new mmW ANNOUNCEMENTS aAUTOMOTIVI lAITS ror SALI SJFAIMIASMIKT loHILP WAimo memoirs loss or nme so you FRUSTRATED Myupraaiipuuim Dlullllyulbodoiulyll Iron IoIi llonnioehmooeynillyouborniklnxf llyou admire happy IIIIIIbeIniIenberelmeihblrldibnk lhIIIIIRIirIIorIreIopeuIaL Aawpulinllylor onlobocomurnuhmlnrumeeueor rounloodm onrlhIlleyeIn Additional mallo Ior II Ibore sumo lob RMII would Inlet IDm your Income lo yeIr IuiosriIichlly moolhispedlzul lrllalur FOR AN APPOINTMENT WRITE 0R PHONE lfxggylh elmfull HYNES MERIT INSURANCE co yfjmw 1me r1 Aunt ssis YONGE mm inuowrilu MI XIIIIM mug II imuy 14152254692 AIPJIJ Fumul Mom Will simi IIHII Aw Ill TIN WK MansfieldDenman General Co Lid in in pro Wilkinsle WIT nilouts mlle runImus A11 UNCLAIMED PRHGITI or SE ill lldllllooll lorkloper lord In Hunorlm lilo versel Verse per mini line all Transmission Li Automatic grow each 55 6W eAilrs son SALE RUGsolnrmsniiris LIVESTOCK son sALr Slrsuberry Festival JUNE Il IIILLSDALE UNITED CHURCH 19w HORSES balm bonded sold and Ior Lire TIIE IL RANGI Alb Ooizcelu Orri HIM MIMI MIRT MN SI In mminll in re enuel In many All ii II In linenn Imi um Cmm Al KIII um All in Royal vir uile on may Aull rim or his ilii monomers world war ii low mom or Helen will Mimi our TIM run Ii Imle Ind JIM Il WillaOoh In VIM by six snowi Ind swim nlln Ii lineny WII Him is wooly ii Imll Min In IN mall on beardy Imi ll Ir no In iniumm lime Dim IT TIIE SENIOR CITIZENS FRIENDSHIP CLUB SPRING TEA Ind RAKE SALE WEDNESDAY May In lz LTB HALL IIIin Sllrel AIRMYIO HARRIE HOHTICULTUILL SOCIETY prtsrnls 2hour slido prrsrnlalmn BLOOMS THROUGH THE SEASONS Ii Federill Experimenliil Pariri or OrionI by BUCNLEY Prilrral planl rrsrarrhrr TUESDAY APRIL 27 Cldvrnulnlli LIT cu ho c7iriilf AUDITORIUH Proceeds Ior landsrapinr Tllll TlrkLls AdlIIIJ iiso CARDS OF THANKS Slum 7k ruin my dirrrlor or call 11 II Illorrrii TZMHII or Mrs Gable All Inviio Ipplicaliooi Ior JUNIOR SCHEDULING CLERRS Hus be quick and Iminlh iith llgurrs Ions ClmmAl limnwl lum Mnlmurn GrIdA ll rduoIlion yum mini AliIIM may Ioni ll iiil Illsu sun mum Mound oi LuI Ivlil our iiim Would like lo mIke rum in she rubber in induiiry mm mm Huh prormrire Ind exploding rolllpally link home rmiai um Tolm Jim panama loll INTI WI The elily allies oi illii elieer will error all mm or produelloo eooirol Tim Aiinw Ior Iykl In new roll mm linian nls Is llIIl Ippoiiilmcril urrkin MI Irekly TOIJIIIIK Iiblll iyilem CAMPING EQUIPMENT WITH In shawlWNW um hum Tllm In Tun All CLARKS HOME FURNISHINGS SI Bulleld SL 171 oooo IlleiIil at rm iov Inn New Nonipd M1 IV MM AL III um moinu rusev VII ml AIAIMI isomlil rollers we no In WIN if ll torn Vivikl InilllMMIMy LI Nlr alien mm Al WIII INN WWII an Hollhk en will not IIIIA MI rIH IM MIN NI II we GU W110 mint All TIIII um lull INTI mm ml all loin leommd Dolled Melon MI In old In Mil UM uv MI in TIMI All TheBerellsBaclr Bl ALICE linoori uremia In IIII MANN IIL Tram ihis luaiiy sci sills poncho jarlcl Iaeks ikrls lireIl rill Idrs Use knilllnx hornedl Ides Lil NIDI lo make Ihis Jilly knii beryl in nbbrd ililrb MIR nredlrs Iarhln TIIII1 Pallern TM all Illrl LDLL TullV Mr JIIel 0065le WIIIIID mm sum wen lmu no no mm from rm imprint UAR iniuimni Allilldll uniui Cami1 vsuooilii In AI in FM Mum Milling MOM TRIVIUM VI grindy run LL lgl Ysumo oil in dlk mlmu llloudl ulneisienouriVIosn THE EMPLOYMENT SLPIJIIISOH 73 510 Il our norm or rminy mm Lemur oi IIirle mid of Belle ydle lwn ll Wilhml Iron Cooduhlm of lot Mlu Mllm bl liemplan Irll Lil mini Ada ul mm lullni II The rymii rdmi Mom is nudud si Isiile Ior leriilel an win re Hle CENTS lruIMI lul rarh pallern lno slimy plessei lid is mm or rIrlI pailrn Ior Iiril class nurllnp nd speoial handllor lo Alice Brooks rare II The liar rIe Emiliner Noedlerriill DepL on Front Sireci llcil luroolo Oulario OolIrIu ruldrlll Idd lhrre oral sales lax PrinI plainly PATTERN NUMBER NAME ADURE Nrw llll Nrodlrcrsil Calling more In ilanl lehions kndi marlieu quills embroidery pills Thm lree pallorlii 30C IIIIH Imus mu lid cirr MOM In hml III My my mm mm anon Ia Sl BERNARD PUPS landllxlrrnln OFEEL GREAT GERMAN SIIHIIERD Relax in mfmrld ITS Hull WWW or norm us mm DAINFS SAUNA Born In PHONE TMIII Illllllln kinllleurzlvl Ior All in WI Iird mule Tb Mmhilgihulilnwm Mnuomilnlulm DARRIE OITIMIST CLUR Millm MDTI mum ProMIlonal RAWLEIGHPRODUCIS mm HOME BINGO 121 PERSONALS OLOOK GREAT OOlllll In Ippllralion Iiirlii Irlilll llrrrpilun no JOHN STREET BARRIE nod Iubmii lo the lime belore April MI All INTERMEDIATE CIVIL ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN Tim lo years experience in design surveying supervlslon and drilling rclaling in municipal engin coring roads rowers and waier mains required by local expanding consullinp PnXlTIECIlIIEE llnii TTON ENGIN BRING TBARRIEI LTD ll1 Maple Avenue Barrie Telephone 705 TZIrIlIl mmnn IMIII MOI VIM HimInsluolbdoom mmmuynuid MiGMM IMAM BernWWW RAMPTI Pd ACCDIDION Ml IWIII LI wirii IEGAID To AID or 1mm Vliy bills II ITiIiLI IA TN hill Ellmlnr Mull kid MINI imiy mu Il my aim MIT only ii Dthlll mi Ilo ulllWDI II Him who hlyv lll Haul lillllill o1 mlmblllil Dill Illa mimiy summon IN in yir Ind LIMMII TM nil In Win mom nun pl mm rsi IIII bl Ill ml Ui ndmmi cl anIs in Inp Tllllll BINGO Si John Vlariney Hill rklw Ind hurry mm PI MK TF wonky TI OI DACHSHUNDS ruinous nielodoois dies rm Ilolmlld nun Ind ieniile led Ii um my IIIM em on vim color VIvion lost TIIIW nimlu Ind swim Ii bed ml AM In willow AM Awhiluealuimuo FRUITS VEGETABLES IGILII POI Ill W71 iiuin boiler Ipovoilmsleiy no nos mum ll Llirl IIIM SNIII Ylllbm REFRIGERATOR lip Rollins Trimmer II ml III Ill lmlllrl WILMI lei man All Nel Iriilaril Crothrl book Slepbyslep plriuru lrarh you how la Crochel liisranllyl Plus ncwesl paiierrii lion Complrle Inslaril Gill Book more lllIn loo pills or III or raslons am 3100 Complcls Alpian Hookdim I5 Jilly Rugs Book 60c Book or rim AIrIiaus soc Quill Hook IIll pallerns 60 Museum Quill Mk 60c Book Oudu Ior Todays Liv Ior IS Dallrrris Rio TUESDAY APRIL 2D Jarkpul n00 REPRINTS II you nould lilo lo ours re prinii Iliy nrna piclilru Taken by our slnll pholozrirhrri please eIIl al or Business OTI lls IT wiry vro moor AJO MIDI AND mu Ilom will you be iiimiisd Isl loud dlmln tluh Fr MI Irllomlll no MIMI mus Ir mini All lllCOMl VAX MN mound illod Azeounlln lm in ID Tl Apply Io TR LEGAL NOTICE TO CHEDITDRS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF HEDD ERT JOSEPH GIDRINS also known iis HERBERT JOSEPH GIDBONS LII OI lhl Township oI Innlsill iri lhe Cuunly oI Sirir eoo Roliriil uho tiled in or about lhe 15lli Noirmbrr 197 ALL PERSONS huiirig eiaims ayainsl Inc More rslalii are ro quired Io send lull parllcallars al suih Iainis lo lhe under signed Adminiilralor on or Do orr lhc Sill day ol May Ml allor iihirh dale lhi eslalel os scis nill be dislriliulod haying regard only in such Claims lhal have lhen born ioroircd DATED ill Harrie llnlario lhls Slh day ul April AD ITTI BRUCE OWEN Barrislrr and Solicllor Owen Slreol Barrie Onlariii GARDEN SUPPLIES III norm mm mm is IMM lm VI rsiiliiri IRMA moms rm All an upenlreo In um bl ll ldlln is mun Myl iiu Ian used runw limo CONSTRUCTION EOUIP TL WOMENS COLUMN EXPERIENCED TECHNICIAN Apgmgm RumI MD I7 Mull oernines in All II lho underlined up In April imniiuiu lrIleMl meirhmdliliia am or mm Iilliiv To moi rsipoisslbllliy Tnch Shop lmhnlrlan Ior ifilrl Til pIrklrrz meler repair on maili Isami Us In Huh JOBSOF INTEREST TO lellerlnz erc WOMEN Applich should be rncuhlni YOU CAN or LINETHE lured bul nol essenllal Salary schedule and full lIII AVON LADY ON TV ployeo benels In elliirl TAMRLYN RENO CITY ADMINISTRATOR PO BOX BARBIE ONTARIO TRAFFIC SHOP CHINA CAIIIIT AM MM will Innn mm sumd eIIuii lb all IIIan ND curler will Illbor Iie mirror Iiism IIleprm In Ali MIXID WONG Mm Immunmnndernlmn Ill lm MINI Mblllku Iikl CAR iii union Alllli My oood Links or my rum All loads ice Indy II In IiIII dim noun 55 FARMERS MllKT NICKS DEAD STOCK ruun sun or me om DEAD STOCK ll Eahri Dead or rilpmlsllle lg bones Shoal remor About mom MIDI TI me For prisllolmils iismlhsni lm lllmern IMO rrdvmily Dnllllo MIG our Cullimood lsiommn mm or Isk Ior lmii ZENITH sun NO CHARGE Liyiiio soon aim isxiui rln hour All lily ml Ilbkl hedxorlldi poll IImli Tilerii RR Formesd Dnlurio rosin yiiin LIONla in All in Nick 3mm mm Irceol asooe orders I2TENDERS HUNTSVILLE ONTARIO TENDERS FDR SUD TRADES TENDERS will be lrrceilrd by lln undrrslgncd unlll ll oclock noon TUESDAY APRIL 20 m1 Ior Ill sub lrade prices rr ouiml In This cousinAlon ol Spruce Glen School Adililiori NIIIILSYIUE IDWESI or any renders not necessarily smiled KNOWN CONSTRUCTION 30 RR BOLTON Oill LEARN HAIRl HESSING Ooiemrneor unlined School nurom lrIIrilu In III bran rhes ol beIuLy eullare DERRIN HAIRDRESSTIIG SCHOOL ll WORSLEV 5T 135361 Its The Season To Advertise TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS tuoell alani ruo Ind mow lfm rm ml min awn worn In Ila moral mill You run be like lho AVON Ime In magazines You can be the AVON lady in your HEIgllDOT hood llish proIlls loo Call TICm or urilo AVON MEL PHONE BARRIE WW mm Will em In ls Ior TF Spoil polllub VIII All rdndli IMumI Ali niy VI Ivio III SI will mini All iodsn Al undi ilnlsh mi rloo Lloyd Ail in good Iiympuin man no soon Buleli TllrpMM ii IMDi eyr iunlniiuian mm will OI dllylrip loo mm All TO BUY and ice Vin Dirlvu elsln rail Iiurrisnu Mlidy AMI SALE Ion llio Ilii tlulliii merino unis plow oi our olldr Niiooor loo All mum Tlllphhl ITOW All Llcencs No more CALL US FIRST We are skilled in our Service and will give you Prompl Alienlion CLASSIFIED SERVICE REPAIR GUIDE INSULATION SIMWE ECONOMY INSULATION Iha lilowlnl MM 2o years riperieow We Sprclhllld In eleclrid holled homes Gumrileed work lrce rslimiiss SCOTT MUIR MINISING HOW ism CARPENTRY in Swords nunilon room it IIIIriiIhl WiYL MIMI 71MF CARTINTII will do odd loos mo minis sodium rolls IIL Reiiorilbls rllpl mm rail Iiiil CAIPINVII with llnd CIII Cllllllll MyIii evenlnor Homo Irlltlllll esoimii Ind ylnlllei Ver io To you Fwiileb lliilsh For nil in run mini FLOOR REFINISHING Ixmisilrlb on dm iiwy no IO look Illl Mill II II Telephone mini Ali PLUMBING di HEATING 7289228 Glenbrae Lid PLUMBING HEATING chiirs lnslallilloru oil or yrs Iomd Iir bealuiz Hol irIlir mini Illlor or minor villlllllllll repairs imlIl FREE ESTIMATES ALWP dy7 JACKING JACNING LEVELLING Ind WINTERIZING COTTAGES DUCKS HURST stkeslone 515760 alior pm llYl INCOME TAX llliii Amuniiny service mi lorlled Ill Innlilil si on slineos Mil Phone mom or 715ml PHONE TZHlIl LANDSCAPING PIInIiiiy SMALL ENGINES EQUIPMENT BAVSIDE Sirius and Servlre Tl Torulllu sr WATERPROOFING experience Free rslimales ILOIIA THORNTON PHONE soon so REFRIGERATION LAWN AND GARDEN SERVICE Commercial Ind Residenliol Ferillliiny hlowinl gllerailol Pnillili RIDGEWAV LANDSCAPING YJ LAWN AND GARDEN CHAIN SAWS UUIUOARDS Pio repair all rmIlI engines SMALL ENGINE CENTRE mm TORONTO Onl IIIWPTF ll HOME REPAIRS PLASIER SIUCCO ROOFS CARPENTRY CHIMNEYS AU ivorlr ruoronieed so years Cnioronniu minim OLICE CONSTABLE mion rm VIII IIDDMIIIIIIITII ll AJIIJIIHI IO QUALIFICATIONS mlilullrmliiu Mull Grode IZ Arid will licence mm IbIllIl and ii gm MYTHHllllrillm mars ol Clllldl lid TIA Vlriorll Good Ialnry Ind benellls Appliciillnu lonris Ior lhe Enibovo muggingmo mocha posilluns may be oblaln by WILLIE Io Ugo ugh oI CHIEF RlnnTiliARJRMRilRili OF POLIC oco Depart ment in Prior SI Soulh OR ILLIA MONEY Can you use exlrn inonryl Thrn why noi do Is hundrcds oI oily ers do Represent Dominion Aulolnobila Associilion CIXIJ dIs mosl prouesslve motor club Excedrin commissions rusrsoleed renewals llnd many more benellls received Ironl lhis pleuanl nod sallslylng work or meeting people Wrile Mr Sloplcy DOMINION AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION 51 Bloor Slrccl ins Barrie Olil rm oui Iir Apply In person wry iln RIJIAUTIHT wiiioun Hiynwry no hornyIn II and In Ali VAITHFSSFS Muir be upeiieneed dly iniii only Aodiy in poison Ii II Dunno Simi yiqii Aro JOBS OF INTEREST TO MEN AND WOMEN COOK Emvilmd mono rock required Aliply in perion lo Imnoi Molar mill AID JOBS OF INTEREST TO SALES HELP norms Is in him work llell ms ram III lax iii sum Illlllill no phone All SALES OPPORTUNITY wilh malor Ills nuunm zumnlny Wiii lily silo weekly yiiio In min ing Csil mills inwle clliiiiio for iii Indole Good erbllye worsino ndiiiin ripen rim piuleriud All Hope doiy Corby Rlll wanna mini 11M wurso unei rlesisr llnd mienI iniiryiui us of EMPLOYMENT WANTED loo riiioun muss MUTUAL sin or Clilldl ieuiilm II im Alorsieiiisllyy lor omi rm Liliyipil Tim IF you All snioiiidus Ind llnd or your mum lea Ind would His is wail ioi Iliiles isilui binning dulerihip lmi donl wall Come In no liciuon Moron loo Irbdlold nil No Imlodi selling or lso uranium in MN Fuhlnlullcr PO Box FIS landiiny in llloll osnu rook wiiiirsiu Iiio Solicilor lur Lho Adininislrulor illli TilTAT William Aleiulidcr Gihbiris A5111 12 TENDERS plicd will be meivcd TENDER NUMBER 7lJ TIID TL 7142 TllT TLN 7115 7lIR Spocilicalrons and lender eni Cily CIrrIis olllrr CONTRACT AWARDED OTTAWA lCPl anarre Valois Inlrriialiunal Lid ol lilonlrriil has boell awarded lho ll Collier Slrrel Barrie or any lrridrr noi nrrrssariiy ucciiiird TENDERS FOR CONSTRUCTION MATERLALS Soalrd lrndirs properly niurhod us lo control in envrlopc sup by lilo undorsignrd up In pm Mondal April 1571 or lllr supply and delivery or lhe allowing llrrrls MATERIAL Sud COMM Seal LAial Sand Crushed Slone Pil Run Grarsl Crusth Gravel Top Soil rhiuipmcnl anlsl oblainrd Irom lho Ontario Diwrir elopes may be STRAUGHAN CITY CLERK AITIIIZIJ IIOIILD NEWS IN BRIEF CHILD Morris IIIHJION Ooi iCPi aril Dale Thrinz Iii was drowned In crook near his Phone Illdl llIIlld or AIGJTM SIZES ION2272 One Hour Marvell Ily ANNE ADAMS Always in rush Sew This one hour yoandvslop skimmrr Jusl inain pails plus bindin rouiid neckline armhole Nola yoke inleresi PrinlLd Pallorn ITi New hIIl sizes Illli lli Ills Illi TOLL 121 Slle lli bust JIi likes 21s yds Islo SEYENTYFIVE CENTS 750 in coins ino slumps please for each pallemadd I5 cents or mach pallrrn Tor Iirslsluss mail Rich lound In and sprclal handling Or lulu reildrnli dd do In III Prlill plainly SIZE mm In DRESS STYLE NUMBER Srrld order lo Anne MIDI Elli iii The Barrie lxiiislliiuri Pa Torn Dopl so Fronl lrze mm on Wen Tironlo Oolsrio TEUICiinoiuillufhiclgw now moronmono lTTyICTYW ER Iledhere IorIreiilury resumed smsmmmm up IrIlco qurpsulis IIers salon llia Eleanor Allison GI died servlCelhls week Islho OIIIWI Thursday nhen lire swept Ull River denied ol Ice Trio Ier MW Mm lwoslurey IrIrile dwelllni Ill rIes Ire ceplblI ol Curling INSTANT SEWING BOOTSe32 which ill on lbs only oocu cIrs each Abolii loo lrloi daily in new modern my mind your Hts body was loud In The are belwun this bedroom oi ODEIIII lull Ind ornierund oil is niIIeo WANT FASHION bookRM inert sail or Oilm looser slimr iron liming ry no ip iloo moninly oiu riloiilncr mm ulllre no WL IrIVI TLHSIT MVTI IXPIIIINCID dud line will Ior soimndin Irll mull be sell IIIIIII issphom WA Ali WALTER Psriiirne Inwllm resulted his phone Nniileum Inli ronlrarl lur liibmile road in NigerI emu km borne Thursday Aboul loo vol liorial Drielopmeol Agency said uoIeers look part In lbs reordi Thursday Tnoroad parlor on or lire rhild Iller he olin Inleyrnlod socioeconomic dare pund rm by home ileum opmcnl project will serve lho day slirrnuon soulhrasl purl ol lilo French sprakiny Virsl Alricari slain IRONING IIDIIING IT DIP billll TX IAIIN onsrrrv rRACK mes lllllllllllml RIIIoriIhII illvi Pimi niyley mos lama oil Irid Ririlnoln Vlrvnllrnlble III Illml All STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION SERVTB lappeiloo Ones PHONE TIMES nun TREE REMOVAL lor IIII iIdia lzv All Iltkllv duly Ills lnmyn my uy on mills FIREPLACES FIREPLACE IIITWDII pike mm rims TRUCKING Movlri IorMAI iiiid insulin to olhlw iozglllpw Lu mu ODD JOBS IRISBMDII TIHDMM 715m MVP MAN HUN lIlKR WIN IIAI ll TMV PAINTING In Inn in im Emif ll Jill INSIDE AND OUT 11 ll All our unlimited norm Mm OTIEIILU il Illkwgns dillyi ii DRESSMAKING RENOVATIONS cuiroil Drewnlllno dmm om euiiou IurLr homer WOOD lo lull iormlll Irml now our iii ini iyii Iloro my helm iiowo lt BOX REPLIES Whllu nvrry endeavor le be made to Inward replies Lo boil 1mm Emmyum nurnbrrs lo lhu sdverllser as MEMORIAL Trill IPdirllllil fig Ilyinrespeo or dun mm 35 My PLASTERINO RTTRTLRTLLITTRW oilher More or deny lo Ion wsrdiii sucll replies however OM DINING stucco AND mm caused wbedier by negligence Telephone 1mm IIIIP InMu or wimp III Dont Pay DIES Lv BLAZE BELLEVILLE iCPl Mary uln nmlllw Tu looms lddli All