Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 May 1971, p. 4

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Method by Canadian to Brylleld sum Kerry t1 Lambla in our Editor amino mm WIT Newapepen unload Barrie Ontario mtvol Manager it MePlIereon Managing Editor ILLmPAGIC May Have To Rvise Thinking On UnemplOynient The rise elmert rroinl In the coat oi ltvtng Index ln Ap Indicator the ination tr etlll with ur althde It may have been rlowed down honomlrte ere rhrrply divided on the atrtngent meaeuru tried by the Trudeau adnrlnlrtreiton to curb laitalloo The urine mlnirter had protuhed belt tentog and unemployment tie ad to lted that elowdown In the roomy would hurt but he retuaod to desert trotn hle tired purpore to curb open my and cool down the lira ot riatng prleer Nr Trudeau wet rerpecled It not rd mlred tor hle twill eirnd endthe pub lic event along wt blrn tor time be lieving rtrnng medicine war needed But more than year bu peered rtnee the Pttr decision Unem oymeat ta at tantaattc height tor Ir time ot err and prieu have rleen Ineteed ot rop ptag er Iir Trudeau hoped Opponentr ot the Trudeau policy urged the government to return to tullom lo meal plan and to tor at about the lien bogey Itreyad tthere would be more Iotlatlon hut contend that ebrtakrge In the unemployment lines would much preterablo to higher pricee The public oi eourre Ir bewildered The thought ot higher prices end dwin DOWN mnoav LANE to veer aoo IN rown Barrie Northern Advance May 12 190B Trotting Arrocn ottered $600 In pumr tor Victoria Day meet at talr grounde ltetepayera oi Barrie vote next week on by ow to relre tzzhoo debenturer Ior erection new public eotrool In Ward hurton Ave with turntahlnga and equipment lhie will replace outdated old reboot Town growth Ipperre to be toward out and aouth llthttt then north or real Ihte wou mean my toereree In Allandrla Ltlohhd on rear Item Ihtthmrad etrock by tlghtrdag which did much dam age but no perronrl Injury Local botoimen drrtted new price tor beer no longer by sierra but by eluert bottle at 200 ptntl Wblrry 10 glasr re me Hey will be charged In rtrbler whedter paron provider own or not fCourttnrrtlrt Ir Dymentr Droolrdalo Stable trvorite tor ltlnyr Plate Sar rlo will have cracking good lecrorre team title rearon Among iayerr are Attrot Mrrrhrit Gib Webb award Ger IttyNeedham CIIIIIIC nghitoot ad Sheer Norm Dollery Will Todd Dali Milne Application tor liquor centre by Penlnruler Perk Ilotel at Big Bay Point tor at monthe held up Town Council appointed lrnnlng committee to treme bylaw tor eitcr utldinr align WWW ourtus PIIIIK dliag value at eertags and Investment II abborrenttothe rudeat But equally objectionable tr gloomy picture at unemployment The government bar taken atepr ball manner in tact to Ietudentr to work and to encoure In he to ex and The net mutt prohab give Illa ceueo tor encourage men iIIr Trudeau Iacer twopronged prob lem really economic and polltlal Italian economy talle to revive In record ence with blr tormlur then hle chancer tor reelection will rlump brdlg It par ellel an be tound In the real Dc prereion ot the MM It Bennett be came prime mlatrter In 1030 on the thrertrold at bad times He held ottire tor live are and look all manner oI rtepe to out the otonom However at the next election In 935 be war thrown out ot otilce to make way tor the Itaeltenrle Kin rdmlntetraiton Mr King was In to return to otttce er the economy rtarted on an upswing Perhaps Robert stanlield hoper tor repeat ot ItIrlory to win hlm an election when voting time comes eround Mr Trudeau can maintain hle prerent attitude toward the econom and holr tor the best Or he can Lrten to winds at change and revise hIt thinking on unemployment ment on Ilreaia Council Irgued by lnruttlrteal IIaancer tor nee ed rnunro Ipal Iervicu Tree lenting will be harmed In Barrio ourdron oi To main Light time will be orgrntzed in Storm County Noottouriroo will be breed In Barrie under comma Wilher end Dr liart ItrIor Burton rerlgned Irom Simcoo Forerterr to head urdron which will rleo have troopr in Hide and Iildiand An other money bylaw will be prevented to Barrie ratepayerr to extend electric Ilghi tent at eoti 1000 Widow CreeII In ulrr Iirhlng rpoi there deye rt Hodge received ottlelrl vlrltatlon trom DD Id tor tieor Ian District lit Wor rhtptul Brother Knight ot Coiling wood who warmly compl merited brat ran on etiteltlney to banquet It war In are way up to uruat high elandrrd oi Co nthlrn memberr at which have long since won an enviable notoriety tor hospitality the toast llrt war ot tormrl character and embraced the curtomrry rubiecta and eenlImenIr Interrperaed at rulteble Inlervrte with range and recita ttonr William CIQHIBIId arrive drug apprentice Anrlenl Order at For ertere accompanied Canadian Order Forerterr to dlvlne Iervlee at Trinity Church Samuel ILrher oi Cree more purchased tlour roller mill at Mar kol Square In Barrie FIro brigade needr another palr ot horrer munmzwum 231312 51 Industrial Incentive Plan May Not Wark BI DON OIIBAAN Mmm IhlrIeImpurtnnl Induetrlrl incentive program roller lace at economic legIal the eeerloe at trert The elation would provide tlyepeyvcent tar rebate tor medllnerynrn re manutrotttelag urtrter to de relop their production The point ot the Program II to atlmulria tnduatrla 1rowth and thereby provide ernpoyment one eetlmata bar been that me program could coat tub mtt Alter lengthy debate how ever one can have genuine can earn whether the program will or out work Speaker alter rpeater on the apparition ride brountt otrt evidence which at out rounded aoltd that It prob ably wont wont at Ierat re trr rr melting any impact an employment REDUCE LABOR tor the eirtlrtleal evidence produced by both apparition pertla war that new maehlra cry in Iodualr atyenrty trade to reduce the la tector Meehlnery It Ittr rddttlorralto erenl pie can add to produc on end rreby pneumany gthr number oi lobe but rrvret new machinery bou thy thdur tr todrylrratl tothartere eitdoerntneolthawor tormarly done menuatly an underneutdoyaorioberatbae than add to their em tone rva eeuld mammal beoetIdel In that It would lend torrrtehe our Indttrtry more titl dent end more competitive IEVITATION Idbo And there rlra murt be the ouertlon whether the longvtcrm Llut It would room to Ire rilvanta at better yodu IIvIl IIer In the AW All tetra premier to put It lorwrrd at thIr lpartlrular peI ar more to meet the tmmedl the very large ermnditure that ate employment problem nt IlIrIIIIcr Ie being made on WXuufSMUIMIMMJIWIRJ IT HAPPENED In caution 15390 iwonwvonnun tittDIuElillttlti on unurvrcunutwo litttttltllldYJdAlllNd army wllbtltiulb minnow twins IMMAIIIREIIIIAIIIIII Inmahuarm atoinuteanun IhIIItIICdIED TIESPCI WEWWMM eeprrlpo Be elopbpne reehe Iiveyerr Irena enter on nBrnte ortnthlrn HOSTEL IN BARRIE THE GOVERNMENT GIVES SO DAYS AT TIMI IPA ON POLLUTION Deer Slr At IM time at writlng thlr Iota ter one moraine It we are win ning the ever agetnrt pollution In beautiful ly II It rihutr to her beauty that the bright raye at Spring runrhlne cauee the entlre rbop lbIr Ontarior mart FREE LOOOINO TOO LETTERS TO THE EDITOR perr parting lot etuard ot liver but no doubt they helped our city bath to rprrtrle and gilt ter in It dream with any erlIIIeiaI meat the ante vary to alra Irorn ground are to halt pop but the no depoelt no returnr we been returned and departi We have Iurt lattcn all more IIROIIIID our WORLD Bacltrs In By PIIIIJI DUANE Ivrrlgr AliaIrr Arrelyat youlhlut Naotrt Iruurm tlon her been drowned to blood by the kyionere government The tragedy Illiutraira the dull rally at contruIlIng the rilect torelgn polle rummenlr have on home an lancer For many yeare llrr Strlmavo Ilandrraa alto and other Ceylenere pollll elrnr have been blend all their tile on the lorran coonlrl melon and on the current are nomie tmperlrllrm Coylonere unemploymnt hunger rocIal Inequality were all reeulir ol tmperlrlrt denredatlonr Cey Ion raid Itr politicians agreed with Moo that oapllrllrm lmperleilrm are the enemiea ol the people But while tollrtng Ihta way to the world at large ruererrlve Coylonrre guvcrnmrntr have condoned dealing with the Wart nllowtrtt werlcrn novice to tire Oeylonere rlr on rrrual healr litre ant rhI carrying United Strth eoupmcnl tor Vietnam have been allowed to reluel at thlombo tor the very good renrnn that Ceylon neodr port leer Prlnelpte liar net rlood In the way at proliL Weet rt otirtrwmnir Marl tithe Barrie Ermine id Ilayllatd Street Itarrle Ontario Telephone TIEOB Second Clare hlaII Raglatratlon Number NM Iieturn portage guaranteed Daily Surdaye and Statutory llolldnyr vreeoted Submlptlon rater daily by terrier we weekly titan yrhr ly Single cupch the try mall Barrie tltdo yearly Slmm County tithe yearly Ilalance at Canada rzrro yearly All oihvr rounlrlre hlm yearly ttuler throw nit tttolt yearly National Advcrlirlntg Olilcrr lit llnlverrtty Avenue Toronto Orb Catharrt 5L ttorrttrut Ilemher oI the Canadian True and Audit Bureau oi CIreulo tlonr the Canadian Prere Ia orclue Ively entitled to the on tor ro pub Ieollon at all More dlrpulch ea In Ihta paper credited to it or The Arena reed Prerr or Renter and aloe the local newr puhllrb ed therein the ltrtrio Examiner rIalInr Coyruht In all original adver Outgyndnedlloellmrierlanldero em eer rd produced in tblr awrpeper uppod For Mao ll Ceylon Phhlatanl rlrptrrrer have been allowedat prItbtd reluel In Ceylon on their way to But Parlatan even though the Earl PrIIrIrnII are clarer ldeologt rally to the elated pollrlee oi the teylonear government The young at Ceylon how ever toolt principle more eeri ourly they believed tlrnrly that lmprrlatlrm we the ultimale enemy oi the people They be Ileved Itaor prediction that the poor and underprivileged would rim to rmlle the rich explollere Inuenaed by the collaboration oi the Imperlrilrle Coylonr youna htaolele yore and had to he put down with great bloodrhed ltd BURNICD FINOEIIB The neutrallal Ceylunere goo ernmeni her bad Ila IIngIrr burned II hnr dIreoverod that votel eupport tor hire and htaoer can bactllre Ceylrnara Illlrlrnr oI all artlerlnrlud ng the Trolrhyt partyore conllnnod bourgeolr canitulirt to the core concerned with pre rervlrra pro rty and maintain III or or elr rhetorlr hnrignt them Into trouble ITIBYWIII tied tree to pulvetlra lot at the rpilut IId chunk 0t courae ahat thIe doee to thee Ia unthlnlta tot Where do we go lrom beret Youre wlth enncem JOIIN TRIBUTE TO WALKER Dear Editor And now word Ironr our center love Ihy NeighborlI And the word are heard by Mr Oooh our hind good mayor ot Iterrlv who complet edthe walk by our beloved rmaII grand dau Dodl oi OrIIIIe who II in It hotter ot walking by the Brewtare ot Patna with and all Iboothcr tine tam lly gmpo who ado it by the grand oldntrdy oi Bi EITI by the lovely young girl or the Olyrrwlu oi 16 who IInIrhod tlrrl by the young boy In the wheel chair and hlr line and talthlul young hrlpere by the darling laid on crut ohca and by the thousandr upon thourendr whore luring ltct II to helping not bounding humanity in thr age at Ilenwnrtrrtlonr the tiller Ioc ttIIllonr tr magnltlrrnt one or courage en durnnre and at brotherly love The money raised Irum thlr demonrlratlon mater porribla the alleviation ol very rert hiony mtarvlre oi eulIerIng um anlty and It deer rnure tor It brlngr to light radtent ray oi hope tor the nature In the noble and un rrlllrh dredr nI ro many God and we all know that Ihlr poor old world In In dire need at thet radiant ray nl hope those nob lo and unselllrh decdel tirrdd my heartloll gratitude to that oi the multitude who nI EMMY rhonto lllll lhrlullorthougb unable to participate ey may rtao embark upon the war tamourtllrtlng wllhrblorv cow abroad and Imprtrunlng every Oontnunlet at home The tllrtlur with tlorrnw wlll wtbe lormutatod to abort llw TI IIIIII STARTS Coovrllbt Regirtrrllon Num her mild rellrtac ll rorl ot policy Ior which Nntrtr me In ore entvrrnaece Illbtly It Mt TODAY mm nlre and Hunt rnootlrlnroron the wnIIIcra and the orfnnlrarr tor renewal at our IIIIII In manlIlnd Yourn IrIIIy DONOIIIV IOIINSIONIS Orove Wrel Norrie Lady MONT MATHS TItIABl PM and one if giaggg SEES gggg Tie Er SE iii =i5 Variooa group rn try rare rredlt route eelllng recreallon centre tor renter alllaeor that group are obrtourly very much valved with their on there City council er leglelalor under the rule at the provlarlel govern meal and the tar etrueture murt mate dodllone ernon many auch groupe and bu mltetlre retiree toe tnveatlgrtlng the erode el rucb groape Urually cty council grente or reduce to mill In money Title In their tub and their IInIIIrtIth The Social Planning Council It tree to rludy the need In relation to all at the community and to there apcelal troupe It has rrrany rreye ot attaching problem There Inrlude all that the mour cer at our government and rot unteer allow and to much el Im egtuatlon ran create IN SAME ATIPIA Several rlubr rgenrirr and pr wort In the lame area Tar example Mental Health Family Serleea and Pubtte CANADAS STORY rm eat that to Lew II teeth with thattr golng ante BlIdTIBI BocllIPIenaIa Council trieele be hut rudt more Barrie need Social Plann lng email to rem II he natt ed halted ot the whole ally to tblanlanrndaetnponorren probleme tor better lite tor weryone Every peclon MW club or agency murt have chore to tale part No groupm City Council or otberlee Ia rpeeltleally designed to do Ible lob No accident or netral pro eeee brunt created alum tlon ma ybecauaa etch ergw batten mutt tend to tie on but Lieu tlreI Barrie need Sadat Fleming Oountll became It wrote to be mature deeeloolnr cone munty caImly teelnl lta Ittllly problerne with etlchency wrote to be In control or he over Iultrro lite rtyIa ratber tbanbr but byetander Social Plano nlng Carroll tries to unite aly tor thIr nurpore Mr Storey Ia chairman ot the Barrie Serial PIelrnIrlg WOW Paid For Land By BOB BOWMAN tlrnltoha ltu rlr Land and Northwert Terrlorlea were er tabllrtied by Dominion rtatutr on May It rm to become ellecilva or July It Thtr tol to towed tho rymenl oi moon on May II the itudronr Bay Comparxtor the huge territory The at ahould have gone through on December two but war delayed by the lied ltlvur uprirIog led by Ioulr IlIoI Sir John Mrrdonrld cr bled Sir John IIoae Crnrdra Ilnanolal agent In tendon to withhold payment unlit the tint eonr Ilay Company tutored order The com any did not trel rorponrlhte It wee actually Canadian repreeenlrtlve Donald II Smith who went to Port glarlry and mean the deal with Under the art passed on tiny it llenltebe war only tiny province oi H000 note miter compared with Le prcrcnt Ito000 rouaro miter lie bound rrler were axtrrdod In that and again In tilt to Include port oi the meet oI Iludron llr Ilanl lobe IrruaIIy regard prairie province can also dual iy er marlllme province one amurlng report at the original boundary war that ii exeudod Portage la Prairie WINNER OF ACADEM INCLUDING BEST PICTIKIRAEVARDS PINK III HIIRISIIII iliiu HIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIHIEoroom ELIIIIIIIIOIIIIIKInnaruoru maritim Whamm IIIIITIIlllitliilidlilli ittllilidtt ulterior mm inthi at Al DUNLOP IT Wu BARBIE ONT which war the rtronrboid oI the Canadian paer the mort retire oppunrntr oi lhult Rlel the lied ltlrer uprlrlng and other Ierm nearly killed lohn Itaedonald While lunrhlnr In hle oltlre or bind be war relrrd by ten pain tell to the oor writhing agony and tort eonrrleurnua II are not horrible to move him Irom hle olllre until June when be war carried to Socrherr rhrmberr which wert more comlorlnblr One month later he had recovered enough to board the rhlp tlnrld In Ottawa River and rail to Price Edward lrland where he reeled until September to acrompe nled by In wile daughter doctor Prince Edward lrlrnd was not then pert oI Canada no doubt Sir John remembered the beautllul countrywide Irotll ttanuterloltetewn roaterearrtd BIBLE therein In am with you eIrr even unto the red at the wort Matthew mitt Every chrlrtlen brathe mire oi Ills prrreaee never leave thee my tone an Warner Bros triumphantly returns the most celebrated motion picture in its history

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