iiiU itiitlulihllillul ohmhummummmms Nlhlslr Its Isla lab lilii Hotel Dieu Hospital OP the important stage oi aterrvltel eeoeee del ectiao yroyrsrn intended tllII shit imimdt res aim the openlol at Pap smear teat room in tdoota reel hospital rIdiitire new are Innahl at tiotel Dior hospital to doses in to ten water daily With the IstiatInoI oi iour Inursea and Iecretsry the test truly lake It little as to minister the aenlee it true and al thde or rmdicrl blew it uses the women In tree to Vsneweraiew eatlctrsona iorrolithey Dr Jacques Brunet deputy minister at Wrist allalrt said recently that every dollar to veetod to halt eervteal eaneer means It saved by the cone moniiy in medical and hospi tal costs not to mention liver elatended to normal expecte IOII Cervieal rancar eurahie in steady at per cent It csses ti doiactedeer enouyh is see and only to eat cancer er the most common term at the tissue In women Ceres there the cancer is rausht eetiy cool about lilo each Dr Brunet Ieid to eeri ouscereseroenresnuyswu rocket to 0000 For Dr YvIn Dottie ehlet at rate ethology teail study at iiole Dies the test room reoresenla neIriy year oi It iort and persuasion Alter he was elected presi doot oi the Canadian Society at cytoiory iart June Dr 31 Solvin sent ieierrem to Quebec lleIlth lilntster aersde Caetoorusy utlny lar meetint to diaeuee cervical cIncer detection Its Nlttlt he was ap polhtad ohsirinan at to sstetriber medical comrnlllse which auhasaueotiy tasted the provincial pavement to es Sixziftftnlrlxhrl Seemd Barrie lrorroie Peek msde several presentation at their mmlertneetinr Susan Donkey ithds items and Shri ly Ayrea resolved their staiare hadyet Catherine Slsnnoreaar he Comroitslnner lood her Golden Hand and yneetinvrorncae hed tlolden hart were present to Ellen nondtJndehnunnlJndaPres loot Aiode Prater and Jill While ANNUAL MEETING Several Barrie women travel led by air to thunder Day dur lnt the pest week to attend the provincial Annual tdeetiry an Conierence oi Otrl Girldei Canada Guides due Canada tell which wss held at the later head University lttose aitsn tttis St Mias Aortic dinner anniversary with Dirndl TSmear Test Room tahtish oelwort oi Pap amen teallnl ieeilltlas Somethinl like tonnao woman are are edit the Pap smear tall etch year to dmaidmand some hoe We thios the reel should he to double that number soon as patriots We isrly want to tut woman who here never been tested out appointments But we would preler that they phone the special teal room number ior appoint tyranty he better still yet their doctor to reicr the rare lor the till there are some it mliilon Quebec women in the risk cat etoryorer ll years ni are SUPPORT EXTENDED second recommendation ot the llnivin rornmiltee was that rovarnrnent support be extended to schools where men and women are liliqu to screen Irnesrs outmodeda arov doepiel reierrsd to cytotoyist Tia traininr period tskee It monthr Dr Boirin raid but we can matte some use at etudenla It the ltmanth levelin summer wneh ior mm sr detection nrorrem in British Cniursihls her coat ted lillit cases or cervical can cer io eurry into women screened the peak are at which early center was niac noeed was while ior late invasive room it was i1 Dr Pierre AudeiLepoiata oi Notra Dams llospitai earth In in the Clnldlltt ltedleet Aarociltlon Journal recently eritlclred the leak at iestint women prisoners Dr Aisdeilaa te arid he antleollesrusa ouodelsceres oi surly cancre Ind tour at the invasive state Irnoos rtr Guide And Brownie News From Kempenlelt District in team Barrie were Mrs Anderson lire Grater lira tee llios leoct liclislrn and tiles Janet Lee two letter warda were narrated It the An nitel one to the Provincial lira Crosby irons Toronto end the second to her Deputy Provinclsi Commis sioner lire lrsaea tram Elliott late The Beaver Iwerd Ii tho hillt ett award in ruidlnt PARADE Parents are reminded Ihout the parade Saturday May it 1hr Brownies Guides Orbs end Scouts are to ensemble hy tttd llt It the tail on McDonald Street Everyone Is to he in hill uniiornu AURORA HEALTH BENIIIE 90 YONGE ST So AURORA 605 Near Downtown made Laaxsxxxxxxxzaxx top IFeaturlng This Week The All New Health Food Cereal NUTRlCRUNCH with to natural inpretllettls ineludinp Sunilomr Seeds and Peters Tasty littI Nutritious Wail lilretihy Children and Adults PICK UP NOW FRII SAMPLI opllt Dolly toe PridelIIIO iCiosed Monday 121 lit ho IUPIR IAVIRI IIST BUY IO dtt too in LAMP BULBS rirol Alex Coclottrn Ralph Calm Bill Bell Cotton wee iiaii hatter titlinhers oi the duh are but roe let in tin Fisher Dr It it Iry president alone it Mil Jaek wmmmmsuedu Born on rs on were rhaater members Dr Bliiey Ind tire Breniort trade by prisoners at Taurusy pettoo woesaer or version hue ever loan year period Opens SUPII SAVIII WITH PORK IN TOMATO SAUCI BEANS Van Camp WATT OENIRAI ILICTRIC CLARKS CONDINSID TOMATO SOUP to 01 TINS SUPIR SAVER 331m PRIDE stern 4188 SAVER PRIIM SPAGHETTI SAUCE I4 01 4I88 lllililIII CHICKEN SUPER DISCOUNT PRICES SllMMit to FLAVOURS ICE CREAM MIX OR MATCH SPECIALI Stokrieys me Quality GREEN PEAS teat ilI KERNEI CORN it an die CREAM CORN it Or an tillill US NO ORADI FRISH CRISPY CELERY 25 iiithtis 25 ll mete crow up to Sam idea Give hint potential new roman may not matertrtise hecstua at your shyness moors Planetary aspects ior this dagl Impose aorta rutrietion in stiles it PM mid ho Lnsdriaahle lor Iri stance to tom leases to hurt near circles or to mete any dreetle charter to protects new IP TIN 4i88 4i88 IIIIIAIIIIIII SUPER SAVEII TOMATO AYLMER CATSUP SUPER SAVERI CHOICE OUALITY LEE PINEAPPLE 8Bt0tli susrttt at SUPER SAVE PLUMPTENDER YOUNG Legs or Breasts MID ldlaeed GROUND CHUCK 68c Doras larooeu POLISH SAUSAGE dBc Dy nta Piece BURNS BOLOGNA 38 Lb WarrantyIiiiiiM FRESH VEAL AVAILABLE THIS WEEK airy the ib II 4i88 IIII FRESH ROASle COFFEE Super Save Orlart Lehei 88 IL Bap Iran tmsrr PORK SPARERIBS Lh Lb laeet Plotted COTTAGE ROLLS Berna lmait lJalr illid Seasiaed PORK to user sausaat 48 4B Lh SUPER DISCOUNT PRICES Yam lam er Iweel ltilrrd BICKS PICKLES New Pnprield lur Ito IVeriP ORANGE Crystals client Peelers TIDE XK DETERGENT Aeanrted Allens FRUIT DRINKS mm ennuty Utopia TOMATOES tiaarhure iiot Der Cohita BICKS RELISH la Oil Illdlttl Process Gelatin CHEESE SLICES Supreme LIOUID BLEACH SARDINESBrunswlck JtOs Jar Sir to Con Park 59 99 title liae 3$i lh OI This his BSie I2 Aliii 591 Its DUNLOP ST PORMIR BUIHLIR ROCATIOlI Owned and Operetsd by Gordon Lie ty Ill li Dolly Till loPrJTlllP v4u ea SUPER DISCOUNT mitts SIPPEN CHICKEN or ileel christiss PREMIUM Crackers ilenas whole CANNED CHICKEN iiilttiutrtaur BISCUITS PUFFS SCOPE Mouth Wash FROZEN FOOD SUPER SAVERSI iiilii PIES slot Milli otttu PEAS SBdc martyrany tsunami STRAWBERRIES II On PAL 69 69c 29s 0a DettiI it or some 5i88 to or 1le Ilrh Dal