ih is mylal his No to talk New Yorks Wal Diib Pollen Station lrt oltwootihcirleliowoltkers minim it ll anme attack that olilcers terrainsnuns spondtdlmntedtatety tathedis has rail and paarangerr idePairotmen limbuehed in Another Armed Attack NEWiORKiAPlflhropa attrrthahidayatiackthstntd either In New York is rate trolmen were shot trorn Imbiuh con should buy shotlllnl carry while these nudism anxious and killed htday night In the themlnpatrolcasaaudshooito lbe rhootlsm occurred Iota third armed altIdroo city po ttltlithaneedlorrmt than three hours alter packets licerrenlnthroedays Pohcoikimmlssionerlatrlek latnlagliceaceptatavtlha 1wo oitlccrslm wotnrded Murphy said the itcdrscsday night hy automatic patroimen it iy gunlln from In erratically Joseph PII liieh car and trio gunnletdndowp om rl so mgagttshhria rcqoma Nit Norah The head at the aviiceroen rlgrnlaed att urlonlidwasd Klemln raid unprovoked Turirisli Authorities Impose 15Hour Curlew 0n Istanbul ISTANBUL AP hiartial law authorities erlpnsod 15 hoirr curtow on Istanbul today slicctive at midnight the our low was bellch linked with continuing scrrrh tor kidnapped Israeli Oonrultieoeral prrrlm Elsorn relied Monday by Tut ish terrorists The martial lIw commander Gui Ialh Iirrun anutaineod that special measures would be taken to let tourists get to thcir hotels train the airport in the Mercer port oi Izmir three Iwere and Itudem In norm poilco continued crackdown on leltlsts started alter tho Eisosn kidnapping otttclats annulment Potlee ruptured three at the youths lnvotvedtn the exchange at mitts The shooting took place Fri amassed anon array day night when police closed In on house to arrest Rve resi dents they said were rrionrbesl oi DevGene radical Mitt or gsnlrstion mat 33me iCAPSULE NEWS Climbers Start Mount Everest Descent KAThtANDil Nopnlltcuter lirlttsh climbers Don Whil Ins and Dougsl itastm began their and descent lrom Mount Everest today alter abandoning their Itirm to reach the roots loot summit oi the worlds highest malaria The climbers who tere booted by Naomi Ucrrlera and Rollo Ito oi Japan radioed lday they hlsd given up ilIL attempt broruse oi exhaustion and art oi tood oxygen Ind rope gtIiriii Lady In House 0t lords Dies LONDON AF ttie Dowager liorchluness oi Reading tilst woman to enter the iiouse oi Lords died today alter short Illness She was Ti Lady Reading was the list peeresr to late test in the lords under the tile Pccrages Act oi loss IPaperilunounces Price Increase WILLARD Ont CPI Tire Tribune unnornccd today that rlowsrllhtl and home dctrvcry prices will be lncrcascd cilectlvs Alorday Tho evening newspaper said In statement that the hcwrtand price will be increued to 12 cents irom la cents copy WM delivery will cost live cents more oi ccrlts work slIrt tog Monday CUPE Votes Ilaginst Wage Control THUNDER BAY OPT Members at the Ontario division Clu adian Union at Mile Enrployees voted Friday rsulusi suitin mcniuuvura wage controls outta the not Ismail Win and scnt rlrttostrlhg resohnlog hack lor stronger wording illreast Based Ilt Theoire Canada OTTAWA CPI wellreccivsd chants in one was wt It Theatre Canada lipresentatlons Friday nithl ill WW Fi llrratro pertomianca oi the drama Justice Not Rrvriii Victoria 80 group delighted the Natlorrst Arts Contrellud time with an opening scene depicting arr oltmrtive VWUIW with single breast unclld Suitax Put On Strawberry ImPU VANCOUVER CPI Agrlrulture hIinlslrr Bud Olson FrI dunth announced roster on atliresh and toms MU imparted train the United States and Mexico The move Will Provide protection tar more than 300 growers tnibias Frnsor anloy who had colonialism thr import luiviur thrill out oi business L1 to British Orb courts turn you Just that Ira been Irmyl Trudeau Tour Stops Ill Tashkent irosoow AP nn iiin hler Iriaieau at Canada arriyed today in Tashltni the third sio In his tour pi Lheroilti on The news agency re ported Trudeau his wile and return anylug otllriats New to Tash Ecol trom KIGV capital otj the Utratrle which thcy toured ailem throeday vlalt lalloo Al mourn capital ot Soviet Usbehtatln Trudeau was greeted at the airport bych prettier oltirhctiitao mourn uh thmiisd an andthaaiires TWENTle No hinder hetlco ten and Male scene the hell were The search and rescue there was only slight breeze You eoitidn all the will berth he said The rst call ruched the res cue centre at lsll am arid Ii that time other ships word so relying the htayda crii truth the Nursing rruise ship Search hIIlriIIs laid the hospi tal It the Canadian Forces base at Carnal on Vancouver island was plugs the alert in the event any passer reqllired treatment The murpnmaald as tar Is in paasenge are oli buLIeria hasnt been euro being used to abut Dsollghi tinned yr Igloipnrentlolhaveasel and ottlciala said then were no reports at Earlier Attack Kills Soldier SMART APi Gunmen today and that and araiousty wormed drlrcr on main highway leading to this North em Irish capital The attack came only lawn alter another British soldier was alaha In the heart at Ballast by terrorists who escaped to the mass at narrow lireeta in Roman Catholic district and in another Incidenta terrorists bombed rtllaac Inca hail woinsding so revellers The army jeep was tired on by gunnrm In speeding car Their car was Inleriound blown up six miles away iron the at tach in Lithurn Sewers hundred soldiers were believed to be deployed In housetohovsc surcth to the capital and at countrywide loeat lions inan to be lacquented by guerrillas Jeep in Reillsi burst into bloodshed The buroin ship was touted near Oliiiu Day oil thI wear court at IIxada Island No days at sporadic riotisi hast Ines midnight Friday night routine army print came under withering crossliro as it moved through era Square Roman Catholic area horse tight developed as the troops opened up with Iulo rustic weapons But they Amr entiy toiled in hit any at Ir naturals and the pitched battle ended as quietly Is it began the guerrillas ltding into dark side streets leaving our Digilsh soldier dead second soldier was inlurrd In the shooting The army identied the slain soldier as pl tisnhler oi the Royal Oroerllsctets In English regiment lie was the seventh British soldier slain in violence plagucd Northern lreiood IIarlrness Russians Using Canada To Weaken IIIITO Pact OTTAWA CPI Defence Minister Donald hlardoriald era changed calves with Conserv IUve predecessor in Commons debate Friday about the wisdom ot Canadas lrtendly overtures towards the Soviet Union Douglas liartness delean minister between turn and early 196 during the Dielenhaher unvernmerri told he beiievcs that the Russians are using Canada to weaken the NATO ll liarire Tho Soviet Urdon he said still wants to spread corrrrrwr nlam throuidut the world and ibaorily real threat to the security at Osuada and the Western bloc Canadas ceasing upI to the iron Common Market sorry Faces Pierce illdme Opposi ion PARIS Alli11 France and Britain iaca aorne tierca oppmltion at home to their bardwon agreement path big the way tor Drillsh entry Into the European Common htsrtel hut alter demonstrating solid friendship to their twodny euro mlt partsy President Georges Pompldou and Frilno htlantar Edward Iieath were reported eorllldent today they would ov erride domestic criticism at their pledge to work together Ivr ullltid Weslvrn Europe tiriialns Parliarrrrni seemed the most litrcly ptore tor hair tie ovsrathe mdcrslandlng reached hotwten tha two lead ere tbnt Included senioralot the longstanding French veto against British entry Into the hiarket governing conservation and opposition 93ml Labor parties there are aeares oi legislators sworn to block their country entry Into the European Economlctasmmm Ity they rththit Joining lhrIMar her would rust Britain much risorc than it would earn Russians could have larsreach Int eliccts on dcirnce arrante merits and Canadas notional so truth This whole business at the Igrooment with the Russluhs and so on crisis one to beiieso that what Russia is doing ts rising lhh as means oi wesh erihrg NATO whirh has always Been one oi her loogterm obieo ves CAMS IT FLASIIDACR hir Ittudorraid debating do Ieneo policy In the Commons tor the tint time since hc was listed minhter last Seplenw mockinst called hir liars nessa speeds lintelm llasbbnct to vintage 1950 cold liar nus ob violier didnt think the West hsd anything to gain imrn open lng negotiations with the Soviet Dollars did ey ed us President Richard Nixon West German Chancellor willy Brant and tho commend ct NATO ltsell hir ltiaadoliaid told his Nast neas that not ere had stuck to his midwayWilda nashlru trek to ehorrora hie members vintage lilo climb It will be recerd that Nlaon It that time was not exactly tiarrilng Iett winger hlr Nixon announced Thurs itIy what he called startli rant developmentln breahtrig the desdiock trs nuclear arms talks between the US and the Soviet Unionthe negotiation over both oiieilsivo and deturr slve weapons Plans no Some Associates To Start llewImpact Group OTTAWA CPI Pant ltell yer maimed Friday he will sit in Far as In inde pendent liberal giving himsrli rrtore leeway ta Issaii govem ment economic licy Ilarqu er em he explained You int say Im no at war with the lrrrr silenL ing ligure on the cabinet Rank since he suit as trsosport minister to 1933 he said he and some astoe would launch newIrnpssl movement PAUL IIELLYER New Movements Not Successlul III would not deny that the movement might heroine po htlcal party lta ssht details would be mourned It news conlrrenre Malay lie described the movement as an outlet tor the dissent he saidvls ranhhnx In Ill puiilicsl arises and througme the no It massive releml oi eco are would bemire ll poUtchl Whit iiomIc tic needed UIIAWA CPI ll PltIl cure unto diurnal inn Iicllyrrhlead dw n13t tion Dull my Eartierthhs mm rates thst he tacaasiorrnldahla ans resigned lm Ems WWII Mdmw Is communications minister Canadian political history dhqnthlnttd with boots are studde with new mi Willi Ami ago Perry movements and lies In Im Titaniuseu bunched amid tartan we Linc5mm oor all mutitmmmi miplm libelI ur tor not since Coniederation Can it Iamun rain adI has been governed by All he trivia lrderal poll thee oi the in nralor Wu if was rigorous Reid no the hattla has never been mucous close his Nellyer is member his Netlyerwho quit tlieiloronto trinity was rang Liberal party Friday to III lndependuetiheratwtil hold presa centers co to Input rrtovenitot lit th LI ham ohmrtttha him But he are not diseoimt some at their ltmlllu th does um mg itmonmeni your grandmothrrmd the Bible which he lays Includes doctors Mush ashtd one Replied lawyers horuewlvca and trim the other Im not sine but rrarrrmtng tor her live little girls were dLvnln Etch lhouuh we may have parts It It does it will join many others the have tried to chal lenge the ruling liberals or Consonatlvuand meet with out notable ruceess Lava News Past Village SANTALIIO SicilyrtAP The llalrllrig river at in item Mount Etna ran into small hill today and thawed around it into deserted canyon sparing this town ot elm porsons We are sale we are safe Mayor Salvatore mauhbo shouted happily blast at our land is burnt but the tennis rate The lava which his sluwcd its pacc be an atlmiie ride down the CI grands canyon to no town or vhlage the soil In Its path The canyon Is steep and straight and the lava will host iron on going down Coasuhbo said The tnwnlolk prepared to rein brste SIntAitio was spared in rare another lava iiow which skill the town and bit nearby htalcail The lava already has burnt crop and deserts oi houses causing damage cstimated at more than did million It has also cut across three roads tn the area and dutroysd tive bridges tiui probably the biggest threat to our crops are tour ists Corruhho said They have eorne by the ions oi their ssnds Ind trampled our ileldds to are the show What the lava hu spared they have mined 30 IImericansiDie In Rocket Attack soioon Ari Tblrty Amrrlc re killed and so were emptied In three shelling attacks Friday and toily lo the northern quarter ol South Vlet ham hlost oi the casualties mulled when too rocket pierced hesvily urtltted bu crowded with soldiers the rocket carrying de layed Rise rt through six teet oi protec vaeovrr into the buster it was being used as rluh It base rolled ihnrlle Iotir nrilrssnuth at the dcrnitl tIrlsed lone when the attack began at dusk Friday data in the liberal ml In ram ltIs decision Friday will be him Irnsvr the Ltbenl mail but as an Independent liberal he will be trees to blast away It the government gram the oui II planned to rins again an lodepcudent liberal WrihlPriroe Minister Trudeau away in Russia Acting Prime Airnsster hiitcheil 9in with held olilrisl comment until hir Itellser reveals hh plans Tm day llowever Energy blinistrr Greene said in as this view the Iteilywrsltirraraociv also it decisions were more thing we bare to mrrr Irons dont believe its block eut blow by any means arr Greene said donT think any oi them are strong enough to rink the ship but they have cer thinly rooted it little Cornervatirn Whip lbornas hell tSnint Johniancnsterl re carried the lirilrer more as an other sign at disintegration is tha liberal government over economic pulley It could only hurt the protests ment in Its Toronto stronghold though sir ticil didnt Ieel new political moremrcnt had much chance at getting all the Irmtud In Commons speech earlier this springlltr Itellyer assailed governmen econoiitte disaster lie singled oiiihsitem pioyrnent cursed by andtntlr tion policies The speech was made new riaitRaii ii 93 bled Alum on some things In the out such as armed iorces uni Ration be to with its on criti cissn at government rronorriie with Itr Bell said SVETLANA HUSBAND AND NEW DAUGHTER llew Elipelience For Svetlona The Personal Care 0i Daughter SAN RAFAEL Calif AP Sietlarrn Alltiuyeva Petcrs plans to take personal rare oi her new daughter In erpcri ence that tb only daughter at the list Soet dictator Joarph Silltit did not have alter bcr that two ehilrlrerl were born In to taking rare at her own child which is someming she did not do belore In Russia partly his cause she was student at the time her sisterIntern Marge slant Peters itayshaws laid Friday hirs Dr tiarath the Van rouverboro president at San Fianciaco State Coita and tha sister oi William Weary Peters 5A the Ameriran who became Svetianna third husband last April The liyeuruld hira Peters has grown son and daughter Stetlana In looking Iorward lnlt theirs to marry In Rusia Both she and the rev eopousld nineotrnro girl born to her early Friday are reported doing well to hospital Peters chlci llrhileci oi the Frank Lloyd Wright Funds lion sold in response to lion about how he and his who would tell his daughter at Sta We have not particularly sits eussrd how to tell the child about her grandisther We think oi our drughter as our drug lrr not Is Irryorroa grand daughter We hope she will ba growing up Is nnrmul chi Svetlsnar two marriagu tn the Soviet Union ended IILdI sores she sought asylum in the West alter being showed to take the ashes oi Itrliesh Same as lollIn Communht to India she had livul with Silll hut Suylul authorities had rented to per AM SEE