Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 May 1971, p. 4

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emu Newspapers Lhod to Deyiisid Street Barrie Ontario Kerry MarathonerOneal Manager it wanna nutter WAY rim Hilld It McPherson Managing Editorlfi Slime Summer Cami gomeQiiOSIicynsAmmeIs Question What doihese events have hoommon Ibe iiuronia Festival if the Arts the Chicken barbe mmt Chgt egttta resorted even Answer They all tail on the Civic Heir ids weekend anoly sailor Do they all tell on the week en hydeal Answer Question Do they attract people to pause and do they Involve Barrie ren Mllainaoommonity event Answer Yes Question Do th phare In the promo tional Civic Iioll ay weekend as being something in bottle with some mgepecla for residents and visitors Anrvrer No Question ll tiiey did oi their public iiy resources would at events beneilit Antwan Most likely Question iirt anyone mandated to nation oi these eventsl newer Yet Iiay hiarshall speaking at the barrier Rota Clubthls week eug gesled that coo nation oi all there EARS ADO IN TOWN rrrle Examinerlay ll ISSI barrio Were captured Eastern Canada Junior hetkey cbrmpionsblp proceeded to Manitoba to play Winnlpe Ilonarcbalor Ilenoriai Oup Canadian Huge re tlorr greeted Places on return irorn OuchecICt dalles led by Jean Bellmu hiayor airs klsriorie erIlt log extended greetinr to team with rsiy by Real Chevre tcapialn it Sariernt elected president Jaycees Foster manager Bank or Com srwrce elected prerldentSlrucoe County Childrens Aid Flne new community centre opened at Churchill on Highway ti Floyd Laihley tamer Agitep ior SM Stmcoe main speaker htlss Ise Coiley directed entertainment Emma deluged with congratulatory tele aims Furthert came irorn Korea algn by Mater George hiC olilcer xomniandln 25th Canadltnlnlanlry brl pads algna section Del Emma wired Rornepayne and Leo Lahlrtea er lrotrt liellchurvliealdenl of Darrin 73 years hirr John hchean Slevv enson tilt died at residence Sampson Sin Emery Engineering awarded con irtct tor addlllnn lobarrla Collegiate lien Sadowslcl president National ram ts SALT ANOTHER eoitursna SLCithartneaStandardl are thing is environmentally suspect to ayv An example is doting silt ch nearly every community subject winter snow and ice has come to de and upon to keep its streets and high age clear during the winter months thistlmc oi ycar we will have used pbroxlmaiely 15 million tons oi deicln all across Canada alactcauatng court nerrhlo worry to some cnvlrhnmcniatlxll hay ierrthat such vast quantities ot sail ay belittling roadside vegetation and onleminpllttg water supplies The trouble is that notwithstandln onslderabla research nothing has can lound quite as eltcellva as salt in oiling ice irorn road surfaces iurt pipln sand or clnderr dont mcli snow or mamamostth Alum Glimmer Oi in Troubled By JOHN TJBLANC Canadian Press Stall Writer lam ill8 lciilrpialldegim oi Eg 1i seem in even upag mmero in ca thcvrr ielnl in reitblcd hiitidls Baal ior reer Sour have been disclna olilcle tho imlng at the dramatic move in midst ot US Sela hear at William itegersr peace ing visit to the erce tedrlgrrllicance eral weeks submitted Sabr it not regard ea Mill olyltiorcow he has bandawarrn filmglobe would to to col committed to cheep bittrbilp Washington also trimming his is merma Russia allies but not Sahry habit ll idi showin at car as carer eri srepor Mm prepelplleled scene with Sadat and than to have begun to als client the dam olllemont with eat ill lommqul mm oivlglhel dilly Snellsliat the limits uadouhlidly die sin lerihard mm tltleylldaba laran cun ltp much concern over domestic have problems at in trying to get to vcriurci or some tints no lava has Ualon party Down MEMORY LANE OTHER EDITORS VIEWS elNTiiiiPRETlNG THE than been lost between there two The same uglgtnelanpl iRBxlITlllllliy clique ml 5m etove icw ng Furoult and The tiring oi All 8an It brought Gamni Ahdcl Nnatertn werlnlwhiieitwlngar abry was once Naseera clnecsi npclalt and wudthhliuerluhvu are rucc mwcn While Trelldcrlt Sadat Nasser died seven months ago There are reports that the two have hurt number iIi angry quarrels recently and that act Sadattln protest against mothnt 2d ptlnria by Salary One story Is that Saint and go with story recently eluted over to yrle anti ilbya which inllowa ace proposals which the rev the Middle Eaat cauldron presl at is supposed to have events plus an aallquecar parade to promolathesrtehow wouirlbaamaior first step in making vic Holiday week end into herrle Smarter CarnlveL The Winter Carnival bar en ed much success We thinkparta clean be improved end we world like to see some eiiorta made to question Barrio residents about what they would like added to or subtracted irorn the vvtntercarnlval But all in all the winterevent has been big success With the same kind oi communilvalde involvement It would seem lalrly certain that summer version would be equally as succesriul Already the weekend in volvemeoi includes participation by lil wrntans Rolariant the Santa Art Club the Georgian antique car group with yacht club Add to those groups the Climber oi Commerce and the hell would berolling nicely And another thlnit summer carnival can he enjoyed without mitts iur hats and scarves Sure wed milsthe lun oi antccbourtd holiday but even one pair oi summertime hot pants would help make up the loss QUEENS PARK Top non ovarian You perhaps dldrt notice that short while app nine top clvll aervantruall oi deputybtiolstrr hlotors Toronto speaker at Dangeriieldr Ennuab rtlvicelclnl iln Barrie hdlurillo amps no es rs roun pav mens singles championship Barrie EOWl RAMA lng Academy lied liots won Mgwmu mm championship Ladies howling League abakeup in the loplsval eivil Term membersVernsiienderaon Ruby setvies beioro Smithl1rrn Robinson laes Stephenson in view oi the his retinal Grace Ough Terry Hamilton Elm valea new community hall opened with duo mm one attending Reeve Lawton Robinson mutt our path and George Johnston oi illneslng administration re lopeptiuvr hlPP Stmcoe Centre principal speakers or whirlihtgLI dwelt lim Barrie liyers opened Canadian luau MWLI tdmlh lor hockeyiluslt besioiaev rise at lhoymw Winnipeg healing hiona weatern Immgumynn champs Sl Goal scorers were Jack can under way new or mute White lllltillliy hlorrlson Darin OCom panellinsltnmtbaou on nor Leo Lelne Jerry Topo lirwmnmmd anaa Barrie correlach ol PreeldeaIICharles Christie hiraagerlloward Norris Secre laryTreaturer Archie hieraball Coach Le ghton Emmi eiter oily six seasons in major competition re Murray hilllr elected president Womens Canad lan Club Mlneir Point dance pavilion opened for new season under manage ment Sam Slrannnanu Dob Iiuntera ninepiece band provides music for third year Sltwso bakegeorge in charge oi rcireahment booth PILlIlP DEANS FevelgalAttaira Aaeiyvi Iianol has amved to nvaka President Nixons altituda to wards negotiation with the Communists In Paris lees tene bla In Internet United htaier no iltical terms Renal says that it the Americans are prepared to discus and may to rillcuaa set tiageiirmd elorthsvl drawrl oi US troops the Com muplets are prepared to discuss the release oiAmericaa prison era and guarantees lor the raisiy ot Uh troops to the meets at withdrawing lroni letnam Mr Nixon can still say that does not inir the lornmun late and that dismissing any thing with them is pointless be cause he cannot rely on their promlaea but thenthrt invali dates the whole idea oi having talks with the Commutlstaln Paris lie can no longer any that the Communists are not pre pared to discuss the very real ice and present monumental problems Theres no doubt salt does great dam age to care but as tar as pollutto is concerned the loci have proven he learn to he exaggerated Tests conducted In the United Statca have shown that the use oi dclclng salt does not cause any appreciable pollution oi waterways What roadside pollution there is is limited in shallow wells and ponds and this can be eliminated by altering drainage Damage to roadside vegetation is relatively light indeed researchers have lound that gaseous pollutants lrom internal com urtlon engines and not dotting tall are causing what damage thorn it Thus we llnd that while salt obviously caurcs trouble its use ls alill prelerahln to lie nonuse Thai is until something better source along Ityrrrrmp mwltNiWWWii ill Norrie Evolution in llsyileld Street Rrrrle Onlerio Telephone TZCBSIT Second Class hlall Registration Number iiiit licturn postage guaranteed Dally Sundays and statutory llolldryr excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier we weekly titan year ly Single copies inc Dy mall Dorrie titan yearly Simeon County Ill yearly Dalenca oi Canada recon ycarly All other countries titno yearly llolor throwoll tttno yearly National Advcrllatrtg olllm tit University Avenue Toronto nit Cathcart St llarilreal hicmbcr at the Canadian Press and Audit button at Circulaa Peace Opens Middle East alto iound out at abry ln rpirad total report to the re cent Communist nrly congress in iloscow by Communist Earlier oi Egypt Syria and the udln This had warned tile congress that tho Sedrt attempts to tone elude partial llldiilo Earl sel tlcment or seek peace agree ment with latest would run counter to Russian intcrcrti Another point at dillnrsnve be lions tweenthn two lcutltra was Inst 11 grungy pr eyeing limitlhl succulent all Ivcly entitled to the use lot to limii Will publication at all news dispatch ea In this paper credited to it or The Assoc acd Press or lieutcr and also the local news publiala ed therein The Barrie Examiner claims yrighi in all original adven tlr ng and editorial material cre ated by its emplyecs and re produetvi in this atcwapaper Copyright Registration Num wtu bor courts register hi trio more WdViutinl than thtv toatotrcsnt Premier lawry resignation to log attacks by Sabsy was so loosened up as to be pretty well th Israel and inoperative Whatever the combination oi causes or the open break Sadat has picked Ilraicgtc moment to ldotrack strong rival tarps and apparent demonstra willingness to seek moans Till homo Manoeuvre Puis Nixon On Spot problems at the prisoners and THE warps lilii DOING writ WW Civil servants Are Changed Around that tree planted In the my tire Corucrvauva leadership pipette RUN IT HIE DUSINESS Some years ago the govern nientsetouttotrytoapplyblg btialaeae methods to lie Dttll nest which at course it the biggest in the province One at Its virus was to estate lid on echelon oi arecuurn who would be hll skilled in administration crpa is ol run nlng any department ratiicr than specialists In the alleles at any one department in line with this it ado led the policy or promotion rpm within the service where poul ble end begantawllchlng pronto log run between departments This current switch is the bi geat development to date In in security during withdrawal Ills argument that he will leave residual lnrce until the prisoners are released is undcr cutb thalmplled willtagaeeeol the mantra to release tho prisoners under conditions ac ceptable to the US llanol no longer talks oi unconditional American withdrawal The residual iorcs argument moreover it pretty week be cause It thr eatlra us turns at Its perk strength in Vietman cotli not Iorce Ilanol even to discuss the prisoners how will residual loves have more than the negotiations the Common Isla arr proposing Nor can hit Nixon argue that ii to announcer ilrm with drawal date the Communists will have no incentive to negoti aio lor peace be baaalreatly announced that all US lighting troops will be out at Vietnam soon there will be so low troops in fear or two or three that ianol really only has to wait and not negotiate at On the issue at prisoners and CANADAS STORY the program oi hn agemenl gov ernment The throw back Irom the load ershlp campaign Is that durio it various candidates propoe that top people In the Idth lratlo including cabinet minty lerr ouid not he lelt too long in any department the thinking behind this was that it would mean condoning lnisciion oi freshness and new ideas title the operation oi the government Perhaps more anyone close to the machine oi government here such po icy also makes It poutbls to move or ehelva all top civil servants land ministers who have got into rat in their lobe Therohae been shape aur pllaing need tor lb and be cruse oi ll alone the new policy is weicome important to nasramv Oi Hanoi the residual tom his Nixon will be embarrassed by his call ict In the US but not on the core issue to which he has been moving gaming rr much time as is possible tor the South Vlel narncsa army to improve it it Improves enough it can hold on in the country and keep the Cornmunbts Irom taking Set on 1Even on this Issue however the Communists are moving to position irorn which they can embersaae htr Nixon They are talking over their radio and In their releascr to tho lorelgrt press at being willing to discuss the conditions that will llrvvali when the Americans leave This new line does not sound any more like the insistence on the resignation oi the Saigon government and its replacement by coalition regime including the Viol Cong ltlr Nitou ol course may lox all his political opponents by no goilailng secretly with the Com munlrtr on the basis at ilanole new proposals Some diplomats think he will Marquess 0t Lorne Was Noted Poet liy IIOII BOWMAN Although Canada bought the land owned by the Hudson ilo Company In late and Non Ilo bccomr provinco that year the remainder oi the terri iory was not divided into tile lricts until May it that Then Alberta Saskatchewan Airlnl halo and Athebasltr were Iormed Alberta and Sesitatrhca wan became provinces in too as result sir Cllllord hil hulll urn in Immigration rive Albcrta was natnnd by liovh Gen tho hinruuciv oi Lorne who with his wiltl lrlnccsv Louise vlallcd the prairies in that Part oi the Journey irorn Postage to Calgary was made in wrioulratn guided by in tian Chlel lovndmalter who was later put to prison loi his part In the Northwcst Rebellion the Alarquerr oi locus was port and wrote In token oi the love which thou hast shown For this wide land oi lrcn item have named province vast and ice Its only tamed lly thy dear name to be her railer known Prinrcrr thqu daughter at Queen Victor had other names including Alberta ailcr her lather Albert tho prlnro consort take laulto It also named ior her Site In turn was rcvponvihla iur naming the capital at the Northwest Tcrrito rles Region The Iiarqueri oi Iarnc wrote better poetry illun the above Olin at his ment in tho wrtlv ltrwwa hymn Unto the bills around do till up my longing Other tiny livcniri latteChamplain brought his wile llclcne to Oucbre liteindlana attacked hone iiay NR hia David chsbergtr Church at iialrlleld Out iIiLJotcph Ilowo urkctl con chtvatlon oi liviila North Amcrlcun colonies tillNew Brunswick adopted Ontario school system llokioahua ttloctirn xallrtt eroutvi the world Iltillo cmiiimnrinv nonsoox Critic Oi Russian Policy To Ioin PM On Moscow Trip by DAVE MW orient CPI rrtmt an later Tnideeu sector to be prov lding the Russians with some thing to think aboa even beiora he leaves May it lor the Soviet Urinal lie is taking with him Stanley ltaidsst liberal iiP Ior To retain Parkdale who has been making speeches tor years ed vacating the ilberaton oi eraiern also including the Ubralna irorn Russian appear rlon ilr Raiders whose parents earns irorn Poland wh get heck to Ottawa luv to time to leave or Roads its now is ab lending meeting at the World iieelth Orgardsalioo in Geneva hir Trudeau will take two other Toronto liberal htPe with him Darnell Danton York North his parliamentary secre taty who steam on him on bia January Alan end WallerDtekouIbrorlIh Illna isrkltbs perty returns May 0Irihl getting Debtortipped about Isl paid the ppm at Crown CDIWIAMW in Conunnns reply ior David Orllkow iNDPWlnrrlpeg North the government aeya tba piesidehla oi the CBC and the Cape Breton Development Corp are each paid techno year but it reluves to give as it used to do the salaries oi the bosses at Air Canada Canadian National Railways oly me Corp and Northern Transporta tion Co Ltd Polyniere presidents salary couldnot be given beam at the highly competitive nature oi the business in which the company is engaged On Air Canader it has not been considered in the best In terest at Air Canada to disclose data oat employera earnings his senior civil servants are paid ttaoon year Gordon Robertson clerk at the cabinet Rnlvlllaul deputy minister at linonce hiaxweli dep ul minister at Juries It nspa secretary at treasury boardl luies Leger undersecre tary at state and Ed Ritchie undersecretary at state lor ex ternat aiialra Tho Trudeau government has made public right whitepapera oi which eaauzo copies have been lighted at coal oi about tits The big prbaiogs were tor the white papers on tax rsiorni partially scrapped on to coroo lecillly and on rumpler ment Inatnsnre Printing loo each was more copies Otiler white papers policies lor price rtabitty inrelgn policy tor Canedianl ladian policy metric contusion and veterans pensions wWednerday the prints to err allies had received about in letters and telegrams critical oi the proposed pay In crease ior hiir This Is relative email her on any glvmt in cat weeks most at let ters received In iir Trudeaua older have concerned abortion products at organised carn gas by both ratio and poses Iactionr One at the argurneatr used to iavor oi pay increases tor Iiia mas scorpion ta emcee mas that in the int 1333M hiPI have been deleat And there an probably more in come he added there are not rule to the Commons Energy hiirlisler Greene suggests that scientific papers on tin eilecta on the environ ment oi ileckenxio Valley pipeline may never be made public Ila says no decision has been taken on whether the papers will be disclosed or left ior on should an lecatlon tor pipe line be me David Anderson Esnutmali Saariicht who heads the Corn IIanl enrichment protection committee says all such papers must be mado public or Canadi ans will never knowinn whet grounds the gcvrrnmrot based decision lot or against pipe nc BIBLE TROUth Verity verity say vials you he that hretslh my lord and belteveta no lltna that sent roe hath everlasting the John iii In moment oi time men is given the privilege oi deciding where he is going to live lor ever Now it the time Today is the day at Salvation Wmmvmmxurm CHEM warmer in HAPPENED in wtuwoonoacwnownw wovuournvoivonrml NAJ 50F SEARS EVE otiantttLvstlltirttitlitta Add it it mtilllgtgiitdtvltiiii pi 54 it ditches vcrxrracirorus wracnmvutwuaurneoue rivcuwoouswocttwt or may or Mkm CANADA iOSTALl NithETll T0 $Clilili MANPOWER llE DANCE CllliitOtl Vat Omiml Willi lth IlEIiAD SPECIALLY FREDAth FOOOANDOIEDIY Ball BROKE INTO ills CACttE ANDAIE iTALLUP NUT WANIING tD libCliO 1le Citltltwlld TOR NOTE BONle 5mm AND ii iii SElTlJ tidiiltiilillilllll aisruiotliotottli int iii iiotliil wrlitivpsritlt when tum air Trudeau told the Com

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