heridgltlmntcamam With Bik The pore htld hi lee oitioe tower to the my oi tendon nrodrl diItriel Id huh Idu the ThorrdIy demended thot ruldeotr Itrt Ind rtrI wow 35 or in is Sr El to to E9 lee route Iwa irom pool IlliI ScotiI Ind tir In it rtumbiinl Iln Dennll Aritworth oi itin II Brion rettnnlng home the Mlmd Im CoutIouI vtrlird lorrnrr hIrrto Idntitted to the My Indillltllydiotlltie tioor oi the errhIrtge II toil iledrod broterr rontelhlnx DANCE CAMP the invite me been detoIndr Itoct enhance membe late tIle piece lodel dIoee Ind cIrnp tor womevu and ewee by tliInan su CImlete by Itr Ind Itrr tome Iin Ind on Saturday potlu dimer will be ieoturI oi the loo ltirtorchl Society is It tlnte they loIn ol pictures at eIrly dayr lie probably Mldol thI dtiicreneeI bIred on III 1111 tIvcrnI early trInrpottI Ibiteuwonuher Ith the mike IIlely oi hInd onvboandVIhMAlMlll ride one Mott oi the children brItrI controlling ironl Ind that your will or men rd turned to ride be rear wheeh rod loot broker Ind my Mum Wm ontect member oi the plcutre ero WeelL Everyone lI invited tween the IgII oi tour to men when indication Ire both whecir reducer colli rhitdterth child under to my FF repgzg 13 out EraEEgE gig on saoh nunth ML St truer Prerbylertrn pub aturch II rponeorinr no mo oi orouner elotbior It unicorn Aimlotriv mp miller Erect United Church Conty lieuth Dept IrldIy June it ItIttipt It Imt MAY HAVE SAVED LIIB Deer In men Your coi ENGAGlmrNT trmn tn VD mg vaI uved or III Ind tirr Douglu lerrtr tile wentto Motytiul Er tildhurrt Innottrtred the come Ohrxuunent Iilrrl read It Ar moototthetr dIuthlerRtIh ten Iqueeiod both goo bet to wttllIrn Doutlu lilo orrhu Ind hill The doctor be top melee trItliorotI oi nld III to tht the dis iirr Anne Br Sydney um were in tho eIrlr tutor ct AuotreilI Ind WilliIm lilo Ind both could be completely Perth AurlrIllI lhu tnIrriIge rrIlInlot tell be In two tom drbtulonrulliveitodblerr writ ten pm So Iy iun mm mm rum DR Ill Illl Ed motueeodtem worlln gt mmmm if uuotunpmermmtrur rtIiement irom Ann Under on mm ml lltny Youn People should Not UII Dntn The ItIterneoi lmh phmud All II he Mir Ilrlet SoruI notion in money molten needed lnveetrneotr not to nor Oct in NI I1 lhceryl 1y Ietirltiee it It MIL to hint United New 11 to Dec It tdIntn Gturoh FLAPJACII AND SAUSAGE tempting to compile htttory Cl oro lownrhip At the preuot would Ippreoirte the In BRILIKIASI hell Sim Ipnnrorlnr Ftrpltctt Ind Slit reg breItiIIt to be tervod It ticDonIldI Saturdiy June 12 irom to 1130 Inn in eonluneiion with Towen Weil torirollln the rim fill room mime dent the loo tound OMWTpitwmioliyrln rtrldtlrtncrliilimupil lionrtrurnrouurrorurr KITCHEN KAPERS orudipurllluhLtnlltvr iiry Ir crcer er my iIlety indie that poring ierlborebitetrtoobighrl boot rm timer uertrr ehInee oi getting involved to Ieolttrion than one on the doom bike The rtthtrrtre bite ll one thIt Iltm him to touch the ground withlhe our oi us not while our rycte out be no hldl than we ottlktr hip bone when he to Mint AW ll per cent oi chil dren porrryed wse ridinl bihu bl enoth lhIi they experienced erchI oollieloo rtrtr the report In hurd on no bicycle trrittc Icctdentt dur hy the int Idioot yeIr pluI the Inmre to toe question uireI irom route bicycle own on 1Ite IlItlItch lndicItI it pm to the bicycle that Oh the child tothe oqul properly rod to no utrI eiiort to lerrh the child trIitlc rriety krill Proper equipment include under About to per cent oi the uddeull otrrlrred when htcycltrt on main hrndheld hood or pueen If in to at the II ucldentr to volvtnx nirtMltne ridtnt law to numb reoulrer bl cycle ridden It night to thI iroot light Ind red retire tor or lipid in the nor our red reflective two It tent to imhee loul Ind one inch wide on the boot tender the trout iortr must thI while reiter iive rrtIlerlIl oi the mic di meneionI The report em or cleIr cotanriIon could be made be tween ItIndIrd Ind high lire nier iIclorI lt dou try the ion hIodtehIrI no hithrlre when they no bent would the rider an inter iere with hlr movement Ind control oi the bite The Iiudy lodioIttr romI ilnd hind btheI too mm to handle and he better oil with WW GordonFresh DONT THINK SAFETY loerIIreohrrtIctorIthIl Illm bicycle 1thth pew pie dont Ilwar th Heretqu lo children in mort IlluI plIot Niltll ll lay Ind Ilte htovier red Ind green rtdlnl it to hip th do ml rtIlltI oi the field rhubarb hove conict or treat them to now replaced the lighter color hicler lo rel them porpore ed hothnure type The not My irom here to there Ind commonly Ivntlrble ll cInIdI our nutrt play trim No To ouIllly lnr thiI grrde me play in Ind intently the mom rnuIt he irer well cooled beiore it goes into too ol utter ewh Ind every dul ior the mod ll out lite trimmed Ind ol Iood rotor When er thelrr Iiorinr the little my be cuttn They no not only careiree but not pinned unwrrhtd in they Ire young they do not nitrite bag in the relrlteroior tomWIlkni ifllm However rhubarb sector to kerp rulu however well they out better it is cut with or with pIrrot them They do not In otrt wishing into or 3inch tlclplte riluItlonI ll IdullI piece Ind ptIcodln plnrtlc mry hogin the crirpcr rnIy ve developed WmbiJ neutronmin culinlets MW ring thIn to true gnrdoru arm hilltl it ill Wnli till irerh rhubIrb plert thlr Ieente Illd liituiliu to luv it nIturItwoy loenloy roubnrb rlrhl especially It local which it sometime csttrd pin Rhubrrb it easy to hour From llrtn Atlltnlillrtl Ilolltr Itd best tor ireerinp Root end eyes Im very relieonrelotu boot in Li ve Rhubarb hrmtitiuilnrlrtif2 the rhodovrr line you my corrertioto iur tettlny rid oi or untouilIrln thonti htrry mlymh Wm dllierentreuonrerreombtnrr outrc tor lIvorlte rcclpcl lIbrL led on rtdbtlozittiy when ur will ti In overproielnirrd diet which Weird Wm PM in an produce In Iold condition lmh would tunert you Idd more When trcrhrhuhorhiruscd tor lrcrhlruilend vegelohl the pier it to uruoll cut into it or line ioodl to your dolly lIro tor titnchplecrr eionterlrnotb proper bItrnce him be cure is preierrrd lt rhuhIrb to to be you drink In Idcotuue Imuuol pie olnoh ple retiree irom right utter oIn plry positive to cup depend on the out removing thou Irinr type ol pie Otto pound ol rhu ilftlu hath yieldr Ibout color it none oi thorn merrurcr pro vldcr ohInge within ire ittlutrAitii ttAlstN ltl weetr Iuroert you thI Pastry iortcrttrt tinch pie bIIIt mctholirm tut Ind Irt lvcup qurr overIll checkup The darkneu to cup flour could he owed by glondutIr at cups rhubarb ltloch piccee iraniInoe which your mum to cup tIlIlnr un correct with medication ItID trIled orrnte rind in the mandate tr these it oil why not try ole Dieloull love to conrlder new ldrIr the reruliri TI othn copy qucrttonr II better then they rend rs ceoiI Ind drcIsedriImped envel to proper coorldoretion lt Holly Wilteor are this Ilro he period in which many ncwrpI he run to mention will try to exceed their limo the boo pl by title REGAL nouns ilt creItlve worterrrrtnco Some time no you wrote IhIt will liod the lmInoItinn rtlmu EllIIhIthr bIriey iIted the Iblllty to protect tonic should be used in heltbtened trite Ml Ithe the tree it teem to enter bring tense oi recitly ActuIily mmodbn cigar re er til In ppm no to heIithiui Ind pure one no 11 reIron why it wouldnt help to drtnt tltt liereI the recipe Slowly bimrncr onehIti oup bar ley Ind two mi onehrll rut oi IIIterlnchvrred uuocpIn tor plump pm mom toriFollow up potentially mi tip you broiled Irlde be It to in or mutant cite cIreiul tn romInce Erm tiopnt IiiuItlonr eouid get out bend in It to Feb tl Aouritul You the chInce to proltt lhrourh competitorr rnlrlIth todIy cenlelgeltut1niyouve min MM men or one llllhl input Unexpected route will mutt Wouldnt 14 in IItlrnttlItlng evening you rIther Ipend ABtROsPttCrSDnye your tttne Ind money on come pectr lend to ill my Irpcrt morI iunt Ileeplnl in MI orteId ol over every Idlli rory in hot hiort willinriine could reIuy Ire iItt ioglrI them tlonr beequ oi optimum Itmoephere however will bone thI Oucen Ind people rome downto eIrth Prince Hormel drink thie onio cg dry to louvre OVIYI Will you pleIIe tell me would You whether Ihouid lltn it men we it In our HeIrtIr belly of consume temttlrl nIttruu It Berter Cort the More tonic 0mm manta CORtitGitNDIDSON Grace United Setting ti butler llprrtoumouttrre the Moor Ihould be removed Itior wrrhlnr Ch hIltIn hour otrIlo Ind Idd thI reItou mulrlurlzer punyhurpiulrl nr uudtrlhlcyer hiotlightly with it it 1qu Int MW wlworthl snoutHumournoun Silhilriirihruiirlta doorman1mm no llllltltllrhnrlitl iliiirfmlll mitt llmllrhto the am in mfm 53 Tull in or In your to in tittttttitiit we on do idittlto roltlnlouttopcrurtlourlniili Nagm WW Itan tots in Ind dot with butter Cover uuuma Edi Afternoon Nuptials Churrh St Tho you on demoted with canoe Ihrb entwined with while drto bIbyI breath Ind greenery thr hortetr oi mauve Ind white ch rInthemumo Ind tlIlrirr on fariulnlr tor the tiny wedd on Elizabeth Ann Dodson Ind nIip tieran Arthur Comm The bride in the daughter at tir ItrIIlurrry hadron St mu Ind the hridegoom ir the rm pl III and ltrr ilermnn outrun till bottom liev pyd Carter oiitclated It the ceremony The rt iItedlyo tit lhomrs or unwanted by tire Yluttnce dr rn5heidon MOOIIA GOWN Olveo in morrttu by her iIther the bride wore own lerhlorted otugodl Gulpure lice water iormod the bodice with moodIrtn cotter The Iteo vel were titled with but lnIitnlrhlog toucheI Th wIIrlyled with Ioitly lltrwlnl trout pleIt Ind tho drtrrhIhlI ch pet ilength trIIn topped with lend Iledlith India in pure mm urlplre wIlel tier lteIddreII pointled gulpure yIrlIod trlmnv ed with perru held touriler edJrench tliuItoo IcIlloped veil shecerried made honour yeilw Sweethelri torrr white dIlIlee Ind bIbyI breelh with tour yellow ItreImerr Doutlnr Drdutrt St 11 mar lm her rlrier lo IIwr hilltop oi hone lirideo rrtIldI were 1th my Corrl RR lCOOhiOWil Ctllll troom tin Perry liar Ihdmrrt liter hicheiie OIl couIio ol the bride Denntrtr 6t ldIrgIreiDIdton ece oi the bride wot flower girl They were owned Ittlto in dot iodii yellow lied Swirl lothion ed with white hih hodircr The nothlirtt rdred with lace torno ed mIndIrln coliIr White loce cdgrd the white cuitI oi the long titted Ileever Srtln peIu de rot ribbon outlined the empire toolt oi the itowiot oorlength rItrir iheyolrrledcntonhi Ityte bouqueto nl whh dIiIIee Ind babyr hreIth The rnItroo oi hrnor Ilso cnrrlcd rnottve tlllle to to Idd conirIItInt menu The ower girl we drerred in move dotted Swlr imiiIr to tendIntI Inil the II bunt oi white dIirleI Ind hnbyr hreIth their herddrrmr were oi yel low dolled Swirl Ind IrtlttrIIl detrlcr The ower Itrl wore brtmrned hIt ot quvI dotted 5th with long tied Ilrermerr Bert men will John Cooper Barrie Douth Dldroo SL Tho tuIr brother at the bride John llIlbe Barrie Allen hell on rte Ind ltoh Flrhrr RR Coikr clown uthered ouertr lo RECEIVER GURIITI For the me lion It Once Unlt tied Chuth rtlIn qucItton llIll St Ilto thI hrldl mother wore one ve tort Ind drerr enremhte with dyed Ihoel white tlovor Ind rruIlt clutter IrtiliclIl conrte oi yellmt Sweetheart rotor and Cynthldlum otrltld The bridetroomo mother Into led weIrlnt their end roIt en rumble oi pIto blue potyerter rrepe Ind rnIichtnl rotebudr In her twin tier mute on at plnlt Sweetheert ruler Iod Cymbldiunt orchdl For honeymoon to Vlctorir llrllirh Columblr the bride coat ensemth with topper tone Iccerrorler including ieIther rhlnlod to yellow drcII Ind cIrvod porn mode by the mom Ind tIvender orchid COPIle The newlywcdr will mlde It All mhtoon Outoitown room were pro Icnt irom Cootolown Attlrinn Everett Anti Thornton Brood Newton ttohtoroo tired lord Orono lort Credit Toron to tirrrle Goodrich Windsor mil Forui Grit Ind uroct IIIOWER GIVEN number oi rhowerr were to en in honor ol the bride rior to her weddinr ThI iloor ItIll oi the Elrtn General liar pltIt held rnirceiiIncoII Ihow er It the home at him my Gerry St lttomIr lioItlnt mm input luluilhnm Ilium ll dIuthter otDr Ind MrI Bruce John Cooper Barrie Illlried by My initiator Indium Avenue uh Wu Edi voiiIIee lite dlilerencet Itelrn venu liaise ti mlouter It to turn oven control to isol Ind continue bItlop tmtll mil to Emma mam my mm to mtnuiul Ierr mm mm SWIM uh mm mm Fm ITOLE 10 till VODKA its on II DIIh lIlt WARSAW titeutnrl my In con wrter 9W tmlluiee hII been Io cup rhubIrh voith all at lllllllll tenturteoold holed Olnch doe pie Ihrlt WWW Worth more lbler cormtrrch in mm ill them llrd trod colmlul lrh newI Itency PA IItd the Whipped with humor Itote over th Comth will ll Itll yeIrI included it royIl pulli ter in lme will mrotI written to Latin Ind thl until hill dillilm rurd lo the toth 17th Ind tlth rhubarb cover Ind timer on tit lurt lender DrIlrt lrult Ind mum reserve Iyru Arrrnte rhubIrb Emittirrtidlirltitatili ORAPERY ty blend in Iyrup stir Ind cook ItrIArihurtktoperIthrthotne pt 61 her chilled unmimwmwm tamgyeluw tutillthlchertdcienrAddcolor mm ih of rhuharh Chill liIntith with wII prevented It Iurprtre the UniverIIiy oi Guoph Ilwwer It the home oi iltirr JohruionlIIuIduIiooiCen tut Io desired Spoon rim over whipped mm It rervirtu NIncy Corrigen till Cochl trIl tdlleflIio Ind will Iltend loan Mpemre room In the mm Culture oi Muco held It the home oi Itrr OtIrllI lion Unlvmity oi Toronto in TRI EXAMINER WANI Altd vuono mitt Ntchott RR St lhornrr Cou the ll Mn Dourlrr Ilne oi the bride mIr Cohosltng mlrocliIncouI rhower were MIII Lynne Donn ln Ind MlII Potty llIrtln It thI home oi Ith Dennlnr in St thomtr An Atliorne wII horled by the Item oi the bride Mr nd rI tierntIo Gordan oi the hrldeyvoom ur in re um PlotsIo Ird Delvery newt burnt 72877 MW ml ll COLLIER It BARRII cheIpty to buy Win The Pol lalcevrew 135 Dunlopl TZBml FAMILY DINING OUT NIGHTS Mondoy To Thuredoy EiltET 0F SOLE Slotted With Creb Meet with Torter Settee Sponloh Seuce s180 Complete Meet Children under l2 $ll0 Complete meol include Dertert and Beverage 000