TELEVISION PROGRAMS Deal or moor tune you certain above double kid cert the doctor told me alter tome eveye that have thle have bed kidney one auaeka ant lnleeiien but never knew until we abort doable kidney althougwite that II am 77 but in thirty good hullEll Alter 71 rare that no the uteri gto uorry eboul ting beenborn lhla way doabio ttdrey te mt men men heel mole nmnuai thew metltlee than that art on record he men It tit ttdoeyt have been Ioun In one pereoot Double kidney can mean dil ttrut thinge ktte may have ten kidoeyt on one aide Ioaietd at one or yott may hate one kidney with double outlet emptying it lenled lbete hbnotreullllee may mutt In kidney troubtea but very oltrn the kidrteya tune lion normetly Evidently in your cote mt got along very net with your doable kidney Inr yearn About tour per rent oi palientt who require tray tludlee tor anntry troublre ere touted to here one type or an other ot double kidney Depending on the type or ab pnrmallly thereto there It tone tendency toward eurh eontptlcellont at lnIeetIen Ilene or Iaulty drainage avail you will neturetly want your dortor to keep watch over the attention out the tart that you tot along to well lot to tneny eere It at ieaet an Indiratlon that your eondltion teni ae revere Al glimtnlerod by tome other Dear Dr neeteeter conttn natty have etnua trouble In all tour teeeotta am dreilamen to am tree oi duel condition etc am Can you direct me atrmw lAtttlll allergy It cannon toe to clever trouide It lane only one by any were entree entree delorvoity tn the note rheonle lntedlenell theee ate rausea too Without knowing more your partlrtttar use certainly cant edvtee any parlirtttet type ol lreetmrrtt You mint alert with determining Ibal oi panel or einuairoubte you ate Once youve done thet your rhaneoe nt getting rrllet tied denly become pretty good but lit heeleuer Ia there my tI ltranre In the tart that the ttttarn ta dentednot alwaye but neculuneilyt Ihle hee extetrd Ior men yeare there it no peltt or bHedittg Am unlit It elill they be It tlcatti it ran be due to erlrl or In the urethral asuge or lot rerun ele whit it told to the mom hrane the taller la uauelly palntul and mocletrd with tome bleeding The eortdton but anything to net you In pante but it may well worth It to act urolo gut on the chance that you may avoid dlaeomlori later MIDHURST Iy hills NAsll tteceni vttltore at the home ol hit and tire hiottdel were Beverley tiIondet torn Graven hunt lie And titre liar bcr oI Stroud and Mr and tin llecket and larniiy ltorn Agineourl The Act packed two hotel lor the hate at Ira ttlondele lhla week Iteep May open tor meet ing at hlldhurtl Communin Crn EtiAlD TORONTO IUFFAIAI TORONTO ll HAMILTON PETE MORNING VllrWlNOt ll JoliMr Drum All Iumltlltl llteyerilh Mover ecwtet IVo Oiled trwemreuon lIFtigrtdty REDWOOD MONDAY T0 FltIDA eIenvley ltlltbtttlee twhetl My Lifll Home More Hintl vtood Atove n1 kliewm Yxhel Girl oote TUESDAY APRIL 27 EVENING ltl tuttame leltte Ii we kill rremuv are Dream JIIMil II III INel oi IIin Vette eAnov av urn eIen any eoone bsmttn reeue omn httrl new It rtoeet IMlllloh ImprIIIbiQ il Dream Oi item It Mllttttthttltee IIAdeIrI ettt turnover Walther awn env tteee tom tto tell no rune Ilewitthed IlDon mutt IMitil Aunt FNllhvll to at even lJohnny Ti dAlt Ill It tree toutr lien on toeo Tortola eltuth or tmeoovme eEnaur rune twee ttet The cutbeo tteeavroe weihy MD Hllllltlly Etta nature It mount 10 in pm tIttenov rtettnp 1an knetve Itl ta litelelrone twow Antul About re Men cotd oenneni ttlrtoevrev illght ato Mlnpleg weather lIDevld Fthel ttrtt liAb metreween ween team title tvteeootnt ihlle en ce ee AMatvvurltilnn lNivie luv wutt llPievve Iertrn enmity iUlldet Milli Kigali bl tlMovie WM Joey Iva My DAIItngl error tUnnenvy oi the Au lItlot tine ltret IvFeltlval llatlm ttte lInetnnt Athld tMannlndtedt Iltl IDltk Ivert at Law 1th tamllv ltiiltNEilIlAk AIiillr it AFTERNOON Mu My tNovte 74 the Eton ttravrn HIM tittl tcet rim tum tAI tiovt 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ttztillttirH II etrotn oe tumour llMtnll l2 tttewalt IVoun IINv Inuit ttlngttoern Jubilee lMln At Lew lEddtele 7le Ihewthttee the lelvllanl ltMovie lIy Love Poeteeeed tleMovte rtyam Autonet Itil teltNoe convention AYl lot true we IAmllli Femlty Zhiltir on Hwy eevt tettt HiltkVen nytt Weelhvv eVaratton eeneea IIWII Iret llrte it lilee weather loom eNm weather Doltl IIth evveerotwt llliA 11mm eetoo Heavy lltllttn Him lMovia lhe lltl Meetl lFiml Iuttnet tr Plerlt ill Mutt tltll Hitramble eeeovte ttra Level or rtvmevt IIMtvle llttrn Itmtl lrhool Nyll Mall met my Hlnlvertitv It be All illttl um In One liveo term Front tree eMovte IIItder rt verpeenret ltlk ltlkk mil ding Saturde In st Iindrewe one Interetled In education eor Oprttlhl leadlive oi lete eey youre In beetle end West lend epede when you toliow toe Itotn mule Beet taken the king and to bum eptde to your leek You lead the lack oI hearie won by East with the are end heck comet another epede aideh West netlt Went tetnrnt diamond Into your one atnre you rnttei Ime club trick eyentutily lhle It moat unhnt you tell youvtell but alter youve mulled SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS MOUNT ST lOUlS It All GAIN kin Baurtl visited with temiiy in Toronto on eeth her tamlly In Toronto on the weekend oI April It Mr and Otto Karl htiller al ienoerl the Home Show In Tor onto recently itr end litre lamea booklet and twine oi llarrin vttltod hire Terese Douglat Suede Vltlt Ingrid Praetey over teeel end were hit daughter and tom Inlay hte end tire George Ooucll and Iamlly ol lltornhttt tlr tttd tire tiawlor attended the IAulorBetbcr teed Churrh lit in tre all pro ol drmmlon on the probtente ot education today panel ta prepared to dtecuu my problem you hevc Every dIIlIy Invited to attend Smith entertained hla lamtty over Euler ttr end lire Don Dingtalend Iamliy mo Do you support ite About my log or being late m1 AOILOM Neat Anette hlll tribe tlenwerd retract hleti It Tempo ll soul rrel monkey no it lranee Wide open Culilnrttltt retort Wdl lleiora More the dtitltante City In New llevnpehtre Deernonie rhtllaked 10 Newlereoy rettnrt le wdot 11 New Guinea port llltij ltJlequrnIallo ttht er erevion 301rrrtttoleid iMlobblt tourro 211rovllng rtetlro Illormerty Ilrlildtletl Ivtotv Itttlehope henddrru 0Jnvotteehtp 21lnlpein Th Hey Exclude ht lpote It In the your tronIv k3 Polhouaa thtret Ill WHng eo to contrived el ctetnera partner ll LONOI One taller almply little to tend tor the three lie tor narrowneau tn enooevour on nutrientno Yaw kill or wetting timeor DllllY CROSSWORD unuulluul DAILYOttttquOTtilteree hove to work Ill It it epoatrophee the length end lormelton ol the protein are ntt htnte Etch day the code Itttrre are ultrerenl AOryplogeetoquelattoe nor on tree aruvewn on oootv Wot rem teneme not me no no more were llAth no rentrouter nntentv mrt uuruo llAtt mom liiAtflllttr Aimtil minimumnominee it In dummy II It ehllt and liter ym the oettrome It the lathe whetle er oa tottow low tenrrr durntny we on the queen Either wet therein or letter diamond louse early you wind up with no rtuh lotere and mete the eon tract tIr end lire Gereld Stephen tort elturtlrd tamtly gettn ether or the home ol their eon ary Stephenson Lvrrelt Sal urday April 10 In honor oI their tlih eeddine enrtlvereary Ed Sulllven end Fraw ey attended the Sunshine duh In Etmyaie Monday Weekend violtora with hire Theophtte King were htrl Anne Noe and IamIty Ibnaw tit and tire Pet ton Woodland Beech Devi try Angels htr end titre lion It King and Iamily IiIr tend hire Don Clerk and tarntly ere recent vie ttora ot hlr hire Sid Clark lira ItIIer baa accept tlrt Karl hlerr hu Irrepl rd fruition with the Toronto Dominon Bank in Elrnvaie Visiting with ltr end hire tnwlor on the weekend were ltra lttbllt Richmond lllll ttr end tire itatuice illo geratd ot tIIdIotei Mr end lirer Martin 1bblo end itrt Gertrude Torrent ul Etohlroko TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS Ill TIHAII 16 Ho the hotteo it ilolt round It Twitch river Home hottte Ti lirrtnn em leeluletaAaewI 15 Wee hit 21 middle iii For mtr ltomole NE Home pta Air ltrar wilnent ehlltuhinvoue tyke htThlcirrott unnow enother In due eeane to the two Oe eta hingte tettere vovaqoox xoxvt none naarpwn nun BAKNEY GOOGLE BUZZ SAWYER SECRET AGENT trturr ee new not me r5 My out out or COURSE ILL LEND eOtl FIVE CENTS UNTI TOW HENRY Titth LiKl WOMEN weenruo PANTS repertoire yttrium umvcvoouuoonvo ME ONSPARKV GOT WIPED OUT llllS EEASOhlt It Hesovswoueu HAVE ALWAYS WANTED TO NEAR THE RANT All TAMILV Mi Mi OUT 45 CON HAVE lltL tli BOARD