roman Olin Iiorcir 19 Held Investigation VFE EE 0V ti comp thehextrt in con tretollcontont Itr tietno wu rolerrtng to the rooent MM ioIn pror tch hrthe prortnciei govern mhl to OCldild Ind Stewlrt itoweverhe told the iOLIl continuum on boot pubtteh in OntIrio letter to control ton eiroliod eoheidierice ln CenIdI would mutt in the dir the romance ol independent CI nIdIIn puhIiIhere tlo Inected thIl Ichoo hoerdrhotnrerdtobuyoitoth per cent It their terthoete tron commended lirrhr htr itetnA whorutnled eechIln nun ot the United Church ot Centdee divieion oi communi enttou when the church told mum true to United Stolen ttrln cold the educntlonnl held to tho huhbnne ol the CI nldlen boot inourtry in hriet oIrller Wednudly tile Cindi hoot Nbiirilm Council urged the intent or emnwnt to Itrive to here In edn Irchrded iron the rnnnutec luring elem ot the United Stetee Copyright Act Under provielonnolthecierm no more thenrmo eoplee at book written by In Amorlenn citlren hut annotIcturcd not ride the tie on be imported on tho either Workerr who weitcd all the bet htrnrtlehiDenmen Gen It Lid te liIrriI round or Iih Ibotti in tent oi the lento mu Tiwrrnrley trilm NONI 11AM tin cienr In the Item the rerlrei ot economic growth le onerterollmendltee rIteol lhhu monument lhteycer ytn IttonIletrodIrdehut VC Prepared To Hold Pete runs to rn vtn contr loeein minirter to today Oomnntntet commlnd lnrceein Viotnrrne Irepro pered to no tiring on Ameri cIn Iotdiere who do not under tehe Iny hoettie Ictton Ireinrl en The ItIiornInl oi hire Nguyen thl Binh It the Perl peeco tell our tIhen to main Out the Viet Cong night he wilth in Iceopt In unoondltlon oeIIeiire with Americnn torcee in South vulnm the rernerh Ippeerrd unob ttrloiroly in prrcxmd rpoech tire nlnh dellve It the tllth notion ol the turn Both ttInot Ind the Viet pong hIre hitherto lnrerlebiy re tooled ell Anoden eeueltre Ere uir unlere the United in re tint not dole torrtbo totetwlthdrmt ot itl tom irom South Vietnem lire tilnh indicetcd indirectly thIt the Communiot Ittltlide my hero chnrtled intestine tthte pupoy love Juel Iprelnde toe dog tiioenn WORKERS Olii plent thin morning About one worterr weltod out in whet muuecmont orliod In liter Ilworhrtoppege ihertrthu uu pm no mo ilvornbio Imprurion oi the unricrtyinl trende in the economy the hind oi crorton oi prolite Ind cohtllttioo in tune Incoull which wornrod tent yeIr no whitit Itou with the rice in the Incan vetur oi the InIdiIn doiier rent mater element in tho hnprored price rlorm error in Iomethtng whic cennot Mild to continue er need more underground terte to dorciop nuroiofcrlml io ireeze iiirport Site mAwmhmm Backlash Mounts government he noted the On To War hole into government to troeu one or tour potentlri Illee toe rimmedrote lnpl gnu wer protetlnre nerd rLring crit throntoe new internrtlunet Ilr ichrn lronr Couperoe Ind In port to Ittoor tor public item Iio curling rceponee to thotr inc tleeh police todIy Ir they con ttnu etlorte to inrce the gov ernment to end the Machine wer Ind inetituto relorme et home Domonotrntorr pinned to block entrnnrer It the deport encnt oi henith educnllon wciinro todIy dcrpltn the Ir rertr oi 22 during protects It the Selective Service the inter nal lielenue Service end the Contrel Intelligence Agency Wodoeeory Moot oi thooo Irrerte cemo It Selective Service herd unrierr when protcetcrr into In rant oi enirnneee Ind totlt employee to old over their Wi icI pert blinltter Don anlceon Ield Weilde he hII propoeed thet into or It on eprcillc rite ho lroecn by Quoenr Put to permit public hearings no procedure to the intent method devtuwi by the govern ment to enable public pnrtlctpe lion in the choice oi modelpori the while preventinr II Ipeo uletion medium we retard in the More by hiuvln ilowe IPO tiielhrr Mic Nlcrtn We tIrlool not when the con lueion when the rite at tho Iir port would be cioroii up thinned hr nunsnnn tneorotoyeoeimeonoeinno uminnyuemeluoue company president ll hie meme Fact Not Speeches Substance Oi Provinces Govt Bourassa eonomo CPI Alter criticel yeer II bend at the ehre government Premier to getberlng ct DI tm doe leIoe at trying to pro inti wit min rennet Irde 1mg citlnrne pewtere to ermine eeld he the oil epceter It the dinner which eIeh your in by ieIdtnl public We ilu epeoch III on the eve ol the hi hi Quebec Home bettiII dispel here little intth let him court me Me room Premier Wtitllrn Devte nl Onterior with whom Mr hourIII eonierred enrtter Wedneedny wee ml gueetr hire BoaneII wee goel lind Evidence Volatile Liquid in Fire iiuins THUNDER BAY it Evi dence at Itrong roneontrrtloo ot llnmrnnhie tlould he been iound in the wrcehngo ol hoqu in which tour perronr burned to dentin police IIhi WedncIdIv Police Chiet Onnl tienty cold the tire which tilled the wile ot Fdweret ham Ind three el his children to being treated care ot multiple murder tic Boyce who rurvived tho hiero Ilon with three other children ted nelchbor chortly Iitcr Irprinl the burning throootorey brick home Someone thruw llreoonrbno oilo cert tell the otherwise Killed were his wile lronc so none Fnlricir 11 Int Kelly end deughler inure rIcirI twin brother tulle eur rlvrd lion with llnrshnh it end Normnn lo hlr Boyce ictt hoepltnl brlctiy tllerdey in wheelchelr to et tend iuncrnl Irrvlcrr tor hLI wile and three children tilt loge Ind icct were lwttlhtil in beninrct Chlot ilenty who declined to identity thoti uld discovered in tho houte uh detectives were eonlinulrll to ucetlon number it at percent in mean here been mede thinly terrible token lrom the chemo interior ol the house were pooled tn glue 1an Ind to Ontarior iorrnsie leboretorlcr lnvertlgotorI now here Ilrnlllennt ruui trom the tint tbrre teete PREllilM novnnonn ttcitt oi Quebec Ind Devlr ol Onlrrlo chIt Itter meeting In Toronto Wrdnecdey night Ihoutd be given enough teeny Itlelre Ind communications unrtcr the wnrtltutlnn oi tenede must be undertIhon he said to dcvrinp 1rueideotily ot itr tie tell tht CInIdiInI Ihould own not comider Weber in be Obviously reerrencrnrent prohiun but became nl itr oi oi the couliiuiiori power in Unelneen lrtior the would Iurh mItten or culture IodII contribute to button identity her It the dinner htr Dnrie III heed not gucri Photo It reception preceding the Cnnndlnn Freer Innuti dinner iiir Bournrre wnr guest gprn Civil Service Arbitrator Will Ignore Guideline ronomo li Orltutiur chict nrbltrnior on tlril rervlco wager Inid ledneuioy he will ignore the iimpcrecnt grille no Innounceel by tho prorrnelui uvernnrrnt hintwioy Judge in Anderson choir mnn oi the Civil Service Arbi trItion tionnt IiIo Ieid he would not be twrrul by lhiruls oi rtrlhco mode chinewdny by tho Civil Service Auocletion oi Ontnrio The bonrd nl directore ot the CSAO held it to preparing lot worklonelo cemprllen or ro tntlnp rtrilrc or both to protect tho golernment guillotine Ili pmenlrd by lrorlnerni Tttiih urer Dercy licllroughl ilowever ilntond Scull the gnvcrnnlcntl chiei nc oilnlor with the CSAI Ieid Wet nosduy the tilt 3A0 wrr blotting on the rtrihn thrrnt enti thut pur rrnrnent worterr Ire Inttrliod dont think the IeIcclItlnn Dnlgged Chinese tinder Guard litter Seized lit Paris iiirport PARIS iAli Renoir police held drugged Chine under guard teddy wnltlng to heee his Itory Iltor taking him Iwa irom oltielnlo ol the thineen embusy who were trying in put hint on pinno tor Shnnghni Chlnere diplomntr who lou with It rt police Wodn er in ran Ittcmnt to get the men but Iteurrel the Frth oi tidnnpplnl him Ind laid they would purIuI the nutter throum dlpiormtlo chewing 1he drugged run Chung hen me under guru in the mulmum recurtty word at hurpltrt neur tho Putin puitro heudquertere iriwn hoI beet to nurnrei hell botren to decide it he wIntItu It in thence to re turn home or to co to nny other purse ol his choice In oilieer re The incident poud deiicnto prohith tor the French govern ment which but good relations with Petting long betore this monthe plotpong thew Wu Ami Mn er llclitthi roun ceiior Iltnrhod to tho thlnuu embueg in Alglcro it were re ported oreccntiy mndoconteci with the French onlbeer there tactile oiliclb ho wou utry II proud roug tnrlr en route in thine iihnng wnr urrlnlconeeloue end misled by several thlnm when be united It Ori Airport tlcdncrdny to into Iiilrieni Iiriner to hoenrhai um Aewu ernrnrnt like everyone ride concerned by Inlldllull end the high rate ol inner they wont to hurt thian in proportion to lodge end in ieilcpbono stunt no directive to nrbilrue himd rm to didnt In to inuence or CAPS LE NEWS High School Teachers Begin GoSiow KIRKLAND LAKE lCltSewoeulury Iebewil lrarhcre ni Kiri lnnd Loin olicgtule unit toealivnnl institute how Ilurteti wurh toruio cotupulgn they my the will ronlinuc lhnrughout thel littl rchoot ycor unless eonlruct settlement Le reuched bolure hluy Should Give Birth Control Devices TORONTO CPIA loyenroid girl told the board oi edueulion In tho betrough Etobicotrn Wrdncutny night it rhuuid ruuply birth control in ten to Ili Itudenln nn dcmorwll One hundred litil twentytire women dropped out oi Metro school In tho inrt elx months oi lVlo bccnuro ol preunnney enld Down Allunu Grade ll eludent Mobile Llouor Store is Planned will get too much reaction in fiihLbiliK thorn ilrl Scott said NOT DiliiltTltt Jtnlcc Andorran mill the guideline had been nriru ll was or TORONTO lCtttlle liquor Control Board ol Ontario bum to Initiate nn experiment in mobile liquor Item next month Abrn ccncrnl mnuneer ol the ttiO IIJd toiluyl ilrr lthru Inid ono treller has been constructed but not yet titled with the epocinl equipment It will new it in honed III will he louni tor the trailer In time tor It to opentur burirwwr next month Overnoouiaiion Means Change Needed ronolrro CPIThe thrent otlovcopooednllng the worldiI one irldltntiott that Ioeloty mutt churchem one oi three women with my In which rccommendolionr bl tho moicemmlrelon on tho Itntur oi women will get iirri Ittention lrorn ie moot Saskatchewan lint By Power Blackout REGLNA iCPltieerty Ill oi Sentetchowon wee without power today tome regions toe ne mil II Inltour ettcreJIilurein tho rvulh Sushotohownn Power Oorp crowe rcntomt poweriln iteglnn 15 minutes Ilter tho tniiurc nt no em Cthi Slutuloon however Mil no power lot nbout iii neinuice not irluce Iii on without power ncerly In hour inter IurwtomIWWMI