and married tr euro tall In to tried two yearn at month and tr darn Total one the Blahwar police village will pay local rate oi all nalll to nominally mice on their Ill ta blIla pap This will apply to both can medal and raidential ratepay ratnrnliiawillbvlheraia tor Orr me garbage collection areaandlbmiiiainrtboiliiln dale water errieod area The letter it two rariiis lea than the charge tor community water aer riee at Warminatn Improvement made to alreet or tiagandotherltemalncrran the liliiedala local rate The kledonte toensz rate will be mill to leildera tlal and terms down irom id ea rnIlI iart year in tin the at rate was IL mills Mayg wcuu Thatownrhlpraleinriudc era trip have been Intel to attend my rrrllLt lor aeccralary rhooie Tl the coming blay meeting In truth midi WWW tor elementer wt alter Cottit pmldenl th iliSiiilCi BRIEFS norm SEWER rllhlllli ation diploma all be preservi WOUJ tstalllTeo ed at an awards luncheon to be der lo the Inetailation ol atom tielrdl rower THE BEST AMERICAN IilE SEEN THIS YEAR ltfih mull Irina it according to notice IT lo hm hm received the Ontario agricul nunamen Emil tow Coiilogwood with lion dayI Tiay to the deadline tor tor and loud oltieo hcre ACHIEVEMENT DAY roam plAe god damn bide Tender lorrns STAYNER l5iaitt Achieve irar item lam Arno he eonmcil which la to hold it on meeting at ilounioo on That day llay tr PLAN IT TO STAYNER IStaitt Tenta tive date to bra trip to lib ehener to Zion Jubilee Wootenl lnrtliute ha been set in day blay when an torped do at the open air rnaaet is planned Tboae contemplating the at him trialled til new war titled in no eidenta Se in daanagel Aihrtonuneiand Ger lanaway Ooout Dullldilhlewnp Irnoa iicQuarrie Beaten loveatireted and Welshman County uottnu mu aided 0rd and llotetaln Aeaoclalion tirian Gerry Nelaoo dtaoua the merit oi arr more Research Act 1Eiiective OrrMay OniariaapwiAnIrnaialorlie ing eatebiirhment or iron touch an will come an ab pom numaaoam WMWMMII Uraieribaprorlaiooeolthia trtrattonandtaapectiooot Lthmwm madaiaeiiltle adder pro WWW In slew aocralary the committee will conatder the beginning at ewaga lyn tam in area with motor need ol such iaciiiiiel rxltnon Whitmanth beenprvva ga ga an we sated to aubrnit rough eetlmate ts babI cost oi aawaga lnaia atlona in late landu Aieona Bell Ewart and rainy areas with poaaibltillea olcnnneclin up other area Iata or The mate wul be pro mud to the committee in the vailabie Iran the cities at the clerk II it Romuth FREE FOR ACTION PENETANG Istaii Town council has arked the Ontario ubnrittll plan pcrlilcation are mmdlrzuw Intent day or oil iiomcmaklng loud water cage or pen aiae new and care are all regulat edlortbebealtbandconrtortot anlrnal in month Iaeililiee clubs at the area planned at Stayner Collegiate audrtorlurn on Saturday llay newww ad In in at ion no Oriilia eon the retro are up much can race to an attract teel truly pry can to the at mettle to and lay may they do recon retools aclcnce re uoiveratier mentally lo it It iii rerearth eel ties re arrested and oldelei loapoetiou will begin on my The tnapee lion will be conducted by vet erirrariana oi the veterinary ren vtee branch Ontario depart meat or lion and load lander the tion oi Dr Ron apd Urquhart DVll ME COM hlE Thlelatbellratdnwtbattg idaiion has required the ea iixbrncnl pi an animal car com rnlliee in reeearcb iaettitiu One member at each ouch committee laurel be veterinarian The en care committee reapoo to the department agrt culture and cod tor the care pyrith in all arperirrterItal and teaching proceduree The care one at all vertebrate ani ile reguieted tiernentary and commercial leat laboratortee must aubacrlba to the bet and it regrrlattonr loa antrnair tor revearcir eel will aIIoctiaeiy atop poi alerting dogoa mean ot vaidlng male tor rcaearch arcelnrth animal can be ac Quirod only irom licenced breed Himvaio To Host Centre Slmcoo Wi ElddVALE Staill Anna nrarria are proceeding her or the district annual ntddiih or Contra Slmcoe Woman asti later which to be held at St linltpd church here on ur av hey Matt chooen the Ibcrrw ta Women In the Oilhliill World enroll and tabliabad reader the av utatiene To more compliance the will to inepeclcd by member oi the atoll at Veto erlnarr aervieca branch All Impounded dog and cats mom will be protected rnirrl threeday redsegrsihrn period in addition to er and boil daynTbiaistballrattithhal all Ontario ponde have been bound by euch minimum it they with the may ullhiiaia redemption ad that aceton ger than the threoday minimum The poundkecpcr required un der thia Act to try to locate the owner ol any Impounded an imal that wear tag identi tlcalion collar or tattoo Needing ealabtlahrnaal or pounda The atandard oi urgicai and poet operative care is alao da with to abort the purpoaa pl thia iegiaietion to roiect the writer at all enirna whether in pwndl breediuf eaiabiiah meal or research cllltles to ya the owner ol animal new and additional time and protec lion to reclaim animal that have been unfounded and to ensure that auti cicnt animal are avail able ior ueceseary research and teaching purposer The regulation all be enlorc ed additional veterinarian and newton aaaigned in the Veterinary eervica branch Research Centre Director OliAWA Dr hie Donald lshed oi the cereal diseases aectlun ol the Canada elation at bozo dam agriculture research Wlnalpcl blen be ad elation director It auceced Dr New nah no utletant director gen eral tenordinannt oi the re earcb branch at Ottawa The Winnipeg roeearch elation is Canadas maior cereal grains reacarch centre and be earned worldwide reputann tor out standing cereal oral breadol and not dlrcaee much The nation alao baa mater rcapon bility to research on insecta writes and mold that attack tored cereal and cereal pr Change meni pro ct Till in coop eration til the Faculty at Ag riclliiurb Univeraity ot lttanitohe which under eonlraot with the Canadian international Develop ment Money to provide plant breeder pathologlrt and agron omlrte da op whcal varle tlu to Kenya and to train real denlr who will eventually be able to lake over the procram PUILICLY PROVIDE dlcbootagpereeototthlecb In your Humid col droole univerel lean to hrltaia attend tactlItIaa which are publicly provided or od milled near nature it the work to be Maill the committee tape to get at hel tramthaprorinclaiandied era goreromeotn CENTENNIAL PARK blembcnhip oi the centennial park comrrrlltc will Include the park icunder II the uggcrtton oi Rm Burton ix aecepted lhat loo Cochran replace iiob Ema who he arlrd to he to Bond Haven Cow Wins Certicate BOND HEAD lSIIill 0wn ed by Cerrwell ol bond lIaven larnrs near here purr bred liolateln cow named Bran listen Centurion btrrhh ha been awarded gold real pro duction ecrti the itch atoInlrieaian AsrocII on ol Can Ida in to lactations the tsyran oId cow produced rarer pound oi milk containing 1131 rand or ill with an average eat at all per cent butteriat In her latest lactation in its day aha roduced midi pound contain hg rte pound or let with an average tcat ol roe per cent butteriat The record he breed clan average oi in per cent tor milk and rat per cent tor let Iouralar brood cow 0collab too clauled excellent tor body coniorntation and be one It excellent and two very good In ciasaliled daulhtera along with one excellent and on very good eon dEA UNICORN get rot i2 llirr ll Foyaion oi lilnaatag the dieirici preeldent New Flo branch will be in charge at arrangements tor the dinner lor the membera ff HOW ABOUT MOVIE TONIGHT STARTS TOMORROW PM PM The ion apirai lost at the anal part at be given the ent in mat the alternate name at rea unicorn ucta Dr bchorraid whore appoint nrentbeconru aiioclive thi gum RdT INTRODUCED mer now eat Africa pan lloiatain eattia were first in the Kenya dava op troducolt Into Canada in rear so can rd strvntli oravoo ENDED UP WITH DADDY ft Malina Saturday at r5 Tonight Adult Latertainnreat dd ounde at to THE GENETRATRTN GAPI STARTS TOMORROW 50X OFFICE OPENS PM ctertcrrrrarurttnorrtav Hntwgrhgf mm are tor rodmidihllidliliimol 10 Tim and narrowermomma orthonormal unnnaongynngpournnlsm Ill STARTING TOMORROW Tl DliiV WILL BE OPEN EVERY NIGHT Ail Poaeea avlouei larued For the will not be valid at Ma li1lTPiooaeyuaeon aaain uromee i5 ii department at hghwey to take the necessary action in oven come lraiiic haaard at ahxrp corner at the town lirnita on Highway 21 MUSICAL COMEDY ALLISION stall rnrtn icai comedy entitled The Fan luticka will be presented by atudente oi Banting atamorlai tligh School Operetta club on Thureday Friday and Saturdry eveninas atay and YOUNG VANDAL ORILLIA lSiaIii iiiachiev nu Juvenile have been blamed tor picking up garbage pails in Victoria Park vicinity and then abandoning them alter dram lag the content In the par AWAIDI LUNCITEON EthYAie ISidlil Oradro EMBASSY HALL WILAKE ll liARiiiE ONT dAIiRIES FINEST DANCE FLOOR Dancea Maetlng Dlaplaya Wadding Rental Brunei permit availabla Lug or Small Groups Banquaia For Iniormation 71H Tantra the bank where people make thodlif COMPLETE snow or are era Hilliii re nurtror arw BARRIE our COMING FOR ONE DAY SUNDAY MAY i108 DoMn