nglile Quantities Inst ROME TYPE WIRE Indoorcopperwlrina Pinstlcoovered in 1525 andSOioot coil 2wno pin ground 12 or lAgntlge Brnideovered in lSIootwll IZgguge only Due to huge quantities requlmdtorZGSCanndlnnTironoleuiilimmaynotbo IavaeblggtMQwahopeariyiorbutoeioctiool Big izards For indoor installa tion except banal and ceiling outlet DOXCII NH Lllnllo Snitch Box line 299 Donbloblnde 2Inse box 369 2SeU$uppon Bakelite Box 45 Switch Don Tor Romero Rx or loom Cable with knockouts 39 With clamps to hold cable46 Rome SmidrRooppt R0x49 LSIlalIOW SnitchOutlet Box minus connectorsOormaso ppgppmmi enormcfsiunwumooxnr IOISUthI Memory Toggle Wm nannnlnngnsnotln SAFETYAPPROVED OUTDOOR WIRING osvrces iwmllnnox ockouts 39 Mthllnllhlvontnobml 19BakeliteWnIlTogpleSwItch 4ShaIIOWOu ct 33 ItDimmerConnoI TongIoSwItclt 20 Vinyl Electric Tapeiix 144 in AMountingDuloroutlctboxwith 2UVll3mBmwWM Wiser lint Ven erprooi meta l2mitcentres437 I5Rokcrswllchsemiu5h SW 40 to box Gmunm sludtn basenndscreurIFor 9th chm Plate in mctal for in hmwnNonllumlnncdI iRbbltrTlPo2ll olanrpmxhcilh WWWWW 4nouudboxum J5 WithilluminatedhnndieII09 2PullCllninCeIIInngptnelelor 27 forReoeKtaclcundIidllllorc 23 DuPle pmpmlc L93 34b0 WIh 69 21W IO4Ronndilatewithswilch ihmgigmmnwma CeilingitexotesptllllithUuILUlnin39 mth Ml ti4DuplechceptnclcPlatel9 AsnonHvoryknof 59 229nmed5hnrcr0utlct hi9 WIND 1W 59 aplmmumtwd IZBManklIitoToggeliIthT 3wnyTouchellecontrolsupstairs 45IIIZIIICOUIICIUOK v77 26Wirc Duplex Iieerptuelee KnittlLightSotltei 179 Ivoryiiakciltoushtypel9 ordownmenorlvoryi99 23nltnite Control Dimmer Drownbakeli 37 33IIIIfTOlZgIOSIIIlCiI 239 3WnyIongIeSnitch54 I7Duni Wtiil Snitchwith two Snitdl2nny600nolp BBB Iloryhakclitc SingelolcSwiich LI Ion 24 Outlet Rteeplucle Box with FOR BARN or SHED WIRING Id gum mmmspnngi hioutureproolbultciltem WIRING and CONNECTORS Mhugcslmewlm 56 TitreelOgnuchryerWiresaJ 32 Flexible Almond Cubic two I4 go or IZgo wires Ii TiVx BumAmmo RomApe Colic 33 In Ultra lmwnbnnle SIMPLYDESIGNED lTAILOREDTYPESI so eOutielPInte anlnl Outlet Plate In blown betelitn Decoratorlvorylialtellta Single Snlteb Plate In bmwn beltellte Decorator Ivory Dateliiu Each styio available In it single or double switchpinto and in oduplex roceptncieSomoetylings available Donhin Snltell Plate 25 Fothopglcl Inbrnwn In IvoryIIaItrIlte Brown Nwlteh Plate 35 II Aletai Snitch Pinla an 09 tToule polhhed chrome 39 Satin Chlonul Satin Copper ELEGANT DECORATORSTYLINGS NhIWMZIIA wimli12tt I1 NMWMzniilmnmw or three or ourtopple swrtches NMWoIOIipnlirlLITOI Anliquheel time or Silver lton 3A For Indoor IIIriapexrtpt Dlnll Il 0NOIWIIinAhqultoGONtlINt Romcx5ry1gNh1072I2R III It Out Satin iIenllrh Antique White RomaStyle NhIDT III It PravlneltixAntiqueamstwhlleOold RomaStyle NMD7 214 25 275 Rtnlimutet Antique Bran elltct 35 Eieetroietior BXI Romex49 290OutlctBoxConncotorII26 360ntletitoxConntItor li Cilpontypctltomexsim9ylt 37 tinssrlclmnmon Mnrr Connector Mm Cornuctor It laIIIIall Bronzetone hunhoo maul MooaGlonl Dmxtonepenriy backing Snnoayl Brass Copper or silver tryte Conelvu White planie olden trim Tume White or Walnutstyle pilltrim COSII IIIIII Corry BONUS COUPONS Aim Ewe IITE BROWN IlARRlEI LTD in DUNLOP 51 nun mom 0PIN units lll till In llllnl or Inn PARKING EI