mm LItlu Mtwytomyrmmi III pm Inuit data at Amitntinticveeruian It ma mt lot In art my null we had mm It thtt Im tat hm Inn Iandrrad my aint Int next with IA the tint hint to mod by ltitt liI ranted by not won Thin It IIIKCII mlr mphtsn dumbed In the Mary II the tom tom thI ntmIl Handout micth took little thin this tiny Wattle Admit it lately Iidapmd Ind it it mum to invade OI blood Itmnn It ran do tot at mit dttd mint Icth imr hm IIde Jude it an uttlo In tha ms brain hurt tldncyr airnu pal AW try Ihm Ind loam in the 1211 an ant uurlu at mxtlll II In your me tin did you let it Stat am Wow no hint plentt int tInd Inlnntt Ire tam to he intnrted It might hive tune tram Ilinmt rhythm mu Itnvtcton IIIde that it an be Iwilrnd by eating 1an at Ind dentin hm MI some But thrn min vrzctullnl hm hId the em diioidn thou It variant aim at rtt Danni It by thin Int blood lute In the Inn Ittrrl rllcc live trultmt KID be rm lit rue Ind thin II nIrIIruv II mmzry II the cm In Involth Then the WWI became an mat bemtnttdtapmb mum Annour rhdrrn Ihutha dim ItitrII thI him it II that to em stillbirth Ind mum motion or chit dm my be hunt with the An me It the WON thetntm tine minty mu iniIntI Ir my il tint elm you ditttm were not ham with the ame you tinnjimtonmuamn wdidnotmitanlothm tor mntiytotdnlihztthare pilttanrundthconlyrunle wmtsomnnytrwhm IIid that Itm din IoltndInIlIhouIdrhnuedoo Wltmthtybtddlm dihqdengemutinottmtadt JJ The nation at Melvin all time It In old one in my pletxly latte Iii Idldttrnrr torture and the Iratr that thace nothing that Ill direct III Itmn that not diualve genital too And that tilt Vat III time he an Im It not tmtcd twain the Immrdt They no mu Ito ninth all bIIddII Illicit Ind the Irritation imn them my In Ionic cud load to mm or other mtlnllonr COMPLAINTA REDUCED TORONTO tLPl IIntlly cpl dxlmmha lmt nnottannl tome al pItImlI hr min IImiiy yeyrhothrnny my to date by halt the romnltlntt Ihout huiih the nIlirnie have Itady hu them Dr Arthur Comte at Emithvllle IImIly doctor who mind In IImliy thrupy It AItEllll Univer Illy nld with Inch help Itm lly may In the lilure ha Ihlr to deal with prohlrint previously tlimi la the DAIIMIII eithrr eII been Ila ot rettrl Ii gel 235 Mmmtrmtiydor you to it wt direct your ettartl to dimerinn ho the hand mid hm hm and an Izctly tramthin hull wit Wxthextualdiyttlmottlu dim omen rIidt rm thin dul Itxr Wat ltd mg on rind Inlnlt thm M199 Inn with the tin Ind AM the A0 at alumna West IhoIlnl out III with with ditirmnd to the hint Ind lamb Mind at dimodt won by Ettt ltth the tech All there diam provrd Inui lau homer when Mum cd wade la dttmmfl Ire thtlIhinI Wan Ipodet Altcr thing the nth Alumna 5m toot been luau Inlrh truth ad but Itnre time Ill no any at teturnlnnlo dummy to re put the name he naitlxd own am later IIIIIIII muted that he mid Am Ind thwid it mid the contract 5th rmd It lrlrtt tithe It the paint ohm Wei tailed to lollw Iult an the at dtImandI Indeed at ylnyin low tram dunnny hn Ihauht have won the guttn with DAILY CROSSWORD DOWN HINDI ml at Guelph trad at tlIy 10 pint timtc tinaout rowing Ind hall In ptntyt Itd name at It Alt Ind tln Daintd Kotly Ind MIL Summit Iprnt the week cttd arith their Mlhti NH tiinI itrlly Mn Kelly II pet tent In the Rail Victoria Ila GJNSTANT PNODUtTION MAI at their mitt ton produttny tmt wll IMr lntlt Iter dIy thraumottt the yen In III Amman Ind tin mm Sta tun chad mu at tin and tin Itotnd Corner Sm tir Ind Mn Vet dun Reid Ind bah tram Wand ttort tltn tlndl Rntd end Frat ultimo Toronto tern IIIAI tir Ind tin Dvilll luid our BLONDIE tf weer Ltmrot Id tum tor out WI It Dneot IIie rutrlctlve trrryWivu temlnlne at Wlitdm lulllx IA ridIt Neurten 12 Puma puhtla 131w tidy iIhhr Writing all tnllovl lanoatInIln Attaining If ptI Mmllt yield emperor willy IIJIIquu Ihhrt openly at nurtrd Ilium TELEVISION PROGRAM eumw mm name ronanrn Iumw rename ll IIAIIILION rmniwnauan MORNIND VIEWING MONDAY 10 VILIDAV MI lMWIA Illhttitu IIOI Ilel M1 LIMA IImln mount mind and tha diuue more htldle It Dtuzhlzr of It Aaron indl my Winn other Ztthnltht See uI today and jet tin wholepiettm on the MAVERICK It nut nascenti an aim Iiquu Aiwhnlnlm htmoll me twmnoly IIMI ant It II lIOAM OluA lIWK WEDNESDAY AIAV 1A EVENING Him wmm Min Aztlan mll lOw mi Outow LMIIV TIM Mm llMnlll AIIID ltm IMllrlldA livttm nu IItm WIIIA that it ovtmotni Iiitm ttrrry WIVrI VIIIuAuI AIIIII 2t Coup AT Amrr ltIri beauty trIrnptrn Juteme will at CIIruIItI It WIN IIrm kll uI t2 righhar It Itmltut ml at 1T Ourant ItlAII CAIM LOrIeelItid Hinton lieu IIIAA Malone III Mich MJIIIIAuIttn Jinnah ma4tum III Inlnnnnn IIInIIIII nu II ttMm 1I Um Lot VHMIH IiII tti Dmm It tum mt AMln mm thtloh mm Al ASMIIAM JVDIIII IIiiiy out AIlllltl Mm nu AGml VIII LVAOII OM LEM my 7MIIA min mi III Id II lmwtthll TIl DIIINI JIIIIM IIIM AIultnny Inn tNm Oillltn tnm TNMII ISMII tmIlI nl Intuit II Itiilhn It nitmain ITMIWI IiMJIII mt Ira mu WM lnint IIltllihllilu VWMI min toil IEldtel rum MIMI Inmmum twi In My Pocllll 44m Nlcllml All IIMIII wulm 5th Holy Vnm tom iVtvhll imih oIonttttII IAAdtm It DAILY tithIOQtimniimt heat to warlt Iii An tianAAxn Io Lonntrnnuow 1AM tttter manly tum Ivrmthcrl in thin IInwie in wt or the Ihm In too the Worm etc hingie tallm Imam the Length and lntmIttun It the mm In All hintl Iuh 611 int ode ltttm In dtltrrtttl mimeanoint IIAIVIIIDTIIV OYAOIIZAAIII ADA J0 ZOIAIIIOZ MI MAO IDUOYWMM JOUIODD TIM PIIUZDAMVUPDII TIAO OPYAU ItITtwVEMIADY IIIIII AIDAAI Vaultedan mlmloatei rim Miltit UI IltIIIAN KIND HIM MlIOULD TIM OMUOIII Htlillll 10 All AAIIUA MVIOW AIOIIIIINIIIAUIIIN UMALLM MIMI All nutty wt mt twn smut It imetut cum illll ti Ilm On lama It INm mt Wunu mm Yimmultt IIIIilI am ITlllwl Wutm tth 1M thtvmny nl in An llItril Line Ath lttl III me mm ioni VIII mu um lwlmt lAIlmll ATltilh All At cmwm Ionmin um mm cum illUMDAti MIN 21 AtlliithoON 43mm tum IEadtthn kntet Vln not MI IAII My cnimn lMnll Manhunt In tonal IIliitllt Illl IIchvAI Wm tintny SASHA TN DASEDALLAI AJeentiIV AllctlIlrrnlti II It Allm Ltninmna DIII Iotk IIll lItu lICllqttdli mt NAMIMI Wat My Lin imam to Iltteclel slam lGmul Ilmtlol til IIHtm Nut VA III IWM WM of WWI OMml mm Itinwa ASllvylt fay venom Iwain tout lFtlnltlnm not Within ItrLuntMn Dlll It IJM tIventuiiI mmw um Att wwn tom novin Mlpll Mm Mike but Jelly mm mt 7iiuottwtemm Twlmlrzl Thaw VcTiwhiI Ann mu IIVltill 0A Lmtowmt thing tmiiitrtt INT III it ll II tLlwll My it LDwnto mmW 74ml CAIN ivv lnll MIA VMl All in Laotian IIrlnt iIntrIi IlIUluSDAY IIAI It MVIININII IINm emu tho that Anton Arm MAili OWN IMAMII iImito rmi rm IIIIMI Volt WHO WARD WillAKlli IN MSW YO MOIPERID lth no OE MS WAIttI Alli IllIRE N15 IAOTIIR IONA AMIMA WI IthllEWTW0lIMTIil1J llDIOW IOIUII VON Iii PIE THEN 60 TD AMERICAI TAXI Will tau IIIIIIIKUI IWAIIA me warm Ill AIIAIROII itodVITAL ttr tenure Alia otta atattritint Oil MURDIRID ittM NOIIO on tit em HHTIIMIM nwmi Allen nn im Elt mum at Junntl tHto wnwt JJtlltl oooo two lAllll Imlln IM tam than 05mm iIimm Iltmt it hintian Him AM haw IM AIll Vlllly IAMy Giiltin AIvn mi EMIIIII Ill Dwain Milo some TM IMtulon imnoItthII TH pueni It tum IIM toivfimntiruu Ir Ill WI ovumini mt HTIhlllhl ALlnuv iiMm that It TIlhnll Llwtimd ADolri Mlilln It PM Illith ol IttI AIIIAI Him twuntnn rmolhllrm Mmmtt limhmimm mwnmtnu it lrm ll lntmn NM EAltNAINVIIII North HE CLAIMS REST IS TIIONLV CURE FER GOSSIP FEM ELBOW NOPEu BUT TEST CANT VISIT WIF VE DOCTOR Lona oeosnrnn RECKON ARE IE GOINOFF WONT BEGEEIIO TOTHFLRTLRNDSI IE FERTWD EOttO WEEKG EWINEV Iltu IJoMny um Ava 01min ANm iIAavlc lm Oiul Amulet Prelim titttm Men III lIIM TAM IIMotiie llnll um tavnlmtiiy at In All ltMtk Momma 01de II ii we lDk trim HAD OUTHI9 aotP PA aincnsai mum II wuid We Live In DM Him IM IaI Ia It Minnum mun ttttv lIAIAFIHII mamIvmLI