Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 May 1971, p. 12

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hturouerlvr CARSFORSALI asuorllllsuoo rearII motI allmulma easiest pm loll rmuatlortnl vars luxuriant Health normera heardrigidI iDdl MUSTANG eel utl in PERSONALS ARTS FOR SALE NURSINONOMES VA MOONSTONE reth II IIID MI III ninmml Whiteislntvlwpugritm MWLititiI um FT DRUMS Dealt Ranges llI TRAVELLER $5 chairs pm all in me We RetainsIlse bl PERM um Mi badI resumes draw iirIsl rail kills MILL Admins NilDRYER iRllimrlS buster or arms mm mm STARTING DATES Two ten hours courseslior yotrr convenience lv IIlIl IIle It you em my 11 1mm ma rzsa ND tor Irrar analogs tready Ilar i7ih It may LOST FOUND lath chlleedly it ill Thursday Iin each and SID myWMITsa FOOT Iowa II AJ Finhlll Ll VIN Ilium accommodate ML it ram is no MINI OW Milli norm In DAY new Ian norm aele 15 Fi BOAT iii iiP MOTOR ramble name moo rm II or new rrt II we we NURSING HOME 175 venue on DARRIE Oran carol with hurt 5a lol tour eventual Monday till be Thursday June 3rd Ind Course Hum Deadly May It iItt loo pm May rut madly turle lot it June Saturday ilIlI Stir L30 llm Irrr IOCATION Georgian college at lot mtwortb Street Telephone mrsel 121gu5 == iO HELP WANTED JOBS OF INTEREST T0 WOMEN FINA tree new VIII Applied Arts and Technology Barrie Ontario NKL run IrvI all llamas tab in rrsaree aevl mrrar rem My mines urn viva mm Wynstars in mud hand Into iUraI amt tan II In HIM condition monk bllrtu ItrI tall telvrt rryks iIIrnItI turret wee earslm also IL Auiy name trylev Dvrumal ertrl Mary Intel raw Hi at ireroean VW wrr team It walla row norm 1le ttrI Iain on rat rtlllel leeileum rteetntnaenrm re turn III urea Inn rm man er Iert his mam rm In It Il am Itan ll Fi Rem FEE ll REGISTRATION it our eerie hr moneyo uiprndmrll lhelormhelwrloagwr til rde as to mm it in ruetnan nameammonites It It rrbsrgtu mutt Illa It II Ian was borne an are LIIA limos TItIM WIin DOGS ll PETS SAAIOYED PUPS err reerrrme when blood ltm name one mo lriepmri no one Myra AIDlIIllllD CHENNAI lllil lloilte ilrmmr eerrvv you me art to it rare to noon male and Hamlin itilrrhileWDDllh mu old new mm mil liter to MY PURPIII to rate earl black Lab on Melt old III Ild In Tete PM WIL AUIVIALIAN Trrtili Wonk it IltlIIu Im neutral rmell march and so In FIrrtI lent me more IIDUIIID Immelelrly lrneylero ld ml Ilulieltt IIy lad WLANIV Hi WWI INL It DIIVIN retrainu reeva mature ma tor rte liktIrt Ila mil II will turn Ina marvel rattle Ibvvl Earn whtiI you leer rllaamm morn tar MYI De to the MWNDIVIIDPIMDI Blair on which no rrrnoler have been adverseed and which mort rsgI us registered on the all day ol November lies as New IIMTI In tho Illgls Oilice lor the lieghiry little on oi the Oollllty at him The hitches MDUUWDWLMYM doruoUcitar on the by oi uiolttpcrceoiolthepruchase lame and Ilanll pay the bat rare at the purchase rnooey Into om without interest within thirty than alter the date at late Adtustmeotl to be made as at data It tian at which time veeerrt possession will be given The Purchaser shall uIrch the title at its arm ex The Vendor shalt not be ad to produce any Ibslrart at title or any deeds or evict enca at title other than those to his possession or rontrot in all other respects tho conditions oi sale are the standing conditions at rate settled by the under rlgntti 0n the promises is said to be partially erected motel Fun titer perticrrlurs and conditions at rate may be had lroar Cam leer atarrsnIlu re In one are We ruse mltel We were mam seam am new race are reel culvsul In lens tarot IM tinted plate tilmlie will or women we larlrv rims rower my our are sum rm run murder at nursery llrl rm ran as restaurantnu true at tile Myeulrtlli CARS WANTED TO BUY IOLI IIOI in um was we and lrueu me Item alyrlv tr vor reset ours gene etearl an AM estate roware Ind mm eaerlpury tartan or item rear In us careers rr man MOTORCYCLES 70 TRIUMPH too rt met rial run only no rrseettrrrarn am tree are are LW mm were noun my and valve ta war rm ear ereu urn naeler or rm In Mylo HONDA 500 lrt hlll worn in very drlaon Inuvlbevllll Allin new MOTORCYCLES l968 HONDA 350 in em sedition ml II an In re ream mini Mil trra HONDA TM lttitII out untrue Ital TeiIM in em lava uwrutuln Illlotlr rurr rItltvId newest spartan Mien rterro Insular ryrlm Arem butllln our toll txruy lbtrlniy RewIIr tale YIu say lrlr tam am NI wry and II Ier ruan lrr Iladft direct MVI LAVII WWII Ilil film ltel Kara Mottlllk rum resa mechanical tum rerlitieltl Ieleenen twill AI1 era ulna DICUIMIO FlltOllT letllyld Iran tuanlr uremic heard no stems rans wooed wrlmr abtmtl will Isl irate Artm IL mhtidwmml er Iplrlt Kuteiil trimtr Ilaaiad me It r1 lerl or lrrmMall UM POODLE rurrros IbMIIIL lrterlrleer ll irer use ertem meet2r ruler lube gwteet recur arm lit Imrrlesllr tegtllued retention moist or no must ran notes It lvelthlrrAirl erratum Intribrt mm YI Hand IINOII XlOIAO model iii new only tent at ll meow Lttr ilml Ilrtaniy tlrrrrr out liiotl Irril nit tarsal rI Moe lt crilrrlarlltn are their is neutrino writiterating ey wtrrr red tinsel Illimlbil aielt muse MVII corn ll We Irtu art wnrtrle eoat Iire lilriaiiimiihiii irifLi Ird lire hater elm torrlnle ohm tum air lllwrllbil PM Wm TREES and SHRUDS arm mutt It With it taro neeear Till DEPARTMENT til torrent on oeraoe srnlnr sly COUUEUHONM SERViCiS Incl lil Swilli IL will tell underlay mm our at it gtAUllWASll CORRECTIONAL own mama our stool lartllirar rnlader tron liar IImI CENTRE ONTARIO requires some are our lawn COOKS te Georgian totiega ol Applied Arts Ind Technology Cordillulng Education Division tot DIekwortb Street Barrie Ontario interview llCllAIlAL rel ier rentertout nliigl nurree rltl leslnttwliei ree rIIIrtII an are tom haotaae Please enroll me la the Automated Touch hplag course starting MI 11 mi Dig In will Del Til II mm mm WWW cotuIH rtartlrlg May It ml lily chequemoney order tor IMO is car ed uretunl merrier lor elderly trey nbiill MIMI Wind DI MW most Mn Dill loss or mrrnssr ro ADDRESS TELEPHONE Importation wlrerone rrslm ar MEN Mylo magnet SIGNATURE ASSISTANT CHEF Private country club In Darrin reoutres crpcrlcncesl apprcn tire or 2nd eltcl Live out lic muacralion commensurate with experience hlll heartit tringcs Call between pm pm Chet laut Corsair WW rate Emlant net lnrllL liurdy roll tut re alarm mu POODLI Trimming vaietllorlli vmlno lll orient pkkae and Actively 1mm rrt ludto TF LittltilAttUA tor rate mate alert earl old realms erare islanth Mll miorl MyI CONSTRUCTION EOUiP DAVID OWN ltlciu model lid stun trout ms leaner setoer lne NY It ARCHAEOLOGY WHAT IS iT WHY STUDY iT HOWDOES ONE STUDY lT withva This 22th course ls designed to provide the student with answers to the abova questions irl this tsclnatiag rtudyllourfel sessions witlllrlclylde lmapping lealhureml site post molt lira plis sit as ecton matcrl ega aspects la gg iilgclow anti hither and recording date ilcld trips to sites and practice excavation will blgbUght the Soucum 0m sum up course rte Ontario DATED at Dorrie this 20th STARTING DATE lilyI 5255 labor law lvmo mam new roll All duyol tortt Ml CART Local liastar SD Dresday Hey it itll Georgian loilege Maia 710 plll Campus iterrie mar Subsequent rossiuar Ir lotions titty lb and 15 June and too to 030 pm It the Slrrtroc County Museum Illighuny 26 North oi 400 Dorrie Juan tr and Flcld trips location and times to he advised ARTS FOR SALE vllrelrtnw litill several at an and Walter 21 MIL All bellows and Mt itll MYLI llAtVLiIlGli raucrs Call WWI Ii Di oil TANK to rate no carton with lllilii AM All Willi ilrtli NIHer lDll HUM TEAAW MYI DRAPIL HMS are lair ildllt liar It Deligro erllerrt twitter Jeri vetom mono rim dlrlliie brim Iwivel My ruurrur are lost Ierty to Downlyllw mi ramrrmr ovamrtmrrl rave promoterstrailers BICYCLE OIILI It bicylll lot Isle In excel lent rendition leilnhm lullv TELL MORE SELL MORE tilen auptsee your Articles For Id In The DIrlIe if airliner keep these points mild state FEE mm can and irrlall the arm hclow aloltl wait yiulvchrqur or tlhai item ts Dllhd Name lnoacy order Aecessorlas and Iltattlmerrtt Splrlllcations Ltrrdttion Uoirolstcly Firllsll Agc Cotor ill Iloss Cnaarren Director Sinlcoc County Museum INSTRUCTOR In IMO MOM FRUITS VEGETABLES LAPIDAllY Tumbler in late rm peller STRAWEIERHIY PLANE SAMRY51uA1ltprhgug rtmertrom rrrltanesI W1 pm mm mm mm iiiuguhuiv wzrrruinllliiu 55thhtvaalrlmfwlmw lat Responsibility Allowance re urmrurrou uuntlllctrloNS oral rt TWWIEH MM Hilliiliiililhiiii RU 7r mrieiiurtuaur one ilil PLANTS AND Bums ads and procedures About three lift it Wt ART 055 wail rwleorilrirr Mvr mm mm in la rcsLaurarrt or In veaataalr lrirytia no Man lay pert MIA to my TliepMM stilulirm These positions alter cornea SUPPLIES excellent image banetlts hlrille Milliiil ity and good prospects Ior oli unecmcnt lim Dilltill Oi ilrtii iniild MINI MW Mm WY Contact The ltlllle ituasgrr Telephone rumor Alli lNlthiIllAI lAllliI orarre on roll by lrtlnwasu uuraulo llyll harm or load trrI II sALrsroswlou FLLiliNULrV iIANUYMAN REGISTRATION Itattll ale larnllare Itiicllt et tnlrrarr TQilDh irllttl iIUiLDlNGS Iii tor Ilia It II eli win Warllld lot dlnroltlron III Moan elm llSlIi Iverrtrvyt Myrl news lietlttirwm door turi uiiirm IM ml omlild Quantity at VIM ltl ticurgiIrl College at Applied Arts and Technology Continuing Education Division ttlt Durkworth Street Ilarrie Ontario lat plowed tram col traded removal mm attllourr end olaIrralorea iletvtt minim autluvr rhettntietd net Iian hllnor alllmni lirar writer rote telephone least My illllNGEIl WASHING MACHINE $10 rm new star not In ones were the raearlroo Illenhm mow Mya narrationtroll we cocolion rrllrtllra my DI seen It SI Noiplil III on MYili emu Iotle may ml twin rear nearly heat lnrlrrpl rnlllrrit Due emtertrlid and mu mo vnhotttlrrg error no Myti girrolrr Irviltl room ensemhtlr olnv leg lei rlsr has toting mlllrerrr tried rtow reiylrprglot AMI srti lrrr My to man troyr retrtpergIelri er VOL alttpirtl Mdlild MM will art re lit ltl items All rrnsanlbli orrre Ititphauc illitlt Mm luaorerrt ill TUIII with an tinted hedltoma rm relrram Isa am my de ELECTRICValium viiim itltlly urea Iii venom llrltrr rrrlwrrlln and matching may uur iiAL untrue wow and trey rolrurr Alum le iiiiliNtr POOLS tenure aayirlt tort mm mu Above In below were IIrr mu no error Dvnion Well Barrie apron tiler hoot nrltrl Myra elvattwouotillto tiarnrnnt hot llr raatr thlmMyI raptlrra bite mnn waternrwiea Morrison am rrarllr IF rAvi all air trots wanna also nllrlilrlol boatr Mom iiLllu Dilvttil year old Also loy hall elerr mama southernr NlMROD Tl lilMlltlI reinvents the Collins lag trailer or tilt NIZW MODELS tiN lllSllrtY NOW Silthti 5A Iii ALL Hill MO Iltrlllcri rltiiy SiIICiItI PHI KNOllY llNIi SiOIilSAliLlllL llrglruuy iT ltulhurst 0a Tilldill Tlr vrwr MIND tahil tr no In to its or trails null wvitlrltrr Aiiiltaro tlmel Mytl TRAILERS itch tlrlrpirtll trailer utilitarian lsa tilittll still or mural Atiil IllrNi AiHIiil yum at new Telnairum lrrrrrr lnriorther palti iIlI Mylo nonrsoub Moro 1t NICKS DEAD STOCK rum Limited gargantuan lliIAli STUCK llcllll tar rlrpittl ltlarevx II anllu lrcr Put that service Illtllili liAllIlIli ihlltrt tLtaIIvtit or ask tar lliNlIli till thi tillAlltiiii li hours riay tillya II wark til lrltrrltall tilllltriu lap at rrrul trl iANlllli tattlI mu hard4M term loo wires nIio lot or mum at rrmov lap remrm name rmrl tr FARM MACHiNERY diIUIiiiIiririiii Div laid it let roar ttel cm Atyllit navro II we tinriiirmiiulder to tale in Ir your lot lustre tuiatmatian nilm ult tilmtl Irw lime le lessrock FOR sltr acvlve am It run Wt nurmertau Sound kn II it it lillkrl trcln MIDI uvl wlwrao we write rrmur ieilrrtrarre MTJL MY not narratetruth iM Ilill TlilnhoM tliii MYI uowrelworr timeran all In uulllrilrr more ii as olivruwpwiitrarrrt re rrltlttlIL url olClMd TYlli NARI1Mth rautrrl tor building arllrpty trrrunltvlga ui pitllnililltt oruud tiertrirul dulnestic parts and ttlbitt tirslrulrio this position irrrrrtlrs itlrtulo reitlng lmli some outrtdc troll Its rl shallcnging lolr lur tr hustler Please write in Hill 150 Harrie summer intl details at at perinatal and salary rlcrirtsl All rarpltrlcs will he iiepl was Illittiltlti hiyrltl duller young men irerti room my log me ind Iltrren No awryrm peteltaty we will train yoi my run yelling sallrr obeve lvrttpl wnyei Int while yru team rlno oul more More ttlotll toy sou itenrcenllltae tell area errrtrnu my up in mo monthly Dion altawarlu mac atilte up our mum linear Myrt lirAhilL PritliiUbION TECHNICIAN war minimum to mu emoth ewrreau Along with some art on Imwildql theme ms quality stutrot bat WM our no IViiil or sort to are ill Its My rrnurred Ice ma toehllll to ihultdly rusty mt salutary in not low It piltlnl an in mi ruvlicoua no to rlrmv wore lat are hour or lurraasrro MEN AND women Ioiitorrilrsvasr ro SALES were occurs NEW CAREERI KEEP YOUR PRESENT doll IItasc etrrull Inc in tire Arelrarulogy Course commenting 1hrcsday in liarriv NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE lvllllr avrnvolau ourr lltAtNihtl scriuor EdllN until uU LEARN REAL ESTATE NIGHT SCHOOL COLOR FILMS SHOW YOU HOWi Note it easier tor the prospect to buy Rreaulrber the Allicicr lor Sale elassilreatioa ls Icoplae Market Place CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 728Qtirt May ii till iiyt5l EMPLOYMENTWANTED HILL le TENDER itlll lllIFlllSlillRNT HODTII CONCESSION eymrri required by tray bootleener or real ratm In gaitlrlt commendation Presently employed Write In rat trrl Eramlml if Tenders tttl tloaalrtllttrs MAIRIRIADIIFOIATN NDTICH tzt CARD OF TNANKkli lords Iddiilorlli we kit wild lAlA itorttl liiirelMl wua vrrrruoer lire il eiI nor line COMING IYINTI Pricet rraurlt 2t itiilD MINIMUM ctIrstrtED Abvzarrst Dlrewal rtetrr loo am one two out were Tare on word It DMILLTLNIM you all It oil lmlitolln may in Ni tell to rancellrllon ween yttrium rltviir ealelnee to teat Iddll caries It not pure wllrle IIvIrt Method at eoonttm lawn W0 rount II it Will Each aborrvlatlon Ilt o1 rlvrtlbeu count as Mute word it LEGAL NOTICE 1o CREDliOitS lN vlll rsrarl or illiNESl rarlulroort rtltlllalr DECEASED All claims against the estate uI Ernest lralllroom Garrett late at the City at Dorrie lrr ltrc County at Simeon Gentle man who died on or about the null day at November 1910 mtlsl lra tied with the under signed on or belaro tho zlth rtny ot lily Wit alter which date the estate will be distributed having regard onl tn the claims at which the an crrigned rhull EARSONS MARINE Deluge were7 yea white with ml 35 Willti Sin itll oer urbane ttllttIM 7260655 MILLS llllll ililtlltli STUIIM CliliYSlIil was All our rrrb arent ennui Ila rtavu lml ttrratlvl tar irttiittiiiiilli rr IiWli ill Ailllvlvi Mrvldwlvlli trrtlrllry illrttlc Irtlllr itlttILtr tltltlit iu Irrip our Iilttliliilit gt illlri lilt tor lilllt iri who PERSONAL that lint luv Ilitllitti lilllN inthitl inelrnlo curing tur kiiiiti Molmwwmd itirtllthttltilitl lull airline and till it rue onlimrial tun le tttrlcrtti illUililTIilllltD mttl lieu and Motors suithiyidtltl Wm it granolakeeping ol slrluil aura mm mm ngr Alan could hold other loll Wudm Separate Ilttartera anti wander blbiroirreitevliprh tot home or the right couple ill to two new noon lirrlo ririid lrlrlyltt he constricted Vaur Iturrtc Mercury Dealer sum mum mm iellrboraugh htIruratt ttouta Union liurrm rlarrrr Rules lilornge lompleto Irlrrlaa supplier and rrrvira 4872122 NPIDINTIAL IDA PM Er nl SO lentt it made Di Ermine DRlniili rtliai Nlnlill to lltill Doll MO DiiiY iR DST Ill IAII All WAIII every lerrIvol Mlain lnrward llplili at box here to ill Illlllll bllhlolsrlnlh we lcrlo ro wt ll roundly II TUHTWYUIHD IIKD IUIL revere will by as othelwllI larrltted adverttrlmlrlte and llsl thallplpea be in at nadir an saturaay MI at Chialkillad DiIIY We mart be In by error to Iuhlteltlen Surlld tenders in envelopes pro VLUlti will be rrvoivesi try the undersigned up to pm May altlr itll tor taming the lie treshlnerlt lioutir Cvaccrsloll lrrr tile your tall at Johnson htNll itcorit hprrilirnitua lorlrts and tender envelopes may he claims It at the City Clerks Ultica illghart or any tcuricr not rtcc esaurlly accepted it StitAUtlltAN City Ctrrir AIM then have notice DATED at Durrtc Ontario this 29th day at April Wit NELSON lIIEDEHICN tiAititiIll Executor try his solicitors NESSIIS CONDHR SUCH liililiLDW AND MILLER 11 Owen street DARRilLDatnrlo lilyLilli Itrvrtll boyr olrrr ell tarolllomn arr Miylill rra We will ltlltil you the llaow Now at selling items to more your ltullnditrtc rucccrs Unllrlrl led evrllltlisrtorl turd Utlitll idiUs its and guttlcrrltrt lttlrut Unite rio applicants walwrrlo COUPLE WANTED mm lixpevt illetrurliorl warren Am UST tur lurtiwr tntormotioa call iV Ctlrultllgiram 1W ityI clttrg AIIIrYI rrllrurll Atill WWW lllollrsrr lNCOlttii CliiiiLULIdILNLi tillliittli mm mm uwarrrcwle Wwii more ovarnUiriruiimriliiUivuo 0RANtllVtLii Uitlilllll iiuYiiilvirrillliiilemicei mummy Irlrm atrantul tin gt rtaerl Miitl are neat II noel Ilrret lime tire teal rum Clilrw Ill Faraway WIT lvltl Iltklorll third are Mlilrl Du Al Ii IlaatIMr Ontario MYTI INOOII mt Orb ml tyre WIu regional xiii TY or we rten It samerer urte lemm Awning Ca newt 1r iiilnwrlrv or BOA us and larva timbers item an old arm rte BOX REPLIES while every endaevor will be mudo to torwrrd replies to her number lorthe advertiser court as possible vie Ieeept no liability in respect at has or lemon uttered to art through either illbare or delay Ill lob warding such repUes however caused whether by argttgmce utothcruue 3515 l3 Auction Sales AUCTION SALli SATURDAY MAY 15 Jam liLliiOiiO SCllDUi till line at Eton Stem TV rolrigcrator stove lrectcr bedroom suites all and years old lult it ill charrl eyI piper Jilit IlIt rguetluaecr maul nee null Mt rent is male ety rim eItL vrar CIM wt tt luv TRY kLYAiliNlJll want not its Dlyttoe Ior All le mu tr pirated to Mk mm trot Linda has stirred ailit rm literals thrill to tail tut lot appointment Myra It eaverrlserr lo Mr advertisement ltltlllod turr mutton In order our raw tartar Ill Ill OF mural ter the tetrawlra IIIIHMI with article All rip IA Windmill IMYIEUTMAVDEUIA Ii your turn and ltlnlel we Ii um TMUP mellowrm la Mlaimld DOC10 rrl TillltoeIIHM etrnl are warren beet tutor lee It it our uthllleM usunutm are Iewim rvl erurrm rertrrwrate Male lthoollr harsltelt iItIlI Aol earlier tar Iron immllii Ital steel lee ryery Wsdreldly an erasure repeal maleu rte numbers welcome mm II NDIIII boat INM MY Mill will0 MUAYIL Iltl Illa wrrtrr unmatrrrty we ll erry wanna ruined rattler terrier or mail olrvat row ll mm on have rler lptewlywandvlrriti ylrgtlrrlimnul it MAEIitpliIr WWI tell tlrldenia vow MY butane ter Iate more IIMnIlIe one will ruin motorway inure hith or Tissue lava Rivvtlrajlttbllvg III 1ltl Iareas en It more eunumr blc oats lite and rev load llhdiitoo rrteanm no error ammo rates aura rmrrLiirriiirmnrAri Linirioiii eleavsntnor Mutt wll Ltte trvlrr sur er IIlrlrIilliIA Myll auroralt nllbovtlmetatl lmelrg boys rtarer wales lltr IIIRRimiL tuturally revue llilcl

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