arm itdr Dent lleitl ot mien head oi the Canad one on presents Prime bi Irnodean with tall arrutdepsou sorta dlliLTDI wsaorerented Marthe adnatlonasnnui witnthaladsrrreah Ml Photal ccrri say TI WASHINGTON tAPl An matador us standout wsrtcrlntea new wibrerrer todIy Itll beere tar tonne they saw Acnarterna noon headed by item leis tlaa Ronald Dellurna bipedal llntu no mess today Ilsa inrnter mili tary intelligence agents and MN lemony It Herbert carceroitlcer it ever Herbert who lodged cha es ecslost ruperlorr lot at Izge eoterapol civilian slay IngaAlnd tortura In ltdd Iid lion sy night the army wont let to testify Pentagon spohrsmhn de clined comment The hearings ltonday It trscted doren antiwar con gressmen but had to operate under broadcast news birch oil lrnposed by Speaker Cari Al bert oi the Ilouse oi Representa tlves lionse committees ma open meetings to radio and late vision cotrrage by majority cola oi their members but At hcrt rultd the unolticiai group could not now vim LLED in bloadays testimony on LI amended sillIgss Naururumm stride we were waging war not mind mitts ideology but may yearn Bishops Ponder Priest Freedoms DETROIT iAl us let Itomra Cethnile bishops laced with In unprecedented array oi research findings nelgbcd today recommendations lor broadening tbs heedotna oi Ernerlcln priests At tha start oi the bishopr semiannual meeting John Can dinol Krol oi Philadelphia ssld results oi the stitle will on vid sound basis ior tutors in iftnrctlons directives and ac unrr Dan oi the studies on sociol oglcul and psycboitlllchl toe tors iouod that most priests tenor ending the churchs re outrement oi celibacy and want tree choice on the matter CAPSULE NEWS bombs Explode In Ireland BEIFAST AP lltrce bomh explosions early today badly damaged laboratory where government scientists examine wes wos and ammunition relied trom nrspccted terrorists No one was lmed Police and British troops sealed oil the street as may hanb experiI selrchctl the commerce ministrys Indttrlsl Ind la science laboratory bite Survivors Reported Improved THUNDER BAY ICPI The tour Boyce iornliy survivors at lift that Itiiled tour persons In their homc last Thursday were re buried today In improved coodlt It htvcstlgata suspicions oi ioul sister IAIIis Shannon are imp ion in hospital as police continua play Marshall Boyce in and Ida roving in the into care unit lielteilar Hospital Oath tattered tlrslonri sceunddtgrre burns to most oi their body Sgilte Closes Windsor Post Ollice NDSOII Ont ICE Operations at tile main downtown IIinds ott olilce were at standstill aboutlt hours alter oi worlters went on at inc Letter car IM to report or work at on all duty tollnw the lead oi Illundays evening chill on tlitJll shilt workers lctilted to cross pithct liar rct up hy the union executive inside warhers ies Paroled Alter Six Years Ihis WASHINGTON AP Six years atlcr rotertop prison under cilcral sentence ior mall trend and co Protector lillllc Sol Estes has been paroled to it hectic Monday the us parole board racy Texas bro rr iarrn the Ityear Ill Estrs can leave the Lanrna trdcral correctional Iutliilltia near El IIao Tex lulytti Sports Cars Recalled In US We delecis IAPI Some sumo sports cars wrttt possible hero recalled by tintirlr teyland Motors the Willi slid Monday The rims principle importer oi iorript Yl the may iaJJahrAKt uri Ir malted registered letters to U5 owners at aIIKAuillIu titles and no hildgcts menuiactirred notwrrn iii in On 50Per Cent Pay Increase IOllAlAlCltlni Idiom Ira going to he Ishdhsltbemaeirlllo lscrsarsiatmantI 11 of utariea whlch wont Inply to attlearr at ParliamentMr Trudeau also said the saints It renter public uraratr wwld be suited upwards and the sal Irias oi tederrilyIppoloted hinges would be Increased III nltlerntiy legislation would also Introduced to Increase the salary oi tha stuttergeneral to Moon trons ream lbI Hints at senior public serum were studied by In Id vIWI 0WD beaded hp clyne ebatrman oi MIchtlllan bioedd Ltd at Vsontarrar The new recommended an bsnaswbrh under which thr top salIrtea oi depttty mlnlatm would the to mono Iran the present coco Contains Tax Program To Boost The Economy mint CPI Provincial Theatres It cy licltceogb submitted cautious can niii lion bitdget to nor OntIrio legis Istun blooday Ind wlrned that maltalialng tbs trotdrkd provin clsl economy depends In large manure on Must government ttacai policies ltr Meltonth raid the budget is the Conservative gov erntnenir blueprint tor patting the provincial economy bash All Illa Ilia lata blah rearI program or spending restraints in Irresotlvea iar prilsh try and in rotorrrta Propde range horn tIx rrcdlts tor outlay on equipment tor IotirrinearmnaWti meson error or ol hes Northern and northern OntIrIo The IINVquIIi transmu da Budget Helps Jobless Evans TORONTO tSpeclnlI Arthur Evans pmvlnrisl Cortscrvatlsa umber Iar Slrrwoe Centre said scribed tho tllpaga donunatt Is tull enwloyment budsetlatg IIrmd at creating loom new Serviceman Die In Road Mishap orrrwrt CPI serv tcacrtiea trorn CI dlrn Form Dara lIlttir were Itiilmi blow dry nl In Iwocsrrolllstnn oathanrimttaorottawa CoiePIana ThirdClass Ilike OTTAWA CF bill to raise the tinteius letter rate and help ottrrt post otltce dei now In the our million range wIa Introduced Monday in Commons lhs Instrument bill would in tha tlrstclasa rate ata min rlnca not to seven esotI cannons no NOT rott min concealer ooa nawa tor womens Ilb Prim cear Anne is rarinst it no 32yearold princes re vealed her stand on the lsmlnlno trout Monday wbilI christening Royal Navy Irlgatcnppropdately nIrned Amazon at Sod tharnpion Arnrmna raid Anne are those iormldnble torsntn hers at the womens llbcrI tlua movementwith whom lncldertally have no sym bolise July and eight cents Jan in Jeanth Cote minister re rponslbteior the part attics Illa notinch plans to rsiro third clIsI rates as well It the bill wins pmue Second class rater wblch met newspapers and marr rlner would remIin sod Heath Mscquuria PCHle botouritl raid in an Interview that the locreIuo will be reit delerting Postal service had been diminishing in eiiecllvs near buses were being used tlber than parcel post and newspapers are going out at htaalness becslaa at high rater lie slid the rent mistake our to drop SaturdIy delivery In roar it should bs resumed Mr Cola ssld ha hopes better renic will hold demand tor the increases that would mean losses is mil lion thile and lid million In tors The increases wmrid reap ear million this year and too million nerd IEII Wall still vaI doticit ot ry and It is at these comp las that that the bra Ii Mailhate Bill Passed the budget announced yesterday by pravinctsl treasurer Darcy bicKeaugh assists with lira unlt employment problem which Inc ea OatIrlo record rercnuaa IM superint bir Evans laid the Toronto turesot urn rrdlllon said run bureau ottbo Eumlncnlbabod million respectivelyln Iha tlscal as Is geared to smears yea roiling Marcia at rm olayrnentthrottglrtt tax it her Inba hy Idhrriing llresllmechI alarm in the public and privain rectors Mr biclieuugb predicted ope throtth combina mersures to get unem iaserb Iotoi people InIIlll ploytnoni back down to three an per rent at tIta wan introlbs mdlt accepted level at hall employ ment the toyeuotd trusirur told reporters HELP NEEDED Ila we vnr without action tram Ottawa the budget may not succeed lo the decree we might expect The budget will do is great deal to help our aton omy out we need Ottawa to gzt it roiling again Many Groups II directed dir Evans says he doesnt call Mondays budget Ipcech In eiccUon bud Iio said It Is common rensa approch to lha time llrEvans said the approach by Prime lttiniatcr lliliarn Da vh was to ptupars budget speech on what he considers good government The as ovl nclri member tor Simone centre said he was pleased to sea llshlng licences abolished become the cost of policing was greater than thr money collected Bum To Death in MG Freeway sonouro rcri on the Ontario division oi the Canadian ltnnulatturers Association and the Ontario Chomber oi Com merce were publicly pleased Defng lm mg with the tmIontIrla budget on Mmmuuru me tabled In the legislature Monday my mm mm by Provincial Treasurer Darcy lidrd with stopped ear McKcourh Provincial police now are 11 1mm or magi blosloohtalntlnrcmdutalnd lion parties were predictably noont or on from this three critical Ind were Joined In their AWEt WC W9 hm criticisms by groups unhappy yond recognition Police said is car apparently Kuhhugirwmm pm or stopped In the westbound lane or the highway without any And John tiulloch president lights transport then hit the at the Canadian Councillor Fair earwhich hare lilinnls licence Taxation wanted that lateral platesand it burst into llamas action could blunt the ominous too million nest year he noted Wallace CounciIIIrges Start On Guaranteed Annual Income OTTAWA GP It Is time or extended this wettIrs state to Include the poor the NI tlooal Council at weltsre said today in Ioimchlng In altacit on the existing system and pro posed lederII govaroment changes In It An louncdirtaatart la erred by the council on the payment at guaranteed adequatr In come that at least Irrures everyone oi vertyllna bIsld in load cloth and houalni The statement is the product at airmoth study IIoIIa Brought Before Iury NEWXORK lAPl Llamas it liaIlcr Tenmatcra union pm ldrnt has been brought hora Irrxn ilsral prllaetrln I0 Inll toiay are era Iran Jury Investigating Illa sd mire use or the unions peas oa toad tho marshals brnunht Haiie here by car Monday horn thI Iewahurg Pa prison whsrs be to serving threat sentence tor merit tcderrilysp Inlsd Idvlsory body composed Ir air or weltsre rights and poor par rcptesentativesrnd so my agency workers It IIveIa almost uapreco denied criticism st iaderrl poli the lohnlti ciao andplsnr specically at tacking tederri taxation and moo policy intended to tight to atton as producing uo employed who were labelled deadbertr tor seeking wsiilrl assistance It lrrtlleh Wellsrs bllnlrtx uhroa white paper on In eomr secondly tabled lost Now to In the cadmium as their to mislead one Into ballavlng camellan be dnaa to help poorer pcopls lba 31pm statement eras Coardlsnr shoiild recent the principls that Ivory member otCIn osocimyhaarright at the national wealth ruiilclcnt to shuttle him to Ir ticlpets All In that seclrty lrsnslner Pan with mail trend and Jury trmpcrinI hoohttrlrd Wedsduo midi honory rains arm um inanon with Seattv IIII YlgIl Alton meets lootp government Iosdprltlouljtsr ilracr Monaural Rape OtthI llla IcrrcIyphrllcd speech was mainly In Inhalation oi prongma previously on rotlnerncnta oi calcite ttresauaea and in glinurses legislation blanrttsd tor lIier But It did lochrdr caustic bitter aurlaltton Iba mains gwernranna monetIrr In Iaxstinn policies rnnglnrr irnm rho nilnl Tire altndc runs as no stir prise Ilul the tuna ui hir lirouphr remarks the inistrs lion with Ottawa he espr red nlr hall at Premier Vi Daviss thrccmontheold admire Iairoiion came across loud and clear in his ilrat budget speech since taking over the porttolla llarrit Mr Iiclieotlgh said tedcral government policies Iiatc been aimed deliberately at the curtailment ol economic growth In this province the racers deilallonary pIIIIa Critical Of How Budget Sliced ettnrts to stimulate lite provin ciat economy New Democratic Party Leader Stephan Innis sold it was buditrt tor the rich titan trodch tor the in greatest weakness irilure to provide tax credit ittr Iawirtcdmc groans Liberal Louder Robert Nixon said the budget indicates the government will light the next provincial election as It It wers nrnning oenlnsl Prime hilnlscr Truriertt anti terieral Finance lllnlstor Eduar Benson The opposition leader said It will be his lob to see that the cl action in touch on provincial is sues else at the letters government have driven the Ontario econ omy tar below Its potential and mated unrmployment levels llhaztsrothabighuttoIdx tn the public rector tho buan rails tor rtrr per cent ceiling on rrsga wage in creIses ior non protirtelsl civil serum on employees at Down Igeriues directly related to the government think ctrtl servants to On Irrln us but Ia concernd about Ination as you and lit Melteouoh told news end terrace prior to presenting his propoth lo the house Iiteil do all to out power to control aIlIry lacrosse in caterer talent The treraurcr said that in the artrent tlscal year then will be only in per cent increase In the aurtibu oi people on tha products discernment payroll 41m but the soother or pro pla hired norotIlLy At the municipal level the mvernrnent has shelled itdl million Including trs million worth oi new rettwms Ihlr ysrr thapcoylnca will gory as per cant instead of it per cent oi municipal mutt nuts About an million of hi new trims will go to Increase sup secmi no TENDIP applied arts and imburlo it and provincial perhim In Tito average pmpeny in era rttlll role should tdsy Ih name and in some ca he re duard arid bit Iticltemlslt adding thrtitlto provinces in creased snare oi edtttltllrrs ca pendlturea rhouid are ultrrav lion taxes going down Ill over the province Spending on location contin ues to account tor the Mural chunk oi Ontario expenditures 4min million or it per cent and represents ma million its cttuso over tho previous year Iieallh and social so as takes the next biggest bite3E million or it per cent litgiro ning April I972 Ontario will erlcncl lta mtsiicai care pro grnrn to cattr this cost care in nursing homes and nursing ltlhIms in patients thtlas no million commitment llr lttcltrough said Ottawa has consistently retinal to con sider inclusion oi such services In the medical care schema and the Ontario gntentmult is not prepared to wait any longer lot trderai decision in the private sector thr pro vincial treasurer unroiitd is five per cent tax credit to encourage Ontario burlnmses to buy new machinerysnd equipman Cltmptlltlu doino business in the province will he chin to tie duct 85 in totes lur cscry rim worth at new machinery or equipment they buy tor their piaoLs between today and Match Tl IIITJ