Thirteen Medals showlrlgthe CotttsofArrns of Canada herirovineesandTeriltorlethereversesideof peach Medalshows the appropriate Floral Emblem n==in i3 3321 is essna federation in 1949 Arms White Cross oISt George quarteringa red eld two quarters are golden cm crowned ions In theothertwo silver Armc mum mm unrcornsFloralEmblemPrIclrerPlant IltthIlIrrontIreynrchromn er rrmnh In an gt nuunawpu pa rvnrrtnr conditions on dlv nryenrmrooltlrI motion the terms tornrrronl used In and labor reIIt ens rmn thou uhorrrlthtbeno lit Im roottrmsn small III Irmgnnmmr min the stwirrl to In mt the ol tit Ioui renolllnm lhi ohl nrd Iron of dune rltrit lotto the cm pulriie reItionr department to trail St on gt ammoniumnun mmm gp xw ONTARIO ntered Folrlcd Ii MANITOB EnIr 1w ome EIrIronIonnihIlil En cd on ede lutlnd lily mtmtlnl apeecso glcmrbelowa Arm BU l0 SUImOUlllE loss it mu roriinIhG7Arms3Ileuisde 537M Worm lrs rn upperthird of shield Golden lion CrossolStG Whilemliumlolgf lml Emblem ztgsugeorae Floral limblem Prairie Golden lion abodea green an oak and threeoak sap lingerloralEmblom ysSlipper lIrite Glossary Ollahor Terms Three golden sheaves whearbelow in centre Sprig of maple teales in red lion oal Embl ran Lily 11 mm mm bottom third Floral Emblem White mrclf will Inmlm Gar en Madonna Lily IrIon In collective Irrerrmnl udectln worterI lob Is In tho lntr notion at new methods or IrIIchlrtes Ounimtinlout ls described dthe prnttlce oi the ent onnr luring work perlormrd In outside mnlrncler end not by rortrlnr employees in the unitnot to be confused with urbeontrartinr lIIlnrtlons Ira drawn ho lmn Various tlods ul ltrlltet mrIliy delioed on at tiiIr of work or relunl to work lor the purports rri eompoh Imp om to um to team many the last 1an means have lulled Ire stun however no Illll or lrltsndlnrn rtrlrts or pulled in Itch till only It IIny uren time and wildest Mk whlclr violate trmtrIct term Ind Ire not Iuthorlxed hy till union Sumner diilrrrnt the uttomie rioudown cried slowdown In which wqtm torrrtle In sheet slot obey III In Ind ruler thylny to their war lire annlgernent enttlrnirnt oII slrtiro II the lookout plan at labor dupula lrr whldr management lures with to employees or closes ttr ailehituhmrnt in order to tom settlement on its terms fiiro lotnry ls expected to he olusn Ir writ lo translators Ilrm it earner In both French Ind In EnriiIIr version Ind the equlvnient Ior each team In Iron in the opposite home For errrnpto union IIhel Vintr bewrnes In French till nuth syndicate gmm of St George above IIhothllls and ORTHWEST JERRITORIESJr ArvnYyLblue line the Northwest Passage on afieldofwhite Below divided shield showing gold bilietsanda foxsmaskFloral Emblem MountainAverrs BRITISH COLUMBIA Entered Confederation 100Iyears ago Arms Union Jack centred vrth golden crown above half sun settingovera eld ofwavybars Floral Emblem Pacifchogwood IiEIIT Entered Confedera rn1905 ArmszIRed Cress range ofinounlains At base eld oI wheat Floral Emblem Wild Rose rI tr Anew series ofMedals for UIo COIICla ems reproduced in fascinating detaillogether they make aserres of unusual rnterest and value nymn CANADIAN rrrrran nhlIrreI GromIlre ll wotInd to try dcslrnrr lll In to or at revlvrl intlrmirtupertry worlIIterI 1m Illness Ireunknown lord in one ol Iiorrlrrnlr oldest resi rltnil mutiny to the city when did wu lwr Irnrn her birth him In hotel Que Inukn nut on An purchase of $3 or more from any participating Sire dealer you will receive free Medalrv ONUS FREE COLIECTNG Stuldl cm his look nirrti SlECIALMEDhtSSIGN It identifies glgcgegoiiztgigryczcmedlelcsusc tlrehlrelldealerinyourdreawholsmakingthlsoffer ac rem blopathisslationsoonandstartyourcollectronof rruunrmmr Indoor TIERING GOLDEN METALThese beautifulhtedals Coats of Arms of CunadaMedels nowi Mr Jhell Cdllhtlh mired oi