyxar test relented he had bloodalcohol percentege at 11 Armed Pleurda as at Toron to was tired ITS aliq he pierde ed guilty Ile no chergad April is attrr ninltl Township Pbl Ice nbserr rho wu dnriu lretelitnr eh rete hi ape Paul Join ti oi the New Lo Innislil library Needs More Room The lnrtisiil Library Board would lite in eaptod lts latti ltie by urine en Ibeodoned Irhool in Strood tor alarm The board has contacted Ditto ell by letter teqursillu permlo ion In use the At present to opereta out at enrmnunity hell in Shroud ol li JeanPierreEFerland en directdelhbtel Sitylineieeunrntmnri The lnnlItlI annslinDpiirttlrt WWWi mm hilhdlildhithim anal tantrum iiIAperlirdezoheurusnrlunnhdeCJw radio to be used It prim III mg the equipment strut Lela Erie Late 0er Irrithttreltlll thdo nerthwert to In in note honouring arrietrie remote to lilhl Felr rod medical proved the purenrre ot the minute physical health and blanket Hamilton yaaaaazaaa ====aga=asa deturdry waitrthon to raise money lor rnlteeleenlng ma rhlna The radio will be werded to the younxrtnr who collects the martin pledges tor the writ net to begin rt eat Item the twmhip Irene About taooo oi the libido eost oi the ertilirlrl lee was paid tor by imliar Optlmhtorprnlrad walhihon me time ere Now machine needed to clean the Ice eurlaea ltrr Bron Pittmy who at optimist club president arid to dry thrt telteshmrtda will be served to writer at vrrlous pelrtir III the 15mlle route that winds throttph the township Registration ni writer will tare plane treat to to em rt the Irene Saturdry The Ice machine could cool be tween $8000 and 9000 lite Pintney eid EMERGENCY NUMBERS Ti Drill NIII ilty Petite AmbIIIIca denier mam OPP TMldi ara T0 ENROL 0N PHASE No1 EnnoL mlSlGTHETOIAL roost lithium F0 nan PERSONALilED nouns ONLY WEEK turnovrrtrttt rnoonete PHASE No3 SUBSTANTIAL COST lNCREASE BEFORE AFTER till DAYS SONIA WILSON WORLDS llADlNO TIGURE SIVLIBT Rempenteldt Credit Union at barrle recently elected pillar tor the tomlnl year including not Lari PruiDern tire praetdent Larry Shruhroie president and Rita unwell DOWNTOWN BARBIE PRIME OFFICE SPACE TOR LEASE coming year are chit Three gt iohn Renaorn ilrlrn tartan Ron Merehell Grey Tomlln on and David iiorhrn IE1 Irnieer Theta RESULTS GUARANTEED MONTHS FREEIFK WEFAIL UNDERWEIOIIT wouleae rare the entrant Fill In Ital ratio Urlll AIM or III to bill turner ortnt tat never OIlnITIII IODV WIIONI Oeltt to II III ecmeve or nay OVERWEIGHT IF YOU All ltll It you let be IO ltth dd IITI It WI It be IMMIVI 1quan III II deyl IIEI It VW Wt be II in 9i II II III KIN be It In It den LAROHT IELECTION 1N lIlE AREA ROOM GROUPINGS entcen rttott 59995 to 99995 Exclusively tor omen Unlimited Vl lta OPEN DA WEEK MONFRI to pen SATURDAY Mi to pro llreirdlo Eighty teulygnr cCopyrighr Ilgurmeglo lntetnetionel 1910 law thrill Trrme Available Evenlnl Appointment Arrearee ADAMS FURNITURE The Netloar leedinr iiome Furnlrbm It Dnniop Ph iultil Ottr Locatinnr Own ID trom Toronto ll OAIIILE PAVED OFFSTREET PARKING DALANCE OT Till ATTRACTIVE BUILDING WILL BE OCCUTIED BY RELL CANADA ORROCIIURE AVAILABLE ON REQUEST KDD HOLDINGS LIMITED II Tltn IL Ierrle OIL Telephone mmt OCENTRAILY MATEO IN DOWNTOWN COMMERCIAL AREA Olim IT AVAILABLE ON AND TWOII lbw IT AVAILABLE ON IIth TWOR OOCCUIANDV OCTOBER lat lllt OWILL DIVIDE TO YOUR NEEDS OFULLV AIR CONDITIONED AND CLIMATE CONTROLLED OELEVATUIIS SERVING ALL LEVELS its MAPLE eve senate our Aeroar Irorn Woolworthe PHONE 7261921