wurwse MulderHades mountaineering Mlbmhl Control Cable Television tatthem Ea hostesses tins renders practically Impossi ths datelopment and admin traded at the total system Its Psiietiar told tho annual Milo the Moral cultural Candles onrnv most would he to meet Its obliutions ll It the Canattan hrosdcsattny and lets consultation systems to he weeleaed or dismantled the lertstattoe ted Sri day dollars Ole Iurildlb too as reversing the transmit lien or hroadcaat ol salad ina eres tins algnata data or ToronloIIoman Is Killed In Diameter Crash Alorooiswetnaniratkltted bitmd By resources PRES Activadui urylcenaan set crane and Iiltariwer rillan tell pilhded LXI tiou at will lnatatlattena scroll the Unit States today tode to opera on the lord level theyI were Matias the sterlith on at war usually aaaoeiatod with Aggy ea season Included the American Servicernena Union onlneass iltheliorrle WP enter0pmonstrohons Vietnam Veterans shut the War les lon ior Petee Justice Southern ence and it ettanal Wellare Rlta Orpanisallon Army air iorce navy rnerhse hot and coast units scheduled their paradoa air and weapons demonstration speeches hasa torn and other observancea to cider throttbe the worry Chrlatian InadssehlptOonlec WM NattlmlhaoldePIrCapytlhpae Peon CRUSHED INS RALLY An RCIIIP Security oIIIcrt sands Prime hlinister Truv au Irom the enticing store rnent with amalgamation in list he rose to the rank oi the tar with the iletro tests be ore betns hired as Orlliia Police chiti to toss ttts concert as chiei is duo to wire at the end at June lie declined eumrrlent on who his tans were who then to not arcs is With New Uskard 0st ills Gray wnavrerllrr expelled Itum the Commons public gallery or wearing hot pants She was ropol hiary Anna Grey is at American Conservationists Demand Files On Pipeline CAIRO tReutcrt Thousands ot workers and Mia demon aerated lor President Anwar Sadat In the streets oi Cairn tour as the Enotlan leader tied his totalitarian at plot to distodre sn irons Under house armt the sin den chanted proSadet slogans In trout ot the ltuhbeh Iicpuhli can Guest Palace were lornser war minister Gen Mohamed Farley and Interior Minister Ssarawey Goman Others In detention include inrmer Iniurstastim minister Nohnmed Faeyel and Ahtlel idohsen Ahul Nur boss at Eupts rslonollthic poiiLiceI toa ehlnc the Arab Socialist Union Also under house arrest ara iocnter assernhly speaker Dr Llhib Shorthlr Ind hll iI dep tales Dla Eddin Daoud an other top Arah Socialist Union executive and Saoty Shani lurrnrr minister tor presidential atlalrt lntormed sources said Sadat Seek Killer Oi hYearOlcl mil Ont CPI PD Lieu today hstntad killer who who coyared with blood alter tb badlybeaten body or all Lysbtea Topic was II rd all the hunt Inranyclucs the Litlcr had left behind The diacovcry ot the body tot lowed massive policoethcn search which started alter oili cers were told she scat away with mun Police said the victim am playing with her ellhtyrarold brother Svctha behind hcr home Friday night helore 0pm when they were approached by permitted to reenter the pat Icry aItrr retrieving hrr turtl et Irom ilte chechroom ltJP Photoi man Ile altered Strtko to cm go play with your brcy the man wanted to into the lit tle girl lot walk An oltlcer at the stone said the killer must be covcrcd with blood Svctka described the rsrnss as sit Iret tall In his curly 201 with bnssh cut and wearing slppcrcd Inctct Iulrce Chlct Gordon Preston called lor the might order public trial at some oi the men Involved in what he described Friday night as an attempted coup SHOUT ITANG TIIIM Ilanr thena ban has some at the demonnlm hauled in the contends Wa are with you and Down with centres at power The presidmts revelation oi an attempted cottp by an lnihsen ttai circle within thI cabinet and tile Arab Socialist Union created rnltd Iehsstlon even among population led on usip oi hackstsgs power struggles By noon doerns ol burn and tructs horns booting In con serving on the tIuhhd Palace on the outstlrts ol the city where other demonstrators al ready were shouting their aup port tor the president Disctoalns Friday night that even his own home end oliiees had been bulged Sadat warned that he would crush any irsth attempt to destroy unity to the country have told mrrnben oi the armed term will mince any one who tries to undermine our internal tront but the storm is over he told the nation in bbminuta broadcast SAhLi SWORN LN new Scrollo cabinet waa sworn tn shortly aRererds Pmldentlel decrees laaued today appoitded Gen noted In mart loam chlat ot stall at $17M lurcea aabeadol cu nursed Aty rtmoeddtn to pnhlisr prosecutor was replaced b1 Mohamed llahcr iorrner coup sellor at the court at Caution Dr Abdel ltader lletaan be cents on at the tour deputy premiers under Premier hillt moud Fawtl to pile Sharawy Collin who resigned his dep uty post and Interior ministry portiollo Thursday Itslem has heist the post he tore end Is Iotmer minister oi nations puidnncr during which iod ho rnadtt sweeping ngrs ill the inlormntion ma twry The president also swore In ItGcn Mohamed Ahmed pluce lnwsy and Salem took the oath as minister at tho latcrior In succession to Games The other new ministers In puhlics assistance In hunting CAPSULE News Man PoundlnLeIre Murderedtihronor investors so permit Stuart one too are tit death at David Portbaer 21 whose body has ptuledoiPdm IakI lburaday la scasa otsnusder the Frontenac County med llclelmolollteet Ilohldhamrtrntt tour the Immediate take to mites hoth oi here en MI um um Report Progress Oi Soviet Station litst lAPi the Soviet Unions orbital atatlon Salute which three cosmonauts inked up with last month has whirled around the earth at times sincalt waa put Into orbit April ti Iass reported today The olilctsi Soviet news agency issued the some report on Saiutas light as lnlormed Sovlrt cortices Inied In Moscow that the Sovieta would attempt another rnanr space venture to the next test days Groundod Ship Rolloatsd on or NLKESIONU Rolland Reutsrt the Liberian tanker htaurtca viblch went arrotsnd In tog near here earlier today has been reheated there had apparently been no all leItage Irom the tuition ship and It was thought to be understated The accident oocurred near tho point In lht Nev ttnstlsh Gtannet where spate ot ahpptng disasters In the last yats has tatcn dated ol lives Claim Pakistanis Iorced To Plan NEW DEull tltouler lndla accused Pakistan today oI deliberaton torclns two million Pakistanis to lice to lndla the Indian government In note to the Pakistan om commission called tor an end to what it termed rampulm oi terror by the Petlatani Army against the rctusoes Stans Lava Flows Between Towns CATANIA Sicily AP llouht Etnas rtrer ol molten lava burning aming course throurh mountslnslda orchards headed todIy along course between two menaced towns It was the lth day oi the worst cmptlon In two decades end the north clay alone dangerous ttrsam ot lava started Ewing out at tent vent ripped open hallway down the mounts tde Say Soviet Ships Must Keep Away LIPJRUT Meson titeuterl llte prolran newspaper Retrial ovoics ssrscooitnnrd reports Irom cairn as style that the Eu tlan euitorltlta have banned Runllan naval ships Irom approac Inl the Egyptian coast The paper asys sooo Soviet military tlptrte hsva been expelled in the last lew days prior to tho rillmatlon oi Eeyptlto cabinet mIrtiaicrs similar report was broadenst by hapbdad radio Prdey nlrht ray would remain to Orltlia OrliiiI 20 miles north at Bar rte has population at 24000 among llllowod Ilnder The Sky 1ORONIYJ CPI Servlnl oi alcoholic bevereres on patios or sidewalk rates under the bright blue skies In Ontario has been Ipprotcd by the pro vlrrclal government Provincial Sccrelary John Yaresnko an nounced trlday WASHINGTON IAPI Envi ronmentalists armed with court order have demanded that the United States interior do pertinent throw on virtually its cniire tile oi ocurttcnta on the proposed transAtasta Ilpetlnc lbo department has until Iloy zsuntess it asks an extension to turn over more thun Lotti documents but it can withhold these It consldrrp prictlcrcd Environment eroupn then could mil another court order rroulr try their disclosure nearly as ntvny Irottt Intcrrur to the companies Also rcouratrd were more than dbl cnlrics on the pipe Llncs environmcnlal tnrpnct end hailstorm documcnts utt crude lncss ol the pipclino construc tlon Kroilp Seven oil companies are suct lar to build pipeline some too mites Irom the arctic north slope oi Alaska to port at an ties on its southern chyst The line uotrtd carry hot all across nowiroscn ground across moutwnlns over on umlcr some on rlvcrs owl streams and titrouglt an area prone to severe earthquakes The Environmental llclcnce Brad Friends ot the Earth and tha ttldcrnrts Socicty which blocked construction at the pro posed pipelinewtlh lawsuit morn than year ago won the order taller pusinrt series at questions to the Interior ricport rswnt chrrnl Iudte ordered Into doc to respond to the questions by providing the thrco orrrunlrs lions list oI documents tied in the pipeline rose tntrrtar cum plled April it The list Included nt lrlot sou poparatp ticms ruurtlns Irom drlenco department research on cotdcllmate constnsrtion to In lerlors lntrrolllce memos the killer es Ion tnnlnle Brandt Fears Ior Unity Move It America Cuts Troops Back BONN till Chancellor VIlly Itrnnslis succrnsstcnt Icurs that unilntrrat with rirnwul at United SIJIIS troops trons tiurupr noulvl thrcstcn West tlrrstunys cttnrtt to II pmvo iLs tics with Huxlcrn Pius rupc Tho Wlsi titrhinos loci lhst us the Unitnl Stairs no is hcovy nlllilrry prcscncc In lIuropc the Sovsct Union will remain iItlcmirti in Canadian Barred From NARAIIIATA RC iii Japaneaooborn tan minis tor has been retusod Iurther entry into South Attics and has been declared prohibited 1m mlrrant United Church at Canada meetinngss told today Rev tiaer terse asso ciate secretary at the churchs baud ol world mission To 30 Prisoners Relused ii Meal OTTAWA CPI Ihlrkr oi the lid prisoners at hltllhaven penitentiary rolused to eat ooa moat this week SolicitorGert eral JeanPierre Goysr tald Pridoy tte knocked down alterations that an extensive hunter strike was under way Arnold Peters ADP11min tamia had said that It per cent the prLsoners were re us lng meals to protest tack ol ra sore reading material and exer Wwwwm rise Africa ronto sold Itcv Tudeshi Illiisui bait occn scrvlnI as chaplain to Protestant students or the Universiton Botswana ksothh and heartland In Lesotho hlr hIItauI had served In Le antho since October tits and was the lossncr minister at the Japoncso United conue ntion In Vsrtcauvcr at Itenirew nitod Church lir Urges told the British Col urnhta conlrrrncs or the church that air blltsul on Jan an rived at Johnnnonburl lntrrna tsonol Airport en route to te aoiha Irom thll lo Rider 5le tralnlns evcnt In Botswana was mrt by South AIrIcurt aecurityapollce and told he had elrht ura to get out at the eosntry ltr ttltlul protested to the Canadian embassy In Preto rio and received hr ct reply it read In part It Ll our understanding but only Canadian citireos ol Dim penn origin may enter South Ai rlra without vlssa and that Ca nadian cltlrcns oi nonEuropeart ethnic origin require that tor entry to South AlricI WON BELOND ORDER The three ortaairotlons then were another ordcr gruntlul ec ceaa to lrtspKi and copy more than moo at these docurncnts Their list Included about no communications to the Interior department Irom companlca proposing the pipeline and $20000 Bail In Stocks Case VANCOUVER CPI Ball at mm was set in provincial court krtday tor man accrued at taking part In nationwide scheme to sell atolcn stocks and bonds second man who tho crown allcgre took lesser part In the scheme had bell set at more William Henry Lemmon it at Vancouver Irvin Edward Schubert J7 ot suburban Rich mond munch all and two men arrested ea ay Lrt Ontario are chargcd iolntly with con spiring to possess stolen goods the tour also lace second charge at cooaptrinp to trade in lectsrlties while not being reg istered as broker Investment dealer brokerdealer or secu rity Issuer trying to curate to an ugrccttscnt wsth tlonn ll tho more than 200000 troops In Went Ocrtnuny were cut to halt that numbcr as pro Iptistti In tho US Scnaic lith would he urnsidcrobly outnum bcrcd by Corssmunist Iorces in ltitrstcm Europe Wont IIIove Bomb Suspect SEATTLE tAlt United Stath commissioner he rciusetl to order antiwar activ lst Leslie Bacon to New York where the Fist obtain war rant tor her arrest In connection with plot to tlrebomh book last December Cvmrnissloocr Alan irocllch sakl Bldny that bliss Blooms earlier arrest werrant as ma lrrIaI witness in the iiarch bamblnl ot the US Capitol eu pcrreties the one oblnincd to Sir nyrone Guthrie tamed New York director iaywrlaht and Proelleh saltl the lcharold duoer co peed whllaren inn Athcrtoa Caitl women must hh mall Saturday and died rcmaln In Seattle under undone his hernia athowhlias lrciand boil until site Is dismissed by its was 70 yeIrs old tAP US District court here Irom Photo trdrrai praad Iury proceedings tlsr cuisich arc mainly younger tcchrslcinns and engineers US Inlclllccuto rcpurls say sits total at Europe each in ltltviutaitltt tlun story and Poland Social vlryl Sitlll contains tomb is As raslIII the tritium trcl iluscuw would tnsc irstcrrst In coming to tortns with ttnnn This lthui ltrnnilts govern tttcrst mcurtt when in rottt rlltni on tho Scnulos rtrovr st iii In the Direct stats at trial lions hctwccrs Hoot untl West crrry sulutautlnt amt unilatcrat rrtlucliun Its its armed tortcs In thirupe wuuhl have ex tremely serious cllccts on sto hrltty Ilt Europe on the chnmua tor dctcnto and on the possi bility tor hotnncctl Illdlhttm to control arnrnrssans ltut Rruntits rovcranrcni would have no ohicctions at all to US withdrawal Ii It were matched by an count reduction in Communist lorcca Brandt has brrn pushlns tor talks on such mutualiybat ancnl Iurce mluction between the SovIcLs and the North Allan tic Treaty Organization tt lint come It at All monitor to tools inean but the Sovietled lnvason ttrchoatovntta soon cooled prospects The suggestion hes been re vived at more recent um meetings end the Soviets have expressed various degrees at in torcst But so tar he talks have resulted nmhniwni til min par all hrld to slnrtaucb lathe but It rch us to be mo whether ltoecow will do mytth min his statement In tlttttner reptabta to the West