SPORTING SCENE NotesAndComments 0n Several Camera to get out on the come up St Vincent way but that nether neeplrit in train Little LIke has hed up drainsre and ram TbII seam the country club has tabulated pear prac Itre driving note and you dont is base to may your balls TN WILLING CLUB II plan niar gttl tournamenth June at least Rrrnlell Dyrneot arid Jack Ihstly are the prism pro motern About have rirendy rinsed up sad the location In Al landale Gull Club Dir attracr lion will be remain to the curl In club to sample some at Wen deII prime burl FRANK tr already plan nins tor the most ambitious areal ever at Dorrie bunlry Citib Its the annual Ontario PGA championships to be held tor the last time In Dorrie 5471 MC PGA wands lac Pralet alcoal Colleen Association Ilera yoa an Ice Ille best rollers In the prolince in lull IWID Ior two days IAIIIXIIY oi ttarrie one season rrnnrird Irom ior hoctry has not looked one bit out at pin on lrlt wing lor the Ollcnpo Black ltawkn III has rerular spot on our line with Danny OSbea and Jim Tlpan would not ho surprlsv non II the links win the airy Cup The Rangers are Iaoklnl list Is wrlilr without Industalloiu and those Canad tena arr trying to provr their win overboston III fluke hut ill WAT SEASON is but Ilmnd the corner As usual at thlr tinw ol year the Argonauts bayr the Grey Cup Ill rtrnpped onto will have home was tII NAdr ii Ei ails eESEE 3E is EE us well hsrtrg played ruins thrnr assay timer Ito nicotin rd tbr lltl cop lint when Ilnr ry Alerting starred tor Trsore roe Ibo bent Taylors limo erleuabtlalhelnrtolneven Ionics Mr Taylor mentioned his home town ot Ustonei ho to played Barrie Calls In Not lor the northern and Ionian district at OIIA iltaior then lot In to Kingston In the that at the old Nutoal St Arm to Tomato CROAYE TAM barre ed the players In the mt stao icy in Marts VIrrourertlorh Iebman trout Cy GritNI Frank PILrtck rInk Nighbor Mickey Itch Hartley Stanley Fred Taylor thlmsrlll Lloyd Cook Seahorn Taylor got nine coals thrre assists to three units 0t ll Senators Cliat Benedict Icaali Art Iiou Eddie GerIrd llorace tiertil Sprryue Ciel hora lack Darragh A3 Dulont Ilarry Broadbeni Cy Dcnneny Mort ol three names are rvovr enshrined in the Hockey Hall at Palm CNE Grounds Toronto WE H111 GET another now on TV tilts year soccer loot ball the most popular ol Ill outside the North Amertcrn corr tlnent CDC has announced It will teirvlsc to molar season games teaturing Toronto llrlron Ind Montreal Olympics on lull network tire and to color First to lloairnal at St 1min Saturs da Ilaya otherlennrslnthr American Soccer league eat York Cosmos Roch enter Lantern Dallas Toniado AttrntI ChIIlI Wuhinllort Dnstl Both tttootreai and Tor ammonium Irom All this liclore trIlaIaI Europe and South America lm camp has even rtIrtrai IIan the 10 writers and adorn tar gotten all Iboui the Aloucltcst TASTBIILI CLIILRRON IIUIRI CIIrksoa Ilotel Ilsa ol the In lerrnedlatr Vague will hold traction It Moe Morrison Prrb onlxlit Ind Thursday The try out sessions will begin at am both nights All Intemled In by In out rhmstd attend rather licking lorwsrd to this II brcIk Irom hockey overes posure PRACTICES IMPERIAL ISAIITIIIAN The Imperial Eastman team will hold prlctlccn ldesdly rt Shear Park 530 pm hundry May Queens Put It pm and Tuesday ltoy Shear Park It 818 NIL was NEW POWER SQUADROII Itho lVIt evocative ol the barrio Iower Squadron won morn In Saturday ntnht It the squadmna annual Como IIIEAS TWILIGHT lttlned to Pin Tram situationi natty Brita M9Tcoaod1womDIndlr rot Kellys Ilcror 71t tlireo SI Plus Pat 751 Normandy dot throwers Pretendcrr oil so or Scolds bdl Th Mil bit Chickens tlttl circa mrhai lien Iliph Av rrrya lock Syntes IllS titsb Triplo lrck Errors no son slim worm Hist Atomic Janene Marlon its gm fIhIpII lesnne Mrrtrn Antibiotic lernoa tlartrn lock Symon std mnrlcrn Hall at the HIM Inn Will I171 ARRI Mm Ilcrklcraun enertrtire rliwr ltalrrr itori IlrvtirI rpm tourist trim Tripth step Jar Symon lot Itr Mnrlcn hit IL Roy lirin on Cnrrtcr WIk Thorns ms Itlrh lilontcs Atcn lIiI IIIIIIitztolork Nymrl Tit Ill tinny Ilcoily ooi ltoy Kclly zoo Davo Morton lot Charter italic ttrodshrw til ill Jim chirlrh Idl Women illrb staples rut McGuire tot belly Daniele loo Joanna Marion no Irena Donrrhy 171 Cami ttennle IE7 Nancy 5toddnlt 188 lairIlse tiitburii int les VIndcrvccr Ill Lyndr beach 15 50b Ed Drotlshnw on tirriryr Eight Entered In Derby Trial ionisvsiin iAPl min lesser candidates tor the ru Kerstme Derby are entered Ior IodIyI Derby Trial Stairs rare that in recent years has produced more Derby threats than Derby winners tctas llc Cbnrlra Frltr Ind Deity Serhrests tblld linlsher In the Santa Anita Derby brads the field tor the one mile trial where Ion thrice will earn errden III tor It leart start In the Derby Saturday Going with the son at tarts will be George tiottsln Iers Dopdavcile Philip TcInorI ilsr On The Money It and RW toeean Prospect Hill Fred GIbIerI Rapid Tlrn Alrco Slab Ier Iourullah Rnsno Ferraris lrn Arrowhead Ind Everett Iowrancer Martini Again Ar their narrer was dropped Monday Into the THII entry has the potential stare at the till ooo added Derby Saturday toll Id In their barns took leisure ty rattops around the Churchill Downs track and munched blur In KTIwo ol them however had yet in wire In toutsrlite Illhourh GnlIIoniII Derby winner llitcoir acInus was an min by aInan Irom tho West Coast and train hLlobn Camps Isld Santa An Derbywtnnef ttm hands core would lrom New York Wed rscsday HORSE BEAT Well hrcesa him Wednesday monslhl lust belorc we leovr Campo IIld Iddlnp that Jim Preach dellaltcly In the hand to beat In tho ltt mills Derby oil his compalxis and the way be has been trnlniny Like the trainsrs ol other top Derby hopolllls Cnmpo learn tho large Derby Iletd that Is prob able this your lit the momcnt 21 horses still are possible start era It the Ilrll In that large Ii MM Pill low Astana 14an WA or Coin mm rit ytmit IM Ungemian Tallinn Enough Steps To them Chuvan Victory lllight ltd IiIir rrry Itrrlty so TlIlIImli by It torii may in yrym ori be lust rrrlng luck that do lcrmlnen who wins It Campo said by telephone Irom bis Rel morl Park olllco Campo would much rather see Add at so or later In the race to be reen on CBS television In the United Slater and on th CD5 In Canada Dal rurh clirtbten rs Saigon Ilarrlor purchsscd II in year tin Ior only rum Ind winner ol only one at to Item In his career will start in the Derby becnuso this Is the kind when Inyonc could win It own er trainer Chsrlu Dry raid IDOKLNG FOR RIDER lesr barns away trainer Reggie Cornell notice at NI Ignrs Falls Ont was rayInI he still doesnt have dclinllc rider Ior hold and Able the early speed In his Calumet Inrm entry lor the Derby Ilownrd Grant rode bold and Able to iter length victory In last Saturdays seven lur lorig Sicpplnl stone Puree but could have commitment tor the Derby II Vegan Vie II start er Four trlrl wlnnere have llnlsh cd cord In the Derby in the lost to years The lost Tklnl winner to In nrx the blanket ol roses that earlier yearr WINS lbth TITLE LISBON tiicutcrl iicnlirn surged In its Ibih Portuguese nocrtr title Sunday whrn to victory ovrr Vortlm para It an unbeatable lead over Lisbon rival Sporting last years cham plop ilcnllca managed by line tanrls Jimm Maren was six points brhi at the haltway mhrlr in the championshi racn hit overhauled their rlvo with pawcrlul tale burst urchin TROPHY unions Orlllianonthapeem dirt aloe players In the Barrie oi Oolmnbtl rrdaor Tiny DecalII trophy rrblcb IonlrtbetumJttOll lmlLIIIIIASIS Kevin TlllltllldGlllIlm lebbllt tin Vorris and Gerard Mimi ta Oslo Mani Hark Otynyk David Thsnnrre Ricky Rodrick Darld Onio lsn CarterJeClIIr Todd ttianparey Klann Ctohoaey Coaches Bill Brass and Allen Quinlan Bunions Piste to II Ill RARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY APRIL El Ill Could Get Players From Ll St CatharinesCoOwneis Says CI CATIIARIN Oat CPI it hid to come Untverrlty at British alum blI erriler this year Imported Altaion Tirasov coach at has rlas national team to lecturr caacblnl clinic Now Fred Mutter eoowner ol St Calhnrinen Black Hawks lr potng to the United Slater to renrcls out players tor his 0st tario tlockay Association Junior series team In llva ycan thrrull be It rwdcb nIId Muller whore Black Ilawka currently lead To ronto tlarlboros or In their bestalrcven Icrlca Hull Hull he rotting our ptIyerr Irom the U5 providing tho Arricrl eons dont out In rqu prohibiting trnnstcr ol their players to Canada Mutter first not the Idea that lhtlts must be hotbch ol hockey talent In the 115 alter watching bobby Sherhon native at how Inn who played his early Cano dlan hockey at ttntilax bolora moving to the black ttnwks That was two yenrn also Shcehaa now Is with Montreal Canadians In the National Hockey Manila IMPORTED SEVERAL Last year Muller brousht in DIII Ellis Irons Michigan to play and this year invited tour or live younrstess lrdtlt hrooklyn NY to tho tthkI camp They toyed with St Cothrrlacn Juri Ior club and one at them Man Itansrn scored live pain In win Why Is hoturnlng south Ior hlslalenti More rinks and morodrdt rated type at player rcpltcd Mutter Ila said there are tour mull rinks under construction in tho Brooklyn Irrn alone and Tournament OI Champions Win PutrNicklaus Up There Again NW YORK AP Jack Nttrlaua runawa victory In tut weekends Tournament at thunplons Hills the Golden bear into the lead at pro oils mercy winners and into the honour burial Ior the ninth successive year the Ircloo rionsl hillcrs Arsoclation rIId all other firin Allan MP hltittu or Pivotal ton Wm intalhim llorvlay tiliklrus pocketed totem In Ills elrhlslrokr triumph It lle till in hair Crlil raisins his server winnlnu to Mount Arnold him who Ilnirllrd in strokes oil the pace to collect ttlbtl It reiorvt with timbre ml tirry ltryer who shared Ila runnerup rvaIl Ilrauho la tmtii wIUy iiirr lttrwkuiri uracil mm to more Into third on the winnlnrr list with mm no out the trip to nwmry nrrr rrr Miller ttrrirrr we trimhr interroan hot wwmy mm Al rs tisnwtirn lwoyywwim sircltvyllrh tom llll tiny to Jimmy KI no Gcoriio Therm tot ltd WWW alter IMIIKI lily payday champion ttuhonimml Ad lumpy IlMli II but iwr trliny nt crumm stem in India lilo tiny tin loll nttmm Miner tillthrow il ha towa Its the hot Ior tinyriiian ryir iii lns he wins well Clay llormnr thrwcirhl In preparation lor the Mania install bin Irrln lltllilt llrrrlr ol tarmer World Hollis Aarocln Cincinnati tiniulv hrs torn wmtiar rlrrtlily tor two weeks with live inalrc heal etth smarr trrnk lhitIIrd oI Toronto Chrn list their oi Martini and Char lla Polite ol lIaiyoito liars and tool Onltltlll bout with Ellie ll thrnvywrtrht tlilly Joiner tinny tiliirrrlir IMk is raw twisty Mitre tort it his twit litiuttl locate at slam Llspeniy ItelrIIed lea Barf En so galaE is gain as Elli El ele 325 on like counted theother ITde oasis Igatrirt tern Guy Morrissetta liar Drwe Bern maestrth Ind lrcI Faulkner scored tor Grand Falls thNowlotIntI1Iod rbmlonl All their Ipals conic In less than lour minutes early In the openlan period THIRD IN ROW Morrlsretta ptryad his third strony urns In row in tort tor Cdlrrrcts as liornetn eld commanding adrnniarr in shots on roll sort Altar otitlIr gave Call to trad at ttt Grand IIIII harmed back with the goals In three minutes mad as seconds Dawn started It It tl on power play wheeling in alone on parloct setup tram itns Egg Eu ii WV III Gnu Periodl Olll Itillrr iDoLtld liter Grind PIIII DI Backboard ll hawk Beeb 1t Omani 1551 demo Period1 Gilt Iioek sIrI tsmltb PIoIrrbIoi into Bellini Itergotl 1128 nlrd PeriodS Gall Smith lawman Panayabbol rm PeIIIrINone our on lost by Grand PIIII 822 Call it is er autumnm AlIL FRANCHISE MOVED RIGINOND VI tAPl Illride Then it the NI tIooIl Hockeyrbeagus nouacod blooday the transler burr oi their Qulbec dly Amer CHAIN LINK FENCES OProiKI Ind berullly your property rrth Iairralaod and colored chain Link Irom Otter Irritable the all on ma CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES icso ltorkoy League trancqu tor the tortn season The Eln said Curbec dty coach bush It still also guide Richmond term which yet tinnairied Bcckman Fitzpatrick scored alter cor ner tnceoli 64 seconds later Ind my Now ya up then Jrck Faulkner capitalised pears to be Inoihrr source ol on twoooanr brelk It 1111 talent with the arrival at Punch NIII SCOREBOARD Ind ttutlalo Sabres THE CLOTHES pencd down there In the last CLOSET llleisr Shop Ill llvo years said blotter Places where there were or minor hockey associations now Pro Corby Adams and Jinn Quinlan 65 Soylield St have as may as soon boys DYCKIS 72826 FOOD STORE plIyInr Irom rm to lunior tneir big ambition Is to play Junior In Canada Itc said his ellorlr have been hrsmerrdaomowhr rchoois is in prospcetlre players theyd be sacrlticlny In educa tion by playinn hockoy to Can hIII nonsense rcolletl Mutter You remember Mari boror started plan oi payinr tor the eotlcyo education at Ihclr playerrl Well were doing the rains thing We tan lull rcsponslbil tiy tor boys ulucattnn until he turns pro it player turns pro then Clarence Comp bell picks up the tab tor cctucr tlon Ono LIS product the Monks are almost certainly to bars on the club nosl ycar Itch Clill lraw oi Eric Pa dolcnccmrn who In still at midtot are tlhrn IIrla Arena oponcd Ilvo years ago tho Illnrk ltowks played tho that points there and Mullcrn hockey partncr Ken Campbell has operated hockoy schools in Erie SL Cnibarlncs toads Prank Horny evens annuity sr noon no Phl Minnesota RUSSELL CHURCH MOBILE HOMES LTD Leading Canadian Mobile dlr elTrllIerI Glendale Nortblnn and tits superb Traselns Complete Sales no service Ill Burton Are In Btrrtr No It tIlgthy norm pp New York Montreal INTRODUCTORY OFFER NO PAYMENTS TIL JUNE BEAUTIFUL VINYL RIDING AND STILL STONE CALL TODAY FOR PROMPT FREE ESTIMATE SIMCOE ROOFING SPECIALTIES LTD TTHTOS dileuo ttitna Is unlly Iniprrsscd by thr Amertllanbnrn younystcrr WITH WATCII WEEK with the black Iiawks and their head tamoyts the Idvcrttlerneata and cheers tap on roolrlnhsr oliitistes cspccinlly their rkrl the In olka hockey train you leet will neon the most it lllit ability the cousin week Clip out the Id and read with your Innis dont know why It II but phone number to Scoreboard oo The Examiner Tbottrsl theyre great nkulrrl reet Iaswer drawn each less will receive Imrar or lady TlllEX But hiIIno doesnt agree US wrist watch Winner ol Content No In players Ira more dedicated titre Ihlrtey MacDonald Tl lunrnlr It barrio HARRY aroma INSURANCE AGENCY MIMI ttI heresy between Goren Ind Penetnns Minnesota 8LOIIIS Ironinit Senior cor Napier at llMu Residential Ind Commercial Pm Elliot tor PETER CENTS Grarrnl Contractor tiemodettlnl Ncn ttsmer Addltioan Aitrrnltorir Our Pitch Irr tan hot air ourtttr II tttIh helrrcnccn Ind Saltwater ration cream olilh New York idiom Iiorrlr OIIDTrock athgllrbhlot Sailing Srrylcer LTD HOURSl Areal Tor UNITED YAN LINES Mon to Fri It mm to 630 pm CANADA LTD laiurdny Moreen with care lumbar lilililrrn iTiIOpm Chtcrro Dnslnelonsrol DIILr Special lttt trlo err It reora cookill experience Open days mm Illtly Carper totm Tom Shari tdtm Gears Archer ttt7atl tar Tkovna 6M1 Car In Snead Mitt ad on Echolbtrnrr titan Ween rvraty It not II more Lnnrence lowing Ald Itntlttns Centre in DunllP TINA CARRIE PAVING mm In LANDSCAPING Workmanhip ltudrlnlrtcl Illtl fill SMALL WE DO THEM ALL Iticrlly owned and npcrniod rn InniIIiI III Ilnrslo Ont mam Aviators and Rattan toyerr narrates Reynolds Aluminum any The her Tree Isttm ludsrl Terran ALUMINUM Siroud TICOBI rsr Dollop in Montreal 7267835