35 gt lt so Egg is It E35 Ii 333 or as IE st III El mm ionisation npmm Says Easing Of Tax HAT son irrieidihdio 39525 peace as insert unity Classes Cut ty olooseo In ntno rosmrsehooiowtlibodioeontln nod otthoendolthls school andpristlpolswtiibooo to photo out losses to II schools th couon hoard ot ohtcotlon lost nlsht endorsed recommen dollou item the special commit too no spodal odttcstlon to out tlto classes whoso Intuidoltoi mmboyoototudeols did not too iIly tho opoclsl cioaooo in cues teoohors now Intltlhasygr unltoyketooseo to medial teoohors 1title chasmIllotptitidtstJ only It ta hurt horont lsrt Intended oto unity Oouchlohtn Iloi lvnlor Ind II more Mia opportunity in Orlltto Notchmoot odiolo oppor tunlty In tortilla township Roleot Ittnlot sod PI Int Ito upwind III hiidiaod Nob tomato comm oppoo venue thoetnoro in soother it schools prlnei pols hovo been authorised to he one we as to with secular hoard outbortred rototniss tho lociil tios and teachers within tho schools and noted tor ovoluotlon reports Itom pots ottho end at each lotto lho board also endorsed roconunendlilon calling lot In oerrioo pronmo to help oil too shots dost with tho Intonation oi toomet opportunity class one dents to roads laasoi Mere french Programing In County To rhus will bo rd to provide oorno mneh tolrrlo testro Inordns in the county to Its the promotion oi itde Ionluaro and cotton iho counts bosrd oi editor tut stint ordorIod recorrunent datlon trout its French isnrus advisory committee to mm mottot to the amt Ituoioo Aivln Gravolis 01 Pc netsosolthene told tho board the situation rst come item mootin with Itudonto ot PoneI lanrul one Secondary School he Requested oi htttnrust oludroio In the coun ty ostola irusteo Rita Phelps sold the students are matter stoot ei tort to ervo their Ftoneh Ionsuos culture but section with Danish whrro outsldo octh The board was told that oomo Frcnch proyrommlns is new vollohlo on cable television In tho towns or htldlsod ood Pene tnnsulshone but not In ouiiytno oroor 55rIInitTownhouseDeveIopment ProposedFotCundIestllrea proposed ii unit town botuoxdovetopmont nose tho corner oi Nudist ltd ot St Vincent or was Introduced In tltlolclly pionnlns board lost it the development will occupy opprodmotoly hail oI eoi aoro allot tho root at row oi slos Women Golfers Elect Executive Prior to their openinr licid day this unit the lndlcs see tlon oi the llarrlo Doll and Corn try Club elected iisri iticttllnr president lor the comlns year Other olticoro elected wrro lithe Ilaiuty vice president lith Currie past ptosldrnll Itctto Emery treasurer iictty Clyne secretory hiurioi lliilict tattoo ttoity Dowdco vlco captain iiotb Smith director and Ruth incoon social courts or Ie tensity homes on the north sldo oi cradles Rd blurry ioonr dovoloper oi the prOLotI told the plonntns board at mother or units oro pionnrd tor the remainder oi the property sometime In tho iuturo They will loco on Bluo Jay Drive at present on unopen ed Ittool lio asked the pinnnins board to recommend site plan bylow in council tor the tnitlo ht unlts ntdeh will teen on St Vincent St The units meet all city Iton dsnis tot row booster its on its will or built at density oi It to on sore and all wllI hovo builtlo ratssrs and driveways The prorerty is currently send to petmt tow housinl Tho plonnins board voted to circulate the plan at the pro ed development to us our city departments let come The comments will be consttlrr rd at the June to ntcotlnsIol the pisnntny hootd siirntmmnt trove Drone County Board Plans Meets Month ti one oI in most dobnled moves oi the onr tho county boon oi cduortion last night volcd to hold tout board meet lnos month lot on osptrlmcn toliour month period trill lhs In Scptrmbcr The board will oortllntio its itl ML mummy tutor sessions on tho second on non Wednesdays at each nth hut odd motion on the tooth end iourtb Iiondoys The move was taken in on It cmvt to out down on tho lnctcn Ins number oi spools cortirrilt eos ticsilns with lilo to which the boo was to strewn to tho point where tninth ovcnlnis in month to hold one miles each turnstiles stvl IIIII oh tile toroIsr board motion the special or so mmlttres non number or WI Iddltlonrl motion would Iloatd vice hoe ems oi purrhssins the shale board aimed It on courorlnr discussion by the whole board at motion that pre vlousty were hammetrd out in small oorrvnitlret and hrousht to the board so ptintrd recommen dailuns No motions or resolutions can be passed oi the committee oi tho whole meoilnu lho resul or Wrdnosdoy nlsht sessiqu wii he or ilnol discusrloo and up out oi motions and lot Motley oI representations to the board The meetings will be open to tho public sod press but tho heard they vote to so tntn priv oto session so It does now to dismiss personnel mottors or it one turn tuIII on haltmlh John III Iht lvrm oilummlltpe oi motllouytt sold its new syItem Suntan to outside 1m nlnto hos noostlor htt IlcOtlloun soil In tlmo new varoach to salary undsttoos wuutonlntheprorineo ldtlotaooososioryscslo out lot too little tourinto with serum tmento Id would ho hosed on some latter tall Into scrottnl local conditions and Iiriny cools its Monmouth also said he would lover the Idol oi sentie st or and school Ioochoro Ito said tho board did that this year in the area or trials bandits and the system worked well molar ehsnu to hlogs benets tor both elementary and secondary teachers this year Is on lncrosro oi the boards ohm or tony terns dhohllitr and se oldonlll death and dumber meal Insurance tootvrsttontr IWIlliiiIIMILYI not to totally Accordion to the citys sootos her and othrlol pill It to one so more rots related blood or loss II tin or In to or uretolol who on occupy llyI lial IIII Tho oonsttteo oi llrrslly is halal lsrooliutrd by tho oltys pinning department or result ol complaint at iucrdoys merits oi oouotii All Dorian Porter toll eouoeil that also had once ed cornyhlols about noise can irons poroooo drill to tho ores ot holoos secreted by up up to tire Inated persons Ibo ashrd tor tho planets board sod the city oorriop meoI comndtleo to rortosr tho drIIIIIIeI oi limit and hath The pianist hoard IIIt Ilshtlastntrirdlls III to or saro tried so what other cities deltlo Is lsrrsitlco no report will be presented at tho sosl merits or In board Three OriIIians Killed In Mishap OItlLLlA ICil Ihtoe littl llo persons were tilled Wednes day In twocat collision on Illrhwoy ooulho hero Dead on William John hit lay it his wile Edih Itcno til nd prisoner hope its on Dousias iioti Joetolt oi oi Ilsrrlo drlvot oi car which was In collision with the Dolley vehicle is In ontlslecloty condi Ioln tn Orillis iiomoris llorpl would alleviate what has brooms on Impossible situation pen lleulorly tor the chsirman and vice chairman The chairman and vice ehal men and senior odminlott rottenan Ito required to end all corrimltioo meoltn ilr iticCulloush said he and oholrman iiorloy Ford have at tended about so moollnts In Dante olono rinse the bot solos oi its year The movo dtow support from other mutter who tell tho committee ot tho whole ortlom would lot the whole board In on only discussions at all matters rolbor thsn having them pro rented to yrnrrolrrwotlnss so iioit molt recommends ens OPPOSITION There was some eouoity Itrros ooporttloo liarth emu IA DOIII IMO lilIIH To Find Farm Farms lldosrlr Wish NPP lot Grey South Ml spook or and lock Fountain secto tars Luminos Photo Viennese Music do he Presented lit Central Sunday Tho Looseniion lllm School Road oi Ottswo will presoot on events oi Viennese music to tho City til Barrio In tho Control Coir Insists Auditorium Sunday slott Io at It pm tho potter soup oi musicians under the leadership at Root ltonnoobers hot been specious tor rot tom time In this field oi music President oi the bond is Jim Nels nephew oi Ntll For oi itIrtlo Ind tormet momhct oi ths Dorris Coliosiste David to the summer at that tho Intonation twp toured DIXO pe They Ives sortie limo In tho cilon trons under tho tronose oi trsu Elisabeth muss widow oi Billiard Stratus ll stoodnophor oi Johann strouu It woits lino at nine teenth century Vienna and Dir opo revived Interest In tho mmicotstrouss hos mode It Sttovss emissary In noun She will visit Bar trolisn bond as Its visit to cum durlnl lost ot week the president oi the Bsrtle Cohostoto uid to plan thin reception sad vid tour throws historic Stmcoo County In till out the woriood vlslt oi irou Strauss hit Ron nonbcty and tin Laurentlsn lionntnbets Incidentally spent several years In Iiotrlo when he was solo clarlnotlIt with the Canadian Guards lland in Ito tormottve yours It tiara harden Mots tor the motley evooiny concert can be ohtotncd item tlte boo attics tor dollar each at Jackmo Grill and Jones Stationrry Senior citizens may apply at those centres tor comp lmenlory tletels courtesy or tho Itlotrlo Collcsioto Iiond Eccles St lites Residents Object To Possible Duplex ihe plonnlnr hourdo sordno committee and stall will view ropotly It the end oi Ecclol St North before It solo on po tltlon Itom it property owners In the arts ostlnn council to mono the property to allow only single ismily honours Iho eurtont Ionlns would show double duplex The property has been involved In controversy since the owner oppllcd to the committeo oi od ustmrnt lot the severance oi tho ct Itom another last month The committee started the severance on tho curviltlon that It to to ooncd tor slnsio lnmliy use Ihhlio tho reins would allow too luo Iibelnn sold the commit too oi the whole system with nubile and press prcoenl min smpcr the utiooittrncro oi ma trustees hit Wholsn sold some trustees are hesitant about xprrsotny Ihcmoelvro ln mectlnso oi the whole ton member bootul but niaso valuable contributions at small mettlan oi three or lost msn committees Ilut inniolli iruslee Don treat Iy raid the new oysters might tree Inuloeo to spend more tires in their local areas Ito said he not tltotl oi opoioytzioy to local schools tltot he couldnt sitcnd tunetlons as their board trombor becouso he had committee mootlno to heroin or some other part oi theeovotr DOLE 0F PRIM There woo comidoroble con cern omens lrustero obout the oi the wort Intended GUTIIRIE Stall Ontario nounnseots action in raisins Inheritance iss exemption to him Itom Wm tor hits bond and wits and costs oi tas tor children wIli holp pro oervo totally looms and srnsii business Eric matter IIPP hilnloter at revenue told Ithorlnl at about tho tho that Slmcoe Consent to As soclotlon annual meeting hero olshl Ilr Wlotior who lives at Iluw ever end roprerrots any South rldins Ipoto In place ol With torn Stcwsrt Ontsrio mtnLo tor at culture who was to wed owhoto ten liontrn trio OriIlis lawyer who was to elected president presided nd tho ridios member Gordon Smith hIPP and hits Smith also were at tho hood tahle We are reorotnod about or oIculiuts sold Iir hlntlcr poIIilIIi to the eItonslro otlorts oi tho yorernment to assist tho tanner In torloy rhsoslos Icon ondc concepts 10 ENCOURAGE lDI Itr Rintltt also trlcrrrd to tho mots oi tho Ontario cavern ment In rodvelns rorporetlon lax Itl cont slotlny the action ntss siren to encwtsro Industry ond thus msto more tubs o4 IIllshlc The speaker bluod st Dttnwa Ins ood oromtttle politics which he hlsrmd tor rlslny unemploy ment and stomp renditions IIo said the Ontsrio sortrnrrirnt had noted In an eliort to nilsrt tho oiiect ol this trend in this pro since Now orrvlns Ids lourtb year as member oi the Ontario Leots Inturc Ilr iiinhlet previously was member ol the iiouso ol untmons lot to years Like Im mlrr William Dottr his ldhrr won one tittio nottd lacrosse pioyorr Ed RIntlcr playcd int lisnovtr terms hlr Smllh was enthusiastical ly rrcrltod II he won rolled up on tor low worth and he slso rrlrrtrd to the chances in om oslo Inheritance ins as they ol ioct ions and small businesses The roclemd position or who or hushond and also the Improve ed tsx position where iosstlrs sro irtt to Ions or dsushttro were discussed member ol the audience Al on Larkio iotmet oldies pmio dent rIlsod tho question or governments stand on uporoto hlyh schools and our stod that Prrnder Davis obou stood by his present policy It would be mistaho to mots choose be asserted stronsly John Drtnlwolcr It at Northhrooh whn wos Sim to tovnty warden in trio and Conservotlvo lcdorst eondhioto was the olden to Iitontl Ior mer 0m rocro Kenneth Gib Iosplo ex roevo oi orillio Town ship 1irrrt Justin and Volpro irrevo Carl Doton olsn were am on those presan NEW Oltm Iisin ollicrrs elected besides Iir itontsomery sy president son James Jones 0tllllI Com Psrtrt Ittdiond Dirk Rows and ioooorrt Booth Ilodon rlco presidents Gordon try oi hildiand trrosutct and tort Fountain oi Ortlllo loon shlp socrciory hits Lily Poss oi Drillln and hits Lillian Cnswelt oi Iiidisnd an honorary presidents el tho ossoclotlon The tidlnr ItsIndra Ili oi Oro township and extends rem tho sly ol Drillio to Im our Barrie Planners Leer the plants board last night selected mutiler shop represen istlvss request to Include auto od mobile repair establishments in hishway comnterniot tones ilowever Ihohoatd Indicllcti It would corolder site plan hy low to show muttlet shop ln hishway commercial sono ii the company come In with prome Ii lot spectiic plreo oi pro Petty Robert iictsvlsh oi Speedy Iiulllrr itlos told tho board lost mom that his ilrnt considered Iitadlord St and Itoylteld St Is prlmo no lot shop Ilowoter the citys senior by low permits mulliet repair shops which are considered as auto repair establishments to term oi multiple houslns rrsl dents in the area othcl because the property ltsalt to it to to loot above the road iovol oi Ecol st iierldents loot any multiple dwellinr wouid Iowrt shove their homes and destroy the olnslo lomlly too The matter Mid on On tario munielpol hoard hcnrh inn lien Pooh tho citys director oi Xiannlns Ind doveiopmrnt all today that the committee oi oditulmont decLsioit has been sppoaied The sonlno commttleo Ind plonntot department Itslt will view the NOWIY our report back at the next needlot ol the plonnins bootd roio ol the press It the comndl lee ol the wbeio mteiinss Iiveh tor the median to new handled In small committees to which the press to not Invited Aroln hit Wheion said some trustees misht nut DO able to let their hair donor or they do at present so hot corrunltteo meoiinrs Iiorrio tturteo iheims Cort butn sold tho proceediou should he reported to ions as it to made clear the results are rec ommendation or proposals Ier consideration It topiist hoard sessions ilt htcOstlom sold the boards oyiow proiidlru torrent ntlttoo at tho wholo nicotinso does not exclude anyone tint oil that are to be consider by the trustees Ind administra tion only must be mldorod In what is called prlvslo settles opcclnl commercial and Industr Inl sonts only hit Ilctovish sold his lirrn roouIrts location with main st Irtlni route irontoro lho odus trial and sprcisl mmorelal intts srr rrncrally located on secondary routes He said the rrtcrchalitiislnit at such thlnys as multlcrs has changed greatly to the st to ytsrs Ills Iirm he sat main tolns hlsh standards oI Ippour snce rlcsniiness sod hsndItnr oi scrap Several other cities pctntlt establishments oi this type to their mission at tho hlsltwny continerelol rune Itut planning board members felt that uhllu this particular it Emrslo ashs to ban Ito tasro drlerrrd how to the hood solo to tour or III no mo iio did not osploln what no visions tos deiorrsl ol tasoo oilseed In tho letter hlr mo Iooin ruled out say dismissloo ol tho Irttor Itr sorta sold the hoRd should nuts sotno statement letter on orror error orto ho this tho and has sortie resonade ro Diucotlon director dash titles on snortsire the board nib alo Its earlier otstomoots municile education roots Ro havo said no are sum at any time to tilstun odors tloo costs with any msndeidm ho sold No comment or ointment you been mods by any oi the county NPPs on tho toilet Memorial Piano Is In Memory II IGorrett memotioi piano to be sea In tho sanctuory ot Oootroi Doi tod Chutth in battle In inr molly dedicated titular moot Id to blood ear to turn with the coloring oi the undurya company might malrttsln hlsh pendants in hlshwsy com tncrrlol tone there are no In enters or controls that othor typos ol automobile repair osto hlishmonts such on bed shops etc would ntnlniotn his stand aids tth plunncr Gourso Gray to cotttmcnded osolnst tho chants In use in tho hithwoy commotv ciol rune Ilo said thoo tho Irri pact oi crrtsln oi the usesdo lined as outo repair establish mtnls would have on odvrrso ol IKI on other hlshway commer rlol uses such or rcstaitrsnts and hostels and on residential soocs that olirn nbutt hlrhwoy tOIllv rnrrciul sonco Interior wss xtven in memory oi Ernest It Garrett by his mo thot tIther ood brothers large number ol tho James and Get rttt Inmlllcs woro prcsrnt at tho service to whom the presents tlon James hit Garretts ottpiothrr olileisiiy save the rt one to Rev Donald it Joy to to hire who then presented It to tho tonrtrxolion and conductor Nicotiun ceremony The plIoo Is in tomato in tho ounetuory II losiios memorial to hit Garrett who was ospotu lolly Iotul oi music and will ho turd tor mony special services throughout the tile ol the rhurcht both as solo Instrument and in dust with the church orrsn Crown Attorneys Sessions untarln roun Attorneys be yin lhrco doy round oi nit Inns and social crento In iiortlo today The Intrqu hicctlllt oi the Ontario trtrwn Attornvys Assoc tatlon will hrlny about 50 Crown attorneys and their wives to tho oily The tncotlno not this more inc the Conlnrnial inn with welcome by Iiayur Lcs cOUhO huslncss session and paneI discussion on motion ol concr nl concern to Crown attorneys Iinlshrd tho niurttiny loiilons This sltrrnoon the group split CROWN John ed Itutph Irit stools roileoru esot onponino oi Ihroodoy annual meeting nl Ontario Crown Altosooys Association Ior thrco rtcurslous to view Stmcoo County Una troup wiIt do its slrhlmlnx Item roll course at llaso Borden The other two will visit lenctanrui Ihrno and Fort Ste itstlo er Iolto cruise on Ian Simcoc Tunerrow the stoop will hear speeches Itom thtro authorities on tho routtrnento proposed Yours OIItndcrs Art and tsito you In poori discussion on the If Attorney Gcncrol Alon Low ronco will meet the otlornrys tor privulo luncheon IllrlInK stirmoon session Joe outs Dvrto itoutrrot town in Barrio FROM Litit ilr hiurphy with Wiener ul ioltlnstoo County secret ory trouoror oi the sector Jtints and Iattmer OD Started In City Today ouorney will speak abort the role oi the prosecution in the HQ trials later session will Ioslute rtlolosvo on proposal to rent pot on accusrd person to icst iy betwetn Arthur Iioioncy and Allen hiewclt business union and olicliott oi oIilcers will wind up the meetings huslncss on Saturday John Ilurpby Crown Aitor my tor the county is prusidrnl oi committee which handlril Irtonxemcnls tor the moods and will host the ulritlnit crown attorneys IIIliId their stay at ilsllott dainty About Drona attorneys and thou wivoo wIii Isle port In tho rooottns Photon