Chamber hand Ialttiae glacial crowning1 It IIMI the Junior dug at Seeking Support the Barrie Chambu oi dorm me has liters the toiletleg reaeoun why dtinenrehould be memben oi the members Because you have buntneas state in this conunuutity whim err best he Mguerdrd by worktop with others through the amber oICommeree to pro tect end advance all business You help tttcnre this tommumh typ protrue which In turn to aorce the meets at your our tress ltlaonlytalrtoryoutonup port the Chamber since you reap benets through the concerted plantain counsel and action that an beat obtained through the work at the Matter oi comp metre Because your sum to plow ed harh to yield nuautiold bent ilta In new Industries Increased payrolls health Iniety legislo Mm Ind mmW Barb Iomttosou ten and Jana Byrue Miner Photo is Sitting iSuPPOrt Io Qpercttion Placement Inrourh OperetlooPlace men the Chamber or own merce In coolunctlon with Cauu depend id hinnpwu ts endeavorlug to main city and district employ era IerI at the erltlclal situa tlou Iecinl It Is arettor monies crap at and to encourage them to think stud eut hirinr duriua the summer Central to this program will he the creation oI community wide nominees Involvlnp Cnnudn Manpower Centre business her education and student rcp rosentatlvcs to promote and no Itltata student hiring at the com munity Icvcl Stuur manager oi Can ode Iulaupon describes the program as community eliort in ordcr to promote employment or students and addcd that this type oi program it absot utely essential In light oi the dilliculties studantwulI have in obtaining ioha this summer Itlr Stuart auid Operation Placement Would be operating In Barrie by the middle oI tiny under the aupcrvlslon ol Jim Kelly at Canada Manpower Nu post secondary utudenta will be employed hr the program which will probably use oltlce space In tho Arrrtoty Another post secondary stu dent wlll be emplowa In In ol lice In Itlliston scheduled to open the let at June lucresslnl concern ls being to eusod on summer employment tor students As post recon dary enrolment prowe end the on RAM autos latldlar hiateriaie ta Ilahe setters operation at the various city do or here costs oi education spiral upwards many atutleuis have come to on summer employment as means to partially or abol linaoco their studies Others not iaeed with tha I14 nnuucial eaueeae view summer employment as vital means oI ohtalnlnr lobreleted expen Icuce under rut conditions and perhaps ol establishing pregrnd utiou ties with their mutual permanent employer Still oili era seek an opportunity to rpply their uewlvecouircd stills and their youthtui energy In pro ducttve manner to the mutual advantage oi both themselves and an employer rather then remain Idle For number oI reasons not enough students are Ilnding runo mer lobe Operation Placement IIrst Implemented In tote by the member oi Commerce repro eenLa an attempt to provide partial solution The thamherreminds business men that they Invest thousands oi dollars each year In educ cton collect your dividend Onn Job For One Student For One Suttunur Good corporate CitizenShip By II II BAIRSTOW Industrial nominateer The Industrial commissioner with the counsel and guidance oi the Industrial and business dev etopmrnt committee oi the Bar rIa Chamber at Commerce Is Iortttnlly charged with the rev possibility oi conducting the citys Industrial development program lloweter the eiiectl veness or our ettarts is delrrm tried to large deptre by the co partments and the citizens tiarrle at large litls was clear ly Illustrated by an Incident which took place early thta month Representatives at an Almeria cnu company visited Barrie to carry out plant location sturdy The tnthtstriat commissioner toot them on tour oi the city show In them the various points at interest and also Iupplied com FRENCH MOTORS Tl Brodierd mam pitta datn on city services and available sites IIIey etpresscd desire to Interview some oi our local industrialists to obtain that hand ittiormutiou on the to business climate 0n extremely short notice the commissioner was table to arrange appoint mrnts with oIIiclela at three lu dustrles aIi oi whnrn extended cordial ucccptlou to our visit era and gave unstlutingiy at their tlnueto lMWtr all ques tions relating to their experience We nreindebted to the olii Iala oI Canadian Turnout Lime Id DeVllhlss tCunudn Limited and Luthtn Rul Copany oi can ads Limited tor their Immediate response to our request or to operation It was evident that this demonstretlou oi rood corr potato citizenship mAde most luvorahle Impression on the it PAPER LIMITED It lreeh St 75H lion bullnese ptotec on and community advancement IBMDFN ml Because you know that the nun who helps his community through active pertirlpattou In thtwotlolhlauamberoiwm mom will develop hla own Ws era and broaden his own views Because thread the 0am bar oi camera you can beat discharge your oblitetiona to this manually to which you live and earn your living Ew ery man owes debt to the community that cannot be paid intaneeadehtutperaonal service Because the Chamber at Commute cannot carry out Ita broad prorram ol work to pro tect Ind ldvence business with out personal service and ode ouate nancial support Because the Chamber at Com merce unllies the public spirit at all and direcse It tutu useiul and constructive channels SOUND OPINION Because the number oi Cit merce helps create and express sound opinions on questions at Iectlrup the weiiare at Canada Because without slrtunl eta Itctlve thomhcr oi Commerce toowould be Ices able to tony pole with other towns Iur new in dustries and new payrolls Because is essential to pro gress to have control organi rntion eternally watching rom munlty weilere and development and the Chamber at Commerce is the ortsnitution best equipped to do this work Because the most ciicc and constructive inlluuuuca tho lorce ol organised business lunc public uti ties commission II heylield TilII tloulng through the lumber oI Commerce tor the purpose at improvlnl our town Vie can throurh organised eilort mate the hind nI town we determine It shall he WILD WELL EATER NEW ORLEANS AP The last stubborn with well on tho Shell Oil to drilling plotiorm which caught the mo in tho Gull oi hteateo was choked oil Friday radio May hnttle alpIIInst in and pollution pith ROBINSON HARDWARE ll Dalia mot