gm setaotherrnertsegg Immtaed ooisdltlai are newly uphol lreobiitlea odd dlalm article to moor to mention arnisr Cash No reserve as his TE reissue Ei sass is EEEs it at the estate at lhl Ilia JOHN GERRY ltiilrrut Drive Ulrhburg Ontario 52 No reserve in thlchwll erov Edit or is Eggs is FA si 35 53 is tastier Rd tolllmood Ontario IlelJl AUCTION SALE Wed evening June 50 pm sharp tor RAY DEIDSIER the Cleary Demplier turns lot it Concession an Town gruntmliuaosrhoimuhon shvscoe bratty Road No in eluding new mix inlll Alli Chalmers combine tractor etc also to head at cliolco Iierrtord ppmxlrnate moraine Watch tor lull ilrt llay ll JERRY oouernru Ind ROE iltlzR Iurtlonbers um htylttzl3 AUCTION SALE all JunTorE wirer not so can Orttlir 1w miles north oi the aim ruse am when he wa and colt household INNng tncludlnl terrm cash Farm sold ARCHER oouwru stretqu Acuitytrouser SIMCOE FARMERS PARhI FOR PROFIT SHOP SIhiCOE DISTRICT 100 7266531 at that Im trartm ard farm Ilarbloery Es 95 $35 mi Ire stream They hava us rage value only andshali be dis snantird beiore removal no so srrwe bid aeren room brick veneer house old barns woden aiding barn rnetai siding Aixtloneer ltr Archer Oolwlil liarrte Ontario Buildings may be Inspected htay It to June IIl in IUD For turther loimnatlan contact It Groves Superintendent Provincial Forest Station Tild hunt Phone isomers stair Dirtrtrt Forester Debi otLandr and Forerta IlYtl AUCTION SALE saoouoyluno Huh 1110 ahIrp tor RO DROWN at but 11 am Nottswrsora Icp Tda mile south oi owner at Lily Rd IJ Sale ol all well kept high class tarrrr machinery indudlrsg tractors literacy SP Comhtoe Illa newt lull lino oi cullivI ilon Iod haytat equipment baled tar or ion at inland ton ot buckwheat lliu egborl laying bm ptrliets laying watt chicken gulp rrtcrit Iielbourne era Vader and targequarrtlty ei house hir nlshtng with many militia Team cash no reserve arm IO GEORGE PIFIIER and JERRY OOUOIILIN medium MYTIJUIJLII COUNTY MARKET FARMERS MRKT POULTRY AND CHICKS DEKALB PULLETS Nose and more poultry men are choosing KITIITECIIOFI IIARNESS OPEN DAYS Aurora Road mile east oi too cunnrnnrlo tor the Euailsh and Western horseman lilg limo Tex Tan Steuben Dam by Saddles hither and suttlvsn Glam Romlh lony lama and District Donia Bailey lists its Riders Renaldi tilts West em shtrta Sunbeam products TELEPHONE It TIMIBI le answering FARMERS MRKT FARMERS ATTENTION This section is reserved tor your convenience to SELL TRADE or SWAP livestock household or tlcles tarm cgulpmen tor services at word not rates NICKS DEAD STOCK De or crpp co horses Small errlmels reiooved tree For tart aervlca PIIONE DARRIE 7W oi saleV Collect will CIIAIIGEI ZENITII It NORNER Auction at houra dny days work it one rue licence No more tlP IIIDOIIIILI Willi mlri ll IVIIL late to MO mum at ullry ml In Or Township am new IMF litlblfllllidll rlll nbllll MW 73 Succession 208 WANTED north ni Elmvalo roovrriwuriy st menlgngnhrg ml hero EimvlleMliii Nth in Inn electric Irnter el imtnrs seed bags so racks quantity oi lead thott drive belt guani aerap hm lurks aber and articles too numerous Ann oniin Qua ritiiy NANIT quantity at baled wisest Ilral TRY Irrd EQUIPMENT wand egg aeslu quantity on Ul pace walnut dialog room autle good warns low er eherttutleld ruiyvsrrwlrioiarnreanoi tar in hair twig rhalg er sew cuckoo cloth winter electric lamps Memoir Witt onto hi or injury niaadhovlalo hated visit Dekalb Puilels Started resdytolay and dayeld chicks For service or art on your problrsna co mm CIIAIO IIUNTEII rourmv rAnn urn smouo asorsn ram MACHINERY HANKDROWN Detroit Sales Service DAIRY PARII EQUIPMENT Completeliar oi Dairy Farm Equipment WWII Barrie ti Holly Rwy 21 mm ILWT IT 55o COCRSilUit moron with loader AM point hitch Illxuod raitditiorii Itlvphom 1mm VII LIVESTOCK FORSALE IIOIISES bought bilarded sold and tar hire TIIE II RANCII ltb Concession Ora Iholia htoorialona illitl hIVP SIS NUIIIINOII revvaellva Imilil gparluiese your in III bread units tar YWMi wlaa rs trade ponies Alllriosi rrstarv FRESH GRADE IIOISTHN row and calm rill itrraia Omr Miami sauntera irssrro Mral ALI DUNTill the whale OW twill leonl will comhillu Id dillmrll lugrldidnll the Wilrol oi III mun Ind rutaetlnrirr mum Marmarme Dunlap Isrrlo mmh PASTURE FOR RENT TO RENT PASIURE WANTED FOR 12 HEAD OF CATTLE spawn Iiile Atth It 10 Int tor RED opener terk rAnions nonucu Auctioneer new isthmus AUOIION SALE Saturday June lth at lam one sharp tor HARVEY POItAIIE iasrn machinery the new The say its tractor has mu atraw etc GEORGE PIIIIER JERRY mUGl Auctioneers AUCTION SALE SATURDAY JUNE at la Noon Sharp tor LEO DUGOAN It Int 21 moccasins Notin wIsagI Township titties west andlmtiesouthothla er Sale at dairy and cattle milking DID no lswlclnnsome antiques is 1mm Cash No route or term ts sold whim FULL LIST ON JERRY OOUOIILIN and GMROE IPIER Auctioneers lYTIJULIIJR Aucrio sore Friday Evenlnl Iusia it than Sharp tor ALBERT IIAW at htlnerinl Village rounty road No to it little south oi the sore Sula oI all household tsnmIahings electrical appliances deep lrrero antiques tools etc temra Cash No reserve as llr ltin is giving up his horns JERRY OOUOIILDI ml GEORGE PIPIIER Auctioneers AUCTION SALE Saturday June 12 It irr tor EhIILt IIURER let Concession West Guilt irnhury ioivnahlp miles north oi Bond Read on Highway 21 and east miles Sale ol good hairsthold lumlsh Inga electrical learic gIr den tacit Iiao Iltd Chev Bel Air etc Terms caaIL No reserve holds so Watch tor lull list June tit ALLAN NORNER auctioneer M54539 AIy7It2I2lJttII AUCTION SALE Saturday June llth It rim pm sharp tor Harold And Gerald torntirld It int so Con Euphoria Township miles north at Kim berle kelp inilu south west Sale of lull Tine oi practically now turn class lama machinery istcliadlri traelora Iona new tritema lit Diesel 600 hoinrl new International to P10 Spreader ll head at big choice lleretord om calves Ind 21 aloekcrat rimately bot to 700 Ibll IF Fain atrrw etc Terrill rush No re serve IIrrit sold GEORGE PIPIIER and JERRY OOUOIILIN Auctioneers HYAIJULII ANNOUNCEMENTS COMING evsurs SPRING LUNCHEON BRIDGE EUCHRE ST THOMAS CHURCH NAIL IANTY DAY SATURDAY NAY Mb 30 ill Table Door and Spot Prices For rereryAUoul creator or 7mm HY BINGO EVERY TUESDAY PN STROUD COMMUNITY IIALL Rentar SharaTbewealth Canned Goods and Jactpot Games gt FROCEEDSFOR hltNOR SPORTS EAI 1T BNGO WEDNAYE AT PhL SATURDAYR AT PAL Swth Ward Community Hall Iltl laid Iiorad Sta Oritila TFltl wwmerirgrslasrsarxsysrrelm Itlth escrow v23 MI rear sun mumsl wr onimt cream guilt Remember Iin iiltlliiii lllill ii Siii lnii iiiclniil ililit ii hing tlitltlt iiit iair sure ltt itatt will iii iJSI LIIiIiiLlitiSiirtl Morison Canadian lager titular we arr Moisovsolndornlulionly whirl or oiiiiiii I7titr