Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 May 1971, p. 1

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Residents Flee LeakingArrtmonia AW kahiag hunt satiny Inna lriday night It spread through the town sanding residents into the tract will IM lornlllol All but out bl lhl Iara soon ra ieared tram tat Sgt duel lionipatit oi the illlam police said the an ardent occttrnd absn liquid am rttooll being transiamd imder tar From Tank Car OnLll Nth strum horn lherall rar Ilwluvnlgauaauaaeua mm Ian valve the EDT It us not closed iraiil 130am today Wide lira and civil detour summonm not need lobe to to wrest Itraamad rpm the houses vomiting coming MM and gasping tut any mull II short 55 nIBea cast ol ObiIII on the Canada Highway Ammonia rorurnon cons mercial chemical odorless but with ptnigert odor reminiscent mortar no as under hish armors Lewis Calls PM Most Reactionary TORONTO CPI David lull lodrral leader oi Lira New Democratic Party said Friday Piarre Trudeau has be come one at the most rracUara Iry prime ministers In Cart adas history Addrualng about no dcie gates at the mi annual aI tionai policy conierrnce oi the Unitrd Reel Workers at Amer Iu air teats rrlliclud the prior minister tor mating Vcry widespread antilabor at lltude land Vllid the letters government III sweating in matingt is behave labor was his in talltin and unesmlnymeot In Canada The aoiugar oi toes is turn Iug Isthmus ol the most ralo tionary uprirnI ruiolxtlsr this use or our OISIIoiiavi ST JEAN VIANTIEIY Que CPI Thls tiny village borne to 130 persons trait nights tiller landslide was but abandoned early tod Only bandui oi resldarita protinclsi police and civil pro icotlon birlcials remained In case oi further earib disturban cca such as the one which open cd yaaning chasm It the edge loan with darn it home and st residents Only iour bodies have been recovered and tho other 11 persons are pros umad dead liy late Friday evening most persons had been avacnsltd to nearby communities where railei centres uoro set up to diatrib uta iood Ind clothes Other Iounioik nero staying BM armor unemployment that cost the led erai traasiny between It and Au billion each year to lost raveotta ludges Reverse Protest Charges WASHINGTON IAPI Dis trict at Columbia badges coo hauled with the largest number oI small In singleday In the nos as during the weeks IoUrvarWIod anilpovarty demonstrations Superior Court Jung Cbarlaa iialleek hiday dropped Mod nitride hdsparbwlui Ihtutloa Indrivelt ey Tragedy with friends in such naarby commiasliies as Sblpabatv and St Jean aides no the Sagueu ny Rilel not tar Irom Oilcoir tritl iii miles north at Quebec Soviets launch ll Satellites MOSCOW iReutrr The So vici Union has launched right earth satellites in Its Colman space research programIii Irom the same carrier rocket Taas news agauay reported today The launching Friday was the rccoitd in orbit eight satellite at tbosauia lime CAPSULE NEWS limliushes Mar llsian Ceaselire SAIGON AP Comitulnlstlcd iorcea sprang tun Imbusbas on northern allird troops today during tho that burns oi unliaiarai container in South Vietnam ior Buddhas birthday The United States and two South Vietnamese soldiers uara killed and thrao Americans and live South Vietnamese were wounded Blacks May Become Rhodes Scholars WUD mlld MP Iliad South Airlcaas soon will have chance to become lihodas scholars Trustees oi the worlds most prlrcd university scholarships have decided to rewrite tha Ierrns oi nino South Atricau Irhniarsiiips to broaden thy but at rUglbiiiiy Communities Siripped 0i Autonomy awn lCil itia centralization pollcl ol the oatrid go am meat has torrrdlocai gnyerumanis to live in vacuum lion leader Robert Nixon said today lie told the Ontario Municipal Association town and ultra section the policy has ltrlpped local governments or their powrr and autonomy Protessor Charged In Stabbing Death TORONTO iCtl young prolassor oi poiilcnl science at the University oi Turonlos Erinrialo College was allaigcd Friday night with noncspitai murder In the stabbing death oi otyuoold Virginia woman lliciiaal John Landauor as you Irme In triapariure louags at TbronIo international Airport three or Inor hours Iiirr Alire lllengen iloth was subbed with hunting tniie hi Toronto home Mail Program Making Progress OTTAWA tcri Striped red white and blue boxes are winging up on street corners across Canada as the poet oIIieaa Lisurrd ntail delivery program expands post oiiiee spokesman in Fdly the program is making excellent progress and almost no tutiurrsrcn problems ierit arisen Ulster Soldiers Injured By Mine the Ulstar Dolmco IiiUAST itinitarl Tao members oi Regiment Northern iraiands volunteer army were early today shah their band Rotor was damaged by tin can salon aaar third mon in tho Land Rover sullech minor Tho two Injured men were tulea to boepital but re believed no to be sarioiu $153 Lii3 is 353 $3 iraxmczswah aye CUTIE BD hcbirbart says he smut need the stretcher but Charlie Tierney brought it alongiotbismorolugs start the titles Ior ltiillons ik atheist lilies ion Itliiilous organisers may see ihdr hopes for 25m waiters Iuiiliiad urban registrI lions Ire tallied tor todays mils wailthou when registration opened It am at tho harrie armoury the line oi waiters waitingto sign In strtirhcd to Door St at the north ride at Queens Park littecn nurtures later with bun drcds oi trailers away the line had scarcely shortened Todays waiters In Isiriy conservative group Colorful cos tumes tiara scarce la mort wai tars chose sensible clothing to sun the march Inside the arm where waiters stars being registered at to desks Iha arena was soi ld mass or pacpla hostility shoutin and elbowing their way Iothe statobosigoedinand seal on their way One or the early starters was David Jackson student at steel street schoolsetting out on the walk In his uheeicbnlr tie and his crew oi Larry Lewis and Thrry Slaiou are condent theyll Iiaish tho ioiuncy as they did last loll when they They led shat could he the largest turnout at utters star on the nite taunt BOVE thorn lailt Jerk WalL Iia llr Tierneys trainer DarianInI Oriole taizh AN helped to raise money lor the second he surlace There were oliialal opening ceremonies but they treat IIA Iltost unnotch hy the thousands or wahersarsoslly young people who were eager to getaway Iiayor Les Owh and lieuten Ia Ooluotl Andrews at here hurdchicd thaoiliciaisend oil with police chiaI lid Tachln hart hurls Tierney oi cm and Willard ltinsie bir Titrncy waning hid die duddle sweat shirt mired with stretcher bearing the sign resarrcd tor the chiei tolerance to the friendly rivalry he and Mr Tachirbsrt have built over past few days ilIiera do you until your Ilnthrrs Boy ruitI will BUELS lAPl West Gcartitu and Promo tiltth chlolsdlsagmd today over methods In sulao the Intrrnn tloaal monetary crisis set all by the ood oi Unliad Slates dob Iars intu lhiropc liar Schiller West German economics minister or ost that tho air Comiitou initot summits bo silosrd to Ilsat that Is is ilod their butt letoiin terms oltho US dollar on siurid market based on sup Ind demlad it said the po od oi iloatlnl should be limited But Valery Gianard dEtlllag tbs Trench linantn minister and Andreas she did cooling rni at about too stellar Irom Ease Borden QIII Thdlih hart All Mry thllltl Kinsle him In bola Don hell the chiefs trainer and chairman oi the emergency Couunori hinrkc matting sai concerted lloat oi all Oorotiioa llarhat currencies was not plausible The cnicrgcucy session use sailed in an eliorl to dam the tiood oi US dollars into human ri ahlrh threatens to stock the beginnings oi lcst European unity tlrrreocy rules in relation to US ddlars ara currently rat by sach Common Marlo member maslry Schiller told reporters as he anivad that the ministers wool sack solutions in thiropcsn aslk chairman Weuly Hicks uIlb lilies Ior Millions ling Irme mailers lam tho armory as they register at to data insaminer lion Ad and spirit lie rotors lollinit supply and demand set the lotus oi West European currancns Giscard dmiaing said We must be aware that us are dis cussing the enact and not the cause or the problem What Is lundanirtitrtl is that the dccb siorts talra not only respect tho treaties rolling It the Cutiimon Martel but also the spirit oi economic and monetary unity the basis Ior what we laid three months ago Franco and Holy are against floating ctrrrettcles But It tiia Was Carinatis do old to Iloat they probably will be Iolned by The Nathtrlands hiareb Judge marge hoidt lltlilLTDN tCPI Premier William Dally said Friday both his aura garment and broad casters bate tailed hill to In turn the yoqu on the sheer magnitude and Impact oi mod rrra government lir Davin spelling to the In nusi controlled or the Radio and Triathlon News Directors or Central Canada Invitcd the broadcasters to loin Ilth him In taking on hard not at the way news is picsde on the limits There Is clear islet41o pendency bare air Davis raid the too delegates But his got erurrianl bad no desire to or trot or Inuence the content and style oi nests and mu aI lain programming Neither or us can be said to have hillllled our obligations to the trusts we hold it the public at large Is not Iirli ininrmed Bail For Girl Wont Be Less SEATTLE AP motion by lawyers or italic Daron to reduce bar Home hsil was de nied Ior third that Why Is the cheraigrand jury heron vhleh she has been lentil about all the actlri as at gun mics in Wednesday lawyers alsa aroonn hero mountain 01 as primal Iiiws In the WI at US Grotto the US district coral said he Gui consider the motion early has Minister WASHINGTON iAP Rev Cari liciniira stagu his third windhewar march in the United States capital today with plea that Prsldent Nixon wi be listening to us just like Two 0t Quads identical Twins DALLAS Tax AP Doc tors say two oi the quadruplets born isst Itan to hit and lira lliiord James Ward are identi cal twins an occurrence so rare authorities say it is ImpuoSIbIe to determine the odds Iiirs Ward gavo birth In tun buys and two girls iiay She and bar husband are awaiting pallioiugists report on which the tour are twins Deitiurisis Pit TORONTO CPI public relations specialist him by group at Ontario denial techni cians is preaching rerniuiion against the prorlnces dentists Gordon III Smith said In In Intertiew hiday that there is Lost In Bush Boyslound Sale Ll RONGD Suit CPI llirce young boys lost in douse bush tor two days Iere Iouad Friday night as thay sicpt near Bigstone Uta about two miles isom home iicittor lioIiriuie his ltlb yrorrdsi brother Bruce and lien nia Bird clad In light clo thing acre iouod by Joe Sell native guide irorn La Italian 155 miirs north at Prince Albert Ahrr examination at hospital doctors Iound the boys to be in good health suiicring only tow mosquito bitas earl slidil coughs Since they wandered Irons their home on the outskirts oi the town Wednesday ailernoon they had duii no iraIar but did all will berries and some lists and potatoes they inund in Lyn abandoned teal mWhUe debate mnwnL the complicated ones as well Is the drnpia once Can Ia realty honestly say that the public today Is as tall Inlormed as it should he think the honest annrr to that must be In That aasvrr pill challenge Ior both or us llr Davis said bullshitstyle cladrooic Iotuuallsm doesnt sent the vast and aornpUcated appsrahts that Ls the ranlily oI modern government Broadcasters could not get Iiirn Iootage oi tan or late gorth raguiauoa hat by the same token is not it aotttctltrtu taking the easynyoultolallbaclontba endless political debates that characterise our system The premier explained later in an tolerate that his remarks also not intended to hediramd at the printed media Too many people are eating ions about the syalrms at man Inimnation he said but this did not mean that freedom oltbepmssrasbriuglhrub card no Iondercd abethar broad cast tacholnucs Ian being as piorod with adequate seal and quite Iranhly adequate II raptor Also VII the Iech alone at mintlug on tho styles personalities and appear Incas or individuals not some mlire Aidan thes waaat pare In Old manner In which pollr gays air Davis said he tell you tier abalhcrtbapreseolmriht ods do not permit the great machine or government to sells its merry stay nooteuvad yes IIIecting lhelirea pins ii Stages Victory March he listened to the hippies Thousands were coming by bus and private autos to wire In line tor parade up Perm syirania Avanue to pm nor round oi speccnmaldnn It the Washington iilnaunieuL liost at them planned to raturu home without an overnight stay iiriotira backed array Iiom predicting turnout be his Pa triots hiarnb Ior Victory but said prospects are good the number sill exceed the big April at antiwar march which drew poiicerstimaied crowd at 115000 in unrmup Ior todays areal about an loiloytors gath ernd with hirlntlre the Cnph toi lot or minutes at singing and praying mday night Ono oi the sirmrmber Sal tionaiis Chinese delegation said prayer In his native tongue Man Urges Revolution Against Dentists no law against lhc tiolaat oter throw at deaiLsIry The war botsten deuilsll and iachhlciaru concerns section or the Ontario Dentistry Art abich says danla taohairiaaa cuu male raise teeth only on dentistr prescription and can not sell than directly to the public investigators Irqu the wlirgo and the provincial police raided lhrco denial laboralultrs In To Nllth asriirr this arch and acircd records and Iiins it thus uhose promises trarc raide are diargcd and coariciod oi iitegal practice each all see line at betseeu too and still The livomonlhold Draiurtst Social oi Ontariorhas asked Ontario Health Minister an Lawran ior anide ments to the act permitting deh lsl technicians to dual directLy with the public Such laws exist in liuulloha Alberta and Brite iin Columbia its Smith author ott Vitamch la dividing his time bellman Ontario and Nora So its Irhe similar struggle is no be atom wee Royal college oi Dental to name

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