Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 May 1971, p. 14

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tllilSTitBTED savory scuoot tutor mu4d g5 or tr fifth loindewast W112 ltelLGoddidnotprocrdle toraioatsrteimartc anthem deliverance item the Will MI llosee 14ch lulu liosae it laditttttrwiorianuaandreer iy the MMlueliigd Jevcsnllblid ttl7 Because at His love lie would totally destroy irraei ht evctdaaiir return her to tile tallorhip liorca God damninied ills love tar land throughout her rblldhodbllbceaineuaade 1523 sis1 unto CHURCH Nanci annually ttooca at no artrim val ruralarr Alliance at Canada MINISTERS coauthor Science Has FoundNo Way To Alter Attitudes Within The Heart Of Man raid shortly bctnc he did some thing like this The genteel thing that Mid happen to our country wouid be revival ot oidtnrbiooed relirlvn at Jesus will And we pray let it be so lord Jesus Amen Roman Catholi nunnorsatneeirnra risen SUNDAY MASSES too am 930 asst llizll rats 500 pm WEDth BYENINM NAB TODD NOWDIPOTIONS DONOR WI Mn PERPETUAL IIELP rtttsr FRIDAYSl MASSES 710 am lItII II SUNDAY EIVICES Si etn It ul Illtle Schoel rust un evade llr llalher IiltlcAMHIM mum Juus pierced hard hearts and tilt pun more the or snore deatht More changed wicked lives and chad to the bottle or dope or tire to mathematics or relevant lint health or more diverse Small tboneandehave tutilled waa pox polio tuberculosis and an grdbatnerandehangcd rllies bonndandheatenDawnandoul army at other enemies have ill and naiiaar and the whole Disrach rad diagraeeivi Tlr en beiore the advmcea oi known world in one generation ed at living and scared otdy science along with tttroshima am nu ma ing Until heard the Gospel Ind leuhll There is growing contusion In and experian Jesus as my The problem is that whereas our land coatuuoa that will Saviors Now everything It rclcmierhlulochrngetholei ahortt turn to resentment and chanted at man trots been totally on then to riot revolt and retro Certainly there are advances ablelo change the heart at man That is cert inlets there in animus which have Muted ltanr inhumanity to man still change Notachrngsai in ill will TNT hm maker mailers thousands ilics the thugs muttherp alto blastedmanlrom thirrarilt mount it as world change the uaiWevatrlrdcvrr1hiagelso such thing never has happen Used dosirttcliyrly rather than world we must change the llhus networked tattu ea ed to anyone ilxve you ever eonstnrcttveLy who can more man And tor titls there cstly hoocrliy tryJesus carirt heard at anyone who ascribed uretshcthcvourrrimtlilc know to no reicatirie iarmuia loo bia deliverance trout addiction how has on the whole brought Aidtetuy has become tort Impgm lmaypmhm We can change cost into diam may my Thu ends and lead into said message at Juua the Seviouris tbllttdtttl tl32gddgitgtg Computer Showed Truth To Be Toundln Bible ratntv lien is heard Are you aavcdt That to why leans conic To do Some get mad it may be an on worir tn the nature at man that unscttling upsetting question nothlny else could do Jesus but propcr and necessary one came ate this world to rave rln he sure it Is voiced with ham nerv Tn save men and women llin and love God deliver us not tynly IygrrtdliJ gtll atl alln irritattdpharlsalsnaltut It must be mm no on an as Every rlxtian should Palm mm but aiaa lorave man IIOIII hlm ask it Every minister rhouid lba totiowlag article appeared roll For it is now plain to tea bee tout raving station more totoortn themxpaperboo that tell to himsclt man is bent mcni not munumcnt And lng World in Spencer indiarta on destroying hiauclt leave every one who names the name Did yw know that the opera emu in rate us Paul puts it at Jesus orist should he pray grant is busy praying what been called myth in the dtlbie tr inset ttr ltarnld ltiiL Treatdenl oi Gulls Engine than pay oi lid rrtd guardian rproe program reieto the tailoring develop 3am by TUANS Divllay church was drunhvd disgrace to tally lamllr nuisance to the war that one day began to My mathematics learn ed the multiplication table It pad my whole lite ily bad habits tell me have song in my heart Peace in my soul My home is happy 0i sotaw no one evrr raid rush thing as that Because was bprxher Mlle ll Coal Spedel Rluxic wearersr nor on Pnycfjlli nlble stair AilAre liclrama 30 ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE st rottw vuwusv ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH convert rvutsrtt cutaway Ltvn Prcebyllll and Opposite Barlow Avenue Organist Choir Illredoel Sui Dustbin CHURCH or THE NAZARENE Si Pineal It Grave Purim Rev Iterath Walker vnnous PINEWOODS GOSPEL CHAPEL SUNDAY SERVICES lit Mil Christian Family Sunday Guest lillulrlcv It Mtliliill ConlerslorRt Sr 4lS to 5I5 his to SclS Holy MartTr Sundays Mt arm to am iltitlarrt Iris nus Sunday School Classes tor all ages Nurseries and Primary Cleaves are open at 1100 nut to that parents may sliced church and warship together Junior and Sea lor Clause attend lurch with parents and gr art to classes alter the childrens sermon Ml am Remembrance Service llm am Sunday School aId Family Bible llour that am Divine Worship ptrt Etralng livenng space men raid there Is the missing day Well they check edthe oomptrterr goln back in to the Hate it wrr tlrn and lound that it war store but not riots enough The elapsed time that war misalug back in Josh uar time was rs hourrand to mimic not whole day they read the Bible and there it raid grbout approximately whole Thor little worth in the Bible WEDNESDAY ElENlhO Ile pna Caravans RSV DOWNS Phone hit an Oorpcl Service Thunder not put Prayer and Bible Slady God is Able in Tinrrr like There it well it any man be In Christ he is New Creation old things are passed away ilehold all things are btcurno new The rxivaiiaa at Jesus ehragcs person When men It raved there Is change in him change at nrluru but not lag tor virliailort oi Gods rating ace in me our na tion and people late president oi the Ltitorx ltctcarac FREE METHODIST CHURCH roe utvrtcw sr Rev crt mu MAY till ml lili Sunday new rmnrmz ALL llEimtlE CHRISTIAN Prrabylrrlan ChurchV thin up hadpeocd mnlly to our them inioth handihcrarhrll think one at the trust amas thac God has tar as illnan and sprca rclcnllata Green Belt ltd They were checking the positions oi the run nation and planets out In space where they would be too grave and too years hora We must know stir to we dont send ratelilta and have it bump into com later an in its erblle We have to lay oth the orbit in terms at the tile at the satelite and where the planets will he re the whole thing will not bog down They ran the rum pater meaaurcmcal back and torch over the centuries and it came to ball The computcr stopped avtd Ii put up red xngtal which vacant that there wu something wrong either in the tntormatlon tad hi to it or with the main as ram pared to the standards They called in the service department to check it out and they said We protest The tilii end oi operations said whats wrongl Well we have lound there is duty missing in space in the riapted time They met lchcd their hcods anti pullid their hair There was no answer can religious leltow on the team said You know one time was in Sunday School and they talked about the sun IihrttIItIg rtlli ihaydldni believe him but they did not have any other answer In they said Show us So he got out llibla and went back to Joshua where they inland pretty ridiculous statement tor rnyhtriy who has common sense There thcy lottttd the lord saying to Joahu Year mt have delivered not man them stand boiora that Joshua was concerned be cause he was rurruutttltd by the enemy and It IIiL darhncsr Irll they would ntcrpnwcr them So Joshua asked the lord to make the run xtand xtill hurt aloud still and tho moon stayed and busted not to do are important on they still were in trouble because it you cannot semi tor ed mttnrter youll be in trouble trim years TMII now Forty minuler had to be iound because it multiplier many times over in orbits Well this reiigiour leltow eiva remsm belcd somewhere in the Bible where it raid the run went back wards The rprra men told him Ural he We trill til his mind But they get the Bible out and read these words in it itingv so Hezekiah on his death bed was thlled by tho proyhel tsaluh who told him that was not going to die llmkleh did not believe him and uked tor sign as prooi lsrleh cold no you want the run to go attend ten de pcert liereklait said it it nothing tor the run to go band lcn dcgiecx but let the shadow return backwards ten degrees isatrh spoke to the lord and the lard brought the ahrdow tctt degrees backward Ten degrecx is exactly to minutes And the hours and to mlnuter in in rhur plur tdmlnutca in it Kings rrtaka the missing It hours that the space trrveicrr had to log in tha logbook aa being the rnlrs lng day in the universe Women Will Hear Church Leaders Voiccx ol Ulrillilli leaders round the world will rpsak to delegates at the annual meeting at the Nortons ttisatonory Son lcty MD at The Prutbyterlan Church in Canada on tiny to 191i in Ewart Collage Toronto Tupctl manager oi irtation lcadere trottt lrtdirl Nigeria Tal wan Guyana and Canada will answer the querllnrt What should lha message or the Church at Jesus Christ he in todayx world These messages will set the pace tor the programs at the next two highix on Citrag dowa about whole day The Bill em 945 am It Convention Speaker Special Speaker ing illsrlon Around the World EMMANUEL BAPTIST CIIU SPECIAL SUNDAY SERVICES CKDB IMPACT DIAL 950 FAMILY BIBLE SCHOOLr il rm natural change it Is wrought by the power at God lee the old hymn rays lord Jesus now iind ihy power and Titlae rioae Can cleanse the lcpcrx vpolr and melt the heart at xlone The Church would do well to airy with this simple Gospel at Jqu Chrht let us not be ride lrrckcd on secondary lssu es cannot imagine the rpoilio Paul leading protest march to Coosnrr palace The early Christians majored in spiritual butters not political concerns They preached the Good News at living Jcsux They cellcd rin ncrr to repentance attd inllh in Jesus arm That message or FIRST CHRISTIAN REF is Pastor itev til Codrtngton Si Phone moors WORSHIP SE totoo ant ttarnmg Servlcn ma prn Evening Service Still am Sunday ltarnlnga BACK TO GOD llOUR Toronto CHEY ill kacrynna Welcome Seek Suggevtlani CAMEOS CHURCH St llnrrat St change ORMED ll Eahulr RVICES Helen Keolman is ideal Mother Available Day Gilt At CROSSROADS litlDllUtiST RCH Guest Speaker and Former Parlor REV H0iiIDAY Massage Entitled IS THY GOD Music by the ABLE Choir Special Murlc by the Ledlar Trio PM THE GlDEONS Mr John Loosen lit Irom Oldeonr International Irom Nrrhvilie Tenn assisted by The Barrie Gideon Camp Special movie by the Choir and our Ladlor Trio Come and on oy clay eI were with or Phone orator Alice pint WESTMINSTER tribe arn Chvlrilrn Family Sunday Guest Minister Rev Summers Church School and Nursery laeiitilrx Provided its Steele ncar Pung my Paul hlillx the TRUTH that HEALS Christian Science itedlo Scrirx ClilIY SUNDAY llORNlNG Drill up You Are Welcome at itoth Services StAndrewsPresbyterianChurth Wevrhlpplnp at Westminster Church Steele St iicdtt arrt Christian Family Worship LIKE LlTTLE CHILDREN Church School meatr at the same time Transportation available item the corner Owen and Warriey at 00 am Minister Ken Heron Organist Case Van Hemort Come Worship With Ur GRACE UNITED CHURCH GROVE ST AT COOK cortenpariry Worship too am FAMILY WORSHlP No Sunday School Intent Baptism llzllD SUBJECT WVVWV liruu urn ltarnllg Service sottvtt HHEII Sunday School ll Adil Trtlintoer hireilar 2nd Wed each month Sermon Title MOTHERS WOND pm Erratng Service Slagrplrnlton htesaago tram the Wedtl3 In Adult Bible Study Prayer Fellowship Sell it ym llltY Omega Youth Program Serving Christ and Cammunllr BE SURE THERELL SE PM All Welcome HlWA liurioe Granville Streets Rev David it Here lzbu am ltaly Communion ilttt am tidralng Prayrr Church School hllplgley my Film and Discussion Storey BA B0 You are Sincerely Welcome THEDEVII to PAY thnl Congregational Hymn Sing wSpeeioi Music Orchestra 950 elm Sunday School nll tiger 00 um Mothers Day and Family Worship Service Childcare to years Rev Tanks Pastor ANNE ST ADD HWY 1le am Morning lrayrr Church School and Nurrcry hit am lloly Cattlmublou Evarynae is welcome here PEHTECDSTAI The Anglican Church at Canada 51 GILES cttuactt TRINITY convert it Coal direct itrv ilasil Tonks it Collier Strrcl Next To Post Ottice 3100 am liniy Crmnttnlvl out an hlr Sunday School Nursrrr Itzut am Mr The Girlqu ll0 pun Evensoul Vea Read erranlrlt lira liieleabrrhcr All Ara Welcome vtttzuwtvrncrtuucu or CANADA It tumult tvt UNiTED cutittctt or CANADA Minister Rev it to Purdue at Organist hit it liarrawar UiPIIUItt rrnuty Sunday Family Worship and lita Sacrament at tataut llaptlrar trio and it Lin The Church School will not meet this week Tlie glory ol tile is to love not to be loved to give out in gelt to nerve not ha ha revved ttvtttttt uvttttt tttttttttt so Hora Street hilntrirr ltev Donald it try BA urn Araoclalo Minister Dev Evrritt Albion DA In their Direrlnr Sir David thtisk Attc Organist hill Walker PRESENTS at it oclock row THE CHRiSTIAN FAMILY Sacrament oi inlsni Reptlim Sunday Church Schools 930 and it em Norrary Care at it am Worship as Family in ChristCentred Fellowshipl cottttt sv uuttto CHURCH turner Collier and Poynla tttnttrm tiny rttocrott uti Associate hilnlsleri IiEV at FtNLAY DP Orgnnltl and Cholrmuster he more Taler llrrrannrss itllar Sharon Dativ Christian Family Sunday Worxblp 00 am Sacrament oI Baptism Sermon carrots or run LAST JUDGMENT Presented by the Intermediate Church Department Church School it years and up ltld am it years and under lltbl aua Whith narcotic to rat BAPTIST CHURCH FIRST CLAPPERTON at WORSLEI Rev llaroltl Allaby Pastor Bible School 00 am TltOthUGlILY FURNISHED DerIICItlon val Chlldrrn Music by the innlar llanday 100 Young Tecus Wednesday lth Rlldllceh Fellowship You are welcome First Baptist

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