Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 May 1971, p. 15

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Iue out loo Ind 21 the lur ror hIl hund III III he tho Ior hIr Illny II nu Ind tho porter went InuIeId to lie dndtogtruounnolherreornn dblnnlngenaprlnn oprhn by out Morton III III III III Curdenul ltl Rhone IInIII Ihnrgod nltb thI tour III III III tlIIOny III ubot by Thrrr lawn OIIIIIIII II Stilt mat Sent1 ported his Illltd MI II the moon IrIInIt tln doleII Tho nyeurold rlntdunter pltdted nevon to ulna mill not Ihm Ind do no elem hlu IlIhItnrorunhonIerIoIhIIlm thtrdlnoloxIMWiIIIu IIIyuI bltter drew Hi born In Jlrn mo NutIoIII neuron tor dunge umtothn ITIIYI Wu eorrrlnn on ulrool tan hlu xenon hII tng hlu erth boron no Sun mndm tlluntn Ildened Ihelr West Dtrlrlon tend In eight numu nIth II trlnrnpb over Clodnnltlllodn My nlthl tltlllu Dull rrreImhIIr Inn lIIruod hll Iotd bIIIIn IIIII lhm IIaneI end Irlple help In In Anode Dodgere Into It Bmu it to noup Ihreognrne Indnr rtrlng not morn Into mond plueI the menu GIIntn DIIII hII blond II ULI IanIltItIl IIIoIIoIhIpIIlI biox hII bIIAIII Irerue lo IS medley bu gone Mont In hlI IIII tour ulurtn hrtoxlng III uvnrrgo Irp to In EIIonrberI In the NItIInII more New York hTeII hul tmd Houston Axtm behlnd NolIn RyInn threehltter Ind DIVI tturnhullu trend elnnr homer III hoorrrn by Joe Thrre purod st Tout curdlnuln lo too romp over IIontmI Euw Plltuhurgb Plnulnn drubbed Sun Dlego Pndru IN wlth tlnnny SIneIIIllen nIroAInn tour hIII Iod mleuto Olbu nlrdzbtd IhIIIdrIphII PhIIlIeI Memey out the wrepr on the GIInII zllb Ilelory In lumen bobby Eondx Iron homer Ilngla by mu Sorter III Sorry not Ken Nudenoo Ind mother banner try DB Dletn but given the drum lender to Ilrnttnnlo hump Guylud Perry II rhected tho reellng Red on III bllu ltonilt Moan Ilene Int IPIIHI tlrIt Innlo hot on Allen Ind PIrhrr drlllod lnorun dmhlo nendlon the MRI to utIy It IAI AIME All BUT Morn thmnnu homer In tho tooth mun bruru nturtIr JInu Nah UIYII land rulltrer PIt Jen ntr Ian We not neotnd on dork by Allen Sodom CIIodI Oeleen lIIrId AlIInII on It hill Ior Ieuon murh In tho Dodgoru moved pendulum polntI uhend ol the times Into eeeond plnre In the Real WIN DESPITE WALKS ITyIn wulted Ieven Itounton butteru Ind hIl IIIother but pllehed hltleu hull untll tho tlhh InuInl utrueh out eltt Ind urouod op breenlnp to hlu toIIth rlotory Irlthout III The Note who hm won tour In row Ior ooegnrnI edge om nowrndolnen PIIIIbIIth In IbI EIII Itorod thm ruou otl Boston Bullpen Takes Cake by non Ansomrrro rorso tIInnIeoII Nlnu brought home the bum IlIeIdIy nlghl bl Ihmbontm Rod Sox bullpen took thn rnhe Ind IeIt the over nor It lorre ulth egg on hlu lice IIIII toe ovldrd Bonlonn duIIy relIeI to th Iour Tlltllhhl Io Intro to In one Iry PIITTI mu ntrr TUIT oenotu It you town NIth In ltlnne uolu und Gov Ilohert IlIy hruull along pl Io prenent to tho lIrnt NIn hIItIng homo run Pelerl Ind ten took urn to no thut no one dld though Cronr Torur who got Illnoeuo lIn IIrul hIl The trlunrph wu borlonu Itlh In the Int 11 rurnen Ind kept the Red Sox tyr gnrne In Iront oI IIuIIInIorI orlolen In tho hmerchn Dengue Burl Over thut Ilnltll tho once luIlIn Donor bullpen hnu cnmplled no record wllh III love and mpoello 120 eurnrd run Ivor nge Eleeoherr the Mole odged IIunIII CIIy IloyuII In III Innlnu Cleveland lndlnnr BASEBALL lIy THE CANADIAN PRESS uIrrIrIn knm 1an leIOltL IT 679 IT IT It 15 IKI III II Ihl IT Itth hlh SIS OII llvrluu llulIirnorr Urlroll New York Vnehlnplon IoIeInnII It It lolt El It IS SIO Jutland on Roman Crly InIlIvrrlII IT It All htlnnrtolu II to IoI IIIIIAIIIIIIW IT IS III admin to It JST II lruhublr IIlehrru Tody llnstorr ICqu Ill nI Mrnno nutn llllyloven Mr Nrw York IPoIrrrnn MI It llllunukno IInllln III ltoshluxlon tIIosurun Il ul Chlcnoo Illrodloy II Cnlllnrnlu Illoy JII nI UI IIle lliolornnn to II II II II tlnrnlnnd Illrllowoll III Nunrun CIIy DnltInroro lJorIeon bot Nutlonnl lrurue but III 79 Now York In Illlnburrrlr II II 631 St TITAN Ill II SIIT hlonlronl II II from Phllndelphln BASEBALL STARS le TIIIZ AldIOITATHIl IItlist Ilultlorllorv Ilrllrrurulnrl Ilnlllmoro Oriolox hull tour our nlrs Iho III to nhrch Ilroro Ill Pet ID All to Illohtnn out at Illedlunrl 31 It GIII l7 ITT II tvord Untlun Alhletlru Id cIlilnrnIu Annlu blunted Detroll Tlnern no New York Ynnkm ut hIlIrquteo Ind Wuhlnoton Senntorn It alcugo Item rnlned out IM STRONG DUILTEN Tho hlg relleI work Ior Berton bu been done by toe Iten IItuou Ind SpIrty Lyle nIIh unlnlu trorn Iten Brett bob BolIII Ind Cd mm Weve been gdllnz ml rt III the put ooupln ol weekn nuId nInnnger Eddie IIIho Itn not rut ono luy but Iv eryhody tors old The IIurIern hrinn on to point Ind then tIII bullpen bu eorne Orrounh Petern who went Inln Ihn gm nllh It norm record Igulnnt the MM Teucbod the polnt at no return In tho elth tnnlnr IIII elIlI plched up the Mn Ilo hud lend on tworun homoru Dunn Josephson Ind CIrI Yuetnenuhl but nIIIr Ind rlnglen by In Cnrde nu Ind Itlclr llrnlrh Ieeountrd tor one run end Ilnlehed Pelrrn lee nllowed George IIIttrr qudu nucrlllro lly Ind then rIInIrned the door RECORDS Ilrnt Sun Irnnrbce II loo AorrIIu to 11 th AIlInlu It It III lIoutIon II IT IIZ ClnclnnnII II IT 331 IN Sun Dleno 21 ADO Ulr Ttnrultu TIruduy Chlengn Ihlludelohle Iltloburgh to Sun DlegnI or tool It hlonlrnrl leer Angelou Alluntn Bun Frunclncn Cinelnnutl New York Ilouutont Probnhl IItrhern Todny hlunlrotl IhIrAnolly or YorhlSeuver HI Phllodelphln Running Isl Irnnebrol rynnt pole lSuIlvn oll TIttnburd Sun Dlrno tllohortn uII RETURNING BY POPULAR DEMAND STOCK CAR RACING Wed Muy lTllI IS PM Ruln DIII Mny ITIh SUNSET SPEEDWAY New IIrnlly Ilnn Id mIIulen Ire uuprr IonI new trIrlI Ind III the Im nrorrnrrntn lintrrtuln MWIITIIM SI LouII tttlbuon III II Ileuetnn Ithn 21 It New chleuzo tlloltmon It It Clnolnnul lGuIleIl II Son AtIonlu stone on It to An IWaueI In It Antrn Wm rum It IJIII llIlII III Kltml IIHIISItlh all HI More IT Any lll Ind um tut Reed III Mower llI Ind autumn Bar SLlhrrn Dlerhnr In UTI thIrd Ind toothed out IhI lIoIrnton Ire to tho nlxth helm IInriIIIt rodrd rrllrrr George mm tor hII hemlonded homer Sunludmllnlvuruol TKWWIMVMIITINIMI ttttllhlnnludelkltnnd then It on nulut IhI Pndm OenrenII nIurnnIId MI nod er rst bomrr It the moon deIIIerIog three ml Ind Gent other not PILIIbIItdI In IM IIIII lnro nro trtolI II the TIM thant ITIII IIIndI hurled run bomm III the bute ot Johnny OIIIIIII Bllty wil IIIInn Ind Ron Sumo hrId Phlt EAST FRIENDS Hunt Reuuon Brook rume ul IrlrodI It lellrn mende subgnu rundldutn In IIecI Come In groom NIT Ihltd Dun kw we Illu oblb ddld Adnroenn look on AP Photo md rerIIIuny nuIIInI Ior exeetlence Kidd recalled not young athlete It the Unleenrly oI Toronto Iho noted Foot have long It would lnhu him In get Into uhupe About lIo yeurn lnot told IIIm int rulur IthlIte Luled In mm Nldrl nuhI III dldnt under ntnnd lhnt gootl nbnoe In bred Ineunt world rnnhlu Illdd nIId Ilhletn urltb the III York rluh lhtch Pool uurlrd III 1N6 bud Iho heady experlem oI trylng to be me but In the world under man who orderly behaved II In prulhle to tho 1951 Fool Ito out Ills MMDOMIIT ITIO dnshed PIrrIngteI Iho on In Whit WETme wwwmmn Ioldnodkrnuumrdullnthe DrtUI Cumulm Turner In III Iho he Ill ll GothI Iho uleu our the ronrhlng plum II that York In cunudun outmod tng palmour In the In Iowa men IIIrrr rdel hy Ilntuhln hut brhlnd the north lop hallwter Peter Snell ot New 1mm 00th Inlrr but 5er In run here Foot noIIIned be but to III up tho not run dItIeu beeum recent protuotlon In hlu reguIIr lob III not learn blrn enough Ilnw 1th roenu he uld thnt Illout Intotrrrnent In roIrthg IIII bl hopoorlbh tor too And he IIIIyn bellerrd Ihnl out lnrnltrrnrnt In ommry Ior Irma In my thing No do In IhIt nude our club Ind an Ithlrlrs ruc lIIlnIn Ila um NOW Ittb em Ir nun will It Inultly an II yeI nemnt lurk COMET GAS STATION III Duh II II III soul on or II roulul rrnlly IIIth how much uhout eoaehtnt Ihrn Ilrnt eturIIdoo reIl leehnlrul knowledge but looted IMIIIT Ind rpm Irvrn Iloyd Perrtrul tho MI Iho roxhee vere pantirnrn reached thut II becutne Ill Will PlIT MORE E000 IM ON YOUR TIME WITII DEEP CUT PRICES DEEP CUT PRICES EYERIOAI ANT DAY EYETIIDAI ANT DAY arrow IATII uneno Oltbllloll Forum so mm 85 IIAITS anront GOIDIII ACRES NOT INCH 53 3M POWER nus router IASS 39 homuunrrns IN IT 95 noun YANttlAOIlllorl HOSIISS nm troops 569 Ilhlllllllr It unwilan LSUTEIORAITIPIRSTIMNT lsltlll torooorm 99 TIN SUPER BUY HOIEII DIIIHETIS IOU IIIIIIIrrr DEEP OUT PRICES lull women 29 UK mm 77 Irlnllll IAOL NO SUPER BUY Iwnlllllglhmntlllral now It Amy llIAAtAIIES wen srmmt er blllltttll 99 IIIIIIIII errrox STIAT nogmiqc IACAltTItI MUS TAIIIC mm Irouronurrux renorr TIIIITI gorrrrnrrrmm55 WEIle orrrronrr am 39 TIIAOIKAWIIDIY STITCH TIN CINDYCMWTMTW sorrrurr me 49 IIIN ovror JAIIX anIrII mm Irrrsuntrrous CADIIIHY notorrn nrsruns om 39 In on rm Remummonrtuurss YARIUIIS Iooos murmurc on runs mm 29 COIITOIIILTU IrIr nus M0139 erorrrors In Minus TSTLOLYIN Irrounn 29 UAIYTIRUSE CHICATHHOODIT 10 SOUT rIIonrrn KWTSUOORIORCRUHCIIY lllll norm 41 CA mm EVERIUAIAIIIIIAI UY lOtlOH not eleven 41 SOIIDWNITL only 49 was IllIurlnon SINCE SHIIAIPS Analog SHLTISTSOUNIIYSTYL rm mm mm mm lls 58c IIIISE locuuu rerLoLrnr mm EOIUWSPRNESS IHTIAUITII glltlgslllltthdoo on mme uneonurcnsrrnsrrce SUPER BUY so rumonsnurua IACAIIS down mum IIo SOCHEYE SAUAOH TTUTOLYIIOT lslllll nuts IIIIAIIII IIIOIIIItI INA IITIIIII It turn out or onto EXTRA SAVINGS HART HONEY SAYING COUPONS ON THE BACK OF YOUR CASH REGISTER ERRISTIES HOLIAO SEESIll mm It nrlllsrrrrouu 43 IIOII IIIIIIIIAIIIIIIIIIIIIIOIIIIIIII who IAIIA orrnors 39 mumdb OW OI IttlII IITKII TO Tltbll Iltll ITIIOIII It It Faithreturn PACKHAH UNECIIINA Iu netnub In ranIIr HITIN runs 59 Ulster mt TIT IIIth III DIN It IMI WITRDIS IO IIIOITTTIT All IIWIDIITTS lInIIOlI In r1 SUPER BUYS SUPER BUYS srorr nournnrsn sh 97 IIIIrrII rooms 79 frer rrsor YulAIM prsrnrrrrtr 79 Hull REUNION OWN NOODLECIIICRUIYIITN IICI YlOKTAlIl EILEENl uusttooou OUhST AYIITI SOUTS DEEP CUT PRICES EYERIITAI Altl OAI ATIIAIR TOMATO 21c AIIIIP IrrLuLnnn nonrnn rung II It 0an lrnncm TITT IOITS mm 636 rlOBtATISSNITLD SAIAIT mug murmurc IMGTISII lltlt ASSOIITD 100 PURT IAS Inns nrInToTwnIn IIISIAIIT onto mm 83 rtoiezs THO UT Elm 83 OIIII lt INSTANT EllDRIED COT usrrr rrrorers Iowa REIT ROSE TIA IAIIS 50 19 yrvr COTIIT IOU THAT II to lIJ olssrrr unmo39 Surnrlrrs ISOLPIIO 39c ITIOII PIT TllllllO TOMATOESWSR SWMMIIIIIMWI turnppcppgpnyonu noun PIIITTE ITI urrll SUPER BUYS QUALITY MEA or room or oIlIItE IIEII tlllll IIIIrIIIr error norsfs soon on norsrs 65 IR CHOICE RED OR IILUE BRAND DEEE ROASTS nIIITToQINoSoIIanTIIJTITITITNrrm CHICK tonne75 IITI It IIIUERRARDITEEF BoNElEss Itltlltlltlltlllt DRISHET PlATE III NARI MILES IIRAHD RIHDIESS sror rrcon III PKG YAD PAO HITT Illlll IlIIb CHOICE IIOIOONA IIIIIIIIITI IIIIPCHEE IOIII Innocnors CHUCK our 75 nor IrIqu MINCED rrnrr IrorII Illlllll EET IIYER on room llllll no PORK SAUSAGE IIOIO Iltlt EIIIIII IIIOIIT PIZZA lIlllIlTIII POLISH SAUSAGE In TIIIIII ITIII TOOIII Golden BuIIererI Perch III 62 II III IIIII II II III III III TIITITIOII ID IL II III IIIT III II or All SUPER BUY SITFE REE III suonn nuv suntan nuv reuurru moor error burn more RedlnbelTenBoon sorrIIIrrInIIIr rueII 3Irumnoo mrnl Ior Iho IZNTIITIZ lunIIly Iho ulnnlng run In Itlrr nIIIg ulrlory vrrr llnruar Clly Ilnyulu PItehlngElyde ernhl tnll Iornln Angels MIIIIDIIU rlpht hllI In hlnntln IIrlroIt IIrorI SO rover runomturuuwam IMPMAILIIrMIIu All VEGETABAIS tonne RIOS RETUHDOTTII TIDE XII II TIIlIen It at lIurrII In Illghnrny II WIIIIN Annemum mu mt MLu

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